Health Care Services and Costing

Health Care Services and Costing

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts,


ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

In this Discussion Board assignment, consider your own personal experience with the cost of health care. Are you among those who believe that hospital bills are excessive? What about the charges at your doctor’s or dentist’s office?

Discuss the following:

Describe an experience with a bill that you received at a hospital or doctor’s office.
Should the government intervene to control how health care prices are set?
What is your opinion on the role of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in health care cost control?
Would you support the PPACA in fixing health care costs for services across the board?
Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Analyze the Basics of Financial Principles

Analyze the Basics of Financial Principles

Within the Discussion Board area, write page words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts,


ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You are the chief financial officer (CFO) for an organization and need to discuss with fellow C-suite executives that cost cutting is not the only answer to profitability. Prepare for the next manager’s meeting by responding to the following prompts:

Explain how a capital budget and a return on investment contribute to sustainable growth.
Clarify the role that risk analysis plays during capital investment decision making.
Provide 1 reference that discusses cost containment and patient care.

Need assistance on healthcare essay

Need assistance on healthcare essay

Please read the following and review the video attachment. Please address the question that is highlighted below.


Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom on October 1, 1960. It is comprised of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Nigeria is home to approximately 380 different ethnic groups with 42 percent of the population residing in urban areas. Like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria experienced a period of civil unrest immediately following its independence. Health Care System The public health care system in Nigeria is loosely based on the British system. Shortly after its independence, the Nigerian government began to expand health services and the way in which it is organized: village level, district level, and local government. The National Health Policy and Strategy to Achieve Health for All Nigerians (1988) guaranteed primary health services to all Nigerians. The following goals were established: • • • • • • • Increase health education Promote proper nutrition Family planning Improve maternal and child health services Increase immunization Implement prevention programs and control of endemic/epidemic diseases Accessible treatment for common diseases and injuries The Nigerian government has not been able to implement the majority of goals outlined in the National Health Policy of 1988 due to lack of financial resources. The government administers the public health care system and trains medical personnel to serve in tertiary and health clinics operating on the state level. Local governments are responsible for the operation of health facilities within their region. St. Monica’s Health Clinic St. Monica’s Health Clinic is located in Yakoko, Northern Nigeria. The clinical leader of St. Monica discusses the objectives of the clinic and the importance of the clinic within the community. Note the emphasis on maternal child health in the video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. What are the implications of the clinic potentially losing its funding? Epidemiology The leading causes of mortality in Nigeria are infectious, parasitic, and diarrheal diseases. Although diseases such as malaria, measles, and diarrhea continue to account for the majority of deaths, other infectious diseases, like cerebrospinal meningitis, yellow fever, and Lassa fever, have steadily increased (Federal Ministry of Health, 2000). Non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer have become more prevalent within the last decade. HIV/AIDS remains the leading cause of death in Nigeria.
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Principles of Organizational Behavior.

Principles of Organizational Behavior.

Imagine you work for a successful company and have been asked to be a guest speaker for an entry-level


organizational behavior course at a local college. The goal of this presentation is to help the college students gain a basic understanding of organizational behavior and be able to speak to its importance in an organization.

Create a 350- to 700-word handout, such as a chart or a fact sheet, you can hand out to students during your presentation. Ensure your presentation does the following:

Defines organizational behavior.
Describes how different components of organizational behavior are used within an organization.
Identifies how the use of organizational behavior can lead to the success or failure of an organization.
Cite any reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works; your textbook, Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care (2nd ed.); or other sources of similar quality.

Navigating Organizational Change

Navigating Organizational Change

Navigating Organizational Change HCS/370 Version 4 Navigating Organizational Change Student’s


Name HCS/370 Instructor: Date: Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Navigating Organizational Change HCS/370 Version 4 Navigating Organizational Change The health care industry, like other industries, is a very competitive environment. As organizational behavior within health care companies evolves, it will be even more important to consider the future use of learning about/applying concepts of organizational behavior and the need for continuing education. After a productive year with the medical waste management company, Justin has now been tasked with implementing a company-wide policy change to require continuing education. Each employee will now be required to complete 2 hours of continuing education each year. Justin’s supervisor has asked for an analysis and plan for the implementation of this company-wide change. This analysis will be presented to company leadership as a tool for understanding and implementing this change. Answer the following prompts as your analysis of the change process identified above. Write your answers beneath each prompt. Explain the importance of continuing education regarding organizational change (100 to 175 words). Explain the impact this policy change may have on the organizational behavior and organizational culture of the company (100 to 175 words). Explain barriers to change and how to address the barriers (100 to 175 words). Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2 Navigating Organizational Change HCS/370 Version 4 Explain how this change may affect individual job performance and job satisfaction (100 to 175 words). Explain a motivational strategy that might be used for implementation (100 to 175 words). Explain how teams or groups could be used to implement this policy change. Include a review of two approaches managers can use to build team performance and two organizational barriers to team effectiveness (100 to 175 words). Identify communication methods to be used to support this policy change implementation (45 to 90 words). Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 3 Navigating Organizational Change HCS/370 Version 4 References Cite 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works; your textbook, Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care (2nd ed.); or other sources of similar quality. Format your references according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 4
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250-350 words APA

250-350 words APA

Read the Levitt article on how well the PPACA is working, as well as articles in this week’s Learning Resources


regarding the PPACA. Consider whether or not you agree with the Levitt article, and why. As Levitt asserts, there are always differences of opinion about the law and policy issues. Consider each point discussed by Levitt, including easy online access for people to get information about health insurance options, making insurance more accessible and affordable, and reducing the number of Americans who are uninsured.… Levitt Article

Provide an evaluation (or assessment) of whether or not you agree with Levitt, the author of the article, making sure to address the specific points he outlines, including the online process for obtaining health care information, accessibility, affordability, and reducing the number of uninsured. Support your position by utilizing a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources from the academic literature.

Levitt Article, in 250 words minimum

Levitt Article, in 250 words minimum

Read the Levitt article on how well the PPACA is working, as well as articles in this week’s Learning Resources


regarding the PPACA. Consider whether or not you agree with the Levitt article, and why. As Levitt asserts, there are always differences of opinion about the law and policy issues. Consider each point discussed by Levitt, including easy online access for people to get information about health insurance options, making insurance more accessible and affordable, and reducing the number of Americans who are uninsured.… Levitt Article

Provide an evaluation (or assessment) of whether or not you agree with Levitt, the author of the article, making sure to address the specific points he outlines, including the online process for obtaining health care information, accessibility, affordability, and reducing the number of uninsured. Support your position by utilizing a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources from the academic literature.

250-350 words apa style

250-350 words apa style

To prepare for this Discussion, select an Accountable Care Organization and a program that is mapped to that ACO


(Medicare Shared Savings Programs). Evaluate one of the program’s best practices that have been and continue to be effective at promoting population health.

Post a brief description of your selected Accountable Care Organization and a program within that organization that promotes population health initiatives. Evaluate the program’s effectiveness in promoting population health initiatives. Then, within that program, evaluate best practices that promote population health within the community. In your explanation, consider the following:

What seems to be working?
Have they addressed any barriers?

Eliminating Health Care Disparities 100% orginal assigment

Eliminating Health Care Disparities 100% orginal assigment

In a 6-page report:


Describe the specific population(s) (ethnic or racial group, homosexuals, veterans, women, children, adolescents, etc.) affected by the health issue you selected. Explain how this population is discriminately affected by the health issue you selected.
Explain the primary determinants of the health issue. Then, explain how these determinants contribute to the disparities in care for the population.
Explain what specific social work interventions you might implement to address this health issue, reduce or eliminate disparities, and improve health outcomes.
Identify some challenges you may encounter when implementing the interventions. Then, explain the strategies you might employ to address these challenges.
Explain the advocacy roles a medical social worker might play in addressing the disparities in health care for the health issues and population you selected.
Cite your response using external scholarly resources.

Negligence Case study 2-3 pages

Negligence Case study 2-3 pages

Read the article, “Nursing Malpractice: Determining Liability Elements for Negligent Acts.”


In a 2 to 3 page paper, discuss the case. Identify and describe the following elements of the case:

The duty to provide care.
When and how the breach of duty occurred.
The extent of the injury.
The damages as a result of the injury.
Conclude by discussing how the incident could have been prevented. What steps would you take?

Link to article:

Tags: law healthcare

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