community health Template homework

community health Template homework

NRSE 4540 TEMPLATE: M3 A6 WA: COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATIONAL PLAN Use the following form to complete


your teaching plan. The fields will expand as you type. Provide reference list on a separate page after the teaching plan template and below the Literacy Considerations. Type in references (do not copy and paste). Student Name: Section Number: Nursing Diagnosis: Target Population (Needs to have a narrower focus then the entire community) Long Term Goal: Short Term Goal: Objectives (include 3 – 4 measurable objectives using below cells. One objective for each cell) Content Outline Method of Instruction (include content for each objective) (include teaching strategy for each objective) Time it takes for content to be presented Method of Evaluation (include type of method for each objective to determine if it was met) Literary Considerations – (see text, pp 140-144) Describe your target population demographics (gender, age range, estimated educational preparation) and explain how their literacy levels affect the content used to implement the teaching plan. Explain what literacy considerations the nurse should take into account for the target audience. References (use correct APA format) Last updated: 11/20/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing Ohio University Page 1 of 2 NRSE 4540 TEMPLATE: M3 A6 WA: COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATIONAL PLAN Last updated: 11/20/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing Ohio University Page 2 of 2 Running head: COMMUNITY HEALTH 1! COMMUNITY HEALTH: Name: Institution affiliation: Date: COMMUNITY HEALTH !2 Selected County, State: Licking County, Ohio state Number of population 173,448 Public Services and Access to Care Provider County State Nation Source/reference of data Hospitals 1.41 1.42 2.4 US Census Bureau Physicians (both primary care and specialty) 2.7 2.8 2.3 Overdoses – heroin NDA 13.5 5 Public transportation 0.41% 0.02% 4.96% US Census Bureau Demographic and Ethnic Data Demographic Variable county state Nation source < 5 y.o 6.1% 6% 6.1% 18 and younger 23.3% 22% 22.6% US. Census Bureau 65 and older 16.2% 16.7% 15.6% Male 49.1% 49% 49.2% female 50.9% 51% 50.8% White 92.1% 82.2% 76.6% Black 4.0% 12.9% 13.4% American Indian 0.3% 0.3% 1.3% Asian 1.4% 2.3% 5.8% Hispanic 1.9% 3.8% 18.1% Single 55% 50% 57% Married 45% 50% 43% Health Statistics COMMUNITY HEALTH Rate !3 County State Nation Data source Infant Mortality (Infants < 1 Y.O. Reported as per 1000 Live Births) White 6.47 6.22 5.58 Black 16.9 16.61 13.76 Hispanic 6.82 6.61 5.65 Rate County State Nation Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics System Data source Death Rates: (Usually reported as per 100000) Motor vehicle accidents 12.61 10.85 13.04 Lung cancer 59 50.5 42.4 Breast cancer NDA 22.9 20.9 State Cancer Profiles Cardiovascular disease 185.0 186.4 167 Aids 79.50 178.44 340.37 Diabetes 10.7% 9.81% 8.95% Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/ AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention 186.4 167 Cardiovascular disease 185.0 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics System Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/ AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention Risk Indicators Prenatal Care (% of Mothers delivering live infants who did NOT receive prenatal care in the 1st trimester) 23.50% 26.16% 17.25% Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics System: 201017. Accessed using CDC WONDER. Geography: County. Obesity 29.90% 29.75% 27.29 Insufficient physical activity 26.70% 26.19% Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic 23.41% Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Diabetes COMMUNITY HEALTH !4 Economic Statistical Data: variable County State Nation Source/reference of data Mean $57571 $50674 $55,322 US. Census Bureau Poverty rate 11.7% 14.0% 12.3% Unemployment Rate 3.5% 4.5% 4.0% variable County State Nation Source/reference of data < High school 11% 12.18% 14.61% US. Census Bureau High school 90.4% 89.5% 87.0% College degree 30.3% 23.3% 26.7% Income Educational Levels: Analysis: The Healthy people 2020 National Health Objective of Achieving health equity, eliminating disparities, as well as improving the health of all groups, of the essence to every citizen in the US. This is with regard to the fact that by improving the health of all groups the country will end up having healthy individuals of different age groups thereby being able to eliminate high health care costs that are associated with a certain age group (Henderson, 2016). However, there are several concerns as well as key risks as per the statistical data presented above. The first concern is with regard to the low number of individuals having a college degree. This is so since those with a college degree by the year 2017 in the county of licking are only 30%, while in the state they are only 23.3% while in the whole nation only COMMUNITY HEALTH !5 26.7% have a college degree. According to van der Heide & Uiters, (2013), this clearly points to the fact that those who will be able to get a well-paying job based on their level of education will be less than 50 %. This implies that more than 50% of the American population at the national, state as well as county level will find it difficult to pay for health insurance coverage as a result of receiving low pay. The second key risk as per the statistical data presented above is with regard to the high percentage of mothers who are delivering infants but end up not receiving prenatal care in the 1st trimester. Even though the percentage of this population in the county of Licking is low in comparison to the percentage of this population in the State of Ohio, it is still very high in comparison to the percentage of this population nationwide. This high percentages of infants who did not receive prenatal care in the 1st trimester will make difficult not only for the country be able to realize its objective of achieving health equity but also for the county of Licking and State of Ohio. This is attributed to the fact that the blood tests, as well as physical exams carried out during the 1st trimester, play an essential role in ensuring that infants will end up being healthy in the latter stages of their lives (Schwennesen & Koch, 2012). The third key risk as per the statistical data presented above is the high number of individuals who are not engaging in sufficient physical activities in the county of Licking. This is a great risk since this individuals will end suffering from lifestyle diseases thereby becoming a burden to the county, state as well as the country with regard to needing healthcare services. The high percentages of individuals who engage in insufficient physical activities attribute this to the ever-rising number of desk jobs that require people to move less when executing their day to day duties. With licking county having higher percentages of these individuals who are not engaging COMMUNITY HEALTH !6 in sufficient physical in comparison to the total percentage nationwide, it may end up finding it difficult to deal with patients suffering from lifestyle diseases since budget allocations from the national government towards healthcare tend to reflect on national statistics and not county statistics (Hesse & Gaysynsky, 2014). Lastly, the high number of infant mortality per 1000 live births among people who belong to the African American race at the county level in comparison to the national statistics is a great cause for concern. This is so since, in order for the objective of eliminating disparities as well as achieving health equity to be achieved, there is need to ensure that the level of infant mortality among African Americans who are the minorities is reduced while still focusing on other races as well (Hesse & Gaysynsky, 2014). Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1 Risks of infant mortality Among African Americans in licking county related to the inability to access health care, lack of knowledge regarding prenatal care and lack of access to medication as evidenced by high levels of African American infant deaths Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1 Risk of obesity among employed people in licking county related to insufficient physical activities, lack of knowledge regarding healthy diets and less time being set aside for physical activities as evidenced by increasing number of people categorized as obese. COMMUNITY HEALTH !7 References Henderson, S. (2016). Healthy Volunteer 2020: Comparing Peace Corps Volunteers’ health metrics with Healthy People 2020 national objectives. Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 179-183. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.05.016 Hesse, B., & Gaysynsky, A. (2014). Meeting the Healthy People 2020 Goals: Using the Health Information National Trends Survey to Monitor Progress on Health Communication Objectives. Journal Of Health Communication, 19(12), 1497-1509. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2014.954084 Schwennesen, N., & Koch, L. (2012). Representing and intervening: ‘doing’ good care in firsttrimester prenatal knowledge production and decision-making. Sociology Of Health & Illness, 34(2), 283-298. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01414.x van der Heide, I., & Uiters, E. (2013). The Relationship Between Health, Education, and Health Literacy: Results From the Dutch Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. Journal Of Health Communication, 18(sup1), 172-184. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2013.825668
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Career Planning

Career Planning

NR452 Capstone Course Required Uniform Assignment: Career Planning PURPOSE Having a clear vision for the


future, setting reasonable goals, and developing strategies for meeting those goals are important steps in ensuring control of one’s professional future. This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development through the creation of a one-year and five-year professional career plan in nursing. It also creates an awareness of/partnership with Chamberlain’s Career Services professionals, Career Care Plan, and resources available through Chamberlain Career Care. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: • • • CO # 1: Synthesize knowledge from the sciences, humanities, and nursing in managing the needs of humans as consumers of healthcare in a patient-centered environment. (PO# 1) CO # 5: Explore the impact of professional standards, legislative issues, ethical principles, and values on professional nursing, using data to monitor outcomes and improve quality and safety. (PO# 5, 6) CO # 2: Integrate communication and relationship skills in teamwork and collaboration functioning effectively with health team members and consumers of care. (PO 3) DUE DATE Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no later the 12 am (midnight) on the Sunday at the end of Unit 4. The College’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this activity. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 200 points REQUIREMENTS 1. Write a 4-5 page essay that includes the following components: § Transition into the Professional Nursing Role: Identify actions to be considered in the transition from student to BSN graduate nurse including: • Identify the state in which the student is seeking employment. • Detail a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. • Research and identify three (3) positions/employers the student could work for as a new graduate BSN in the geographic area the student is seeking employment. Identify motivators and NR452 Capstone Course possible detractors for working in those positions/with the selected employers. o Hint: Check out the LiquidCompass job board to identify New Graduate nursing positions in your geographic area. LiquidCompass is available in CareerCare under the ‘Additional Resources’ tab. • Provide the details of what is required to submit an application for the positions identified above. • Determine career goals through the completion of a Career Assessment Profile in CareerCare. • Holistic Life Balance: Provide a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. • Stressors and Challenges: Identify known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). • Lifelong Learning: Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. o This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. • • Professional Contributions: Summarize plans for (a) contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community in the healthcare professional role within the first year and at five years, and (b) examining the need for the student’s own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources: o A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. o A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT • • • Maximum of 4-5 pages including the title page and the reference page. Students may find the following list of resources helpful in completing the assignment: o American Nurses Credentialing Center at o Board of Nursing Contact at o Holistic Nursing at o National Council of State Boards of Nursing at o Nursing Community at o Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at oSigma Theta Tau International at Update Career Assessment Profile o To complete the profile access CareerCare through your student portal at (Resources à Support Services à Career Services à Access CareerCare) NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx March 8, 2018 KL 2 NR452 Capstone Course § § § • First time Log-in: You will be prompted to complete a profile, of which includes the question “Do you want career services assistance” Returning user: Upon login, select ‘My Account’ – ‘My profile’. Locate the question “Do you want Career Services assistance” Take a screen shot of the completed Career Assessment Profile – see example below • Profile Last Modified Date should reflect recent updates. • Career Assessment Profile Screenshot Example: The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted according APA 6th edition guidelines. • Plan early to contact Career Services professionals on campus to help in your collections of resource material, ideas, and professional career planning counsel. NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx March 8, 2018 KL 3 NR452 Capstone Course DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assignment Criteria Points % Transition into the Professional Nursing Role 50 25 Description • • • • Identifies the state in which the student is seeking employment. Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state. Identifies three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. Include an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with “Profile Last Modified” date that is within the session. Collaborate with Career Services professionals at your campus for additional assistance with this assignment element. Holistic Life Balance 20 10 Provides a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. Stressors and Challenges 20 10 Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). Lifelong Learning 20 10 Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. Professional Contributions 30 15 (a) Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years (b) Examine the need for your own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources 40 APA 6th ed. Format, Grammar, & Punctuation 20 10 200 100 Total 20 • • • • • NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. Uses clear and correct grammar. Uses proper sentence structure and flow. Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, and in- text citations. March 8, 2018 KL 4 NR452 Capstone Course GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance Very Good or High Level of Performance Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance A (92–100%) B (84–91%) C (76–83%) Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance F (0–75%) One to two elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: Three to four elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: Five or more elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. 36-40 points 0-35 points Minimally describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Missing description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 0-12 points Transition into the Professional Nursing Role Thoroughly addresses all elements below: (50 points) student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the 46-50 points Holistic Life Balance (20 points) Clearly describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx 41-45 points Partially describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points March 8, 2018 KL 4 NR452 Capstone Course Stressors and Challenges (20 points) Lifelong Learning (20 points) Professional Contributions 30 points) Scholarly Resources (40 points) Establishes a clear description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points Provides a partial description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points Provides a minimal description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Missing description of stressors and/or anticipated challenges or management of both. Establishes a clear plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points Provides a partial plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points Provides a minimal plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Provides little or no reference to a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 0-12 points (a) Establishes a complete summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, (a) Provides a partial summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first (a) Provides a minimal summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first (a) Provides little or no reference to plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first within the first year and at five years. (b) Thoroughly examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. 27-30 points year and at five years. (b) Partially examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. year and at five years. (b) Minimally examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. year and at five years. (b) Fails to examine the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. 24-26 points 21-23 points 0-20 points Provides three or more references that are peerreviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and one or more professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Provides two references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and at least one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Provides one references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and at least one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Does not provide references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and/or one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. 36-40 points 32-35 points 28-31 points 0-27 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx 0-12 points March 8, 2018 KL 5 NR452 Capstone Course APA 6th edition Format, Grammar and Punctuation (20 points) APA 6th edition format is used accurately and consistently in the paper, on the title page, in- text citations, and/or the Reference page. No errors in grammar or punctuation. APA 6th edition formatting is used with 1-2 errors, on the title page, in-text citations, and/or the Reference page. Less than 2 errors in grammar or punctuation. No more than 3-5 errors in APA 6th edition formatting in the paper, on the title page, in- text citations, and the Reference page. No more than 3-5 errors in grammar or punctuation. 18-20 points 15-17 point 13-14 point More than 5 errors in APA 6th edition formatting in the paper, on the title page, in-text citations, and/or the Reference page. More than 5 errors in grammar or punctuation. 0-12 points Total Points Possible = 200 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx March 8, 2018 KL 6 NR452 Capstone Course Required Uniform Assignment: Career Planning PURPOSE Having a clear vision for the future, setting reasonable goals, and developing strategies for meeting those goals are important steps in ensuring control of one’s professional future. This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development through the creation of a one-year and five-year professional career plan in nursing. It also creates an awareness of/partnership with Chamberlain’s Career Services professionals, Career Care Plan, and resources available through Chamberlain Career Care. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: • • • CO # 1: Synthesize knowledge from the sciences, humanities, and nursing in managing the needs of humans as consumers of healthcare in a patient-centered environment. (PO# 1) CO # 5: Explore the impact of professional standards, legislative issues, ethical principles, and values on professional nursing, using data to monitor outcomes and improve quality and safety. (PO# 5, 6) CO # 2: Integrate communication and relationship skills in teamwork and collaboration functioning effectively with health team members and consumers of care. (PO 3) DUE DATE Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no later the 12 am (midnight) on the Sunday at the end of Unit 4. The College’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this activity. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 200 points REQUIREMENTS 1. Write a 4-5 page essay that includes the following components: § Transition into the Professional Nursing Role: Identify actions to be considered in the transition from student to BSN graduate nurse including: • Identify the state in which the student is seeking employment. • Detail a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. • Research and identify three (3) positions/employers the student could work for as a new graduate BSN in the geographic area the student is seeking employment. Identify motivators and NR452 Capstone Course possible detractors for working in those positions/with the selected employers. o Hint: Check out the LiquidCompass job board to identify New Graduate nursing positions in your geographic area. LiquidCompass is available in CareerCare under the ‘Additional Resources’ tab. • Provide the details of what is required to submit an application for the positions identified above. • Determine career goals through the completion of a Career Assessment Profile in CareerCare. • Holistic Life Balance: Provide a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. • Stressors and Challenges: Identify known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). • Lifelong Learning: Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. o This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. • • Professional Contributions: Summarize plans for (a) contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community in the healthcare professional role within the first year and at five years, and (b) examining the need for the student’s own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources: o A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. o A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENT • • • Maximum of 4-5 pages including the title page and the reference page. Students may find the following list of resources helpful in completing the assignment: o American Nurses Credentialing Center at o Board of Nursing Contact at o Holistic Nursing at o National Council of State Boards of Nursing at o Nursing Community at o Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at oSigma Theta Tau International at Update Career Assessment Profile o To complete the profile access CareerCare through your student portal at (Resources à Support Services à Career Services à Access CareerCare) NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx March 8, 2018 KL 2 NR452 Capstone Course § § § • First time Log-in: You will be prompted to complete a profile, of which includes the question “Do you want career services assistance” Returning user: Upon login, select ‘My Account’ – ‘My profile’. Locate the question “Do you want Career Services assistance” Take a screen shot of the completed Career Assessment Profile – see example below • Profile Last Modified Date should reflect recent updates. • Career Assessment Profile Screenshot Example: The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted according APA 6th edition guidelines. • Plan early to contact Career Services professionals on campus to help in your collections of resource material, ideas, and professional career planning counsel. NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx March 8, 2018 KL 3 NR452 Capstone Course DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assignment Criteria Points % Transition into the Professional Nursing Role 50 25 Description • • • • Identifies the state in which the student is seeking employment. Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state. Identifies three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. Include an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with “Profile Last Modified” date that is within the session. Collaborate with Career Services professionals at your campus for additional assistance with this assignment element. Holistic Life Balance 20 10 Provides a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. Stressors and Challenges 20 10 Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). Lifelong Learning 20 10 Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. Professional Contributions 30 15 (a) Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years (b) Examine the need for your own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources 40 APA 6th ed. Format, Grammar, & Punctuation 20 10 200 100 Total 20 • • • • • NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines V2.docx A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. Uses clear and correct grammar. Uses proper sentence structure and flow. Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, and in- text citations. March 8, 2018 KL 4 NR452 Capstone Course GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance Very Good or High Level of Performance Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance A (92–100%) B (84–91%) C (76–83%) Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance F (0–75%) One to two elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: Three to four elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: Five or more elements are missing or inadequately explained in one or more of the following: (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. 36-40 points 0-35 points Minimally describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Missing description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 0-12 points Transition into the Professional Nursing Role Thoroughly addresses all elements below: (50 points) student is seeking employment. (b) Thoroughly detailed three or more criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state. (c) Identified three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. (d) Included an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with Profile Last Modified date that is within the session. (a) Identified the state in which the 46-50 points Holistic Life Balance (20 points) Clearly describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx 41-45 points Partially describes the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points March 8, 2018 KL 4 NR452 Capstone Course Stressors and Challenges (20 points) Lifelong Learning (20 points) Professional Contributions 30 points) Scholarly Resources (40 points) Establishes a clear description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points Provides a partial description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points Provides a minimal description of known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Missing description of stressors and/or anticipated challenges or management of both. Establishes a clear plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 18-20 points Provides a partial plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 15-17 points Provides a minimal plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 13-14 points Provides little or no reference to a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. 0-12 points (a) Establishes a complete summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, (a) Provides a partial summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first (a) Provides a minimal summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first (a) Provides little or no reference to plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first within the first year and at five years. (b) Thoroughly examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. 27-30 points year and at five years. (b) Partially examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. year and at five years. (b) Minimally examines the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. year and at five years. (b) Fails to examine the need for own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety. 24-26 points 21-23 points 0-20 points Provides three or more references that are peerreviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and one or more professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Provides two references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and at least one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Provides one references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and at least one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. Does not provide references that are peer-reviewed scholarly journals or other approved sources and/or one professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website. 36-40 points 32-35 points 28-31 points 0-27 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx 0-12 points March 8, 2018 KL 5 NR452 Capstone Course APA 6th edition Format, Grammar and Punctuation (20 points) APA 6th edition format is used accurately and consistently in the paper, on the title page, in- text citations, and/or the Reference page. No errors in grammar or punctuation. APA 6th edition formatting is used with 1-2 errors, on the title page, in-text citations, and/or the Reference page. Less than 2 errors in grammar or punctuation. No more than 3-5 errors in APA 6th edition formatting in the paper, on the title page, in- text citations, and the Reference page. No more than 3-5 errors in grammar or punctuation. 18-20 points 15-17 point 13-14 point More than 5 errors in APA 6th edition formatting in the paper, on the title page, in-text citations, and/or the Reference page. More than 5 errors in grammar or punctuation. 0-12 points Total Points Possible = 200 points NR452 RUA Career Planning Guidelines for SEP 17.docx March 8, 2018 KL 6 Chamberlain University Guerdine Anevil Course NR: 452 Prof. Barbara Siebold July 2018 The success and development in any professional career require proper career planning including setting smart personal goals at the same time establishing the necessary strategies for achieving the goals. The primary purpose of this assignment is to show my personal commitment and dedication towards personal and career development. The paper includes critical elements of professional development including Transition into the Professional Nursing Role; Holistic Life Balance; Stressors and Challenges; Lifelong Learning; and Professional Contributions. All these are based on my anticipated one year and five-year professional career as a nurse. Good intro, need heading Transition into the Profession Nursing role I will seek to get employment opportunity in Florida. Therefore, it is essential to identify critical criteria for the Florida State Board of Nursing for getting an RN license. The first requirement is to enroll and complete an accredited or approved registered nursing program by the Florida Board of Nursing. According to the authorities, the institutions offering these nursing programs must be certified by ACEN and CCNE as these agencies provide program level (nursing diplomas, associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees) accreditation. Next, one should take and pass the NCLEX-RN spell out acronyms per apa exam upon completion of their educational requirement. Before being authorized to take the licensing examination, the candidate must apply to the Florida Board to sign up for the exams. Last but not least, one will be involved in the figure printing process through the use of Live Scan service provider. Once Florida Board has evaluated the application, the instructions will be given about registering for the NCLEX exam by Pearson VUE which will cost $200 (“Nursing Licensure in Florida | FL Requirements” 2018).do not need quotes in reference I will seek an employment opportunity in four different cities including West Palm Beach, Port Saint Lucie, Orlando, and Jacksonville. Currently, I am a resident of Palm Beach, but if need be, I am flexible to relocate to the other three cities. Specifically, I hope to work in the Intensive Care Unit at JFK hospital. Out of the top two employment options, the requirements are similar as I prefer entering the specialty of ICU. The fact that the mentioned hospital offers new graduates the conducive environment to prepare themselves in different diverse settings within the hospital motivates me towards working at the facility. Need reference per apa Another motivator to work at the facility is JFK’s desire to employ new nurses after passing the NCLEX exam. The hospital also provides frequent training at the same time offer other certification which can are essential for career development. However, the night shifts are a possible detractor since I always want to have time with my family. Why is the font tone changing? Holistic life balance Many will agree that meeting work-life balance is essential for a productive personal and professional life. Without a holistic work-life balance, we risk long-term adverse impacts on the physical and mental health, family relationships as well as our work performance. Need reference per apa However, it is notable that the majority of nurses’ experience difficulty in meeting the balance because of the increasing job demands and erratic schedules of work. There are external and internal barriers which can influence the achievement of a balanced work and life. These include inadequate staffing, increasing expectation because of the ever-changing healthcare reforms and differences in generation among the healthcare providers. Need reference per apa Achieving a better work-life balance can help in eliminating the stressors. Effective time management is one of the most effective strategies for a sustainable, holistic life balance. I will ensure I schedule specific days – preferably Saturdays – for restorative breaks all through the day. I will enroll in yoga and mindfulness meditation classes which significantly help in the stress reduction. I will also take a ten-minute walk around the health facility. After work, I will always take some time to reflect and meditate on some of the positive parts of the day and life as it will also promote a good sleep at night. Nonetheless, I plan to spend some time with friends and family during my off days to avoid isolation which can contribute to stress. Between my second and fifth year, I will continue using the above techniques, while I practice evidence-base care to improve my skills on becoming a more mature and competent nurse. Stressors and Challenges It is notable that new graduate nurses experience a host of stressors or challenges during the transition to the workforce. Need reference per apa One of my major stressors is finding a placement in my preferred specialty. I have a passion for providing care for patients with more complex conditions along with several comorbidities. However, it is unlikely to get such a position because of my lack of experience in the industry. Manage the stressor; I will seek an opportunity for an organization with a high reputation for teamwork and a supportive working environment which enhance the employees’ growth. My second stressor or challenge is workplace bullying from senior and experienced staffs. It is indeed a pervasive challenge which obstructs the relevance and appropriate socialization of the new graduate nurses at the workplace (Hofler & Thomas 2016). Senior nurses may bully the new nurses to sustain control of their work environment. The stressor can only be managed through giving priority to an organization with not only a supportive culture but also one that provides a work environment which contributes to the health and well-being of both the staffs and patients. There is no doubt that time management will also be my challenge at the healthcare facility. As a new nurse at the facility, it is likely that I will be overwhelmed with the new roles of managing many patients. Other than being punctual at the workplace, there are other notable time management and organizational skills which I will adopt to manage this stressor. These include creating a ‘’to do’’ list; establishing deadlines for every task; avoiding multitasking; and rewarding myself. Lifelong Learning Since nursing is always diverse and constantly changing, there is the need for lifelong learning. In my first professional year, I anticipate enrolling and start my CCRN certification and expect the certificate in the coming year. Afterward, I will seek to acquire ANCC certification which ensures that my nursing certification is nationally recognized as this will help in promoting my competencies and relevance in the organization since the certification is considered as a measure of diligent and work (ANCC 2016). In my third and fourth year, I will be doing my Master of Science degree in nursing to advance my career and educational background. These developments will not only enhance my efficiency and competencies at my workplace but also play a significant role in improving the quality of healthcare service in the country. Professional Contributions Joining professional organizations and associations in nursing are essential for personal development since they equip one with relevant knowledge and energy to proactively provide quality healthcare services. These associations also play a critical role in advocating for the need of the stakeholders including patients, nurses and the overall society (Matthews, 2012). Since I also plan to play a role in the development of the nursing community, I plan to join the professional nursing associations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). I plan to yearly attend the association’s event from the second year through year five. I also anticipate participating in the organization’s research with the aim of improving the healthcare industry. Conclusion In summary, during my transition period as a new nurse requires proper career planning to achieve the anticipated professional goals. There is a need to obtain a holistic work balance to enhance professional and personal development. Workplace bullying, anxiety and time management are common and likely stressors which every new graduate may experience in his or her transition period. It is also necessary to engage in different lifelong learning and professional associations to enhance efficiencies and competencies in the industry. References Matthews, J. (2012) “Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 1 Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man03 this is not apa ANCC (2016) ANCC Certification Centre. Retrieved 17th May 17, 2016. Not apa Hofler, L., & Thomas, K. (2016). Transition of new graduate nurses to the workforce challenges and solutions in the changing health care environment. North Carolina medical journal, 77(2), 133136. This is apa but missing doi “Nursing Licensure In Florida | FL Requirements”. 2018. Nursinglicensure.Org. Assignment Criteria Transition into the Professional Nursing Role Points % 47 25 Holistic Life Balance 20 10 Stressors and Challenges 20 10 Lifelong Learning 20 10 Professional Contributions 30 15 Description • Identifies the state in which the student is seeking employment. • Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state. • Identifies three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. • Include an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with “Profile Last Modified” date that is within the session. Collaborate with Career Services professionals at your campus for additional assistance with this assignment element. Provides a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. (a) Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years (b) Examine the need for your own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources 40 20 • A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. • A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. APA 6th ed. Format, Grammar, & Punctuation Total 15 192 10 100 • Uses clear and correct grammar. • Uses proper sentence structure and flow. • Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, and in‐ text citations. Well written , review apa and citations Appendix Career Assessment Profile
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Career Planning Nursing

Career Planning Nursing

Chamberlain University Guerdine Anevil Course NR: 452 Prof. Barbara Siebold July 2018 The success and


development in any professional career require proper career planning including setting smart personal goals at the same time establishing the necessary strategies for achieving the goals. The primary purpose of this assignment is to show my personal commitment and dedication towards personal and career development. The paper includes critical elements of professional development including Transition into the Professional Nursing Role; Holistic Life Balance; Stressors and Challenges; Lifelong Learning; and Professional Contributions. All these are based on my anticipated one year and five-year professional career as a nurse. Good intro, need heading Transition into the Profession Nursing role I will seek to get employment opportunity in Florida. Therefore, it is essential to identify critical criteria for the Florida State Board of Nursing for getting an RN license. The first requirement is to enroll and complete an accredited or approved registered nursing program by the Florida Board of Nursing. According to the authorities, the institutions offering these nursing programs must be certified by ACEN and CCNE as these agencies provide program level (nursing diplomas, associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees) accreditation. Next, one should take and pass the NCLEX-RN spell out acronyms per apa exam upon completion of their educational requirement. Before being authorized to take the licensing examination, the candidate must apply to the Florida Board to sign up for the exams. Last but not least, one will be involved in the figure printing process through the use of Live Scan service provider. Once Florida Board has evaluated the application, the instructions will be given about registering for the NCLEX exam by Pearson VUE which will cost $200 (“Nursing Licensure in Florida | FL Requirements” 2018).do not need quotes in reference I will seek an employment opportunity in four different cities including West Palm Beach, Port Saint Lucie, Orlando, and Jacksonville. Currently, I am a resident of Palm Beach, but if need be, I am flexible to relocate to the other three cities. Specifically, I hope to work in the Intensive Care Unit at JFK hospital. Out of the top two employment options, the requirements are similar as I prefer entering the specialty of ICU. The fact that the mentioned hospital offers new graduates the conducive environment to prepare themselves in different diverse settings within the hospital motivates me towards working at the facility. Need reference per apa Another motivator to work at the facility is JFK’s desire to employ new nurses after passing the NCLEX exam. The hospital also provides frequent training at the same time offer other certification which can are essential for career development. However, the night shifts are a possible detractor since I always want to have time with my family. Why is the font tone changing? Holistic life balance Many will agree that meeting work-life balance is essential for a productive personal and professional life. Without a holistic work-life balance, we risk long-term adverse impacts on the physical and mental health, family relationships as well as our work performance. Need reference per apa However, it is notable that the majority of nurses’ experience difficulty in meeting the balance because of the increasing job demands and erratic schedules of work. There are external and internal barriers which can influence the achievement of a balanced work and life. These include inadequate staffing, increasing expectation because of the ever-changing healthcare reforms and differences in generation among the healthcare providers. Need reference per apa Achieving a better work-life balance can help in eliminating the stressors. Effective time management is one of the most effective strategies for a sustainable, holistic life balance. I will ensure I schedule specific days – preferably Saturdays – for restorative breaks all through the day. I will enroll in yoga and mindfulness meditation classes which significantly help in the stress reduction. I will also take a ten-minute walk around the health facility. After work, I will always take some time to reflect and meditate on some of the positive parts of the day and life as it will also promote a good sleep at night. Nonetheless, I plan to spend some time with friends and family during my off days to avoid isolation which can contribute to stress. Between my second and fifth year, I will continue using the above techniques, while I practice evidence-base care to improve my skills on becoming a more mature and competent nurse. Stressors and Challenges It is notable that new graduate nurses experience a host of stressors or challenges during the transition to the workforce. Need reference per apa One of my major stressors is finding a placement in my preferred specialty. I have a passion for providing care for patients with more complex conditions along with several comorbidities. However, it is unlikely to get such a position because of my lack of experience in the industry. Manage the stressor; I will seek an opportunity for an organization with a high reputation for teamwork and a supportive working environment which enhance the employees’ growth. My second stressor or challenge is workplace bullying from senior and experienced staffs. It is indeed a pervasive challenge which obstructs the relevance and appropriate socialization of the new graduate nurses at the workplace (Hofler & Thomas 2016). Senior nurses may bully the new nurses to sustain control of their work environment. The stressor can only be managed through giving priority to an organization with not only a supportive culture but also one that provides a work environment which contributes to the health and well-being of both the staffs and patients. There is no doubt that time management will also be my challenge at the healthcare facility. As a new nurse at the facility, it is likely that I will be overwhelmed with the new roles of managing many patients. Other than being punctual at the workplace, there are other notable time management and organizational skills which I will adopt to manage this stressor. These include creating a ‘’to do’’ list; establishing deadlines for every task; avoiding multitasking; and rewarding myself. Lifelong Learning Since nursing is always diverse and constantly changing, there is the need for lifelong learning. In my first professional year, I anticipate enrolling and start my CCRN certification and expect the certificate in the coming year. Afterward, I will seek to acquire ANCC certification which ensures that my nursing certification is nationally recognized as this will help in promoting my competencies and relevance in the organization since the certification is considered as a measure of diligent and work (ANCC 2016). In my third and fourth year, I will be doing my Master of Science degree in nursing to advance my career and educational background. These developments will not only enhance my efficiency and competencies at my workplace but also play a significant role in improving the quality of healthcare service in the country. Professional Contributions Joining professional organizations and associations in nursing are essential for personal development since they equip one with relevant knowledge and energy to proactively provide quality healthcare services. These associations also play a critical role in advocating for the need of the stakeholders including patients, nurses and the overall society (Matthews, 2012). Since I also plan to play a role in the development of the nursing community, I plan to join the professional nursing associations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). I plan to yearly attend the association’s event from the second year through year five. I also anticipate participating in the organization’s research with the aim of improving the healthcare industry. Conclusion In summary, during my transition period as a new nurse requires proper career planning to achieve the anticipated professional goals. There is a need to obtain a holistic work balance to enhance professional and personal development. Workplace bullying, anxiety and time management are common and likely stressors which every new graduate may experience in his or her transition period. It is also necessary to engage in different lifelong learning and professional associations to enhance efficiencies and competencies in the industry. References Matthews, J. (2012) “Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 1 Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man03 this is not apa ANCC (2016) ANCC Certification Centre. Retrieved 17th May 17, 2016. Not apa Hofler, L., & Thomas, K. (2016). Transition of new graduate nurses to the workforce challenges and solutions in the changing health care environment. North Carolina medical journal, 77(2), 133136. This is apa but missing doi “Nursing Licensure In Florida | FL Requirements”. 2018. Nursinglicensure.Org. Assignment Criteria Transition into the Professional Nursing Role Points % 47 25 Holistic Life Balance 20 10 Stressors and Challenges 20 10 Lifelong Learning 20 10 Professional Contributions 30 15 Description • Identifies the state in which the student is seeking employment. • Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state. • Identifies three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. • Include an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with “Profile Last Modified” date that is within the session. Collaborate with Career Services professionals at your campus for additional assistance with this assignment element. Provides a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. (a) Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years (b) Examine the need for your own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources 40 20 • A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. • A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. APA 6th ed. Format, Grammar, & Punctuation Total 15 192 10 100 • Uses clear and correct grammar. • Uses proper sentence structure and flow. • Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, and in‐ text citations. Well written , review apa and citations Appendix Career Assessment Profile Running head: Career Planning RUA 1 Career Planning RUA Jozette Padgett NR 452 Capstone Chamberlain University 2 Running head: Career Planning RUA Introduction The purpose of this paper is for me to provide with the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. This paper includes the following components transitioning into the professional nursing role, holistic life balance, stressors and challenges, and lifelong learning professional contributions through one year and five-year professional career care planning in nursing. Transition into the Professional Nursing Role The state that I will be seeking employment is Florida. The criteria for the Florida State Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensure includes graduating from a Florida approved accredited nursing education program. The school must be accredited from Accreditation Commission for Education and Nursing (ACEN) or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Another requirement for obtaining a license in Florida is to apply with the appropriate fees to the Board of Nursing and begin registration with the testing vendor Pearson VUE. Submission of electronic fingerprints with a Livescan service provider is required as part of the background process. After the eligibility requirements are met I will receive an eligibility letter stating ability to test (ATT). I have begun a new BSN graduate job search within the cities of West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Tampa. I currently staying West Palm Beach but, if possible I will relocate to the other three cities. Of the top two choices of employment the requirements are the same. Since I would like to enter the specialty of ICU most of the requirements are the same. I would need to be graduated from an accredited nursing school with less than 12 months of experience, obtain a non-restricted Florida nursing licensure, BLS certified, ACLS certified, and a two-year commitment with the company. 3 Running head: Career Planning RUA Holistic life balance As I transition from a student to a professional nurse I know that holistic life balance must be maintain to avoid burnout or disliking my career altogether. The importance of caring for self is reflected in the positive energy and vitality that can be brought to the workplace (Richards, 2013). The way that I intend to balance my personal life as well as the role of a professional nurse within the first five years is to always make sure I have time for myself. I will pre-plan my week according to my work schedule. For example, if I am working Monday Tuesday and Thursday, I will utilize Friday and Saturday as personal days to do whatever in mind. I will spend time with my family or go get a massage, or shopping. I would not do anything revolving work or that were interfere with my personal time. On Sunday, I will rest up so I can be ready for work on Monday. I will also make time for planning vacations. My first year I will not plan a vacation but, year two to year five I will plant one vacation a year As I get accommodate from being a graduate nurse to being in a competent nurse, I will add more career development accomplishments being certified and something that is related to my job specialty or going back to school for an advanced degree. Stressors and Challenges As with anything in life, transitioning into a new role can bring upon stressors and challenges. Stressors and challenges that may arise is finding employment in specialty that I desire. I have a passion for caring for critical care patients and I worry that I will not be able to land such a position because of the lack of experience. Another stressor or challenge that I may encounter is time management. I feel as though time will not be my best friend and it would create a stress because I am trying to uphold expectations from my boss such as getting things done on time and efficiently. To overcome the stressors, I have done research. I found that new 4 Running head: Career Planning RUA graduates must select their first employment wisely and seek work in a facility with a strong reputation for supportive work environments and a reputation of excellence in multiple arenas (Marquis 249). Keeping that in mind, I will seek employers that support new graduate nurses. A transition-to-practice program will be great for me to transition and get accustomed to a new job and help me with time management. I will also reach out for help when needed. According to American Psychology Association, getting the necessary resources or support form colleagues will make wore more comfortable and reduce strain (APA, 2017) Lifelong learning Nursing is a constantly changing and entails lifelong learning. The plan I set for me self is during year one of my career is to start my CCRN certification. During year two I will obtain a CCRN certificate and being meeting the requirements to get into CRNA school. As I get 2.5 years into my career, I would like to go apply to CRNA school while obtaining other nursing certification that will increase my chances of getting into grad school. If all goes well, I will be in CRNA school from year 3-6 of my nursing career and reentering the workforce working as a CRNA. Personal contributions Professional organizations and associations in nursing are critical for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and proactive work needed to maintain a healthy profession that advocates for the needs of its clients and nurses, and the trust of society (Matthews, 2012). As a professional, I plan to continue to contribute to the nursing community. Within my first year, I will join professional nursing community such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). I want to attend at least one convention or an event held by the association from year 2 thru 5. At 5 Running head: Career Planning RUA year 5, I would like to contribute to the Association by participation in research that will enhance nursing and improve the practice of the profession. Conclusion In conclusion, I will be entering a career as a new nurse. As with anything new in life, it will consist of a balance transition, stressors, challenges and contributions. I outlined a plan for my career from year 1 to year 5. In nursing, there needs to be a career planning to become a great professional and to get the best out of the career. References Running head: Career Planning RUA Marquis, Bessie L.. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 8th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 03/2014. VitalBook file. Matthews, J. (2012) “Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 1 Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man03 Richards, K. (2013). Self-care is a lifelong journey. Nursing Economic$, 31(4), 198-202. 6 Chamberlain University Guerdine Anevil Course NR: 452 Prof. Barbara Siebold July 2018 The success and development in any professional career require proper career planning including setting smart personal goals at the same time establishing the necessary strategies for achieving the goals. The primary purpose of this assignment is to show my personal commitment and dedication towards personal and career development. The paper includes critical elements of professional development including Transition into the Professional Nursing Role; Holistic Life Balance; Stressors and Challenges; Lifelong Learning; and Professional Contributions. All these are based on my anticipated one year and five-year professional career as a nurse. Good intro, need heading Transition into the Profession Nursing role I will seek to get employment opportunity in Florida. Therefore, it is essential to identify critical criteria for the Florida State Board of Nursing for getting an RN license. The first requirement is to enroll and complete an accredited or approved registered nursing program by the Florida Board of Nursing. According to the authorities, the institutions offering these nursing programs must be certified by ACEN and CCNE as these agencies provide program level (nursing diplomas, associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees) accreditation. Next, one should take and pass the NCLEX-RN spell out acronyms per apa exam upon completion of their educational requirement. Before being authorized to take the licensing examination, the candidate must apply to the Florida Board to sign up for the exams. Last but not least, one will be involved in the figure printing process through the use of Live Scan service provider. Once Florida Board has evaluated the application, the instructions will be given about registering for the NCLEX exam by Pearson VUE which will cost $200 (“Nursing Licensure in Florida | FL Requirements” 2018).do not need quotes in reference I will seek an employment opportunity in four different cities including West Palm Beach, Port Saint Lucie, Orlando, and Jacksonville. Currently, I am a resident of Palm Beach, but if need be, I am flexible to relocate to the other three cities. Specifically, I hope to work in the Intensive Care Unit at JFK hospital. Out of the top two employment options, the requirements are similar as I prefer entering the specialty of ICU. The fact that the mentioned hospital offers new graduates the conducive environment to prepare themselves in different diverse settings within the hospital motivates me towards working at the facility. Need reference per apa Another motivator to work at the facility is JFK’s desire to employ new nurses after passing the NCLEX exam. The hospital also provides frequent training at the same time offer other certification which can are essential for career development. However, the night shifts are a possible detractor since I always want to have time with my family. Why is the font tone changing? Holistic life balance Many will agree that meeting work-life balance is essential for a productive personal and professional life. Without a holistic work-life balance, we risk long-term adverse impacts on the physical and mental health, family relationships as well as our work performance. Need reference per apa However, it is notable that the majority of nurses’ experience difficulty in meeting the balance because of the increasing job demands and erratic schedules of work. There are external and internal barriers which can influence the achievement of a balanced work and life. These include inadequate staffing, increasing expectation because of the ever-changing healthcare reforms and differences in generation among the healthcare providers. Need reference per apa Achieving a better work-life balance can help in eliminating the stressors. Effective time management is one of the most effective strategies for a sustainable, holistic life balance. I will ensure I schedule specific days – preferably Saturdays – for restorative breaks all through the day. I will enroll in yoga and mindfulness meditation classes which significantly help in the stress reduction. I will also take a ten-minute walk around the health facility. After work, I will always take some time to reflect and meditate on some of the positive parts of the day and life as it will also promote a good sleep at night. Nonetheless, I plan to spend some time with friends and family during my off days to avoid isolation which can contribute to stress. Between my second and fifth year, I will continue using the above techniques, while I practice evidence-base care to improve my skills on becoming a more mature and competent nurse. Stressors and Challenges It is notable that new graduate nurses experience a host of stressors or challenges during the transition to the workforce. Need reference per apa One of my major stressors is finding a placement in my preferred specialty. I have a passion for providing care for patients with more complex conditions along with several comorbidities. However, it is unlikely to get such a position because of my lack of experience in the industry. Manage the stressor; I will seek an opportunity for an organization with a high reputation for teamwork and a supportive working environment which enhance the employees’ growth. My second stressor or challenge is workplace bullying from senior and experienced staffs. It is indeed a pervasive challenge which obstructs the relevance and appropriate socialization of the new graduate nurses at the workplace (Hofler & Thomas 2016). Senior nurses may bully the new nurses to sustain control of their work environment. The stressor can only be managed through giving priority to an organization with not only a supportive culture but also one that provides a work environment which contributes to the health and well-being of both the staffs and patients. There is no doubt that time management will also be my challenge at the healthcare facility. As a new nurse at the facility, it is likely that I will be overwhelmed with the new roles of managing many patients. Other than being punctual at the workplace, there are other notable time management and organizational skills which I will adopt to manage this stressor. These include creating a ‘’to do’’ list; establishing deadlines for every task; avoiding multitasking; and rewarding myself. Lifelong Learning Since nursing is always diverse and constantly changing, there is the need for lifelong learning. In my first professional year, I anticipate enrolling and start my CCRN certification and expect the certificate in the coming year. Afterward, I will seek to acquire ANCC certification which ensures that my nursing certification is nationally recognized as this will help in promoting my competencies and relevance in the organization since the certification is considered as a measure of diligent and work (ANCC 2016). In my third and fourth year, I will be doing my Master of Science degree in nursing to advance my career and educational background. These developments will not only enhance my efficiency and competencies at my workplace but also play a significant role in improving the quality of healthcare service in the country. Professional Contributions Joining professional organizations and associations in nursing are essential for personal development since they equip one with relevant knowledge and energy to proactively provide quality healthcare services. These associations also play a critical role in advocating for the need of the stakeholders including patients, nurses and the overall society (Matthews, 2012). Since I also plan to play a role in the development of the nursing community, I plan to join the professional nursing associations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). I plan to yearly attend the association’s event from the second year through year five. I also anticipate participating in the organization’s research with the aim of improving the healthcare industry. Conclusion In summary, during my transition period as a new nurse requires proper career planning to achieve the anticipated professional goals. There is a need to obtain a holistic work balance to enhance professional and personal development. Workplace bullying, anxiety and time management are common and likely stressors which every new graduate may experience in his or her transition period. It is also necessary to engage in different lifelong learning and professional associations to enhance efficiencies and competencies in the industry. References Matthews, J. (2012) “Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17, No. 1 Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man03 this is not apa ANCC (2016) ANCC Certification Centre. Retrieved 17th May 17, 2016. Not apa Hofler, L., & Thomas, K. (2016). Transition of new graduate nurses to the workforce challenges and solutions in the changing health care environment. North Carolina medical journal, 77(2), 133136. This is apa but missing doi “Nursing Licensure In Florida | FL Requirements”. 2018. Nursinglicensure.Org. Assignment Criteria Transition into the Professional Nursing Role Points % 47 25 Holistic Life Balance 20 10 Stressors and Challenges 20 10 Lifelong Learning 20 10 Professional Contributions 30 15 Description • Identifies the state in which the student is seeking employment. • Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state. • Identifies three or more positions/employers for new graduate BSN employment, including motivators and detractors for each. • Include an appendix with a screenshot of a completed Career Assessment Profile from the CareerCare system with “Profile Last Modified” date that is within the session. Collaborate with Career Services professionals at your campus for additional assistance with this assignment element. Provides a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years. Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years. Career Services can provide assistance with this assignment element (i.e., How do I get to where I want to go in nursing? What are my goals? What challenges must be addressed to reach my goals? etc.). Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline. (a) Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years (b) Examine the need for your own professional nursing development related to monitoring outcomes data for patient quality & safety (i.e., how do I need to develop to better assess data that helps me deliver safe patient care and improve the quality of that care?). Scholarly Resources 40 20 • A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment. • A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment. APA 6th ed. Format, Grammar, & Punctuation Total 15 192 10 100 • Uses clear and correct grammar. • Uses proper sentence structure and flow. • Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, and in‐ text citations. Well written , review apa and citations Appendix Career Assessment Profile
Purchase answer to see full attachment

Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post add citations and references for each slide.


i need to to do 5 power point slides on each questions. (3&5) with the topic of Substance abuse and the population at risk is Adolescents and young adults.


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

An important role of nursing is to provide health promotion and disease prevention. Review the 2020 Topics and Objectives on the Healthy People website. Choose a topic of interest that you would like to address, in conjunction with a population at-risk for the associated topic. Submit the topic and associated group to your instructor for approval.

Create a 15-20-slide PowerPoint presentation for your topic and focus group. Include speaker notes and citations for each slide, and create a slide at the end for References.

Address the following:

Describe the approved topic and associated population your group has selected. Discuss how this topic adversely affects the population. How does health disparity affect this population?
Explain evidence-based approaches that can optimize health for this population. How do these approaches minimize health disparity among affected populations?
Outline a proposal for health education that can be used in a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population. Ensure your proposal is based on evidence-based practice.
Present a general profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus topic. Present two resources, national or local, for the proposed education plan that can be utilized by the provider or the patient.
Identify interdisciplinary health professionals important to include in the health promotion. What is their role? Why is their involvement significant?
Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Respond with a paragraph , references and citations

Respond with a paragraph , references and citations

Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian


American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:

Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?
Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

poster nursing research

poster nursing research

Poster Presentation


Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses.

Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information:

The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements)

Abstract Outline:

-Title of Project

-Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing?

-Purpose of the Project

-Research Question(s)


-Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative)

-Steps in implementing your project


Results (Pretend results)



I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in.

Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction

12 Powerpoint slides on Care of the client with acute myocardial infarction (Include interventional Radiology(Stent) and Surgical treatment options such as Preoperative(CABG) ).At least five references with APA format. Please the reference should not be less that five years.Also include pictures and videos related to myocardial infarction.

Please kindly include footnote.


Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars

Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars

Please complete the Fluid and Electrolyte exemplar table in its entirety.


Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars:


Diabetes Insipidus

Acute Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure



The topic will be Carbon monoxide poisoning in children.

The topic will be Carbon monoxide poisoning in children.

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to the neonate, child abuse, child neglect, and environmental health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings
Differential diagnoses and rationale
Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

Week 4 Discussion Prompt

Week 4 Discussion Prompt

What is the difference between a fallacy of relevance, a fallacy of weak induction, and a fallacy of ambiguity?
Provide at least one example of each, either something that you’ve heard or construct your own.