Topic 4 DQ 1

Topic 4 DQ 1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Changes are important. It is crucial to adapt and make changes. Sometimes, when making changes there will be conflicts. According to Community Door (n.d.), conflicts can arise from lack of communication, misunderstanding, lack of planning, “poor staff selection”, “frustration, stress, and burnout” (p. 2). Sometimes conflicts happen because staff do not like the policies or the change itself. It is important to deal with the conflict instead of avoiding it. So, the problem can be deescalated or solved. This will help strengthen the organization and its mission

In this scenario the conflict seems happen because of lack of communication. The new director is reorganizing the department, but he or she is not asking the employees for their input. The employees have worked in the department way longer than the new director. So, they may feel like they know about the department better than the new director. The lack of communication may have also made the employees feel unappreciated. Like, their suggestions are not valuable. According to NRS-451V Lecture 4 (2013), as a nurse it is my responsibility to “[encourage] growth in the organization” (p. 1). So, I need to work with the employees. So, to manage the conflict in this scenario, I will communicate with the new director. I will let the director know how the other employees are feeling and suggestions to deescalate the problem. The suggestions include the director asking for the employees’ input and trying to make changes according to the input. This will not only help the director maintain order, but it will also let the director gain respect. Communicating with each other will help resolve problems and help strengthen the department.


Community Door. (n.d.). Conflict and its causes. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from…

Grand Canyon University. (2013). NRS-451V. Lecture 4. Retrieved from:

Nursing Topic4 DQ 1.1 Managing Change In Healthcare Organization

Nursing Topic4 DQ 1.1 Managing Change In Healthcare Organization

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


One thing is certain in health care: Change. Change is both nerve racking yet vital for an institution but management of change is difficult without proper preparation. Planning assessment and communication are vital during any change, without any of these components anxiety, rumor and conflict may envelope a unit embroiled in changed. People tend to be creatures of habit basic assumptions of how things are to work, these basic assumptions are why members of a group perceive, feel and think the way they do about issues and factors that affect those issues. Financial reward for completion of a task and being able to question authority are examples of basic assumptions (Young 2000). Failure to communicate as exampled in the DQ would cause an upset in the regular assumptions of the employees of this unit and would create a barrier of trust between management and front line staff. This may undermine the new manager’s ability to lead staff as it would delay the relationship between her/him and their staff. Resentment may create a lack of respect going forward and some staff may feel as though the change was made out of spite or with little thought as to what is best for the department. As a nurse leader it would be my job to basically be the liaison between the new manager and the staff. I would have to approach this new manager with an open mind and get to know them with unbiased opinion. It would be my responsibility to convey the staffs feeling to management regarding the change and lack of input from the employees. This new relationship would need to be built from the ground up with understanding regarding feelings and opinions from both staff and management. As the nurse leader it would be my responsibility to help maintain the cohesiveness of the department while trying to build a relationship between the staff and new management.


Young, D., W. 200. The Six Levers for Managing Organizational Culture. Retrieved from;

TOPIC4 DQ1.2 Effects of Leadership On Employees Nursing Discussion

TOPIC4 DQ1.2 Effects of Leadership On Employees Nursing Discussion

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Leadership has a large impact on not only the employees they are charged with but also the facility. Facilities with high positive outcomes comes from employees who are satisfied with their employment which can be linked to strong leadership. “Leadership is a function of knowing yourself,
having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective actions to realized your own leadership potential” (The Teal Trust, n.d). In this situation the new director did not take the time to create a relationship with the new employees before implementing changes in the work place and therefore created resentment among the employees. As a manager having a positive relationship with employees promotes communication which prevents situation that create resentment. I believe one of the best ways to manage the situation is to gather the employees input and present it to the new director. This will help create a healthy relationship with the employees and the new director. I know at my facility when new upper management starts often they tour the facilities and introduce themselves to the employee and some have even gone the lengths to work, for a short time at a facility to see the day to day operations. As a floor nurse, even if I do not get to meet the new management, take that as a positive effort to connect with employees and shows leadership.

Topic 2 DQ 1 Nursing Leadership Discussion Response Help

Topic 2 DQ 1 Nursing Leadership Discussion Response Help

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Nurse leaders need to be cultivating personal affiliations and networking to help them reach their own professional goals but also influence better patient care and outcomes. The power of knowing and connecting with people helps us gather information across lines between departments and with other facilities that can help the department or individual stay current and competitive (Huber, 2014).

Huber (2014) discusses the meaning of connection power as a “strategy to get information accurately and reliably… Connection power is based on another’s perception that the influencer has access to powerful persons or groups” (Huber, 2014, p. 163-164). When I was in my preceptorship, I wrote a special card to my mentor and for the staff on the unit and gave them recognition on a group level. My mentor told me she was willing to speak to upper management on behalf if I wanted to be hired on in their department but due to locality it wasn’t conducive to the demands of my family. I was very appreciative of her willingness to speak with them on my behalf. Making connections is essential in opening opportunities and gaining knowledge. Staying up to date on current issues in healthcare or nursing keeps you ahead of the possible upcoming changes. It may even give you an idea for improvement on your unit or your practice of nursing care.

Networking may come in formal settings such as the National Mother Baby Nurses Conference (Academy of Neonatal Nursing website, n.d.) where we received recent research results and information on latest industry trends or in informal meetings such as nurses who have lunch together and use the time to gather knowledge on problem solving, gathering information and patient care as well as networking (Huber, 2014).


Academy of Neonatal Nursing website. (n.d.).

Huber, D. L. (2014). Leadership and nursing care management (5th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Tags: nursing topic nursing leadership Healthcare Nursing Discussion APA Formatting Style Discussion Response Help

Technology In Healthcare Discussion

Technology In Healthcare Discussion

write a response to the 2 papers attached below 200-250 words for each response

you can title them Group 6 response, and group 7 response. You can write what you liked about the paper, if you agree or disagree or elaborate more on the information in the paper


Mucormycosis In Patient With Uncontrolled Diabetes Nursing Discussion

Mucormycosis In Patient With Uncontrolled Diabetes Nursing Discussion

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Mucor or Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes, usually found in soil or decaying yard waste (CDC, 2015). This patient likely a fungal spore and it developed into pneumonia in the lungs. People with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop the infection such as cancer patients, patients with a low WBC count and chronic disease, and premature infants (CDC, 2015). Signs and symptoms of a Mucor infection in the lungs are chest pain, dyspnea, cough, and fever (CDC, 2015). Fungi cause infections by multiplying in the area if the immune system is weakened and there are not enough white blood cells to attack the fungi (Copstead & Banasik, 2013).

Nursing interventions include sitting the patient upright, monitoring the patient’s oxygen saturation, vital signs, I&O’s, breath sounds, apical and peripheral pulses, and mental status. Medical intervention for treatment is beginning antifungal medications as soon as possible (CDC, 2015). Early recognition and intervention is critical for the best outcome in patients. Managing the symptoms and the underlying condition that is making the patient immunocompromised is important (CDC, 2015).

Based on the lab workup, the patient’s ABG values are abnormal and reveal they are in respiratory alkalosis. This is the direct cause of the pneumonia and warrants immediate treatment of the underlying condition. The fasting glucose in a little higher than normal values and indicates stress to the body and hormone fluctuations during infection. The hemoglobin and hematocrit are slightly lower than normal, indicating the infection or underlying condition is causing trouble transporting oxygen to the body. The increased white blood cell value indicates infection. The lymphocyte percentage is low (normal range is 18-45%) indicating immunosuppression from something like HIV/AIDS or previous chemotherapy treatment (CBC explained, n.d.). This would explain the patient’s inability to fight off the infection.

Medications most likely prescribed will be antifungals such as Amphotericin B, posaconazole, and isavuconazole, as these are first line treatments proven to be successful (CDC, 2015). Hyperbaric oxygen is sometimes used for treatment, but the therapy has not always proved to be successful (CDC, 2015). Giving oxygen, fluids and nutritional support will assist the patient in addressing the symptoms and begin the healing process. Addressing the underlying condition is important. If this patient is immunocompromised, it would behoove the healthcare provider to initiate isolation precautions and strict hand washing before caring for the patient so that the patient does not acquire another infection while hospitalized for treatment.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Information for Healthcare Professionals about Mucormycosis. Retrieved from…

Tags: nursing nursing discussion APA Formatting Style Mucormycosis Patient With Uncontrolled Diabetes

Healthcare Nursing Mucormycetes And Mucor Fungus Treatments

Healthcare Nursing Mucormycetes And Mucor Fungus Treatments

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Mucor is one of 80 types of fungus found worldwide and part of a group of molds called mucormycetes. This species is found in our environment, specifically in soil, decaying leaves, compost piles and where rotting wood is found (CDC, 2019). Mucormycosis is an infection resulting from inhalation of the fungal spores into the bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs. It is an aggressive and often fatal infection usually diagnosed in immunocompromised individuals. Pneumonia, a result of these microbial agents, occurs when the fungus is introduced or inhaled into the lungs overwhelming the normal defense mechanisms. The infectious spores populate and initiate pulmonary inflammation. The infection may proliferate into the mediastinum and heart and the mortality rate is high in pulmonary mucormycosis. Symptoms include fever, cough, chest pain and shortness of breath. Treatment usually involves intravenous antifungal therapy, lung surgery and neutrophil recovery. Nursing interventions for these patients include monitoring vital signs, oxygen saturation, maintaining oxygen therapy through mask or nasal cannula, establishing intravenous access for IV drug treatment, specimen collection (blood and sputum), and reverse isolation precautions for immunocompromised patients. Strict glycemic control is a priority as well.

The ABG results reveal respiratory alkalosis from hyperventilation, decreasing the oxygen level in the blood due to the restrictive or obstructive source in the lungs. The glucose is elevated and is a medium for more fungal growth. The elevated white blood cell count and lymphocyte counts are indicative of infection and an immune response to fighting off disease. The chest x-ray shows increased density in the left lower lung and a loss of the outline of the diaphragm indicative of left lower lobe pneumonia (Medscape, 2019).

There are three medications commonly used in the treatment of Mucormycosis. Amphotericin B, a lipid-based antifungal agent, increases the permeability of the fungal cell causing an alteration in the cell membrane ultimately causing its demise. Amphotericin B remains the gold standard therapy for treatment of mucormycosis (Badior, Trigo, Eloy & Guimaraes, 2013). Posaconazol is another systemic antifungal agent that alters the cell membrane and interferes with several fungal enzymes. It is considered a good step-down drug or prophylactic therapy for patients with hematologic cancers and or undergoing chemotherapy. Isavuconazol, a newer medication, significantly alters the structure and function of the fungal membrane leading to cell death. It is advertised with a good safety profile and is used as a step-down treatment presently (Mir, Basnet, Ellsworth, & Mohanty, 2018).

Treatments used to combat mucormycosis include surgical debridement of the involved tissues if possible and lobectomy. Combination antifungal drug therapy is an option but not recommended. Correcting underlying medical conditions such as neutropenia, anemia, and hyperglycemia, to name a few, is a priority and beneficial before antifungal treatment is started. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been attempted with these patients but further research is necessary to prove its benefit in therapy (Cox, Kauffman , & Thorner, 2019).

Badior, M., Trigo, F., Eloy, C., & Guimarães, J. (2013). Mucor Infection: Difficult Diagnosis. Clinical Drug Investigation, 33, 19–21. Retrieved from…

Healthcare Nursing Lab Co2 And Oxygen Balance & Resting PaO2

Healthcare Nursing Lab Co2 And Oxygen Balance & Resting PaO2

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


The delicate balance between CO2 and oxygen is very interesting. I see students struggle with acidosis and alkalosis. Respiratory acidosis will be caused by decreased respirations, but metabolic acidosis will lead to increased respirations as the body tries to compensate. When looking at ABGs once can easily distinguish between the two, but when you look at the clinical picture (from the eyes of a student) they appear similar.

Please remember that to qualify for home oxygen the patient must meet specific guidelines. As nurses we tend to be cheerleaders for our patients, but when it comes to home oxygen we need to be their advocates. Medicare is the standard as far as requirements go, this is an example from Aetna.

1. **Qualifying laboratory values:

Continuous Oxygen:

1. Resting PaO2 less than or equal to 55 mm Hg or oxygen saturation less than or equal to 88%

2. Resting PaO2 of 56-59 mm Hg or oxygen saturation of 89% in the presence of any of the following

1. Dependent edema suggesting congestive heart failure

2. Erythrocythemia (hematocrit greater than 56%)

3. P pulmonale on the electrocardiogram (P wave greater than 3 mm in standard leads II, III, or aVF)

3. Resting PaO2 greater than 59 mm Hg or oxygen saturation greater than 89% only with additional documentation justifying the oxygen prescription and a summary of more conservative therapy that has failed.

Non-continuous Oxygen: (oxygen flow rate and number of hours per day must be specified)

4. During exercise: PaO2 less than or equal to 55 mm Hg or oxygen saturation less than or equal to 88% with a low level of exertion

5. During sleep: PaO2 less than or equal to 55 mm Hg or oxygen saturation less than or equal to 88% with associated complications, such as pulmonary hypertension, daytime somnolence, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Note: All qualification studies must be done while on room air unless medically contraindicated. Documentation of blood gas values can come from the doctor’s office, hospital or from an outpatient laboratory.…


Childhood respiratory tract infections Case Study Questions

Childhood respiratory tract infections Case Study Questions

Case Study Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders


Patricia was called at work by a woman at the local daycare center. She told Patricia to come and pick up her son because he was not feeling well. Her son, 3½-year-old Marshall, had been feeling tired and achy when he woke up. While at daycare, his cheeks had become red and he was warm to touch. He did not want to play with his friends, and by the time Patricia arrived, he was crying. Later that afternoon, Marshall’s condition worsened. He had fever, chills, a sore throat, runny nose, and a dry hacking cough. Suspecting Marshall had influenza, Patricia wrapped him up and took him to the community health care clinic. (Learning Objective: 1)

Why did Marshall’s presentation lead Patricia to think he had influenza and not a cold? Why is it important to medically evaluate and diagnose a potential influenza infection?
Describe the pathophysiology of the influenza virus. Outline the properties of influenza A antigens that allow them to exert their effects in the host.
Marshall may be at risk at contracting secondary bacterial pneumonia. Why is this so? Explain why cyanosis may be a feature associated with pneumonia.
please answer under each questions. Need 3 APA sources.

WEEK 1 Future Of Nursing Campaign For Action IOM Report Analysis

WEEK 1 Future Of Nursing Campaign For Action IOM Report Analysis

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? Explore the Campaign for Action webpage (you may need to research your state’s website independently if it is not active on this site): Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage. I am located in New York City. In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words: 1. Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” 2. Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. 3. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action? Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers? A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. I am in New York City Provided an Did not original attempt to summary of provide a the key summary of messages of the the key IOM report, messages of Future of the IOM Nursing: report, Future Leading of Nursing: Change, Leading Advancing Change, Health. Any Advancing specific Health, or references failed to cite should be cited. specific Provided a skeletal Demonstrates Demonstrates summary of the a moderate good key messages of knowledge of knowledge of the IOM report, the subject. the subject. Future of Nursing: Recognizes Correctly Leading Change, the basic describes the Advancing Health. ideas. committee’s Some of the Misinterprets initiative. specific references evidence on Justifies some to the IOM report the of the impacts were cited or were committee’s on the Future done incorrectly. initiative. of Nursing. Provided an original summary of the key messages of the IOM report, Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. References specific to the IOM report were properly references to the IOM report. Does not demonstrate knowledge of role. Fails to identify the impact of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing. cited. 15.0 %Identify Demonstrates the role of the minimal Robert Wood knowledge of Johnson subject. Does not Foundation adequately Initiative and visualize or justify the American the work of the Association of Committee of the Retired Robert Wood Persons on the Johnson Future of Foundation Nursing Initiative on the Campaign for Future of Nursing. Action and the State Based Action Coalitions 15.0 %Identify Does not Demonstrates the importance demonstrate minimal of the IOM knowledge of knowledge of the FON report the concept or subject. Does not related to the its role. Fails to adequately nursing identify the visualize or justify workforce importance of the importance of the IOM FON the IOM FON report related report related to to the nursing the nursing workforce. workforce. Demonstrates Demonstrates a moderate good knowledge of knowledge of the subject. the subject. Recognizes Correctly the basic describes the ideas. committee’s Misinterprets initiative. evidence on Justifies some the of the impacts committee’s on the Future initiative. of Nursing. Demonstrates Demonstrates a moderate good knowledge of knowledge of the subject. the subject. Recognizes Correctly the basic describes ideas. importance of Misinterprets the IOM FON evidence on report related the to the nursing importance workforce. of the IOM FON report related to the nursing workforce. 15.0 %Discuss Does not Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates the intent of demonstrate minimal a moderate good the Future of knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of knowledge of Nursing the concept or subject. Does not the subject. the subject. Campaign for its role. Fails to adequately Recognizes Correctly Action identify the visualize or the basic describes the intent of the identify the intent ideas. intent of the Future of of the Future of Misinterprets Future of Nursing Nursing Campaign evidence on Nursing Campaign for for Action. the intent of Campaign for Action. the Future of Action. Nursing Campaign for Action. 15.0 %Identify Does not the rationale of demonstrate Demonstrates minimal Demonstrates a full and deep knowledge of subject. Develops and explains an informed position on the committee’s initiative, integrates and justifies the impact on the Future of Nursing Demonstrates a full and deep knowledge of the subject. Develops and explains the importance of the IOM FON report, integrates and justifies the importance of the IOM FON report related to the nursing workforce. Demonstrates a full and deep knowledge of the subject. Develops and explains the intent of the Future of Nursing Campaign for Action, integrates and justifies the intent of the Future of Nursing Campaign for Action. Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a a moderate good full and deep state-based action coalitions knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of knowledge of the concept or subject. Does not the subject. the subject. its role. Fails to adequately identify Recognizes Correctly identify the the rationale of the basic identifies the rationale of state-based action ideas. rationale of state-based coalitions. 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