SWOT Analysis – SWOT

SWOT Analysis – SWOT

Reducing Fertility in Bangladesh Case 13. HUMAN RIGHTS We have come to realize that fertility and family size


involve two fundamental rights: 1. A woman’s right to limit or space her children. 2. A family’s right to determine its size and timing of children. Modern contraception provides a way of ensuring these rights. 1 Risks and Needs • There are considerable health risks to women who have had several pregnancies. • Larger families have greater economic risks, due to children to support and health issues. • Modern contraceptive methods are very safe for most women, but many women in developing countries who would like to limit their families do not use contraceptives. This is known as the “unmet need.” Bangladesh: Will It Work? In the mid-1970’s, the birth rate in Bangladesh would lead to a population doubling every 30 years, in one of the poorest countries that ranked 7th in population. The first coercive attempts at family planning failed miserably. Then at that time, 1975, after a disastrous famine, a new approach was taken. Challenges were the low level of education and status of women, the belief that large families were best, and the lack of access to family planning. 2 Elements of a Successful Program 1. Young married women were deployed as outreach workers. Known as Family Welfare Assistants (FWAs), there number eventually reached about 40,000. They were to visit 3-5 villages over a two month period & became well recognized and received by rural women. 2. As wide a range of methods as possible were made available to meet most reproductive needs. This “cafeteria approach” was supported by a well-managed distribution system. Elements of Success (cont.) 3. Over 4,000 family planning clinics were established in rural areas. These could deal with difficulties and provide long term or even permanent contraceptive methods. 4. Information and education were employed to change cultural norms about family size, to provide information about contraception and encourage spousal communication. 3 Program Impact The programs objectives were fundamentally realized. A) The number of women who had used contraceptive rose from 14% to 70% over a 20 year period. B) The provision of a wide range of methods made contraception more acceptable. C) And fertility declined from about 6.3 children in the1970’s to 3 in 2005. Other contributing factors were an increase in secondary school enrollment, especially of girls, and the new employment opportunities for women. Remaining Tasks • Costs for outreach workers (FWAs) is relatively high, and a fixed site approach has been adopted, with FWAs going to remote areas. • Declines in the fertility rate have slowed. So the best outreach strategy is not yet decided . • Initial attention to contraceptive advances may have led to a slight increase in deaths due to pregnancy complications. 4 Outcomes and Lessons There is now seems to be greater communication between husbands and wives about family planning and family size. There has been a cultural change about the optimal family size. A dramatic decrease in fertility was achieved, beyond any other country of comparable GNP. Coercion has been avoided and couples needs have been considered as paramount. 5
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Shared Governance Discussion

Shared Governance Discussion

You are the supervisor of a surgical services department in a nonunion hospital. The staff on your unit have become


increasingly frustrated with hospital policies regarding staffing ratios, on-call pay, and verbal medical orders but feel that they have limited opportunities for providing feedback to change the current system. You would like to explore the possibility of moving toward a shared governance model of decision making to resolve the issue and others like it but are not quite sure where to start.


Review Learning Exercise 12.6 – Problem Solving: Working Toward Shared Governance (located in Chapter 12 of the textbook)
Answer the following questions:
Who do I need to involve in the discussion and at what point?
How might I determine if the overarching organizational structure supports shared governance?
How would I determine if external stakeholders would be impacted?
How would I determine if organizational culture and subculture would support a shared governance model?
What types of nursing councils might be created to provide a framework for operation?
Who would be the members on these nursing councils?
What support mechanisms would need to be in place to ensure success of this project?
What would be my role as a supervisor in identifying and resolving employee concerns in a shared governance model?
Your paper should be:
Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards.
Typed into a Microsoft Word document
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All critical issues of concern in any hospital department need urgent attention since most of them are sensitive and may impact the overall performance of the hospital. As a supervisor, it is essential to involve all the stakeholders; especially the staff whom the specific issues such as hospital policies affect.


A large organizational structure supports shared governance when there are certain factors. The factors may include which is an essential way to incorporating stakeholders and how they relate regarding the processes and organizational operations to achieve desired consequences. Equity ensures consistent and improved services, patients’ care, and stuff like that; it is undoubtedly the basis that portrays shared governance.

Other factors apart from equity include collaboration, consultation, and accountability. A well-structured firm with the above-stated aspects critically supports shared governance. Furthermore, the same elements would impact the external stakeholders and also an organization with a culture comprising a practice of such factors, would promote the governance (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015).

Nursing councils are critical bodies within a hospital since they oversee the operations ensuring better healthcare among all the patients regardless of age or race. There is need to formulate councils such as the Nursing Executive Council (NEC); which is the head of all other committees and provides guidance to what is to be done in the different nursing bodies, to provide an enhanced framework for operations. Additionally, the formation of a Nursing Coordinating Council (NCC) is also helpful in the sense that there is coordination in research and training to yield excellent patient care (Neubert, et al, 2017).

The NEC has to include professionals such as Director for Surgical Services, Director for Nursing Recruitment, Coordinator for Nursing Research, and so on. With the other nursing body, Nursing Coordinating Council, the members are somehow limited. They include NEC member, nurse managers, and council chairs and co-chairs (Neubert, et al, 2017).

Mechanisms to Ensure Success of the Project

There can be a success in ensuring shared governance through equitable resource allocation. Also, creating improved communication channels among all the key stakeholders in the nursing sector is a way to ensure shared governance. Another support mechanism can be through mentoring upcoming nursing leaders by developing and supporting them (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015).

In a shared governance model, a supervisor ensures all the employees communicate their workload challenges to the management. He or she also enables the workers informs progress towards performance in their assigned duties. A supervisor identifies and resolves employee concerns in such ways.


Emerson, K., & Nabatchi, T. (2015). Collaborative governance regimes. Georgetown University Press.

rt, T., Williamson, J., & Brace, H. (2017). Shared leadership for nursing. Management in Healthcare, 2(2), 107-114.

chapter 11 Nursing Program Discussion Questions

chapter 11 Nursing Program Discussion Questions

Once you have completed Chapter 11 – Assignment, do the following:


Observe the professors own page.
What do you think?
Is this something that is a good idea?
Do you think that this could help your career?
How could one use this to advance your career?
Do you feel like the union is beneficial? Or do you feel the union is a waste of time and money?
Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.
Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions (Be sure that references are in APA format).
professor page:Having spent the last decade and a half teaching in a Nursing Program at Miami-Dade College, I am now trying to back up my credentials with certifications and clinical expertise that will stand as proof of my commitment. Hopefully, this will take me to the next step in my career.
During the past few years I have built a start to a Certification in Gerontology that hopefully will be offered to students in the RN to BSN program someday. As of now there are two classes that I have created from scratch- Fundamentals of Gerontology and End-of-Life or Palliative Nursing Care. Eventually I would like to add two more classes (at least) and offer students a certification in Gerontology upon successful completion of the classes.
Also in the works is the idea of getting either another Masters or Doctorate in Gerontology so as to increase my ability to build a credible program within the School of Nursing at MDC. Some other plans that are in the works: Certification in Nursing Education (CNE)- Research projects in “Write around technique to alleviate plagiarism use” and “Fluid balance charting as a training technique” to be conducted at MDC.
Also, several papers are in the works, at different stages, including Multidrug Resistant Organisms and their role in Nursing Homes” that was recently presented at the 8th Interprofessional Geriatric Training Symposium at Nova Southeastern University (May, 2015}. Also, after taking care of a patient that had Mantle Cell Lymphoma, I became very interested in the disease and the care of individuals with this normally fatal disorder. Lastly, my old favorite that I studied while getting my doctorate, the problem with convincing people the benefit of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine.

Part 1 Topic 3 Effective Communication

Part 1 Topic 3 Effective Communication

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Effective communication and effective leadership are closely intertwined and used in many organizations. Leaders need to be skilled and trained communicators in countless relationships at the organizational level, in communities, groups and on a global scale at times (Huber, 2014). When conveying an idea to upper management, one would use a formal, written type of communication. This proposal will also include an executive summary as well. The executive summary should contain enough details to convey the essence of the idea in the upward communication, including sound finical projections if there are costs involved. When writing complex, detailed proposals, bullet point are often an effective tool to use to summarize major ideas and proposals. When communicating to upper management, one have found it pays to be honest and direct, be yourself and take criticism to learn from it. Don’t try to use big word to impress and let your values come through in the communication. Be clear, concise and direct with your main points!


Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Nursing Care Management, (5th ed.). Pageburst. Retrieved from https://pagebursts.elesvier.com/#/books197814557407101.

Topic 3 DQ 1.1

Topic 3 DQ 1.1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Any process change related to patient care would affect multiple departments and would require much preparation and organization. This process would require collaboration and communication between multiple individuals in multiple areas. Any process change would have to align with the institutions mission, vision and values as well one’s personal mission, vision and values as well as serving to move not just the institution forward but the individuals who make up the institution as well (GCU 2013).

Communication of a new idea would follow the chain of command for approval. First any idea must be well researched with evidence to prove its worth and benefit. I would create a vision for the process and get input from frontline staff regarding any benefit that the program may have. I would evidence based practice guidelines to support a process change including data supporting benchmark improvement based on current processes that are in place and data regarding how the process would improve outcomes. My idea would then need to be presented to management for review. The most effective way to do so would be through direct verbal communication via face to meetings and the use of PowerPoint demonstrations to walk management through any changes step by step. Doing so would allow for feedback from management and explanations in real time from me. Cost of implementation vs. benefit would need to be addressed as with any change to processes there must fiscal responsibilities that would need to be justified. Having and organized, intelligent common sense idea with data to support it imperative, as is data to support how the idea aligns with the institutions mission, vision and values.

Reference: Grand Canyon University. 2013. NRS-451V Lecture 3. Applying Servant Leadership in Practice. Retrieved from: https://lc-ugrad3.gcu.edu/learningPlatform/user/us…

Topic 3 DQ 2 Intrinsic Motivation

Topic 3 DQ 2 Intrinsic Motivation

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Intrinsic rewards are one of the methods that can be used to motivate your staff , meaning rewarding your staff with motivating rewards thats largely intangible (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). This means if we are the staff, we place more value on the outcomes that are sourced from within ourselves, rather than from external factors. It cal also be linked to our feelings, for example feeling satisfied and capable, enjoying a sense of challenge, reinforcing self esteem, satisfaction at accomplishments, general enjoyment in our work, feeling appreciated, satisfaction at realizing our potential and taking pleasure at being treated with care and consideration. On the other side, other methods are extrinsic rewards which refers to motivation by external or tangible rewards. We are motivated to perform by things or factors which come from other people or organizations (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). Typically, these are increasing in salary, promotions, benefits and bonuses.

Examples of intrinsic motivation is when you see nurses enjoy taking care of their patients because it makes them feel good inside to be able to help them and see that they are able to make someone’s day great. Some nurses hope and pray that they bring blessings to their patients and families, to see them smile and feel better brings great rewards. Examples of extrinsic motivation are wanted due to external rewards such as awards, money, and praise. In the past when I worked on long term care our DON would offer rewards to employees, we has at one time a high number of falls, so the DON created teams for no falls. Who ever has the least number of falls each month was reward with a gift card, lunch or longer lunch breaks. This engaged employees to receive an external reward, which brought about good results and less fa lls.

The characteristics of a performance-driven team are when everyone works together as a team and share the same goals (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). Teams that understand each other and engages in discussion during meetings then everyone gets a chance to share their opinions will have good decision making. A team charter paves the way for collaborative success by providing clarity that builds trust and accountability (Ricci & Wiese, 2012).


Ricci, R. & Wiese, C. (2012). 10 Characteristics of High-Performing Teams. Retrieve

Fixing America’s Health Care System article review

Fixing America’s Health Care System article review

(Student’s name) (address) Student’s e-mail address Feb. 2, 2010 Name of Editor The American Journal of Nursing


7777 Pyramid Lane Pina Colata, CA 33133 Dear Editor, In the article titled “Whose Death Is It Anyway?”, published in the March 2014 edition of The American Journal of Nursing, Theresa Brown recounted the story of a friend of hers faced with a patient refusing chemotherapy and a doctor refusing to let him. The focus of her column was on a patient’s right to die in the way that reflects his or her own values and the health care provider’s responsibility to enable that to happen. As a student nurse, I believe that the emphasis of Mrs. Brown’s article missed an essential aspect of the story: the enormous impact of the nurse. In this case, the nurse insisted on remaining with the patient during the physician consultation and ensured that the patient was placed in hospice as he wished, even though the physician would not comply with his requests. Without the nurse functioning as a patient advocate, the patient could have easily been manipulated into a procedure he did not want and would not have received the services he so clearly needed. The 1997 Woodhull study on Nursing and the Media reported that “less than 10% of newspaper and magazine articles are related to health care, and when nurses are discussed, they are portrayed as incidental to health care”.1 In reality, the evidence demonstrates that nurses are essential to patients receiving high- quality care. A 2006 study of 799 nonfederal acute care general hospitals in 11 states showed that increasing the number of RNs and LPNs as well as the number of patient care hours provided by RNs would result in “reduced adverse outcomes by 70,000, hospital days by 4.1 million, and deaths by 6700”.2 The ANA and other nursing organizations, along with companies such as Johnson & Johnson, have created programs with the goal of raising the public’s awareness of the importance of nurses. However, it is also the responsibility of each individual nurse to highlight the significance of the care nurses provide. Mrs. Brown would have done a great service to nurses and patients alike by championing the vital role her friend played in the compassionate care, and advocacy of a dying patient. 1 Zerwekh, J., & Claborn, J.C. (2006). Nursing Today: Transition and Trends. pp. 180. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. 2 Cherry, B., and Jacob, S. (2008). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends and Management. pp. 37. St. Louis: MO: Mosby Elsevier.
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Community Assessment

Community Assessment

Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Of Canton, GA ( Cherokee County GA). Health


Perception/Management Predominant health problems: Compare at least one health problem to a credible statistic (CDC, county, or state). Immunization rates (age appropriate). Appropriate death rates and causes, if applicable. Prevention programs (dental, fire, fitness, safety, etc.): Does the community think these are sufficient? Available health professionals, health resources within the community, and usage. Common referrals to outside agencies. Elimination (Environmental Health Concerns) Common air contaminants’ impact on the community. Noise. Waste disposal. Pest control: Is the community notified of pesticides usage? Hygiene practices (laundry services, hand washing, etc.). Bathrooms: Number of bathrooms; inspect for cleanliness, supplies, if possible. Universal precaution practices of health providers, teachers, members (if applicable). Temperature controls (e.g., within buildings, outside shade structures). Safety (committee, security guards, crossing guards, badges, locked campuses). Cognitive/Perceptual Primary language: Is this a communication barrier? Educational levels: For geopolitical communities, use http://www.census.gov and compare the city in which your community belongs with the national statistics. Opportunities/Programs: Educational offerings (in-services, continuing education, GED, etc.) Educational mandates (yearly in-services, continuing education, English learners, etc.) Special education programs (e.g., learning disabled, emotionally disabled, physically disabled, and gifted) Library or computer/Internet resources and usage.
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Compare vulnerable populations

Compare vulnerable populations

Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.


Bias Stereotype and Implicit Bias

Bias Stereotype and Implicit Bias

How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community? How should the nurse address these concepts to ensure health promotion activities are culturally competent? Propose strategies that you can employ to reduce cultural dissonance and bias to deliver culturally competent care. Include an evidence-based article that address the cultural issue. Cite and reference the article in APA format.