NRBS4360 Medgar Evers College Managing Costs and Budgets Case Discussion

NRBS4360 Medgar Evers College Managing Costs and Budgets Case Discussion

NRBS 4360 Organizational and Systems Leadership in Nursing Summer 2019 Weeks 5, 6, 7 Content Online



Assignment The learning objectives for this assignment are stated in the beginning of each chapter assigned (Textbook-Yoder-Wise, 6th edition) Instructions: Read assigned Chapters 12, 14, & 15. Answer all the questions below related to each chapter assigned. Submit your response in a designated “drop box” in Blackboard on Friday, July 26, 2019 at 11:59 pm Chapter 12: Managing Costs and Budgets Case Study 1 Andrew RN, MSN, is the new nurse manager for a long-term care unit in a rural community hospital. The deadline for the next year’s budget proposal is 6 weeks from now. Andrew is aware of the current reimbursement schema and performance requirements by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), research about concerns of staff nurses having a voice in decisions, research about the differences between Magnet facilities and facilities without that designation, and the organizational “politics” of submitting a budget request. As is true of the other units within the hospital, this unit experiences staffing problems. Andrew decides that the staff should be involved in creating the budget request. Questions What typical reports would it be useful for him to share with the staff so that they have a clear perspective on the current financial situation? 1 1. What documents will be needed to support a request for additional staff positions? Case Study 2 Myra, RN, BSN, has been the evening charge nurse on 3 South, a general medical-surgical unit at the Medical Center Hospital, for 3 years. The nurse manager has suddenly experienced a long-term illness, and Myra is asked to serve as the temporary manager of the unit. The first financial report Myra receives is the expendable supplies report. This report reveals that the projected unit expenditures were $30,000, but the unit was charged for actual expenses of $57,460. Myra notes that this is the second month for which the expendable supplies expenses have been dramatically over the budget. She wants to revise the projected budget to reflect the actual expenses more accurately. Question: 1. Describe the various factors that she must consider when revising the budget and the multiple approaches that might be used. Chapter 14: Staffing and Scheduling Case Study 1 During the budget preparation cycle, Jack, RN, BSN, the nurse manager of the cardiac telemetry unit, is asked to forecast the total anticipated patient days. Jack reviews past reports and finds that the total varies between 5740 and 5940. Based on this finding, Jack decides to forecast the total patient days at 5840. The telemetry unit uses a decentralized staffing approach and almost never uses nurses from other units or from staffing agencies or the hospital’s float pool to cover staffing needs. Six months into the year, Jack finds that the actual total patient days to date are 3094. In reviewing the past 6 months, Jack realizes that a new cardiac specialist began a practice associated with the hospital. Questions: 1. How should Jack project the staffing for the remainder of the year? 2. What are the possible approaches to staffing the unit? 2 Case Study 2 Melina, RN, MSN, is the director of a long-term care facility. Last year Melina created the staffing schedules for the entire facility, which consists of four distinct units. One of the units is an intensive service for residents with Alzheimer’s disease. When the staffing was centralized, Melina typically provided additional staffing to this unit by reassigning staff from one of the other three units. Now, the long-term care facility has been purchased by a corporation. As a result, there are many corporate policies that each newly purchased facility is expected to implement. One of those policies relates to decentralized staffing. In addition, there is a strong financial productivity expectation for each facility and for the various units within each facility. Clearly, a plan must be devised to ensure appropriate staffing that meets patient care needs, accreditation standards, and staff satisfaction in addition to the corporate expectations. Question: 1. How can a transition be planned to create the best possible outcomes? Chapter 15: Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Case Study Hope, RN, BSN, is a new graduate and has joined the staff of a busy multiservice surgical unit. She is frustrated and has difficulty performing the numerous psychomotor skills necessary to provide care to her clients. The equipment is very different from the equipment she has experienced, and the procedures differ from those that she learned in her nursing program. Hope’s orientation has been fragmented because of several changes of the nurse designated as her preceptor. Hope is nearing her initial 3-month evaluation and is worried. Question: 1. What should Hope do to prepare for the evaluation? 3
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Bryant University Data to Wisdom Continuum Analysis Paper

Bryant University Data to Wisdom Continuum Analysis Paper

Data-to-Wisdom Continuum Analysis Paper The purpose of this assignment is to be able to incorporate the data-to-


wisdom continuum into the practice of professional nurse. Question: Has electronic health records improved patient safety? -Describe the question you developed and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. Be specific. -Identify the databases and search words you would use to search for data and information about your topic. -Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge. -Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? -Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have found during your database search. Must use at least 5 scholarly reference of which, at least 2 journal articles.
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Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Nursing Paper

Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Nursing Paper

Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Make-up for missed clinical day: 11 hours The U.S. has unacceptable rates of


maternal morbidity and mortality, especially when compared to other developed nations. Women in America continue to experience sickness and death throughout the perinatal period – during pregnancy, birth, and in the postpartum period. This activity provides resources and educational stories from National Public Radio (NPR), USA Today, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), the March of Dimes, and the Illinois Department of Public Health. Please work through the activities and respond to the prompts after each section directly on this document. Student Name: _________________________________________ 1. NPR maternal mortality series (2017): o o o o o o o o o Watch To Keep Women from Dying in Childbirth, Look to California (14:07) Watch Focus on Infants During Childbirth Leaves U.S. Moms in Danger (12:11) Watch Black mothers keep dying after giving birth: Shalon Irving’s story explains why (12:11) Watch For every woman who dies in childbirth in the U.S., 70 more come close (10:42) Read Redesigning Maternal Care: OB-GYNs Are Urged to See New Mothers Sooner and More Often (4/23/2018) Read Nearly Dying in Childbirth: Why Preventable Complications Are Growing in the U.S. (12/22/2017) Watch Many Nurses Lack Knowledge of Health Risks to Mothers After Childbirth (6:54) Read If You Hemorrhage, Don’t Clean Up: Advice From Mothers Who Almost Died (8/3/2017) Read U.S. has the worst rate of maternal deaths in the developed world (5/12/2017) Prompt #1: Choose two of the video stories and two of the article stories that captured your attention the most. Provide a brief summary for each of the four pieces. Include your reaction, and if anything surprised you. Each commentary should be a separate paragraph, 4-5 sentences for each. 2. USA Today videos and stories (2018) Deadly Deliveries: (9 minutes) Prompt #2: Briefly summarize Antoinette Pratsinakis, Ali Lowry and YoLanda Mention’s stories. What were their complications? What did the health care team do right? What did they do wrong? How Hospitals Are Failing New Moms, in Graphics: Prompt #3: Define maternal mortality. Rank the maternal mortality rate from lowest to highest for the following developed nations: U.S., Canada, Germany, Japan, France, England. Approximately how many women die in childbirth in America every year? How many suffer severe complications? 3. AWHONN: Review the POST-BIRTH warning signs handout, “Save Your Life”: ish.pdf Go to AWHONN’s postpartum education website: Scroll down the page and listen to: “An Interview with a New Mother” Prompt #4: What does the acronym POSTBIRTH stand for? How can we use this to better educate our new mothers on postpartum risks? What struck you the most from the “interview with a new mother”? 4. March of Dimes – Read position statement: Prompt #5: According to the CDC, what are “pregnancy-related deaths”? What are the top causes of maternal deaths? What is the role of the March of Dimes in efforts to reduce maternal mortality? 5. Read about House Resolution (HR) 1318: Prompt #6: What is the name of HR 1318? In your own words, summarize HR 1318. What and when was the outcome of HR 1318? Do you think this will help to reduce the problem of maternal M&M? Why? 6. March of Dimes – Take this 6-question quiz to test your knowledge: 180913_MaternalMortality_quiz_SenderA&source=20180913_MaternalMortality_quiz_Sende rA Take a screen shot of your results and submit with this document 7. Read article: Illinois Releases First Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Report Prompt #7: What were the highlights of what the committee found? Summarize the 6 key recommendations from the report. 8. Final reflection Prompt #8: o What reaction did you have to these resources? What was the most impactful story, article, or new information you learned? Why? o What solutions have been suggested to address the growing problem of preventable complications? What is our responsibility, as health care professionals? o What do you think are the barriers that nurses face which prevent the delivery of quality care and education?
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OB Nursing EKG Class Atrial Fibrillation and Arrhythmia Reflection Paper

OB Nursing EKG Class Atrial Fibrillation and Arrhythmia Reflection Paper

The length of the reflection paper is 2 pages. Include in the paper: 1) why you decided to take EKG class as an elective rather than other elective classes, and what were your expectations for the course 2) pick one arrhythmia that you found to be a challenge to learn; describe that arrhythmia (criteria, treatment, nursing interventions) 3) how will you apply the knowledge gained in this course. Remember to use APA format.

Note: I want to pick Atrial Fibrillation as ( arrhythmia)


Rasmussen College Thinking Like a Nurse Article Discussion

Rasmussen College Thinking Like a Nurse Article Discussion

Read the article “Thinking Like a Nurse: A Research-Based Model of Clinical Judgment in Nursing” by Christine


Tanner, which is linked below:

Link to article

In at least three pages, answer the following questions:

  1. What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things?
  2. In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition?
Clinical Judgements Points:(0.00%)

Clinical judgements are not identified and not related to experience and knowledge


Identifies clinical knowledge and superficial or vaguely relates to experience and clinical knowledge


Identifies clinical judgements and relates experience and knowledge

Points:10 (50.00%)

Identifies clinical judgements and relates experience and knowledge using theory and practice.

Intuition Points:(0.00%)

Intuition is not discussed.

Points:3.2 (16.00%)

Intuitions is weakly linked to its role in developing nursing judgement

Points:6.4 (32.00%)

Intuition clearly stated how it impacts the role on nursing judgement


Connects examples to clearly show how intuition impacts the role on nursing judgement and its development

Structure, Spelling, Grammer Points:(0.00%)

Paper is not 3 pages in length, with no cover page, or reference page

Points:0.4 (2.00%)

Paper is structured in proper APA format, with cover page and reference page, Meets minimum criteria of 3 pages

Points:0.8 (4.00%)

Paper is structured in proper APA format, with cover page and reference page, Meets minimum criteria of 3 pages, with minimum grammer /spelling errors


Paper is structured in proper APA format, with cover page and reference page, Meets minimum criteria of 3 pages, all formatting of References correct, less than 3 grammer/spelling errors

APA-references Points:(0.00%)

No sources are cited

Points:0.4 (2.00%)

Sources are inferred but not well cited

Points:0.8 (4.00%)

Only one source is cited or two sources are cited but they are not referred to it the reflection


Two sources are well cited, Less than 3 citation errors.

Response to Clarissa Rojas

Response to Clarissa Rojas

How does abuse affect toddlers? According to Amanda Perkins MSN, RN, “In the United States, there are four


recognized types of child abuse: physical, sexual, psychological/emotional, and neglect. Out of these four types, neglect is the most common, followed by physical abuse.” Child abuse occurs in all ages although infants/children are the most common. When a child is abuse, usually some social development difficulties and mental health problems precede the incident lasting their entire lives. Toddlers are 12-36 months of age and are one of the most common age group to be abused, especially since they are not able to communicate as well. Toddlers may display psychological and physical symptoms, or a combination of both. Examples of physical abuse seen in toddlers are: burns, bruising in different stages, lacerations, fractures, dislocation, injuries that mirror the shape of an object, welts, fear of going home, and wariness of adults/caregivers. Possible signs of sexual abuse recurrent urinary tract infections, STDs, enur e sis, redness/swelling of genitalia, and inappropriate interest in sexuality beyond the child’s developmental level. Behavioral changes can include poor hygiene, developmental delays, lack of supervision, apathy, depression, hostility, and difficulty concentrating.

There are some cultures that have healing methods used that causes petechiae or bruising. These methods can be misconstrued as child abuse or maltreatment, and often get reported to CPS. Examples of these healing methods include “coining”, “cupping”, and “spooning”, which produce symmetrical markings on the skin. These healing methods are used in traditional Chinese culture. As nurse we are obligated to report any sign or suspicions of abuse, which is mandated in all 50 states. The failure to report any sign of abuse is, a crime itself. When an abused kid comes into our hospital/clinic we are supposed to notify Child Protective Services (CPS) and local Police departments in severe cases, where the child is separated from the parent. Children are precious gifts from God, for which our jobs are to advocate and protect them from any possible abuse.


Perkins. A. (2018). Nursing Center: The red flags of child abuse. Volume 16 (2), p 34 – 41. Retrieved from:

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Child abuse and maltreatment Discussion Post

Child abuse and maltreatment Discussion Post

Child abuse and maltreatment are not limited to a particular age—it can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and


school-age years. Infants are at serious risk of maltreatment because of their vulnerability and dependence on others and the processes involved in neurocognitive and psychosocial development. Maltreatment is exhibited through physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and medical abuse.

Am going to choose infant group because they are the ones more vulnerable age group because of the immaturity and capacity to talk and ask for help.We have different types of abuse like for example, physical abuse which is non-accidental infliction of physical injury to a child, emotional abuse which is the rejecting, ignoring, criticizing, isolating, or terrorizing of children. Also sexual abuse as any activity with a child, before the age of legal consent, that allows sexual gratification of an adult or a significantly older child. Another one is neglect which is the failure to satisfy a child’s basic needs, can assume many forms as not providing hygiene, basic nutrition or adequate shelter.In an infant, the most common abuse is physical abuse , like head injuries, broken bones at different stages of healing, skin injuries, and sexual abuse . The shaken infant is intracranial hemorrhages, retinal hemorrhages and small ‘‘chip’’ fractures at the major joints of the child’s extremities can result from very rapid shaking of an infant this one is very common . Sexual abuse symptoms may include infection, genital injury, abdominal pain, constipation, chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections or behavioral problems. Neglect in an infant is non-compliance with health care recommendations as vaccination and routine doctor appointments, not enough food resulting in hunger, and the failure of a child physically to thrive, exposure of children to drugs and inadequate protection from environmental dangers, not supervising and poor hygiene . Culture influences in the way we see child abuse, sometimes skin injuries is not abuse is a type of ritual to cure the infant of fever or devils . As nurses, we need to identify any type of abuse and reported to abuse hotline or children and families.……


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Healthcare Nursing Response to Anna Valdez Discussion 1

Healthcare Nursing Response to Anna Valdez Discussion 1

In the school age years, there are several characteristics that would lead a provider to suspect child abuse, or


maltreatment. Those indicators or warning signs of abuse could be obvious or subtle, requiring careful observation. In all cases it is really important to investigate and rule out abuse as the cause of those signs. Child abuse include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, medical abuse and neglect. There are different indicators or signs of abuse. Examples of physical signs of abuse are bruises (old and new, clustered on one part of body, or on both upper arms), eye injuries (black eyes or detached retinas), abrasions or scrapes, vaginal or rectal pain, broken bones, missing teeth, spotty balding (from pulled hair) among others. Behavioral changes includes suddenly fears of being touched, changes in sleep patterns; difficulty sleeping, depression, withdrawal from friends or usual activities, changes in behavior , changes in school performance, rebellious or defiant behavior, and self-harm or attempts at suicide. Sexual abuse signs include blood in child’s underwear, inappropriate sexual contact with other children, and pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection. Neglect signs include a sudden or gradual change in appearance or behavior, lack of clothing or supplies to meet physical needs, poor record of school attendance, and lack of appropriate attention for medical, dental or psychological problems. In some cultures the use of coining or cupping to treat illness produce marks on the skin that can be misunderstood as abuse. In my state once abuse is confirmed, we report it immediately to our supervisor and the social worker. We need to fill an incident report and contact the police and welfare authorities.


Falkner, A. (2018). Age-appropriate approach to pediatric health care assessment. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from

The Issue of Child Abuse (n.d.). Retrieved on February 11, 2019 from

Killion, C., (2017). Cultural Healing Practices that Mimic Child Abuse. Ann Forensic Res Anal 4(2). Retrieved from


Response to Michelle Tellier DQ2

Response to Michelle Tellier DQ2

Nursing assessments and how we obtain them vary greatly between pediatric patient’s vs adult patients. With


children, you are mostly getting the history and background of illness from the parent or caretaker, where in adults, you are able to ask the patient directly to tell you what is wrong. Vitals differ between the pediatric patient vs the adult patient. The vitals of a pediatric patient are different from when they are infant’s vs when they are school aged and the nurse must be able to tell the difference. When trying to obtain assessments with pediatric patients, nurses need to able to adjust the way they interact with the child. Pediatric nurses have to explain procedures and diagnosis to parents in one way, then again explain in it a way the child will understand; with adult patients, you can give logical answers and explanations and they will usually understand (Hamstra, 2018). Play is used more often with pediatric patients than adults to explain procedures and diagnosis (Hamstra, 2018). When I work with pediatric patients, one example I always give them for the Spo2 monitor, is that I need to give their finger a hug with my finger hugging device. I always use it on myself or their parent first, and then try with them. I also am not afraid to use bribery with stickers for rewards and distraction to complete tasks. In my clinic, we use play tactics often to get the assessments we need so we can make them feel better as soon as possible. It is important to consider the developmental stages children are in because the way you assess one pediatric patient who is 3, is definitely not the same as assessing as an 11 year old (Hamstra, 2018)

Hamstra, J. (June, 2018). Four major differences between pediatrics and adult nurses. In Retrieved from…



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Tags: nursing references citation nurse

Healthcare Nursing Response To Amanda Brummel Discussion 2

Healthcare Nursing Response To Amanda Brummel Discussion 2

When it comes to a physical assessment of a child versus adult, there will be many things the same and many things


different. When performing an assessment, nurses receive subjective and objective data. From infancy to toddlers and preschoolers to school-aged children to adolescents and adulthood, vital signs will vary for objective data. Average range of vital signs for a preschoolers can be SBP 95-110, DBP 60-75, HR 65-110, RR 20-25, (Rudd & Kocisko, 2014). For adults, average range of vital signs can be SBP less than 120, DBP less than 80, HR 60-100, RR 12-20, (JohnsHopkinsMedicine, 2019). When taking blood pressure on a child, the nurse may ask what arm the child wants to be used to involve them in the care. For more objective data, when it comes to performing the physical assessment, most things should be the same. Breath sounds should all clear in all lobes, child or adult. S1 and S2 should be noted with no adventitious sounds for both child and adult. Both child and adult should should have regular bowel movements and urine output appropriate for their ages. Systems within the body should have no defects or abnormalities. For subjective data, for adults the information will come from them with understanding and little explanations of the questions. For children, most of the time the adults will know the answers and the nurse can receive information from them. When questioning the child, it may be a little more complicated and depends on the child. When it comes to explaining and offering instructions during the assessment, adults can be spoken to logically. Depending on the age, the explaining of the assessment shall vary. If the child is school-aged, they may be cooperative in the care. Nurses should talk directly to the child and provide rationales with their actions. For child, strategies to use to encourage engagement for children may be smiling and being friendly to earn their trust. For younger children, I learned that using items such as puppets, and first performing the procedure on them may make the experience less scary for the child. Nurses should be aware of the developmental theories by Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg when learning about children, (Rudd & Kocisko, 2014).

JohnsHopkinsMedicine. (2019). Vital signs (body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure). Retrieved from


Rudd, K. & Kocisko, D.M. (2014). Pediatric nursing: The critical components of nursing care. Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Company.


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