For Profit Non Profit Healthcare Organizations urban community

For Profit Non Profit Healthcare Organizations urban community

You are currently working at a large academic medical center in an urban commun


ity. For the last several weeks, you have heard that other health care organizations are looking to build within a 10-mile radius of your organization. Your CEO has asked you to research the other organizations and how their services are similar to and different from what you currently offer.

Discuss the following questions:

What are some business and financial implications of the differences between community not-for-profit hospitals and large academic medical centers that may affect staffing, programs offered, and policies and procedures?
What financial impacts could result if a for-profit organization was built within your community?
What are some of the financial benefits of being an academic facility rather than a not-for-profit facility

infectious disease patients NCLEX Memorial Hospital Advanced Statistics Analytics

infectious disease patients NCLEX Memorial Hospital Advanced Statistics Analytics

Review each scenario and data set carefully and choose which scenario you would like to work with. Begin Phase 1 of your analysis by including the following information:


Introduce your scenario and data set.
Provide a brief overview of the scenario you are given above and the data set that you will be analyzing.
Classify the variables in your data set.
Which variables are quantitative/qualitative?
Which variables are discrete/continuous?
Describe the level of measurement for each variable included in your data set.
Discuss the importance of the Measures of Center and the Measures of Variation.
What are the measures of center and why are they important?
What are the measures of variation and why are they important?
Calculate the measures of center and measures of variation. Interpret your results in context of the selected topic.
Standard Deviation
Recap your ideas by summarizing the information presented

Mexico healthcare child Disease Management

Mexico healthcare child Disease Management

Please assist with the following concept paper on the country of my choice Mexico. Remember, your concept paper


is a draft, NOT the final product. Submit your Concept Paper with the required headings to your instructor by the end of this week. Your country analysis should have an outline to the following elements: • • • • • Impact on vulnerable population (elderly, children, mental ill, etc) Women’s health and maternal child health Disease management of communicable and non-communicable diseases The theory and practice of health promotion Behavioral and lifestyle factors that affect health and illness Include appropriate comparison and contrasts with the health systems of countries that were covered in this course. Lastly, incorporate data and statistics to tell your story. Writing the Country Health Care Analysis: Concept Paper The Paper: • • • • • • • • Must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course name and number o Instructor’s name o Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must list at least five scholarly sources that were published within the last five years, including a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The attached document is some of the information and ideas that can be included in the paper. Here is a list of some of the other countries we have talked about in this course: France, India, Russian Federation, France, United States, UK, Canada, and Italy. Lovett-Scott, M., & Prather, F. (2018). Global health systems: Comparing strategies for delivering health services. Retrieved from • • Chapter 8: The Healthcare System in France Chapter 9: The Healthcare System in Italy Running Head: Final Paper – Mexico 1 Assignment 3 – Final Paper Topic – Mexico Kim Rogers MHA 630 Global and Population Health: Comparative Systems Dr. Catherine Kisavi-Atatah December 17, 2018 Final Paper – Mexico 2 There are many countries in the world that face a lot of healthcare challenges. One of those country’s is Mexico. Mexico has a population of over one hundred and twenty million people, most of which live in rural parts of the country. That makes providing and accessing healthcare very challenging for this country and its citizens. Considering all the concerns that Mexico faces with healthcare, we will look at the public and private healthcare challenges that affect the country. Some of the healthcare issues that Mexico must deal with are things like diabetes, cardiovascular and obesity. Providing this care for most of the country is very difficult; but in recent times, Mexico is developing new technology and ways to help with those problems. Mexico also suffers economically, which can also hamper access to quality healthcare. Here are three sources that I will include in my final paper regarding Mexico and its healthcare system. These sources will help us look at how Mexico provides healthcare to their people and how it compares to the United States healthcare. Sources: Radcliffe, S. (2017). Does Mexico Have Better Healthcare Than the United States? Retrieved from OECD (2017), Towards a Stronger and More Inclusive Mexico: An Assessment of Recent Policy Reforms, Better Policies, OECD Publishing, Paris, Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library (2018). Health Statistics: Mexico: Health Statistics. Retrieved from Final Paper – Mexico 3
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Need assistance in writing a paper (500 words)

Need assistance in writing a paper (500 words)

Need assistance in writing a paper. (500 words). will attach the question along with this.

Thank you





The salient characteristics of various types of provider organization

The salient characteristics of various types of provider organization

Explain the salient characteristics of various types of provider organizations, including mission, program goals and objectives, staffing requirements, and policies and procedures.



Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Critical Thinking and Reflection Almost all assignments support claims with relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process Most of the assignments support claims with a relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process Some of the assignments support claims with a relevant personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process None of the assignments support claims with reflection on relevant personal examples 25 Integration and Application Almost all assignments show excellent depth of knowledge of the module content and exhibit careful consideration of the topic Most of the assignments show good depth of knowledge of the module content and demonstrate that the student has read the module content Some of the assignments show limited depth of knowledge, indicating the student may have reviewed the module content but needs to explore further None of the assignments address the blog prompts and reflect that the student has not read the module content 25 Voice Almost all of the assignments are written in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience and a consistent voice is evident throughout Most of the assignments are written in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience and an attempt is made to use a consistent voice Some of the assignments are written in a style that considers the audience, but the author’s voice is not consistent and difficult to identify None of the assignments attempt to use a style that considers audience and there is no evidence of author voice 25 Writing APA Formatting and Style Almost all of assignments are free of errors in organization and grammar Most of the assignments are free of errors of organization and grammar which are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow Some assignments contain errors of organization and grammar but are limited enough so that assignments can be understood None of the assignments are free of errors of organization and grammar making the blog difficult to understand 25 Earned Total: 100

Community Assessment Cancer Atlanta SWOT analysis

Community Assessment Cancer Atlanta SWOT analysis

For this Assignment, you continue to develop your Community Needs Assessment by preparing a SWOT analysis for the initiative you proposed in Week 3.


To prepare for this Assignment, review your proposed initiative from Week 3.

The Assignment

Develop an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint SWOT analysis presentation based on your proposed initiative from Week 3. In addition, include detailed speaker notes on each slide or a 2-page executive summary, submitted as a Word document.

Your presentation should include the following:

An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your proposed population health initiative
An analysis of the role of social and economic determinants in assessing your selected community’s needs
An assessment of the direct and indirect financial consequences for your proposed initiative
Rubric Detail

EXCELLENT – above expectations GOOD – met expectations FAIR – below expectations POOR – significantly below expectations or missing
Presentation Content:
Synthesize key points related to a health initiative in a SWOT analysis
27 (18%) – 30 (20%)

The presentation shows depth in critical thinking when addressing the key points of a health initiative in a SWOT analysis.

24 (16%) – 26 (17.33%)

The presentation fully addresses the key points of a health initiative in a SWOT analysis.

21 (14%) – 23 (15.33%)

The presentation lacks depth or clarity of the key points of a health initiative in a SWOT analysis.

0 (0%) – 20 (13.33%)

The presentation does not address a health initiative in a SWOT analysis, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

Presentation Content:
Explain the social and economic determinants of a community
27 (18%) – 30 (20%)

The presentation shows depth in critical thinking in addressing the social and economic determinants of a community for a health initiative.

24 (16%) – 26 (17.33%)

The presentation fully addresses the social and economic determinants of a community for a health initiative.

21 (14%) – 23 (15.33%)

The presentation lacks depth or clarity of the social and economic determinants of a community for a health initiative.

0 (0%) – 20 (13.33%)

The presentation does not address the social and economic determinants of a community for a health initiative, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

Presentation Content:
Explain the direct and indirect costs associated with a health initiative
27 (18%) – 30 (20%)

The presentation shows depth in critical thinking in addressing the direct and indirect costs associated with a health initiative for a community.

24 (16%) – 26 (17.33%)

The presentation fully addresses the direct and indirect costs associated with a health initiative for a community.

21 (14%) – 23 (15.33%)

The presentation lacks depth or clarity of the direct and indirect costs associated with a health initiative for a community.

0 (0%) – 20 (13.33%)

The presentation does not address the direct and indirect costs associated with a health initiative for a community, is inaccurate, missing, or is of poor quality.

Presentation Content:
Executive Summary or detailed speaker notes for each slide of the presentation.
27 (18%) – 30 (20%)

The Executive Summary shows depth of critical thinking in addressing the key points of the presentation associated with a health initiative for a community.

24 (16%) – 26 (17.33%)

The Executive Summary fully addresses the key points of the presentation associated with a health initiative for a community.

21 (14%) – 23 (15.33%)

The Executive Summary lacks depth or clarity in addressing the key points of the presentation associated with a health initiative for a community.

0 (0%) – 20 (13.33%)

The Executive Summary does not address the key points of the presentation associated with a health initiative for a community.

Presentation Required Elements
9 (6%) – 10 (6.67%)

Presentation follows the Presentation Guidelines and Tips and uses more than four of the following items: text, color contrasts, photos, graphs, maps, websites, or visual elements to convey the information.
Presenter notes support the information presented visually. Speaker notes are present/precise and scholarly in tone.
Presentation has the required number of slides.

8 (5.33%) – 8 (5.33%)

Presentation follows the Presentation Guidelines and Tips and uses three to four of the following items: text, color contrasts photos, graphs, maps, websites, or visual elements to convey the information.
Presenter notes support the information presented visually. Speaker notes are present/precise and scholarly in tone.
Presentation has the required number of slides.

7 (4.67%) – 7 (4.67%)

Presentation uses only one or two of the following items: text, color contrasts photos, graphs, maps, websites, or visual elements to convey the information.
Presenter notes somewhat support the information presented visually. Speaker notes are present but inadequate and lack scholarly tone.
Presentation may have less than the required number of slides.

0 (0%) – 6 (4%)

Presentation does not use any graphs, color contrasts, photos, or visuals, and information on slides is inadequate and hard to follow.
Presenter notes do not support the information presented visually or the notes are missing.
Presentation has a minimal number of slides.

18 (12%) – 20 (13.33%)

Presentation is well organized, uses scholarly tone, contains original writing and proper paraphrasing, follows APA style, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate level writing style.

16 (10.67%) – 17 (11.33%)

Presentation is mostly consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

14 (9.33%) – 15 (10%)

Presentation is somewhat consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors.

0 (0%) – 13 (8.67%)

Presentation is well below graduate level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or shows heavy reliance on quoting.

CYB4303 Columbia Southern University Week VII Affordable Care Act Essay

CYB4303 Columbia Southern University Week VII Affordable Care Act Essay

Conduct a study on the Affordable Care Act, which requires all U.S. citizens and lawful residents to have health


insurance or pay a penalty. Having health insurance is a government policy.

As outlined in the Unit VII Lesson, the characteristics of a good policy is that it is endorsed, relevant, realistic, attainable, adaptable, enforceable, and inclusive.

Select four of these characteristics and apply it to the health insurance requirement. Write a three-page essay in APA format interpreting the importance of information security policies, and if the policy meets the criteria.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Healthcare policy and politics

Healthcare policy and politics

Health Policy and Politics


Nurses may have innovative suggestions for changing a particular health care practice, but if the suggestions are not enacted through policy, they help no one and simply remain good ideas. Fortunately, nurses today frequently are involved in the policy development process due to their increasingly recognized expertise in all aspects of health and health care. These policies may be at the organizational, local, state, national or global levels. The ability of nurses to help establish effective policy allows them to have a broader influence than through practice alone.

This week, you will explore the policy-making process and how issues reach the public agenda. You will also analyze how policies influence health care delivery and population health. In addition, you will consider ethical and value-based frameworks that guide policy development and practice.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze the influence of a health care policy on health care delivery and apply Kingdon’s Model to health policy development
  • Evaluate key characteristics of an effective women’s preventive health care program

Photo Credit: Anuska Sampedro/Moment/Getty Images

Data Mining in Healthcare

Data Mining in Healthcare

Using a search engine, publication, Gartner, CIO, or the library, find two different recent articles involving data mining or BI. You can explore healthcare, manufacturing, banking, or etc. Describe the role of “data mining” in the articles using your own words along with cited content to support the research. Be sure to cite your sources. This paper will need to be at least two pages.


The Approach Healthcare Management Information Systems

The Approach Healthcare Management Information Systems

Healthcare outside the United States is managed quite differently. Select a developing country and research the healthcare system approach in that country.


Compare and contrast the approach to healthcare management information systems in that country with that of the U.S.
Evaluate their overall approach towards centralized systems and health information exchanges.