chapter 20 assignment

chapter 20 assignment

Ms. B was told that she had a brain aneurysm. She made an advance statement of wishes saying that she did not


want surgery if the aneurysm burst. However, shortly after she made this statement of wishes, the aneurysm burst and a team of surgeons took her to surgery believing that if not treated with surgery she would surely die. The hospital (Hospital #1) backed the decision of the surgeons thinking if there was no intervention the hospital would be liable for her death. This all happened as the family were alerted to the emergency and were making travel arrangements as they were all from out-of-town.

Unfortunately, the outcome of the surgery was that she became ventilator-dependent paralyzed from the neck down and needing 24-hour care. Once the family was in the hospital, they held a family conference agreeing that Ms. B would not want to continue on in this state, and they petitioned the hospital to remove her from the ventilator. The hospital refused still believing the potential for legal ramifications. The family was distraught; but eventually, with the guidance of a lawyer they retained, they were able to have her transferred to another facility (Hospital #2) that was willing to take her off the ventilator knowing that the chances of her making it were slim. The felt that they were honoring her wishes along with her families’ wishes.

A day later Ms. B was taken off the ventilator and she expired within the hour. The family felt like they had done the right thing and they retained the lawyer to sue the initial hospital stating that they had not honored the wishes of their loved ones. In the trial, the hospital claimed that there was not enough evidence that Ms. B wished to not be placed on machines as the family claimed, even though it was witnessed by a nurse that the anesthesiologist for the care engaged her in a conversation about this very topic before her aneurysm burst. The hospital maintained that without documentation to that claim, they could not honor her wishes.

In a surprising turn of events, the family filed suit in the Court of Appeals and won. The appellate court agreed with the family stating that any conversation, whether it be personal or professional could be used to reach a conclusion about one’s desire about the nature of their own death.


Read the Ms. B’s case study above.
Answer the following questions:
Do you agree with the original court or the court of appeals? Why?
What kind of ethical theories was hospital #1 acting upon (beneficence, malfeasance, etc.)?
What kind of ethical theories was hospital #2 acting upon (beneficence, malfeasance, etc.)?
How did the family act in this ethical realm?
Did you find that the result of this case was fair to Mrs. B and her family?
Why is it so important that one put in writing their exact wishes to the nature of their death and how they envision it should be?
APA style and sources cited

Help writting a Nursing discussion

Help writting a Nursing discussion

Need help writing a nursing discussion 500 words, also I have to reply to 2 classmates, based in one chapeter of the book


use DKIW in the scenerio

use DKIW in the scenerio

DIKW. Utilizing the following subjective and objective scenario-be sure to include the use of nursing informatics,


describe each element of the acronym:DIKW Case Scenario/ Depression, Weight Loss, Dizziness M.W. is a 64-year-old female who comes in to the clinic for a recheck of her depression. She was started on Zoloft 50 mg q day one month ago. She has a history of hypertension and is on Atenolol 50 mg q day and Maxide I q day. S: M.W. comes in today stating that she feels more energetic than she did one month ago. She feels that she has been more active in her daily living (she has been able to clean her apartment and go shopping). Her sister who is with her agrees and states that she has been more talkative with more expression. M.W. states that her appetite is decreased. She denies nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain or constipation. She just isn’t hungry lately and she wants to lose 25 pounds because she feels she is too fat. She states that she never eats breakfast. She sometimes eats lunch and always eats dinner. She has a piece of fruit at 7:00 p.m. and then doesn’t eat until the next day. M.W. also states that she is dizzy lately. The dizziness is sometimes accompanied by lightheadedness but not always. She is dizzy when she gets up in the morning and if she has been moving around too quickly. She denies falling. O: Blood pressure 131/80 sitting. Blood pressure standing 120/80 at this time. No dizziness now. Pulse 84. RR 18 nonlabored. Ht. 5’4”. Wt. #170 lbs. Weight is down 9 lbs. from last month. Mucus membranes are pink and moist. Skin turgor intact. Active bowel sounds X 4 quadrants without tenderness.
Purchase answer to see full attachment

The topic will be Depression in children

The topic will be Depression in children

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to neurologic and mental health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:


Physical exam findings
Differential diagnoses and rationale
Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

​Nurse to Nurse incivility and how it impacts performance

​Nurse to Nurse incivility and how it impacts performance

Nurse to Nurse incivility and how it impacts performance. A thread assignment for assistance with 2 articles. Locate


sources of evidence that pertain to a significant issue in nursing.

Distinguish information found in various sections of the research report and research poster.

Analyze research findings to determine the relevance of the evidence to one’s own practice.

Compare steps of the research process to the steps of the nursing process.

Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research.

also state references of the article


This is only for a discussion, A paragraph or 2 will be great.

Tags: healthcare nursing evidence base

Please respond to the following post

Please respond to the following post

Please respond to the following post, add citations and references.




Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000-word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.
Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Tags: APA format nursing please help citations and references

Optional CAT (week 4)

Optional CAT (week 4)

Me personally, i believe in euthanasia and that the patient can have the right to choose how they want to die.



The Pew Research Center has conducted surveys on end-of-life decisions finding “…most Americans say there are some circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die. At the same time, however, a growing minority says that medical professionals should do everything possible to save a patient’s life in all circumstances.” Take a look at the article and survey results:

“Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments” by Pew Research Center

What things surprised you the most in the survey results? How would you evaluate some of the results?


Optional CAT (week 4)

Optional CAT (week 4)

Me personally, i believe in euthanasia and that the patient can have the right to choose how they want to die.


The Pew Research Center has conducted surveys on end-of-life decisions finding “…most Americans say there are some circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die. At the same time, however, a growing minority says that medical professionals should do everything possible to save a patient’s life in all circumstances.” Take a look at the article and survey results:

“Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments” by Pew Research Center

What things surprised you the most in the survey results? How would you evaluate some of the results?



Optional CAT (week 3)

Optional CAT (week 3)

In chapter nine of Called to Care (2006), Shelly discusses the idea of defining hope through Mary Thompson’s definition (pg 171). Can you elaborate on the reason hope is important in healthcare? What can be done to maximize its benefits for the patient


Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior



Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
The field of organizational behavior can be organized around three levels: individual level, team level, and organizational level. In other words, some theories focus on factors influencing individual behavior (e.g., personality, motivation). Some theories focus on factors influencing team or group behaviors (e.g., group development, conflict, roles). Still other theories focus on factors that tend to operate at an organizational level (e.g., structure, culture, leadership).

During the course, you have studied a variety of theories and perspectives at all these levels. Which ones seem most meaningful to you?

For your last paper:

Select one theory or perspective that you have studied that seems to be an individual level theme. One that you have studied that seems to be a team level theme. And one that you have studied that seems to be an organizational level theme. Summarize what those theories are and why each pertains to its corresponding level (individual, team, or organization).
Analyze those three theories based on this question: Why do people do what they do in organizations? That is, how do the theories you have selected help explain “organizational behavior?”
What are the challenges, problems, or difficulties in behavior as suggested by each of your theories?
What are the potential strategies and solutions (to the challenges) as suggested by your theories?
How do your three theories seem to fit together? How do they seem to interact with each other? What important lessons can you derive from thinking about the interaction of the theories?
Submission Details:
Submit your answers in a 6 to 8-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Support your work with examples and research.
Name your document SU_MGT3002_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
No Plagiarism!

Must have 3 or more references with citations!

Along with a reference page in APA format!

Thank you!