Paragraph 2- Respond to the following post

Paragraph 2- Respond to the following post

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Ranking the importance of each of the four principles is not easy. They are all very important and provide an important background for making ethical decisions. I thought it was interesting that the author made a point to let the readers know that although autonomy was the first item listed, it was not the most important.

I agree with the author that autonomy is very important but does not trump all other principles or values. I believe that beneficence is the most important value and therefore I start my list with it. “The common morality requires that we contribute to others’ welfare, perhaps as an embodiment of the Golden Rule” (Lawernce, 2007, p. 1). It is important that in the healthcare setting we include the patient on our decision. Most patients wish to be provided various levels of information, and may wish to select a particular direction for their care because in their view that is the greatest good. Because this may differ from the healthcare provider’s perspective, a tension is created.

Second on my list is Justice as the next important biomedical ethical principle. According to (Lawrence, 2007) justice address the questions of distribution of scarce healthcare resources, respect for people’s rights and respect for morally acceptable laws. Justice represents one of the thorniest issues that a country can face, and in the United States is a source of ongoing concern and political rancor.

Next, I rank nonmaleficence. I strongly believe that we should do no harm to our patients or anyone for that matter. In the healthcare setting we have to always evaluate what the result of our future actions will be before we actually do them. An example of this is when a doctor ordered hypertension medicine on my patient who did not have high blood pressure. I went directly to the doctor and asked why he ordered the medication, and it ended up that he did it on the wrong patient. Had I not investigated the issue, I would have possibly caused harm my patient and to the patient who would not have received the med that was in a hypertensive crisis.

Lastly, I rank Autonomy as an important value but not the most important value of biomedical ethics. The reason I chose to put it last is due to the fact that not all patients are capable of making autonomous decisions. To be autonomous requires a person to have the capacity to deliberate a course of action, and to put that plan into action. This creates a problem when it comes to the delivery of health care, especially when patients are comatose, imcompetent, (whether due to age- i.e., children, or to mental ability).

I believe the Christian biblical narrative would disagree with the order I believe biomedic ethics are ranked in. Florence Nightingage is a good example of a dedicated Christian who seemed most concerned about the ethical implications of religious belief; she created an alternative concept of God that would appeal to most everyone so they would have a basis of morality. Influential nursing leaders at the turn of the century railed against the idea of nursing as a religious calling. Tension between the secular and religious influences in nursing was the common practice of deaconess hospitals’ establishing schools of nurs-ing based on the Nightingale system, so that, until the establishment of bacca-laureate nursing programs, the two philosophies—service and professional-ism—developed side by side (Hillstrom. 1995). With that said, I would suppose that the Christian biblical narrative would rank the biomedical ethics in this order:


Hillstrom, E., (1995). Testing the Spirts. Downers Grove Ill. InterVarsity Press Received from

Paragraph 3- Respond to the following post

Paragraph 3- Respond to the following post

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Principalism is the aspect of four qualities or values that are together to form this principal. These four come together to provide the framework of the values of bioethics, and this can easy be seen in the healthcare field and in the Christian faith. According to the lecture note the four values are: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice. The essential question raised is how the principal of autonomy has raised to the forefront of principalism and how it overlooks all other aspects. I believe that is not the case, in which I would rank the following in order of importance: Nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice. I put these in this order due to the fact that causing no harm is the first and foremost important in healthcare. Secondly, we should prevent harm, provide benefits and do risk vs reward analysis for patient health. Third is autonomy, I put this behind the other two as I do believe that this takes prescedent over the first two and those two are more important. And lastly is justice, though this could easily be number one in my opinion as we should be honorable and truthful in all we do. That is also applies to the Christian faith and not just as a healthcare provider, these values are the forefront of Christianity and can be seen in numerous biblical examples.

Dunstan GR (Ed). Dictionary of Medical Ethics (Ed) London: Dorton Longman and Todd, 1981

Lawrence DJ. (2007). The four principles of biomedical ethics: a foundation for current bioethical debate. Journal o

Paragraph 4- Respond to the following post

Paragraph 4- Respond to the following post

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Creation: God is an intentional creator who only created good. He wanted to create an Earth where man could live without any difficulties. Therefore, God’s nature is love, caring, and peaceful.

Fall: When Adam and Eve rejected God they rejected creation, which was good, allowing bad to come into the world: death, disease, and suffering. Humanity caused its own spiritual and physical death.

Redemption: Even after Adam and Eve rejected God, God planned for humanity’s redemption. It is in God’s nature to be forgiving. Within the Christian biblical narrative it is “the atoning sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, by which God makes available forgiveness and salvation by grace alone, through faith alone” (GCU, 2018)

Restoration: Sickness and disease were man’s doing and something God never intended for us. God will eventually come again to purge evil and sin from this world, restoring humanity to its original healthy form. God does this for us because it is in His nature to be caring and forgiving. “The end goal is the restoration of all creation to a state of “Shalom” (GCU, 2018).

All four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative bring comfort and hope in the light of illness. In creation God made us in His image, which gives purpose to our existence. Even through the fall of Adam and Eve, where illness was introduced to us, we still have hope because of redemption. “Sickness, suffering, and death are evils that plague human life, but they are not the greatest evil. That would be to lose God, to have reason to doubt His faithfulness to us” (Shelly, 2006). God promises a restoration for mankind. To come, heal and restore us from all diseases and illnesses.


Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing (Second ed.), from

Heritage Essay

Heritage Essay


People of Russian Heritage. People of Polish Heritage. People of Thai Heritage.


Once done write an 800 words essay contracting the three study heritage.

Mention in the essay if there is any similarity in their healthcare belief. Mention how do they see health and disease and their customs to deal with them, also, discuss how they view dead. How their health care belief affect or influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare.

Read content chapter 36 in Davis Plus Online Website.

You must use at least 3 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references. A minimum of 800 words (not counting the first and reference page are required).

This time beside the content and references I will count the assignment base of the number of words. If you have any question please contact me via FNU email.

Tags: nursing culture

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

An elderly gentleman is admitted to the hospital with an MRSA infection. It is soon discovered that the


Staphylococcus is resistant to many different antibiotics. Unfortunately, this is discovered only after he is given a usual treatment regimen which is interrupted at the third dose to start him on some Vancomycin. Once the Vancomycin is finished, the gentleman develops a UTI (urinary tract infection) to which he is treated for. Having put the gentleman on a usual antibiotic to treat the UTI, the same scenario plays out and the initial antibiotic is stopped, and he is put on one that will treat the resistant bacteria.


Read the scenario above.
Answer the following questions: (Please give a rationale for all of your answers)
Due to this scenario playing out twice during the same stay, discuss some of the health implications that this man may be facing.
What other conditions or health problems might he be at risk for now?
Are there any organs at risk for being compromised?
Are there any adjustments you could make to his diet or nutrition that may make the situation better?
Describe what “quality of life” aspects are relevant when a very elderly person is near death and you are the caregiver.
200 words, APA Format
Tags: nursing NUR3289 – Fundamentals of Gerontology

Ethical Dilemma Essay

Ethical Dilemma Essay

VERACITY Ethical dilemma “Your supervisor tells you to change your documentation wording to increase the


likelihood of insurance payment for a patient who has not achieved functional gains over the last 4 months. When you discuss this with a coworker, you discover they have been told the same thing regarding a different case, and made the changes to avoid conflict.” Ethics Essay This is an essay quiz. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling counts. Please be sure to print clearly as to not avoid your paper being unpresentable. This is a timed essay so you will need to ensure you monitor your thoughts and as you build your outline and present your topic in a timely and orderly manner. Directions: Include a proper title page for your Ethics Essay. (1 point) Review the Ethical Dilemma you have been assigned, once you have read the ethical dilemma, write your response to the ethical situation which you were provided and be sure you include the information below. You may refer to the Occupational therapy Code of Ethics as a Reference Document and should reference it throughout your answer as it applies. Include the following information: • • Refer to The Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and clarify what principle(s) are to be considered for the situation (5 points) Discuss a minimum of 2 possible ways (5 points) to handle the situation. Discuss standards of conduct for each individual in the situation. • Consider the clinical, contextual, individual and personal preferences surrounding the situation when you formulate your answer. Be specific in: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HOW you would approach the individual (25 points) WHEN you would respond to the situation (25 points) WHAT would you say and what conversation might follow (25 points) WHAT is unethical about the situation and why, be specific. (5 points) WHAT Other pertinent details or comments would you include. (4 points) 6. Provide a closing paragraph. (5 points) Failure to include any of the components will result in a loss of points. Please read all of the instructions carefully and read your ethical situation carefully. Scenarios are real life scenarios that can present in the real world, it is how you handle them that is important and shows whether or not you understand what being ethical and professional is all about.
Purchase answer to see full attachment

Chapter 18 – Assignment

Chapter 18 – Assignment


Read the Case Study 18-1 in Chapter 18 of the textbook.


Peter Douglas is a 77-year-old nursing home resident with congestive heart failure and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. He is alert and oriented times three and needs maximum assistance with all mobility needs. He was recently admitted to the nursing home after a 6-week hospitalization for pneumonia and congestive heart failure. When he was admitted to the nursing home, the nurse admitting Mr. Douglas documented that he had a pressure ulcer on his sacrum. She described this pressure ulcer as measuring 3 cm by 5 cm by 0 cm. The wound bed presented with 100% yellow necrotic tissue, a moderate amount of drainage, and a foul odor. He was underweight, and his albumin level was 2. He was admitted to the nursing home for physical therapy to provide a program to improve strength, balance, and mobility after his long hospital stay. A nutritional consult and a wound consult were ordered by the physician.Answer the following questions:
What factors put Mr. Douglas at greater risk of developing pressure ulcers?
What factors would delay wound healing for this patient?
What stage would you classify this wound?
What are the signs and symptoms of an active infection in a wound?
What products would you use for this type of wound?
If handled correctly, do you feel like this wound would heal completely?
Your paper should be:
One (1) page or more.
Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.
Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide.

Reaserch problems and designs- Nurse to nurse incivility

Reaserch problems and designs- Nurse to nurse incivility

Would your problem identified in the Unit 2 discussion question lend itself to a qualitative or quantitative design?


What level of evidence (research design) would best address the problem? Explain your answer.

Last week, during our discussion post I requested for you to think about the type of research articles, qualitative or quantitative design. Now, that you have had an opportunity to identify the differences between qualitative and quantitative designs; which type of design best fits your group topic? Ensure to explain your answer integrating in-text citations and a full reference. Below, are our outcomes and weekly objectives that we will meet this week.

this is a discussion, 1-2 paragraphs are enough

correlation to the previous assignment

Differentiate among the types of hypotheses in peer-reviewed published studies.
Apply the evolution of the research process from selecting an area of interest to formulating a research question and selecting a research design.
Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice.
Value the importance of peer review when selecting published research for evidence.
Evaluate the credibility of the author of published research.

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 5

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


The four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative that refer to the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease include: creation, fall, redemption and restoration. According to Christianity, God is the creator of everything that exists (Gen 1-2). It is thought that everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be according to Gods liking. So according to Christianity, if one falls ill, their loved ones should look to God to answer why he choose that person to be sick and why he created that disease in the first place. In some ways, disease is good, it helps keep our planet’s population under control, with out it, and we probably would have used up all of our planets natural resources centuries ago.

The act of Adam and Eve’s disobedience is considered the Fall when this created order was broken. Because of the Fall, the Shalom affected the creation ever since causing death, disease, suffering and estrangement from God. This would be the answer according to Christianity of why we have disease and suffering in today’s world.

Redemption is a record of humanity’s continual struggle and corruption after the Fall, and God’s plan for its redemption. In this redemption plan, God makes available forgiveness and salvation by grace and faith which once were estranged and are brought into unity.

Lastly, Restoration, the final chapter of the narrative is yet to be realized. It is when Jesus returns and the final judgment of all people, and the restoration of all creation will inaugurate final restoration. I see many cars with the bumper sticker, Jesus Coming Soon. I didn’t really understand what that meant to the Christian people until now, they are waiting for him to restore all of creation back in to at state of Shalom.

As a person suffering and looking for comfort and hope in the light of illness, one can look forward for the day of restoration when all suffering will end. The day when Jesus come back and lift all the pain away and stop all tragedy. It gives people hope that suffering is not forever and that will be a day that all creation is returned to a state of Shalom. Doubting God would mean that we have lost faith in his existence.


Rae, S. B. (2009). Moral choices: An introduction to ethics. (3rd ed.), Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 6

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


The Christian biblical narrative creation, fall, redemption, and restoration describe the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease.

One would find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative in all four parts of the narrative because according to Shelly & Miller, (2006), “The concept begins in Genesis 1:26: Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness… For us to be made in God’s image we must live according to the scripture and finding our life’s purpose. We have to walk the Lord’s path by loving our neighbors as ourselves, being kind to one another, caring, giving, sharing and reflect these qualities of our Creator. God has equipped every one of us with these qualities; it is for us to live by them according to his word. As Christians, our relationship with God being made in his own image is the main purpose of our existence. For us to seek comfort and hope during illness we have to appreciate and understand the nature of sin after creation in the Biblical narrative of the fall. Through the behavior of Adam and Eve, we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God which is why we are exposed to earthly effects such as disease and illness. But in redemption, which gives us hope. God had a master plan where he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to come and die for our sins which free us up from earthly wrath if we are obedient to his word, abide by his way and believe that by his blood and stripes, we can be saved and healed according to his promises. Healing begins through understanding, believing and accepting the word of God and the consequences of sin and its pitfalls and also how Christ came to earth to die for our sins in order to restore the relationship between God and us to make us whole. During disease and illness, God is present and his wisdom at work even though we tend to feel that we are being neglected. That should give us courage during times of troubles and difficulties just like in restoration. The occurrences in life can be difficult to comprehend at times but according to His word faith comes to play by believing in God’s promises which we have control over. Illness and suffering are penalties of the fall as Adam and Eve disobeyed God because they ate the forbidden fruit from the serpent instead of abiding by the word of God, leading to doubt of God. According to Shelly & Miller, (2006), “Sickness, suffering, and death are evils that plague human life, but they are not the greatest evil. That would be to lose God, to have reason to doubt his faithfulness to us. Christians affirm God’s faithfulness, although they confess that it is demonstrated in a manner that might never have occurred to us had God not simply done it”. God through His promises can heal and restore us from all diseases and illnesses if we believe. The excellence and supremacy of God is demonstrated in the acceptance of Christ our savior, through seeking him during times of illness and suffering. The children of God prophesy the truth about God as shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus into the entire world as His witnesses (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). As Christ’s ambassadors, we pray to God believing and convinced by the biblical narratives during illness that there is hope through Jesus.


Shelly, Judith Allen. And Arlene B. Miller. Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing, 2