Response to Michellie Tellier DQ2 Post

Response to Michellie Tellier DQ2 Post

I would discuss with the parents that research has shown if a child does not meet certain developmental markers by


certain ages, it could be a sign of developmental delay. I would reinforce the importance of well-child visits and review the growth charts with them. Their baby has lower percentiles, so I would assess for abuse, but also find out how they are feeding their child, when they are feeding, and how often. I would ask questions pertaining to elimination, if the child has trouble keeping food down, and if constipation/diarrhea has been a problem.

A baby of 9 months should be able to do the fine motor skills of feeding themselves some finger foods, transfer objects from hand to hand, crawl, and sit without assistance (Green, 2018). Gross motor skills that should be developed at this point would be that the child can sit without support, crawl, and make stepping movements (Green, 2019). I would instruct the parents on anticipatory growth that will happen over the next 3 months until her next well child exam. They should see their baby begin to drink from a cup with help, more pincer grasp movements, scribbling with markers, and standing without assistance, and most likely the baby will begin to walk by the age of 12 months (Green, 2018).


Green, S., (2018). Health assessment of the infant. In Health Assessment: Foundations for Effective Practice. Retrieved from…


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Tags: nursing health assessment Gross motor skills Developmental delays skills development. Medications

Response to Stephen Quinones DQ2 Post

Response to Stephen Quinones DQ2 Post

At nine months old the infant should be able to move from their stomachs into a seated position. They should be


able to stand unassisted for a short time. The baby should be able to roll over from both belly and back. The baby should be able to crawl and should also be able to recognize something they want and go towards that. This is the time when an infant should also be beginning to walk if not walking by now. (Brusie, VeryWell Family, 2018)

Recommendations to this mother would be to offer feeding to the baby on demand. This strategy of feeding has been proven to provide the infant with adequate nutrition and to give them more opportunity to gain the weight that is vital to maintain their health. I would also recommend ensuring formula is mixed according to the instructions watering down the formula too much has been shown to put babies into DKA. I would also have the mother show me the feeding that is done at home and provide feedback whenever possible to ensure that the optimal feeding style is being used. All these techniques have been shown to increase the amount of food the baby eats and help ensure the nutrition is adequate to sustain the rapid growth of the baby. (HOMAN, 2016)

Brusie, C. (2018, August 28). VeryWell Family. Retrieved from Your 9-Month Old Baby’s Development:…

HOMAN, G. J. (2016). Failure to Thrive: A Practical Guide. American Family Physician, 295-299.


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Response to Shonna Andrews DQ2 Post

Response to Shonna Andrews DQ2 Post

As babies age, the nurse should assess for motor milestones, sensory milestones, communication milestones, and


feeding milestones. A 9-month old baby should be doing things such as sitting without assistance, reaches for objects without falling over, grasps objects using the finger and thumb, enjoys different movements, puts things into their mouth using their hands, focuses near and far, recognizes the sound of their name, imitates sounds, holds the bottle themselves, and begins to eat thicker foods (, 2019). The average weight, length, and head circumference for a 9-month old baby girl is 18.7 lbs, 28.8 inches for length, and 17.5 inches for head circumference (Baby Center, 2016).

When a baby’s weight increases much slower than the length and head circumference, it can signal a lack of caloric intake. Failure to Thrive (FTT) is when there is an insufficient weight gain or inappropriate weight loss. A clinical assessment for Failure to Thrive is recommended when babies measure less than 10% weight on the growth chart. The cause of FTT can be caused from inadequate caloric intake, mal-absorption, or increased metabolic demands (RAGHU & VENKATESHWAR, 2017). To treat failure to thrive, parents may need to be educated on making mealtimes positive, appropriate foods for a 9 month old- meals, plus snacks, increasing the feeding amounts, and signs of acid reflux and/or food intolerance. These are evidence-based practices that have increased weight on babies that have Failure to Thrive.

Baby Center. (2016, October). Your child’s size and growth timeline. Retrieved from Baby Center:… (2019). Growth & Development. Retrieved from…

RAGHU, R., & VENKATESHWAR, V. (2017, June 10). Failure to Thrive. Retrieved from US National Library of Medicine:…


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Respond to Lilbania Hernandez Dq2

Respond to Lilbania Hernandez Dq2



Providing parents with information about immunizations, feeding, sleep, hygiene, safety, and other common concerns is an important nursing responsibility. Appropriate anticipatory guidance can assist with achieving some of the goals and objectives determined by the U.S. government to be important in improving the overall health of infants. Nurses are in a good position to offer antic-ipatory guidance on the basis of the infant’s growth and achievement of developmental milestones.

The main point in teaching being that research shows breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months has huge health benefits for the baby to include antibodies, decreased risk for infections, as well as promotes a special bond and relaxation method for both baby and mom (Jarvis, C). In addition breast fed infants typically follow a growth pattern that is appropriate for their development. Ultimately breastfed infants have a greater chance for increased health status over their lives when breastfed, but the specific barriers to breastfeeding need to be addressed if the benefits are not outweighing the costs to the mother.

-With 8 to 9 moths the child Continues to gain weight, length. Patterns of bladder and bowel elimination begin to become more regular. GrossSits steadily unsupported. Can crawl and pull up. Fine Pincer grasp develops. Reaches for toys. Rakes for objects and releases objects. Stranger anxiety is at its height. Separation anxiety is increasing. Follows parent around the house.Beginning development of depth perception. Object permanence continues to develop. Uses hands to learn concepts of in and out.Stringing together of vowels and consonants begins. First few words begin to have meaning (Mama, Dada, bye-bye, baby).Begins to understand and obey simple commands, such as, “Wave bye-bye.”Responds to “No!”Shouts for attention.


Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical examination & health assessment (6th ed.)


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Health promotion and Teaching Plan Outline PowerPoint

Health promotion and Teaching Plan Outline PowerPoint

The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on


the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan.

Include the following in your presentation:

Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.
Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.
Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored

Narrowing the Healthcare Quality Chasm Paper

Narrowing the Healthcare Quality Chasm Paper

March 2001 I N S T I T U TE OF M E D I C I N E Shaping the Future for Health CROSSING THE Q UALITY CHASM: A


NEW HEALTH SYSTEM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY T he U.S. health care delivery system does not provide consistent, highquality medical care to all people. Americans should be able to count on receiving care that meets their needs and is based on the best scien­ tific knowledge–yet there is strong evidence that this frequently is not the case. Health care harms patients too frequently and routinely fails to deliver its potential benefits. Indeed, between the health care that we now have and the health care that we could have lies not just a gap, but a chasm. A number of factors have combined to create this chasm. Medical sci­ ence and technology have advanced at an unprecedented rate during the past half-century. In tandem has come growing complexity of health care, which today is characterized by more to know, more to do, more to manage, more to watch, and more people involved than ever before. Faced with such rapid changes, the nation’s health care delivery system has fallen far short in its ability to translate knowledge into practice and to apply new technology safely and appropriately. And if the system cannot consistently deliver today’s science and technology, it is even less prepared to respond to the ex­ traordinary advances that surely will emerge during the coming decades. The public’s health care needs have changed as well. Americans are living longer, due at least in part to advances in medical science and techno l­ ogy, and with this aging population comes an increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic conditions. Such conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and asthma, are now the leading cause of illness, disability, and death. But today’s health system remains overly devoted to dealing with acute, episodic care needs. There is a dearth of clinical programs with the multidisciplinary infrastructure required to provide the full complement of services needed by people with common chronic conditions. The health care delivery system also is poorly organized to meet the challenges at hand. The delivery of care often is overly complex and uncoor­ dinated, requiring steps and patient “handoffs” that slow down care and decrease rather than improve safety. These cumbersome processes waste resources; leave unaccountable voids in coverage; lead to loss of information; Faced with such rapid changes, the nation’s health care delivery system has fallen far short in its ability to translate knowledge into practice and to ap­ ply new technology safely and appro­ priately. CARE SYSTEM Supportive payment and regulatory en­ vironment Organizations that facilitate the work of patientcentered teams High perform­ ing patientcentered teams Outcomes: • Safe • Effective • Efficient • Personalized • Timely • Equitable REDESIGN IMPERATIVES: SIX CHALLENGES • Reengineered care processes • Effective use of information technologies • Knowledge and skills management • Development of effective teams • Coordination of care across patientconditions, services, sites of care over time and fail to build on the strengths of all health professionals involved to ensure that care is appropriate, timely, and safe. Organizational problems are particularly apparent regarding chronic conditions. The fact that more than 40 percent of people with chronic conditions have more than one such condition argues strongly for more sophisticated mechanisms to coordinate care. Yet health care organizations, hospitals, and physician groups typically operate as separate “silos,” acting without the benefit of complete information about the patient’s condition, medical history, services provided in other settings, or medications provided by other clinicians. Making change possible. Strategy for Reinventing the System Advances must begin with all health care con­ stituencies… committing to a national statement of purpose… Bringing state-of-the-art care to all Americans in every community will require a fundamental, sweeping redesign of the entire health system, according to a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), an arm of the National Academy of Sciences. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, prepared by the IOM’s Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America and released in March 2001, concludes that merely making incremental improvements in current systems of care will not suffice. The committee already has spoken to one urgent care problem–patient safety–in a 1999 report titled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Concluding that tens of thousands of Americans die each year as a result of pre­ ventable mistakes in their care, the report lays out a comprehensive strategy by which government, health care providers, industry, and consumers can reduce medical errors. Crossing the Quality Chasm focuses more broadly on how the health sys­ tem can be reinvented to foster innovation and improve the delivery of care. Toward this goal, the committee presents a comprehensive strategy and action plan for the coming decade. Six Aims for Improvement Advances must begin with all health care constituencies–health professionals, federal and state policy makers, public and private purchasers of care, regulators, organization managers and governing boards, and consumers–committing to a 2 national statement of purpose for the health care system as a whole. In making this commitment, the parties would accept as their explicit purpose “to continually reduce the burden of illness, injury, and disability, and to improve the health and functioning of the people of the United States.” The parties also would adopt a shared vision of six specific aims for improvement. These aims are built around the core need for health care to be: • Safe: avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them. • Effective: providing services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit, and refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit. • Patient-centered: providing care that is respectful of and responsive to in­ dividual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions. • Timely: reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and those who give care. • Efficient: avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy. • Equitable: providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status. A health care system that achieves major gains in these six areas would be far better at meeting patient needs. Patients would experience care that is safer, more reliable, more responsive to their needs, more integrated, and more available, and they could count on receiving the full array of preventive, acute, and chronic services that are likely to prove beneficial. Clinicians and other health workers also would benefit through their increased satisfaction at being better able to do their jobs and thereby bring improved health, greater longevity, less pain and suffering, and increased personal productivity to those who receive their care. A health care sys­ tem that achieves major gains in these six areas would be far better at meeting patient needs. Ten Rules for Redesign To help in achieving these improvement aims, the committee deemed that it would be neither useful nor possible to specify a blueprint for 21st-century health care delivery systems. Imagination abounds at all levels, and all promising routes for innovation should be encouraged. At the same time, the committee formu­ lated a set of ten simple rules, or general principles, to inform efforts to redesign the health system. These rules are: 1. Care is based on continuous healing relationships. Patients should re­ ceive care whenever they need it and in many forms, not just face-to-face visits. This implies that the health care system must be responsive at all times, and ac­ cess to care should be provided over the Internet, by telephone, and by other means in addition to in-person visits. 2. Care is customized according to patient needs and values. The system should be designed to meet the most common types of needs, but should have the capability to respond to individual patient choices and preferences. 3. The patient is the source of control. Patients should be given the nec3 …the health care system must be responsive at all times, and access to care should be provided over the Internet, by tele­ phone, and by other means in addition to inperson visits. Reducing risk and ensuring safety require greater a t­ tention to systems that help prevent and mitigate er­ rors. essary information and opportunity to exercise the degree of control they choose over health care decisions that affect them. The system should be able to accom­ modate differences in patient preferences and encourage shared decision making. 4. Knowledge is shared and information flows freely. Patients should have unfettered access to their own medical information and to clinical knowl­ edge. Clinicians and patients should communicate effectively and share informa­ tion. 5. Decision making is evidence-based. Patients should receive care based on the best available scientific knowledge. Care should not vary illogically from clinician to clinician or from place to place. 6. Safety is a system property. Patients should be safe from injury caused by the care system. Reducing risk and ensuring safety require greater attention to systems that help prevent and mitigate errors. 7. Transparency is necessary. The system should make available to pa­ tients and their families information that enables them to make informed decisions when selecting a health plan, hospital, or clinical practice, or when choosing among alternative treatments. This should include information describing the system’s performance on safety, evidence-based practice, and patient satisfaction. 8. Needs are anticipated. The system should anticipate patient needs, rather than simply react to events. 9. Waste is continuously decreased. The system should not waste resources or patient time. 10. Cooperation among clinicians is a priority. Clinicians and institutions should actively collaborate and communicate to ensure an appropriate exchange of information and coordination of care. Taking the First Steps To initiate the pro­ cess of change, Congress should establish a Health Care Quality Inno­ vation Fund To initiate the process of change, Congress should establish a Health Care Quality Innovation Fund–roughly $1 billion for use over three to five years to help pro­ duce a public-domain portfolio of programs, tools, and technologies of widespread applicability, and to help communicate the need for rapid and significant change throughout the health system. Some of the projects funded should be tar­ geted at achieving the six aims of improvement. The committee also calls for immediate attention on developing care proc­ esses for the common health conditions, most of them chronic, that afflict great numbers of people. The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) should identify 15 or more common priority conditions. (The agency has requested guidance from the IOM on selection of these conditions, and the Institute expects to issue its report in September 2002.) The AHRQ then should work with various stakeholders in the health community to develop strategies and action plans to improve care for each of these priority conditions over a five-year period. 4 Changing the Environment Redesigning the health care delivery system also will require changing the struc­ tures and processes of the environment in which health professionals and organi­ zations function. Such changes need to occur in four main areas: • Applying evidence to health care delivery. Scientific knowledge about best care is not applied systematically or expeditiously to clinical practice. It now takes an average of 17 years for new knowledge generated by randomized controlled trails to be incorporated into practice, and even then application is highly uneven. The committee therefore recommends that the Department of Health and Human Services establish a comprehensive program aimed at making scientific evidence more useful and more accessible to clinicians and patients. It is critical that leadership from the private sector, both professional and other health care leaders and consumer representatives, be involved in all aspects of this effort to ensure its applicability and acceptability to clinicians and patients. The infrastructure developed through this public-private partnership should focus initially on priority conditions. Efforts should include analysis and synthesis of the medical evidence, delineation of specific practice guidelines, identification of best practices in the design of care processes, dissemination of the evidence and guidelines to the professional communities and the general public, development of support tools to help clinicians and patients in applying evidence and making decisions, establishment of goals for improvement in care processes and outcomes, and development of measures for assessing quality of care. • Using information technology. Information technology, including the Internet, holds enormous potential for transforming the health care delivery sys­ tem, which today remains relatively untouched by the revolution that has swept nearly every other aspect of society. Central to many information technology ap­ plications is the automation of patient-specific clinical information. Such infor­ mation typically is dispersed in a collection of paper records, which often are poorly organized, illegible, and not easy to retrieve, making it nearly impossible to manage various illnesses, especially chronic conditions, that require frequent monitoring and ongoing patient support. Many patients also could have their needs met more quickly and at a lower cost if they could communicate with health professionals through e-mail. In addition, the use of automated systems for or­ dering medications can reduce errors in prescribing and dosing drugs, and com­ puterized reminders can help both patients and clinicians identify needed services. The challenges of applying information technology should not be underestimated, however. Health care is undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most, complex sectors of the economy. Sizable capital investments and multiyear commitments to building systems will be needed. Widespread adoption of many information technology applications also will require behavioral adaptations on the part of large numbers of clinicians, organizations, and patients. Thus, the committee calls for a nationwide commitment of all stakeholders to building an information infrastructure to support health care delivery, consumer health, qua l­ ity measurement and improvement, public accountability, clinical and health services research, and clinical education. This commitment should lead to the elimination of most handwritten clinical data by the end of the decade. 5 It is critical that leadership from the private sector, both professional and other health care leaders and consumer repre­ sentatives, be in­ volved in all as­ pects of this ef­ fort… Information tech­ nology…holds enormous poten­ tial for transform­ ing the health care delivery system… Clinicians should be adequately compensated for taking good care of all types of pa­ tients… …the importance of adequately preparing the workforce to make a smooth transi­ tion into a thor­ oughly revamped health care sys­ tem cannot be un­ derestimated. Now is the right time to begin work on reinventing the nation’s health care delivery sys­ tem. • Aligning payment policies with quality improvement. Although pay­ ment is not the only factor that influences provider and patient behavior, it is an important one. The committee calls for all purchasers, both public and private, to carefully reexamine their payment policies to remove barriers that impede quality improvement and build in stronger incentives for quality enhancement. Clinicians should be adequately compensated for taking good care of all types of patients, neither gaining nor losing financially for caring for sicker patients or those with more complicated conditions. Payment methods also should provide an opportu­ nity for providers to share in the benefits of quality improvement, provide an op­ portunity for consumers and purchasers to recognize quality differences in health care and direct their decisions accordingly, align financial incentives with the im­ plementation of care processes based on best practices and the achievement of better patient outcomes, and enable providers to coordinate care for patients across settings and over time. To assist purchasers in their redesign of payment policies, the federal go v­ ernment, with input from the private sector, should develop a program to identify, pilot test, and evaluate various options for better aligning payment methods with quality improvement goals. Examples of possible means of achieving this end include blended methods of payment designed to counter the disadvantages of one payment method with the advantages of another, multiyear contracts, payment modifications to encourage use of electronic interaction among clinicians and between clinicians and patients, and bundled payments for priority conditions. • Preparing the workforce. Health care is not just another service in­ dustry. Its fundamental nature is characterized by people taking care of other people in times of need and stress. Stable, trusting relationships between a patient and the people providing care can be critical to healing or managing an illness. Therefore, the importance of adequately preparing the workforce to make a smooth transition into a thoroughly revamped health care system cannot be un­ derestimated. Three approaches can be taken to support the workforce in this transition. One approach is to redesign the way health professionals are trained to emphasize the six aims for improvement, which will mean placing more stress on teaching evidence-based practice and providing more opportunities for interdisciplinary training. Second is to modify the ways in which health professionals are regu­ lated and accredited to facilitate needed changes in care delivery. Third is to use the liability system to support changes in care delivery while preserving its role in ensuring accountability among health professionals and organizations. All of these approaches likely will prove valuable, but key questions remain about each. The federal government and professional associations need to study these ap­ proaches to better ascertain how they can best contribute to ensuring the strong workforce that will be at the center of the health care system of the 21st century. No Better Time Now is the right time to begin work on reinventing the nation’s health care deliv­ ery system. Technological advances are making it possible to accomplish things today that were impossible only a few years ago. Health professionals and or6 ganizations, policy makers, and patients are becoming all too painfully aware of the shortcomings of the nation’s current system and of the importance of finding radically new and better approaches to meeting the health care needs of all Americans. Although Crossing the Quality Chasm does not offer a simple pre­ scription–there is none–it does provide a vision of what is possible and the path that can be taken. It will not be an easy road, but it will be most worthwhile. � � � For More Information… Copies of Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century are available for sale from the National Academy Press; call (800) 624-6242 or (202) 3343313 (in the Washington metropolitan area), or visit the NAP home page at The full text of this report is available at Support for this project was provided by: the Institute of Medicine; the National Research Council; The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; the California Health Care Foundation; the Commonwealth Fund; and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Care Finance Administration, Public Health Service, and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The views presented in this report are those of the Institute of Medi­ cine Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America and are not necessarily those of the funding agencies. The Institute of Medicine is a private, nonprofit organization that provides health policy advice under a congressional charter granted to the National Academy of Sciences. For more information about the Institute of Medicine, visit the IOM home page at Copyright ©2000 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce this document in its entirety, with no additions or al­ terations � � � COMMITTEE ON QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA WILLIAM C. RICHARDSON (Chair), President and CEO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI DONALD M. BERWICK, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston, MA J. CRIS BISGARD, Director, Health Services, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlanta, GA LONNIE R. BRISTOW, Former President, American Medical Association, Walnut Creek, CA CHARLES R. BUCK, Program Leader, Health Care Quality and Strategy Initiatives, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT CHRISTINE K. CASSEL, Professor and Chairman, Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 7 MARK R. CHASSIN, Professor and Chairman, Department of Health Policy, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY MOLLY JOEL COYE, Senior Fellow, Institute for the Future, and President, Health Technology Center, San Francisco, CA DON E. DETMER, Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management, University of Cambridge, UK JEROME H. GROSSMAN, Chairman and CEO, Lion Gate Management Corporation, Boston, MA BRENT JAMES, Executive Director, Intermountain Health Care Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, Salt Lake City, UT DAVID McK. LAWRENCE, Chairman and CEO, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., Oakland, CA LUCIAN L. LEAPE, Adjunct Professor, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA ARTHUR LEVIN, Director, Center for Medical Consumers, New York, NY RHONDA ROBINSON-BEALE, Executive Medical Director, Managed Care Manage­ ment and Clinical Programs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Southfield JOSEPH E. SCHERGER, Associate Dean for Primary Care, University of California, Irvine College of Medicine ARTHUR SOUTHAM, President and CEO, Health Systems Design, Oakland, CA MARY WAKEFIELD, Director, Center for Health Policy, Research, and Ethics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA GAIL L. WARDEN, President and CEO, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI Study Staff JANET M. CORRIGAN, Director, Quality of Health Care in America Project Director, Board on Health Care Services, MOLLA S. DONALDSON, Project Codirector LINDA T. KOHN, Project Codirector SHARI K. MAGUIRE, Research Assistant KELLY C. PIKE, Senior Project Assistant Auxiliary Staff MIKE EDINGTON, Managing Editor JENNIFER CANGCO, Financial Advisor Consultant RONA BRIER, Brier Associates, Inc. � � � 8
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NRS433 GCU Social Factors Among Teens with Eating Disorders

NRS433 GCU Social Factors Among Teens with Eating Disorders

Running head: EATING DISORDER AMONG TEENAGERS Eating Disorder among Teenagers Ana Trana Grand Canyon


University 02/03/2019 1 EATING DISORDER AMONG TEENAGERS 2 Eating Disorder among Teenagers PICOT statement Eating disorders have been estimated to occur in every 10 of 100 young women including teenage girls in the United Stated states (AACAP, 2018). They are psychological disorders caused by the distortion of body image and results in extreme disturbance to eating patterns inducing stress and poor nutritional behaviors. While they also occur among teenage boys, teenage girls are often the most vulnerable. The project will aim at understanding eating disorders among teenagers by answering the following PICOT questions 1) What causes eating disorders and why are teenagers the most susceptible? 2) Can social networks and the media be utilized to impact positive body image to tackle eating disorders effectively? 3) If the prevalence and effects the same for both gender? 4) Will effective tackling of eating disorders improve the psychological well-being of teenagers? 5) How long will it take to reconstruct and impact positive lessons about body image to counter eating disorders? Suggested PICOT content: P- Teenage eating disorders I – Social networks that impact body image C- Compared to no social network with eating disorder eliminated. O- Positive body image T- Data collecting of one year. Need a rewritten statement using suggested PICOT for final paper Week 5.cac Qualitative and qualitative resources for the research Fogelkvist, M., Parling, T., Kjellin, L., & Gustaf, S. A. (2016, December 12). A qualitative analysis of participants’ reflections on body image during participation in a randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Eating Disorders, 4(29). Retrieved from The research is a qualitative study that seeks to understand participants’ perceptions of body image. It asserts that negative body image is the primary risk factors for the development and relapse of eating disorders. The authors conclude that intervention strategies need to address the unique constructs of the patient. Boon, E., Zainal, K. A., & Touyz, S. W. (2017). Perceptions of eating disorder diagnoses and body image issues in four male cases in Singapore. Journal of Eating Disorders, 5(33). Retrieved from EATING DISORDER AMONG TEENAGERS 3 The article is qualitative research on male eating disorders; it investigates both homosexual and heterosexual males exposed to fatphobia, fear of gaining weight and body image dissatisfaction. Homosexuality was cited as a high-risk factor for eating disorders and a strong deterrent to recovery. The research concludes that both groups sought treatment due to parental wishes or psychiatric comorbidities. Patel, K., Tchanturia, K., & Harrison, A. (2016). An exploration of social functioning in young people with eating disorders: A qualitative study. PloS one, 11(7), e0159910. Retrieved from The study utilizes a qualitative methodology to investigate the challenges people with eating disorders face in social functioning, recognizing and controlling emotions. The research investigates six aspects; self-monitoring, social sensitivity, belonging to a group, hospitalization, service provision and limited coping strategies to understand these social challenges. It notes that successful recoveries were attached to social support and interactions. Leonidas, C., & dos Santos, M. A. (2014, May 21). Social support networks and eating disorders: an integrative review of the literature. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10. Retrieved from The article is quantitative research that extracts data from 24 articles to analyze information on the significance of social networks and social support for patients with eating disorders. The finding indicates the family social networks were most explored with little to no literature on other social networks. The article concludes on the need to invest in broadening the social networks to understand and assess effects on patients with eating disorders. Voelker, D. K., Reel, J. J., & Greenleaf, C. (2015, August 25). Weight status and body image perceptions in adolescents: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine, and therapeutics, 6, 149–158. Retrieved from The research is a quantitative study on the adolescent stage where a teenager either form positive or negative body image. The authors connote that the media and peers can influence and pressurize body perceptions, they focus on assessing the magnitude weight-related bullying, body perceptions and dissatisfactions may contribute to negative body image during the adolescent stage. Salafia, E. B., Jones, M. E., Haugen, E. C., & Schaefer, M. K. (2015, September 15). Perceptions of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3(32). Retrieved from The study involves a quantitative methodology to assess perceptions on what causes eating disorders among patients and those without the condition. Majority of those without eating disorders attributed the condition to media while those with the condition were not sure of media’s effect. The difference is used to formulate educational programs for both groups. EATING DISORDER AMONG TEENAGERS 4 References AACAP. (2018, March). Eating Disorders in Teens. Retrieved from Boon, E., Zainal, K. A., & Touyz, S. W. (2017). Perceptions of eating disorder diagnoses and body image issues in four male cases in Singapore. Journal of Eating Disorders, 5(33). Retrieved from Fogelkvist, M., Parling, T., Kjellin, L., & Gustaf, S. A. (2016, December 12). A qualitative analysis of participants’ reflections on body image during participation in a randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Eating Disorders, 4(29). Retrieved from Leonidas, C., & dos Santos, M. A. (2014, May 21). Social support networks and eating disorders: an integrative review of the literature. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10. Retrieved from Patel, K., Tchanturia, K., & Harrison, A. (2016). An exploration of social functioning in young people with eating disorders: A qualitative study. PloS one, 11(7), e0159910. Retrieved from Salafia, E. B., Jones, M. E., Haugen, E. C., & Schaefer, M. K. (2015, September 15). Perceptions of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3(32). Retrieved from Voelker, D. K., Reel, J. J., & Greenleaf, C. (2015, August 25). Weight status and body image perceptions in adolescents: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine, and therapeutics, 6, 149–158. Retrieved from EATING DISORDER AMONG TEENAGERS 5 Faculty feedback 2-4-19 cac Ana, the PICOT statement and a review of the literature assignment on teenage eating disorders that met most of following criteria: 1) PICOT statement and components. Good start with the essential questions. Suggested PICOT content. T is for the time data will be collected. (Six months to a year.) Great topic. cac 2) Qualitative and Quantitative Research studies: Abstract on each article. Type of research noted on the research articles. 4) Organization, Format and Abstract: Well presented. 5) Six references (2014-2017) most listed and cited in APA format. Good selection. Reference page present. Thank You Ana, you demonstrated basic understanding of PICOT and the importance of EB research data that is peer reviewed. Type of research identified. Need tweaking of PICOT later. cac Please connect if you have questions. cac
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Part 3 Proposal

Part 3 Proposal

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


The type of communication that would be utilized to present my ideology on the manner in which patient care can be improved within the upper-level management would include the use of research and its findings. First and foremost, the inclusion of research and its findings would communicate clearly and concisely the areas that need to be addressed in improving patient care, an element that would be used in influencing decisions. The research findings need to be translated to non-researchers within the upper management for understanding. Researchers therefore bring together a wide array of evidences from several research studies that strengthen the research ideas aimed at improving patient care. The research findings and ideas are translated in the production of programmatically useful information (Clochesy et al, 2015). To achieve this goal, the researchers need to communicate the results of the findings through multiple channels in a bid to reach an audience, with the ideology aimed at repeating the same message severally with the aim of increasing the probability of resource utilization. For instance, if communication is done on the same idea, final report summaries, national workshops, program briefs, announcements and international conferences. This therefore, gives a greater chance for other individuals to determine the ideas raised for consideration. Additionally, the results of the findings and ideas can be shared among individuals and specialist organizations who effectively synthesize the information, hence promoting communication.


Clochesy, J. M., Dolansky, M. A., Hickman Jr., R. L., Gittner, L. S., & Hickman, R. J. (2015). Enhancing Communication between Patients and Healthcare Providers: SBAR3. Journal Of Health & Human Services Administration, 38(2), 237-252.Retrirved From:…

Critical Thinking Reading Summary and Study Evaluation

Critical Thinking Reading Summary and Study Evaluation

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BSN Capella Nursing Research And Informatics

BSN Capella Nursing Research And Informatics

Running head: EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE TECHNOLOGIES Effective use of Patient-Care technologies Sarai


Artires Capella University Nursing Research and Informatics February 2019 1 EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE SERVICES 2 Effective use of Patient-Care technologies The advancement in medical technology has played an essential role in improving the quality medical care across the world. The technology has not only improved the quality of care but also contributed to the management of costs, making medical care affordable to patients. While appreciating the tremendous contributions that various forms of technology have had the provision of care services, there are devastating setbacks that the technologies have created, thereby castigating the benefits of technology to advanced care services. One of the areas of care services that have suffered due to the mistakes in handling the technologies is acute care. Lack of knowledge on the proper use of the technologies has contributed significantly to life-threatening errors by medical practitioners. The development of procedure leading to the effective use of the technologies is critical to the improvement of the quality of acute care services. Sharing of patient information is one of the most critical aspects of medical care technology in an acute care setting. Due to the complexity of the care service in this healthcare sector, there is a need to share information between among the primary care provider, patients, specialists and hospital physicians. As a result of this fact, there is a significant number of people who use the systems. In many situations, there are technology system complications because of mistakes that the uses make when handling the systems. For effective use of technology in acute care services, all the users need to know the procedures and processes applicable to the use of the technologies. Some of the users are not aware of even the most fundamental issues such as personal password management in many instances. The problems with the use of medical technologies in acute care services are that many individuals are using the technologies and not all these users have the same level of knowledge regarding the use of the technologies. Moreover, as technologies evolve, the users of EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE SERVICES 3 the new technologies do not get appropriate training on the use of the emerging technologies (Institute for health Improvement, n.d). That makes it incredibly important to make sure that all users of acute cate technologies get competitive training in line with the new technologies. In acute care management, there are many forms of technologies that apply to the processes of enhancing the quality of care services. One of the most recent technological developments that are useful in acute care services is Electronic Health Records (EHR). A wide range of professionals handles acute care patients. Since each professional needs to have the records for different purposes, the introduction of electronic health records is an essential advancement towards better management of the patient records. There are also surgical and survive line technologies that are applicable in acute care management. Smartphones, tablets, and applications are some of the most recent medical care technologies, which apply to acute care services. With these technologies, it is possible for the patient and care providers can keep in touch with different locations and address any medical concern that may arise. Effective management of these technologies is essential in making sure that acute care patients receive services that meet the desired quality levels. Change management is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks that organizations may face with regards to the use of technology. Since there are some forms of technologies that are complex and it is difficult to train the users in a short duration, it behooves the management to create strategies to manage change and align the competencies of the employees to the demands of the new technologies. The initial approach to managing change and make technology useful to the provision of acute care serviced is to conduct continuous training services to users of medical technologies in the organization (California HealthCare Foundation, 2015). Secondly, since technologies are changing each day, it is essential to adjust the training curriculum to reflect the EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE SERVICES 4 emerging medical technologies. Continuing to use the old training curriculum in the face of changing technologies is not likely to help in the creation of technological awareness that may be desired. When change comes to any organization, there is always an element of resistance that may derail the entire process of technology implementation. There are many organizations in which employee resistance to change caused massive challenges that ultimately hindered ab effective realization of the objectives of the technologies. One of the primary reasons for these eventualities is the failure of the authorities to align the technologies to the strength and technical competence of the employees (The TIGER Inititive, n.d). Preempting change resistance among professional and putting adequate measures to respond to them is one of the critical roles of change management in an organization. In acute care, the services are so delicate that a rejection of the technologies may have a tremendous effect on the provision of care services, a situation that an organization may not like the line to be exposed to. To address this problem, it is necessary to involve the medical services providers in the process of acquisition of new technologies. Consulting physicians in the choice of technology to be used is essential; in deterring any possible resistance that may arise (National League of Nursing, n.d). Besides, assuring all the personnel that the technology would not inhibit their performance but enhance their effectiveness in care provision is likely to persuade the professionals to embrace the new technologies. The level of technological development in acute cate has been on the rise with each passing day. Currently, the technologies that are applicable in this area of care services has improved tremendously and has been responsible for the improvement of the quality of acute care services. One of the areas in which technology has improved massively is communication EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE SERVICES 5 among the parties involved in the provision of care. From patients, primary care providers and another professional, the development of communication technologies such as smartphones, apps, and electronic health records, there is a sufficient level of evidence that the level of technological advancement in acute care services is impressive. The major problem in the use of technologies in the provision of care services is the mismatch between the technologies and users. It is emerging that there is a significant number of technology users who do not have even the most rudimentary understanding of the application of such technologies. For example, many patients do not have an understanding of the manner in which they may use the technologies. Even some of the physicians do not have the operational awareness of technologies. The failure to address these challenges will be catastrophic. Since some of the medical service providers do not know the application or these technologies, they may delay addressing emergencies, and that may put the lives of the patients at risk. Fatalities may result when the management fails to address this technical incompleteness. To address this challenge, it is recommended for the Information Technology department to continually carry out training services to the users of the technologies to make them competent. EFFECTIVE USE OF PATIENT CARE SERVICES References California HealthCare Foundation. (2015). Nursing 2.0: Improving care through technology. Retrieved from… Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Retrieved from National League for Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from The TIGER Initiative. (n.d.). Informatics competencies for every practicing nurse: Recommendations from the TIGER Collaborative. Retrieved from… 6
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