Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post with a long paragraph with your opinion, please add citations and references.



A participatory health model is a health care model that includes the patient and his or her family in decision making to improve his or her healthcare results. This allows healthcare providers, patient and family to get involved in treatment, options, preferences and goals. Success or failure of this application lies in the patient’s relationship to his or her support group. A patient that belongs in a family with a strong foundation can lead to a better outcome than a patient who has a strained relationship with his immediate family. Patients who are vulnerable to these barriers will have challenges in recovery and treatment. Participation and compliance can be achieved if the patient cooperates with the people around him. Mutual respect and open communication are key factors to make sure all participants are on the same page. It is also important to know if family and patient are in agreement with the patient’s wishes. Issues such as the patient’s age, status, mental capacity, learning and physical disabilities, and financial disposition can be barriers to learning outcomes.


Grand Canyon University (2018) Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved from

power point

power point

By the end of this week (October 13, 2018, @ 11:59 PM) you should choose from the list of cultural and sociocultural


groups below and prepare a PowerPoint presentation that is due at the end of week 8. Preparation for the presentation will include synthesizing the information from readings, scientific literature, Internet resources and other sources.

This presentation should address the following; history, values, and worldview, language and communication patterns, art and other expressive forms, norms and rules, lifestyle characteristics, relationship patterns, rituals, the degree of assimilation or marginalization from mainstream society, and health behavior and practices.

In addition to describing these characteristics, the presentation must include;

a) a comparative and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between the groups

b) a discussion of differential approaches needed by health care professionals

This is the only special assignment in this course and as I stated above it is due at the end of week 8. The assignment will be posted in Turnitin for grading and verify originality and in the discussion tab of the blackboard for your peers to view and comment. The assignment must be presented in an APA format, PowerPoint, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the assignment tab and discussion board title “Population presentation”. A rubric will be used to grade the assignment.

Tags: nursing culture APA style no plagirism

population assignment

population assignment

You should choose from the list of cultural and sociocultural groups below and prepare a PowerPoint presentation


that is due at the end of week 8. Preparation for the presentation will include synthesizing the information from readings, scientific literature, Internet resources and other sources.

This presentation should address the following; history, values, and worldview, language and communication patterns, art and other expressive forms, norms and rules, lifestyle characteristics, relationship patterns, rituals, the degree of assimilation or marginalization from mainstream society, and health behavior and practices.

In addition to describing these characteristics, the presentation must include;

a) a comparative and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between the groups

b) a discussion of differential approaches needed by health care professionals

This is the only special assignment in this course and as I stated above it is due at the end of week 8. The assignment will be posted in Turnitin for grading and verify originality and in the discussion tab of the blackboard for your peers to view and comment. The assignment must be presented in an APA format, PowerPoint, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the assignment tab and discussion board title “Population presentation”. A rubric will be used to grade the assignment.


discussion posts

discussion posts

Hello Robert I will need the nine discussion board questions (same as my friend) Let me know if you need it again


Certification Assignment

Certification Assignment

University of South Florida College of Nursing NUR 3805 Certification Assignment Description of the assignment


: The professional topic to be explored is the national certification of nurses. Organize your evidence and key points below to build a strong case for your colleague to become certified. Your paper will be graded based on the requirements in the attached rubric Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to explore a professional topic and to persuade a colleague to pursue a national certification in their specialty through scholarly writing. Specifically, in this paper, you will address some key points and evidence (use the literature!) to convince a colleague to become certified. This assignment and will increase your knowledge of specialty certifications in the profession of nursing and your ability to write a persuasive paper. Process: (when gathering information to write your paper answer the questions below) 1. 2. 3. 4. Address what nursing certification is and what it means? Discuss the purpose of being nationally certified Analyze the benefits and perceived barriers to becoming nationally certified in a nursing specialty How does holding a national certification contribute to the nursing profession, to patient outcomes and to organizations that employ registered nurses Requirements: • • • • • • • • • Includes a minimum of 2 peer reviewed references Organization and sequencing of content promote clarity and are comprehensive Major elements of the paper (i.e., title page, introduction, body, summary, reference list) are organized/sequenced correctly without errors in APA Organization of content is achieved through use of Level 1 and Level 2 section headings Within each section, paragraphs are organized and sequenced logically and words are precise, descriptive, and unambiguous Use of references is effective, appropriate and consistent with assignment guidelines Content must be paraphrased No direct quotes Paper does not exceed 3 pages. Any spelling error results in a 0 in this category NUR 3805 Rubric Certification Assignment revised Summer 13; Fall 13, Summer 14 SP 16 Grading Rubric: Certification Assignment Points Possible Content: • • • • 15 What nursing certification is and what it means is addressed The purpose of being nationally certified is discussed The benefits and perceived barriers to becoming nationally certified in a nursing specialty is analyzed Holding a national certification contributes to the nursing profession, to patient outcomes and to organizations that employ registered nurses. These points are discussed thoroughly with examples. Scholarly writing: • • • • • • • • • 10 Includes a minimum of 2 peer reviewed references Organization and sequencing of content promote clarity and are comprehensive Major elements of the paper (i.e., title page, introduction, body, summary, reference list) are organized/sequenced correctly without errors in APA Organization of content is achieved through use of Level 1 and Level 2 section headings Within each section, paragraphs are organized and sequenced logically and words are precise, descriptive, and unambiguous Use of references is effective, appropriate and consistent with assignment guidelines Content must be paraphrased No direct quotes Paper does not exceed 3 pages. Any spelling error results in a 0 in this category Total NUR 3805 Rubric Certification Assignment revised Summer 13; Fall 13, Summer 14 SP 16 25
Purchase answer to see full attachment

How do ethical principles overlap with legal principles?

How do ethical principles overlap with legal principles?

How do ethical principles overlap with legal principles? For example, informed consent is the legal application of autonomy. Are other legal principles the outgrowth of ethical principles? Which takes precedence should the principles overlap? Provide your responses in an APA formatted paper.


Reflective Discussion

Reflective Discussion



In a minimum of 2 pages, write a reflective journal evaluating your field experience, and address the following:

Evaluate your success (or struggles) in achieving the learning objectives and scope of work.
Describe how you connected your theory to practice in the community.
Analyze the key competencies and skills you developed or applied throughout the field experience.
Discuss any unexpected accomplishments.
Analyze the impact of the experience on your personal and professional development.
Identify resources and contacts you developed for future use.
Demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Fundamentals Of Nursing

Fundamentals Of Nursing

Case Study


Daniel is a 16 year old boy who is an identical twin. He and his brother Jeff are very close and do most things together. While Daniel excels at sports he believe his brother is much better at most everything. Daniel, his brother, and their two sisters live with their parents in the Midwest. Recently Daniel has been feeling more tired than usual. He thought it was because of his schedule and school work, which he is fairly good at. He gets mostly Bs, but his grades have been slipping of late. One day he fainted while getting ready for a game. His coach called his parents to let them know Daniel was taken to the Emergency Room. While there the doctor decided to admit Daniel to the hospital for observation. At the time he was running a slight fever, his breathing was shallow, and he was sweating. He was also very sleepy and his blood pressure was high. He did have some abnormal laboratory work, but his doctor was not too concerned at present. Daniel also stated that he felt achy.

You are assigned to take care of Daniel today and when you walk into his room, his mother and brother Jeff are there. Daniel appears to be sleeping. In your written assignment, respond to the following questions applying the nursing process:

Assessment: What type of objective and subjective data can you collect with what you know? How will you collect these data? What further evidence do you need?

Analysis and Identification of the Problem: What do you believe Daniel’s problem(s) are? What might be the nursing diagnoses? Use the following for identification.

Planning: Identify two goals and one nursing intervention for each, based on your nursing diagnoses.

While you will not be able to implement or evaluate, how well do you think your nursing interventions might help with Daniel’s care.

Field Experience Site Information Form

Field Experience Site Information Form

Please fill out in a word Document for each space the followings 4 questions for my future Capstone class , For that class is required 100 practicum hours in a Hospital with a Preceptor. I should fill out with 10 characters or 600 maximum the blank spaces. I will attach the 4 questions in a Word Document so you can see the attachment bellow. Please let me know if you have any questions.


week 10 discussion

week 10 discussion

This week you have learned about common Endocrine disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose


of this discussion write on the following Endocrine disorders 1) Diabetes, 2) Hyper/hypothyroidism, and 3) Pituitary Disorders, and provide the following in your initial post: a) Common Signs and symptoms seen, b) Screening assessment tools, c) Recommended diagnostic tests (if any), d) Treatment plans both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic based on current clinical practice guidelines