Relationship with the public

Relationship with the public

A hospital marketing director at a very large hospital in an urban setting has several research projects to undertake


this quarter. The hospital is continuing to expand its offerings in the metropolitan area and ensure a strong relationship with the top physicians in the community.

The 3 projects that he is currently researching include the following:

The hospital urology department wants to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic. The department head wants to get an estimate of the number of men ages 35–60 in the community suffering with some form of sexual dysfunction.
A primary care medical group is trying to determine whether patients are being greeted and serviced appropriately by the billing and admitting departments.
A managed care organization (MCO) is trying to determine what concerns physicians have in agreeing to become part of its panel of physicians who will treat their enrollees.
He has asked you to assist by developing a report analyzing how each of these 3 projects would be communicated to each market segment and how each will help the hospital improve its relationship with the public.

Because of the nature of the report, it needs to include a critique of current literature (scholarly references) to support a position on each. Your report should be 3-4 pages in length, not including title page and reference page.

The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.

can I get help with my assignment?

can I get help with my assignment?

As you finish the Health Care Management course, refer back to The Role of a Health Care Manager worksheet. As


you create your reflection, think about the following proposed topics as well as how your opinion and definitions have changed as a result of the material covered in class.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper summarizing your thoughts and reflection on your perspective of what are the roles and responsibilities of a health care manager. It may help to reflect on the following:

Has your definition of a health care manager changed based on this course? Why or why not? Discuss your rationale.
What skills and knowledge do you need to develop to prepare yourself to become a health care manager?
Format your summary according to APA guidelines.

Paper Written

Paper Written

Middleville Regional Health Care is one (1) of three (3) hospitals serving a community of 350,000 people. Summary


statistics on Middleville and its competitors, from the AHA Guide, are shown below in Table 1. All three organizations are not-for-profit.

Table 1: Middleville, Brierfield, and Greystone Health Care Systems





OP Visits


Expenses (000)


























The governing board of Middleville hired a consulting company to evaluate its strategic performance, specifically in the areas of Human Resources, Information Technology, Financing, and Marketing. As part of the consultant’s evaluation, several leaders of Middleville’s units were asked their perspective of the organization’s performance.

You are working for the consultant. Your job is to identify the issues from the response that should be considered further by the consultant team and possibly discussed with the governing board and the CEO. The firm has a rule, “Never offer a criticism or negative finding without suggesting how the client organization can correct it,” so you must indicate what sort of correction you would recommend as part of your list. Because you know there were about two (2) dozen other interviews, you decide you should rank your issues in importance, to make sure the most critical are discussed.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Explain the governing board’s role in these strategic initiatives, determining its responsibility and involvement.
Evidence-based management means that operational and strategic decisions are made based upon the evidence that goals and objectives are actually being met. Quantitative measurements must be identified and measured. This data is then used to evaluate the HCO’s performance. Name three (3) performances Middleville can use to measure its success in providing quality healthcare to the community, and identify quantifiable, measureable indicators that can be used to do so. Explain the importance of each performance measurement.
Given the statistics of Middleville and its two (2) competitors provided in Table 1, recommend to the HCO what areas it should focus on to maintain its competitive market share as well as continue to provide healthcare to the community in the 21st century.
Some of Middleville’s Board members are very interested in pursuing advanced technology systems over the next five (5) years, while others are concerned about the enormous expense and need assurance that the investment in technology will be worthwhile. In both monetary and process terms, describe the costs and benefits associated with implementing EMR and associated health data systems. Lay out a plan for how various systems can be implemented.
Middleville has faced many challenges in recruiting and retaining nurses and other clinical employees. The economy has hit the area very hard and budgetary limitations have reduced the amount of money available for salary increases. The Board knows it needs to provide other benefits to their valued employees. Provide at least two (2) suggestions to Human Resources to promote employee satisfaction and, therefore, retain experienced personnel.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Use APA writing format.

write an essay describing how nursing will be creating a social change

write an essay describing how nursing will be creating a social change

Length: Minimum of 3 pages


Format: Times New roman, 12-pt. font, 1-inch margins, double spaced, MLA, and work cited.

Research nursing as a career goal to find any relevant recent developments or advancements. Envision yourself being part of the workplace an active agent in society. Formulate an essay with your own in-depth research on a particular social change or a practice that is being utilized within nursing. Present the issue to career goal, state the changes you are working on to cultivate, and develop a convincing, well- reasoned argument. That material should be drawn primarily from the career aspiration you’ve chosen. You must be careful, however, to use your research to support your own point; avoid simply reporting what other researchers have said.

Project 4

Project 4

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.


Money has different values based on time. Money in your pocket has a current value, but money owed to you has a varying value based on how sure it is that you will receive it and when. It is possible to estimate its value. In this assignment, you will analyze the value of money on the basis of this Week’s learning.

Review Understanding The Time Value of Money to attain more information on how the value of money is based on time.

Find the following values for a lump sum assuming annual compounding:

The future value of $500 invested at 8 percent for 1 year
The future value of $500 invested at 8 percent for 5 years
The present value of $500 to be received in 1 year when the opportunity cost rate is 8 percent
The present value of $500 to be received in 5 years when the opportunity cost rate is 8 percent
Analyze present and future values and their implications for the balance sheet and the budget of an organization.
Online Class Book…

Submission Details:
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.
Submit your document to this appropriate Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

high stakes partnership

high stakes partnership

“Utilizing ‘High-Stakes’ to Promote High Performance in Cross-Organizational Collaborative Teams.”


When does your healthcare organization perform at its best? Often times, it’s under circumstances of crises or emergency. Or, when there’s a complex task that has a sense of urgency and no one person can solve it alone. HCOs also typically rise to the occasion when people believe there is a legitimate threat to funding, organizational viability, and their primary patient population.

One might make the mistake then, of thinking that the only moments where people are willing to collaborate are in times of crises. We hear staff, administrators, and health providers from a multitude of disciplines state in reflection, “everyone just pulled together… there was no us versus them within the hospital… we were all on the same page… because we just had to be.”

An examination of these instances reveals a common theme: “high-stakes” situations highlight our commonalities and the motivations we share, and diminishes the more trivial items that drive us apart from one another. When faced with a crisis or challenge, people often pull together in rather extraordinary and impressive ways. But, we can’t rely on crises—nor create them artificially—to foster collaboration, especially when collaboration is the foundation of the work that’s being done.

For instance, consider your HCO as one that has recently established a very formal, very public partnership with a completely different HCO. This is not a merger or acquisition. Rather, each HCO will still exist as its own separate and unique entity, delivering independent and different services and health supports. However, you are now charged with collaborating together on a new project.

Without manufacturing a crisis scenario, your charge for this challenge is to create a planned “high-stakes” situation around the new joint project that will drive successful collaboration between your HCO and your new organizational partner. Then, utilize your 5-documents & Justifications to outline the details scenario and articulate how successful collaboration is being/has been fostered as a result.

Here are some factors that create “high-stakes” to guide your conceptualization of the cross-organizational collaborative situation:

1- People are engaged in work that is very important to them.

2- Their activity is highly visible to others.

3- The consequences of doing well or poorly are very large.

4- People engaged in the work will feel the consequences of their success or failure directly and in the near-term future.






Incident/Introductory Report (w/ notification chain… justification, influencing factors) – your design thought process here is “how would this information come to me as a Health Services Administrator handling this case?”


“Mind Map” (visual representation grid of Key Issues/Players/Foundational Causal Factors and their interconnectedness)

3. Policy Supporting Proposed Change (w/ TWO authority references)

4. Memo (w/ distribution info… style/list/method)

5. Quality Indicators / Measurable Outcomes & Anticipated Results Form

6. Justifications “Bookend” – narrative explanation of your thoughts and decision-making processes for each of the previous documents and the submission as an interconnected whole assignment

Understanding the Changing Health Care Delivery Landscape

Understanding the Changing Health Care Delivery Landscape

Many people throughout the United States face significant barriers to health care access. As policy makers and other


stakeholders consider ways to address challenges related to access to care, one key area of focus involves those who lack insurance or have inadequate coverage through insurance. Submit a PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides including 100-200 word speaker notes in which you address the following:

Consider the different stakeholders and perspectives impacted by health policy. How does access to insurance differ from access to care? Provide 1 specific example from your personal or professional life or from current events to support your response, and explain why this distinction is important.
How did the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 address access to insurance? How does current enacted legislation impact access to care? What do you see as the ultimate goal of expanding insurance coverage?
If access to insurance coverage and medical care are increased through health care reform, what unanticipated consequences might arise? List the consequences associated with health stakeholders and perspectives.
Note: Your presentation must be formatted in APA style with 4 quality references, 2 of which are peer-reviewed sources from health care journals. References should be placed on the Reference slide at the end of the presentation.

Leadership (Examining the Team)

Leadership (Examining the Team)

Examining the Team


Last week, you identified your team for the final assignment, including your role, your leadership style, and the change you hope to bring to the team. This week, you will refine some of those observations and begin to examine your team using the concepts from your readings and lectures. Consider the following categories and answer the questions:

How does the leader handle his or her emotions?
How does the team deal with emotions?
Describe the team’s level of EI. Is this an area that the leader needs to help the team develop?
How might leaders enhance team EI? Give specific examples.
When thinking of leaders communication, would you describe the leaders’ communication style as persuasive, manipulative, or coercive? Why?
Think of at least two different team members in the team and describe their communication style.
Is there a certain communication style that is most dominant on this team?
How does the leaders’ communication style affect team members?
Philosophy and Style
What type of philosophy (theory X or theory Y) seems to be held by leaders and other members of the team?
What type of leadership style have you adopted as a leader (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire)?
What action steps would help enhance the leadership style in the team?
You might need to interview some team members to gather answers. You should do some research by using the South University Online Library or the Internet to help you formulate the necessary action steps. If you are the leader of the team, you should ask members of the team to help you develop answers to the questions.

Submission Details:
Summarize your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Support your responses with examples and research.
Name your document SU_MGT3102_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
No Plagiarism!

Must have 3 or more references with citations!

Along with a reference page in APA format!

Thank you!

Nurse to nurse incivility

Nurse to nurse incivility

NR449 Evidence Based Practice Required Uniform Assignment: Analyzing Published Research Purpose The purpose


of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and #8) CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence- based practice. (POs #4 and #8) DUE DATE Refer to the course calendar for due date information. The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this activity. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 200 POINTS REQUIREMENTS The paper will include the following. 1. Clinical question a. Description of problem b. Significance of problem c. Purpose of paper 2. Description of findings a. Summarize basics in the Matrix Table as found in Assignment Documents in e-College. b. Describe i. Concepts ii. Methods used iii. Participants iv. Instruments including reliability and validity v. Answer to “Purpose” question vi. Identify next step for group 3. Conclusion of paper 4. Format a. Correct grammar and spelling b. Use of headings for each section c. Use of APA format (sixth edition) d. Page length: three pages NR449 Evidence Based Practice PREPARING THE PAPER 1. Please make sure you do not duplicate articles within your group. 2. Paper should include a title page and a reference page. DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assignment Criteria Clinical Question Points % 1. Problem is described: What is the focus of your group’s work? 2. Significance of the problem is described: What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations. 3. Purpose of your paper: What will your paper do or describe? “The purpose of this paper is to . . .” 30 15% Description of Findings: Summary 60 Description 30% Description of Findings: Description 60 30% Description of Findings: Conclusion 20 10% **Please note that although most of these questions are the same as you addressed in paper 1, the purpose of this paper is different. You can use your work from paper 1 for items 1 and 2 above, including any suggestions for improvement provided as feedback. Item 3 above should be specific to this paper. Summarize the basics of each article in a matrix table that appears in the appendix. Describe in the body of the paper the following. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. Conclusion: Review major findings in your paper in a summary paragraph. Format Total 30 200 15% 1. Correct grammar and spelling 2. Use headings for each section: Problem, Synthesis of the Literature (Concepts, Methods, Participants, Instruments, Implications for Future Work), Conclusion. 3. APA format (sixth ed.): Appendices follow references. 4. Paper length: Three pages 100% NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Revised 07/25/2016 2 NR449 Evidence Based Practice GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Clinical Question (30 points) Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance Very Good or High Level of Performance Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance A (92–100%) B (84–91%) C (76–83%) Includes all elements in a manner that is clearly understood. • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. Missing only one element OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 26-27 points Missing two elements OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 23-25 points Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance F (0–75%) Missing two or more elements AND/OR One or more elements are not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 0-22 points 28-30 points Description of Findings: Summary (60 points) Summary omits no more than one required item from the Evidence Matrix Table. 55-60 points NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Summary omits two or three required items from the Evidence Matrix Table. 51-55 points Revised 07/25/2016 Summary omits four required items from the Evidence Matrix Table. 46-50 points Summary omits five or more required items from the Evidence Matrix Table. 0–45 points 4 NR449 Evidence Based Practice Description of Findings: Description (60 points) Description includes ALL elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Description missing no more than one element. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? Revised 07/25/2016 Description missing no more than two elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? Description missing three or more elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? 5 NR449 Evidence Based Practice • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. 51–55 points 46–50 points 0–45 points 56–60 points NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Revised 07/25/2016 6 NR449 Evidence Based Practice Description of Findings: Conclusion (20 points) Summary paragraph includes ALL major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation points of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data. 19-20 points NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Summary paragraph omits ONE major finding from article. Summary paragraph omits TWO major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data. relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data. 17-18 points Revised 07/25/2016 16 points Summary paragraph omits THREE or MORE major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data. 0-15 points 7 NR449 Evidence Based Practice Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics, and APA Format (30 points) • Length pages. is three full • Used appropriate APA format and is free of errors. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics are free of errors. 28–30 points • Length is no more than one quarter page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with one type of error. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have one type of error. 26–27 points • Length is no more than one half page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with two types of errors. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have two types of errors. 23–25 points • Length is three quarters of a page or more under or over. • Attempts made to use APA format; three or more types of errors are present. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have three or more types of errors. 0–22 points Total Points Possible = 200 points NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Revised 07/25/2016 8 Running Head: INCIVILITY IN NURSING INCIVILITY IN NURSING 2 Nurse to Nurse Incivility Clinical question First, nursing incivility can be described as a certain bad behavior which the nurses use while talking to each other or while addressing people around them including patients thus causing them to underperform in their workplaces due to the lack of a conducive environment. The significance of the problem of nurse to nurse incivility in terms of outcomes is that, nursing incivility in most cases lead to the nurses not giving effective performance in their daily jobs and work assignments because they were not subjected to an environment that was good for quality performances at all times. The picot question that was decided was, how does the level in which the productivity of the nurses vary, does it increase during their first year of working when they are subjected to a good working environment as compared to when they are subjected to an environment that is unpleasant and hostile? (Elias, Polancich, Jones & Convoy, 2015). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study and get the needed information concerning the two articles that were previously given since they will help us to give an adequate response on the picot question that was formulated. Level of evidence The type of question that was asked was neither a therapy nor prognosis one, it was basically a descriptive one since it was meant to provide the reasons as to why the productivity could either go high or low depending on what environment the nurses could get in their work places or in a health setting (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014). When a qualitative study was done about the said question, the results of the analyzation were gotten through many different interviews that were carried out in assurance of getting to know the nurses points of view on INCIVILITY IN NURSING 3 whatever treatment they got in their work places, whether direct treatment or indirect treatment and how it would affect their level of performance in any case. Some of these questions were; are the nurses able to perform their work and assignments on a daily basis because of the good treatment and appreciation they receive from all the people around them including the patients, fellow nurses and even their supervisors? Another question could be, is the level of performance and production of the work of the nurses degrading on a daily basis because of an unpleasant working environment and lack of efficient communication skills between the nurses, patients and the supervisors? On the other hand, when quantitative study was applied, the same results as those of the qualitative study were achieved. Although, for this study some experiments were carried out and the observable data including the behavior, actions, communication skills applied, level of appreciation given to the nurses when they perform effectively and also the environment that was present at the working place during the time of study. These different data samples were used to come up with the necessary information that was needed in order to complete the research. An example of an experiment showed that when the nurses delivered their services properly and outperformed more than what was merely expected, there was a constant increase in their salaries which was done by giving them a bonus that was approved by their supervisors, workmates and also some of the patients. Search strategy The relevant search topics and search terms that were so many. Among them, the search terms were; nursing incivility and nursing incivility in their workplaces. Whereas, the most appropriate search topics that were provided included; what is nursing incivility, how provision a conducive environment lead to an increase of the level of production of the nurses in their health setting and also what an unpleasant environment could cause in a nursing workplace. The INCIVILITY IN NURSING 4 databases that were used and also that provide a good link with the picot question that was chosen were; library databases and electronic databases. The decision that we made that will help us refine our search so as to get the perfect results and also to make sure that we get the articles that were needed to a reasonable number of reviews was to apply the use of limiters. Some of the limiters that were so necessary to use were; publication date, this is because the publication date needed was supposed to be a more current one that will guide us to a search that can deal with the situation accordingly depending on how nurses are able to perform in their workplaces at the current time. Another limiter was scholarly journals which were chosen since they will greatly help in getting firsthand information concerning all that is needed in the search since it comes from people who got the required knowledge on what nursing incivility is and how it affects performance of nurses. Publication type can also be a limiter because when a search from a good publication is chosen, it will help in getting all the necessary information right and precise to the point. Language is another limiter which can greatly help in refining the search since one can be able to select a language that they themselves together with the target audience understand and speak well. The two most relevant articles that will help in providing guidance for the next paper are; LWW journals and also SAGE journals. These two were chosen because they were well based according to the limiters that were set to refine all the searches that were made. Conclusion In conclusion, it was seen that due to how important health information and doing away with incivility in nursing was, it was necessary to get all the information from scholarly sources and also that all search strategies should adequately be planned for and the evidences clearly stated so that the search achieves high quality standards. INCIVILITY IN NURSING 5 References LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Elias, B. L., Polancich, S., Jones, C., & Convoy, S. (2015). Evolving the PICOT method for the digital age: The PICOT-D. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(10), 594-599. Chamberlain College of Nursing NR449 Evidence-Based Practice EVIDENCE MATRIX TABLE Article Reference 1 (sample not a real article) Smith, Lewis (2013), What should I eat? A focus for those living with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Education, 1 (4) 111-112. Purpose Hypothesis Study Question Variables Independent(I) Dependent(D) How do educational support groups effect dietary modifications in patients with diabetes? D-Dietary modifications I-Education Study Design Qualitative Sample Size and Selection N- 18 Convenience sampleselected from local support group in Pittsburgh, PA Data Collection Methods Focus Groups Major Findings Support and education improved compliance with dietary modifications. 1 2 3 4 5 NR449 Evidence Matric Table.docx Revised10/20/14 ns/cs 1 Unit 9: Enhancing the Validity of Research Unit 9: Enhancing the Validity of Research Introduction to the Topic: Validity of a research study is a key determinant of its usefulness for practice. Studies with internal and external validity increase trustworthiness and confidence in applying the findings to practice. Internal Validity The level of confidence that an experimental treatment or condition made a difference and that rival explanations were systematically ruled out through study design and control. Conditions Necessary for Causality • Changes in the presumed cause must be related to changes in the presumed effect • The presumed cause must occur before the presumed effect • There are no plausible alternative explanations for the outcome External Validity The ability to generalize the findings from a research study to other populations, places, and situations. External Validity Population Validity Ecological Validity • Can the findings be generalized from a sample to a larger group? • Example: Can findings be generalized from patients in one medical center to patients in an entire health system? • Can the findings be generalized from one set of environmental conditions to another set of environmental conditions? • Example: Can findings be generalized from a medical-surgical unit to a long-term care facility? Validity and Qualitative Research Qualitative research is sample specific and is not intended for generalization. Still, studies should be trustworthy enough that results can be transferred to other settings and situations. A Comparison… Quantitative Internal validity: – Did the intervention cause the outcome? Qualitative Trustworthiness – Did the research represent reality accurately? A Comparison… Quantitative Internal validity: – Were other causes ruled out? – Did the researcher control rival explanations for the outcome? Qualitative Trustworthiness – Was inherent bias controlled? – Did the researcher identify and limit the capacity for bias? A Comparison… Quantitative External validity: – Can these findings be generalized to other populations? Qualitative Applicability/ Transferability – Can these findings be transferred to similar people and settings? Bias in Research • Sampling error • Treatment effects • Measurement error Factors that Jeopardize Internal Validity • • • • • • • History Maturation Testing Instrumentation Treatment effects Selection effects Attrition Threats to External Validity • • • • • Selection effects Time History Novelty Experimenter effects Balancing Internal and External Validity It is paradoxical that the more internal validity a study provides, the weaker the external validity. The more tightly controlled a study, the more artificial it becomes, limiting generalizability. Validity in Qualitative Research • Credibility – Are the findings plausible? – Is the study structured so that the findings are believable? • Trustworthiness – Did the researcher do what was possible to control inherent bias? – How did the researcher limit his/her own bias? External Validity of Qualitative Research • Extension of understanding through applicability • Ability to transfer findings to other samples and settings • Replication of the results in other qualitative and/or quantitative studies Threats to Trustworthiness • • • • Hawthorne Effects Selection effects Historical effects Researcher bias Promote the Validity of Qualitative Research • • • • • • Prolonged or varied field experience Verbatim accounts Triangulation Member checking Bracketing Audit trails Minimize Threat to Internal Validity • • • • Measurement or observation Use of appropriate design elements Control of bias Statistical analysis Minimize Bias • Researcher blinded to group assignment • Primary researcher does not collect data • Objective criteria used for selecting subjects and assigning to groups • Extraneous variables identified and controlled • Attrition was minimized throughout the study Controlling Extraneous Variables The researcher can deal with extraneous variables in three ways: eliminate the threat; control for the threat; or account for the threat in the write-up Statistical Analysis to Strengthen Validity • Determine probability of error – Type I – Type II • Calculating and reporting tests of effect size • Ensuring data meet the fundamental assumptions of the statistical test Conclusions • Internal validity provides reassurance that an intervention worked and no other causes were responsible for the outcome • External validity gives the nurse confidence in generalizing the results to other populations • Trustworthiness allows for transferability of qualitative findings Unit 8: Measurement and Data Collection Unit 8: Measurement and Data Collection Introduction to the Topic: The measurement strategy is essential to provide credible evidence for practice. Using reliable and valid measures is necessary to draw accurate conclusions. Measurement Determination of the quantity of a characteristic that is present; involves assignment of numbers or some other classification. Forms of Measurement • May represent the quantity of the attribute numerically • May sort subjects into categories based on characteristics – Observers may classify the subject – Subjects may self-classify • Only useful if they represent the underlying characteristic of interest Critical Attributes of Measurement in Research Clearly linked to the research question, appropriate to represent the variable of interest, and consistently accurate The Measurement Strategy • Determine the most relevant attributes • Define attributes in operational terms • Select an instrument to reliably capture the attribute • Document the reliability and validity of the instrument • Develop protocols for data gathering • Put quality checks in place Measurement Concepts • • • • Conceptual definitions Operational definitions Primary data Secondary data Primary Data Data are collected directly from subjects • Physiological measurements Psychometric Instrumentation • Collect subjective information directly from subjects (e.g. tools that measure coping, stress or self-esteem) • Key issues: reliability and validity • Use existing instrument if possible Surveys and Questionnaires • • • • • Most common data collection method Systematic tool used to collect data Quantitative/Qualitative/or both Variety of options for delivery Open ended or closed Writing Questions • • • • Clear Succinct Unambiguous Needs to be interpreted the same way by respondents • Avoid leading questions • Avoid emotionally laden questions Secondary Data • Use of data originally collected for another purpose • Efficient and convenient to use • Reduces the time needed for a study • Researcher cannot control the conditions under which the data were collected • Critical: does the secondary data answer the research question? Measurement Error The difference between the true score (the actual amount of an attribute) and the observed score (the amount of attribute measured) Measurement Error • Random Error – Human factors – Bias – Confusion – Environmental variations • Systematic error – A measure is consistently biased Systematic Error Systematic error is the result of: • Measures that are consistent but inaccurate • Measures that are complicated or onerous procedures for the subject • Measures that reflect sensitive or socially taboo topics Minimize Measurement Error • Clear, objective measurement procedures • Reduce variability due to anything except the subject response – Calibration of instrumentation – Use of existing, tested instruments – Ensure instrument reliability Reliability The instrument consistently measures a given trait with precision Instrument Reliability • Internal reliability: Stability within the instrument • Item-total correlation: Stability among individuals • Inter-rater reliability: Stability between raters • Test-retest: Stability over time Validity The ability of an instrument to consistently measure what it is supposed to measure Validity • Content validity: The content of the instrument reflects the attribute • Construct validity: The instrument represents the conceptual issues • Criterion-related validity: – Concurrent – Predictive – Discriminate • Responsiveness Diagnostic Measures • Sensitivity – Measure that indicates an instrument has the capacity to detect disease if it is present • Specificity – Measures that indicates an instrument has the capacity to differentiate when a disease is not present Measurement and Evidence for Practice A well managed and documented measurement strategy supports credibility of the findings and confidence in applying the research in practice Data Collection Methods • • • • • • Traditional methods Online data collection Technology-based data collection Interviews Focus groups Observation Data Management Procedures • Determine how data will be recorded • Develop procedures for data collection – Codebook for data definitions • Plans for managing and organizing data • Procedures for storage of data Using Measurement in Practice • Use instruments to monitor patient conditions • Measures to determine effectiveness of interventions • Patient risk assessment tools Conclusions • Measurement must be clearly linked to the research question • Various types of data are available for measures • Measurement error is always present but can be minimized • Measures should be reliable and valid • Measures and study results can be used in practice
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Future Challenges of Health Information Technology

Future Challenges of Health Information Technology

The two Fred Friendly seminars, although somewhat dated, offer vivid and still valid insights into the challenges presented by rapidly changing technology. How can we stay abreast of such developments? Must have a minimum of 2-3 references.