St Petersburg Health Care Services Community Presentation

St Petersburg Health Care Services Community Presentation

This module discussed the many components of the U.S. Health Care Delivery System. It is complex, and many people do not understand all the components or how they work together to provide health care and promote positive health outcomes.

For this assignment, I would like you to imagine you have been asked to create a presentation for a community meeting to explain the types of health care services provided through outpatient, hospital, and long-term care providers. For instructions on how your presentation should be developed, click here for the Community Presentation Assignment Guidelines

Community Presentation Assignment Guidelines

1. You may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software of your choosing. The one requirement is that I need to be able to review it without installing software on my computer. Before beginning this assignment, review the HSA PowerPoint Tools located in the Course Resources module.

2. This is to be a 15 minute presentation including the following:

  • Title Slide
  • Introduction / Overview
  • Define a medical home
  • Using a medical home perspective, discuss outpatient services including primary care providers and specialists, community health centers, telephone triage, home care, and the need for care coordination across providers.
  • Hospital types and changing services
  • Long-term care and Hospice (community-based and residential)
  • Summary
  • References

3. Presentation should be 12 to 16 slides (not including title or references slides).

4. Use in-text citations for outside sources used on each slide where the audience may see the source.

5. Avoid full sentences and paragraphs. Use key bulleted phrases on the slide. The audience is better able to process the information.

6. Provide additional details [Required] about the information to be discussed during the presentation without making the slide too busy. If the software permits (i.e., PowerPoint) use the notes section to provide additional details. Otherwise, submit a separate document with your notes.

7. Do not use information taken directly from the source (i.e., no quotes).


8. Provide at least three scholarly references in addition to the textbook (cite on slide and reference at the end). Wikipedia, WebMD,, and are not acceptable resources.

9. Include at least four relevant images and appropriate citations, if necessary (i.e., if they are not free ClipArt).

10. Review the HSA Assignment Grading Rubric (20 points). Note: I will provide the rubric because it does not paste easily into PowerPoint.

11. Save your presentation as hsa3104_pp_last name (e.g., hsa3104_pp_Shellhorn).

12. Upload to the Module 3: Health Care Delivery System Components Dropbox as an attachment by Sunday before midnight EST.

A Code of Ethics Can Encompass All Types of Areas Research Paper

A Code of Ethics Can Encompass All Types of Areas Research Paper

Now that you have learned all about ethics, morals, and integrity let’s create a personal Code of Ethics.

For this assignment please create a personal code of ethics that you live and work by. A Code of Ethics can encompass all types of areas – from how you treat others as you want to be treated, the golden rule, guidelines you had growing up and want to pass on to others, to how you need to act in the workplace and serve patients in their time of need. Be creative, think outside of the box and really think about the small voice that is your own Jiminy Cricket (let your conscious be your guide).

I would suggest looking up a Code of Ethics for your current job or employment area as examples. You would be surprised how many Code of Ethics there are out there. Please also see the example in this module for the ACHE Code of Ethics.

  • Please ensure that you correctly cite within the code if references have been utilized.


  • Please remember to include a title page, reference page and rubric in the assignment.
  • Paper should include at least 350 words – this should not simply just be a list of “I wills”
  • Please make sure to follow HSA Style Guidelines for formatting the paper including a running head.
  • Please note that word count DOES NOT include the title page or the rubric. Only the written content of the paper qualifies for meeting the word count requirement.
  • Please make sure that you are using the proper naming convention for the file name HSA 4184_Module 1 Assignment_Maisch. Assignments turned in without your last name in the file name will not be accepted.
  • Please submit the document to the appropriate dropbox by 11:59 p.m. (EST) Sunday

Case study healthcare administration

Case study healthcare administration

1 The Case of Mrs. FLYN The Case of Mrs. FLYN Faisal Alsulaiman HCMN413 2 The Case of Mrs. FLYN Background


Statement Transitional health service care entails a wide range of the services and the environment intended to endorse an effective and efficient passage for the patients across different settings and between different healthcare levels. Older adults with complex therapeutic and certain chronic conditions require a higher quality health care services from the health practitioners and family caregivers. The old age patients typically receive health care from many caregivers and regularly move from one health care setting to another. The poor handling of these old high adults from hospital to home is mainly associated with several events, low patient satisfaction with the care, and high rate of the patients being readmission in the hospitals. Several factors facilitate the gap in healthcare during the exercise of serious transition. Some of these factors include; incomplete transfer of information, poor communication, lack of adequate education of the family caregivers and the old adults, absence of family members and caregivers to ensure the proper care and limited access to essential services all contribute. The health illiteracy issues and language worsen the situation. Identify the problem Mrs. Flynn’s situation is similar to a typical transition home for hospitalized older adults. Her condition is characterized by a lack of proper healthcare facilitated by the following; Mrs. Flynn does not have a good relationship with her daughters, who could help her to administer her home medication. She is illiterate; therefore, she does not know how to administer the medication properly. She is suffering from high blood pressure, which worsens her condition. She has limited access to the healthcare facilities, and she does not have anyone to contact about 3 The Case of Mrs. FLYN the matter. She does not have anyone to administer care services during her transition (Mary Helen Sweeney-Feld & Reid M Oetjen, 2012). Better communication during Mrs. Flynn transition would have facilitated quick recovery and satisfaction. The connection between the hospital staff would have led to close monitoring of her diet and medication strictly. The home-based care providers that are his son would not have left her without food if she communicated the condition she was incorrect. He could not have even requested for money till she recovered. If she disclosed well with her daughters, they could have provided the best home care for her. The community-based agency could have availed their services to facilitate her healing (Doyle-Brown, M. 2000). Your Role The family caregivers play an essential part in supporting the old adults during the healthcare transition, especially during hospitalization and recharge. In the case of Flynn, little attention was paid to her children caregivers’ different needs during her treatment period. The children could play an essential rule in decision making and arrangements about her hospitalization and discharge plan. The children could ensure quality preparation of their mother to acquire satisfaction in health care (Mary Helen Sweeney-Feld & Reid M Oetjen, 2012). Caregiving by family members is rewarding as the patient feels fully supported and well cared for. Mrs. Flynn’s children could be involved in providing care for their mother, especially when at home. Her daughters could have been informed about the incidence and be requested to join their mother to ensure that she was taking the right medication. The son could have been informed about the situation, and this could have led to his contribution in providing good nutritious food for his ailing mother. Her children could have contributed to mastering her 4 The Case of Mrs. FLYN medication and providing excellent health care once discharged. Her children could have determined when she was going to be entirely removed. Alternatives and Recommended Solutions The evaluations of the community based-agencies and organizations provide resources aimed to better the health care conditions of the older adults. The increased provision for community-based services for curbing the chronic illness is very beneficial, especially in the process of health care transition. The older age needs are addressed by the home-based care models such as home-based hospitalization, and the community-based agency is crucial in facilitating this (Doyle-Brown, M. 2000). The local community agency for seniors could have driven Mrs. Flynn for an appointment and get her delivered meal, but unfortunately, she did not know how to access the agency. The community agency could have taken care for Flynn condition until she recovered. Mrs. Flynn could not afford a good meal, and this worsened her situation. The continuous treatment raised a high medical bill which she was confused on how to settle it. The communitybased agency could have given Flynn transport means back home once discharged from healthcare. Evaluation Poor transition within healthcare, such as poor home-based care can have a devastating effect on the well-being of older adults. For example, serious inadequate medication during the transition period can lead to persistence or worsening of the condition. Mrs. Flynn has administered the medication poor is at risk of readmission in the hospital. 5 The Case of Mrs. FLYN Mrs. Flynn did not take her medication as prescribed by the medical practitioner. The home-based caregiver delayed in visiting Flynn, making her fail to take some drugs. Mrs. Flynn lacked someone to book for her appointment in the healthcare as she had no means to access the local community agency for the elders. Flynn was not in good terms with her daughters a condition which made her situation deteriorate. Her son did not do the shopping for her groceries since she did not give him money. She lacked healthcare literacy to know how to take the drugs correctly; these factors worsened her condition and having a chronic disease. Therefore, Flynn is at risk of readmission to the hospital (Omran, A. R. 2005). 6 The Case of Mrs. FLYN References Doyle-Brown, M., (2000). The transitional phase: the closing journey for patients and family caregivers. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, 17(5), 354-357. Retrieved from Mary Helen Sweeney-Feld & Reid M Oetjen (2012). Dimensions of long-term care management: an introduction. Omran, A. R. (2005). The epidemiologic transition: a theory of the epidemiology of population change. The Milbank Quarterly, 83(4), 731-757. Retrieved from
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Healthcare Administration Questions

St Petersburg College Vulnerable Populations Discussion Topic

St Petersburg College Vulnerable Populations Discussion Topic

You have been learning about individuals who are considered vulnerable based upon specific physical, psychological, and social issues. I would like you to think of someone you know that is part of a vulnerable population. In at least 250 words:


  • Identify whether the issue is physical, psychological, or social.
    • Use an issue that is different than the one being discussed in your Vulnerable Population Paper.
  • Describe the impact this issue has made on the person’s overall health status.
  • What else does this person need to maintain good health.


Tags: social psychological healthcare management Healthcare Administration Vulnerable

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

This module explored various vulnerable populations. Now it is your turn to go more in-depth on these issues by focusing on one specific vulnerable population.


For this assignment, identify a vulnerable population (different than the one used for your A Vulnerable Person Discussion) that has meaning to you. Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper at least 700 words using the following outline and including at least three scholarly references.

  • Introduction
  • Describe the vulnerable population. Include the HealthyPeople 2020 goal(s), objective(s), and statistics.
  • Describe at least:
    • one federal,
    • one state, AND
    • one local service, program, or initiative that help provide support for this vulnerable population.
  • Individuals often qualify for more than one program. Include as many resources as are appropriate, and explain how the programs at these different parts of the system (federal, state, and local) collaborate to create a safety net for this population.
  • What else could be done to help this population? Be specific. For example, do not just say, “More interventions are needed”. Describe a specific intervention(s), activity(ies), or strategy(ies).
  • Summary

St Petersburg College Vulnerable Populations Discussion Topic

St Petersburg College Vulnerable Populations Discussion Topic

You have been learning about individuals who are considered vulnerable based upon specific physical, psychological, and social issues. I would like you to think of someone you know that is part of a vulnerable population. In at least 250 words:


  • Identify whether the issue is physical, psychological, or social.
    • Use an issue that is different than the one being discussed in your Vulnerable Population Paper.
  • Describe the impact this issue has made on the person’s overall health status.
  • What else does this person need to maintain good health.

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

St Petersburg College Low Income Community in United States Paper

This module explored various vulnerable populations. Now it is your turn to go more in-depth on these issues by focusing on one specific vulnerable population.

For this assignment, identify a vulnerable population (different than the one used for your A Vulnerable Person Discussion) that has meaning to you. Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper at least 700 words using the following outline and including at least three scholarly references.

  • Introduction


  • Describe the vulnerable population. Include the HealthyPeople 2020 goal(s), objective(s), and statistics.
  • Describe at least:
    • one federal,
    • one state, AND
    • one local service, program, or initiative that help provide support for this vulnerable population.
  • Individuals often qualify for more than one program. Include as many resources as are appropriate, and explain how the programs at these different parts of the system (federal, state, and local) collaborate to create a safety net for this population.
  • What else could be done to help this population? Be specific. For example, do not just say, “More interventions are needed”. Describe a specific intervention(s), activity(ies), or strategy(ies).
  • Summary

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Importance to Communicate Effectively Both in Written/Verbal Forms

HSA4184 St Petersburg College Importance to Communicate Effectively Both in Written/Verbal Forms

  • Why is it important to communicate effectively both in written/verbal forms. Is one way more effective than the other?


  • Give an example of how to effectively improve your communication at work, school or at home.
  • Right way to “trickle” down decisions made in order to properly implement?
  • How to ensure what was said was what was heard? What happens when what is said is not what is heard. Refer to example of the Telephone Game.

HCMN413 Griggs International Academy HomeFit assessment Process Paper

HCMN413 Griggs International Academy HomeFit assessment Process Paper

HCMN 413 – Services and Housing for the Long-Term Care Consumer

Dr. Mc Sweeney-Feld

Home Fit Assignment – 200 Points

Maintaining autonomy is extremely important to all of us.  It is critical for older adults and individuals with disabilities, as it is part of “ageing in place” and being able to live independently in the community for life.  Studies show that remaining in your community benefits an adult’s health, mental states and overall well-being.

This Assignment requires you to visit the home of an adult over age 50 or the home of an individual with disabilities over age 18 (not their dorm room, must be a home environment) to assess whether their home environment is conducive to living independently for the remainder of their life. The Assignment requires you to review the built environment of the home, their use of energy within the home, the individual’s transportation services, their nutrition services, and their individual safety concerns as measured by their preparedness for emergencies and disasters.

Part I:  Please choose the home of an adult over the age of 50 to assess, and set up a date and time for the assessment.  (This can be a parent, a neighbor, friend or other relative; the home site can be a free-standing house, condo or apartment).  Bring a tape measure with you to the visit to measure doorway and hallway widths.  The interview should take 1 hour to 1.5 hours.


  1. Review the entire contents of the Home Fit Guide, especially the Home Fit Questions and Room-by-Room Home Fit list.

Home Fit: please ask the following questions and record the answers

  1. Does the person have mobility issues, and do they use an assistive device (cane, wheel chair, rollator, or walker)? If so, what type and are they able to move freely around the home with the device?
  2. Is there at least one step-free entrance into the home?
  3. Are there stairs inside and/or outside the home that the person needs to use? Are there hand rails on both sides of the stairway?
  4. Are there doorways that are at least 36 inches wide between the door jams?
  5. Are the hallways well lighted and are there light switches at the end of the hall?
  6. Are there area rugs in the home? If so, do they have nonslip strips or liners under them?
  7. What types of handles are on the doors: knobs or levers?
  8. In the kitchen, is there a lever-style faucet, or are there knobs? What types of pulls are on the kitchen cabinets: knobs or D-shaped handles? Are the cabinets easy to reach?
  9. In the bathroom, is there a step-free entrance into the shower and non-slip strips on the floor? Is there an adjustable or hand-held shower head? Is there a shower chair and grab bars? Does the toilet have an elevated seat for comfort?
  10. Is there a telephone in multiple rooms? Are all electrical cords secured to prevent tripping?


  1. Energy use in the home: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. At what temperature do you set your thermostat for your home? Do you have zoned heating and cooling, and if so, how do you use it?
  3. Have you changed any light bulbs to energy-saving ones in your home?
  4. Do you have energy-star or energy-efficient appliances in the kitchen? How frequently do you use the dishwasher or washing machine?
  5. If you have a house, do you use weatherproofing seals for your windows and/or doors to keep in heat during inclement weather
  6. Have you requested any financial assistance with your energy services from your energy company?


  1. Nutrition supports: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. Are you able to shop for your own food purchases? Are there grocery stores within a convenient distance from your home?
  3. Do you use any delivery services to obtain your weekly food and supplies?
  4. Do you eat three full meals a day? Do you keep a set budget for your food purchases?
  5. Do you eat fruit and vegetables as a regular part of your meals?
  6. Do you utilize any nutrition support programs (SNAP benefits, Meals on Wheels, food pantry assistance, etc.). If so, how helpful have you found them to be?


  1. Transportation supports: please ask the following questions and record your answers. Make sure that you have calculated the Walkability index for this person’s residence prior to the visit (
  2. Do you drive your own car? If not, do you rely on other family and friends for your transportation needs?
  3. Have you made transportation plans for yourself if you are no longer able to drive?
  4. Do you utilize public transportation, taxis or services such as Uber for your transportation needs? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?
  5. Do you use government-funded shared ride services such as MTA Access or County Ride services? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?



  1. Personal Safety: please ask the following questions and record your answers
  2. Do you view your home as a safe place to live? Why do you feel this way?
  3. Do you have an emergency plan for yourself if your community experienced an emergency or disaster?
  4. Have you made plans with your family and friends as to where you would go if you had to evacuate your home? Have you arranged a central meeting place for you and your family in case of an emergency?
  5. How many days of food and water do you have on hand in your home in case of an emergency? Do you have canned food goods and water as part of those emergency supplies?
  6. Do you have a list of medications that you take, and medications in reserve for your use?
  7. Do you have a list of emergency telephone numbers (Police, Fire, etc.) and emergency contacts readily available for your use?
  8. Do you have working flashlights, batteries and other items in case your home lost its power?
  9. Do you have smoke alarms and/or CO2 alarms in your home? Do you change the batteries in those alarms at least once a year?

Review the interview question answers, and choose at least two items in three areas on your checklist that need improvement (you can choose more if you want).  Please research what it would cost to make these modifications or improvements, or changes in social supports that could help this individual remain in their home, and report on what you found out.


Example: the individual may need to change the location of their bedroom or install a chair lift if they have mobility issues.  Another example: the individual may be unaware of nutrition support services, shopping services or shared ride transportation services offered by County Area Agencies on Aging or local Meals on Wheels organizations, and could benefit from knowing this information.

Part III:

Report your results of this Assessment in a 2 page typed paper which includes; (2) 2-3 pictures of the home, including pictures of any problems in the home; (3) the adult’s responses to the 5 sets of questions; (4)any reflections you may have about Home Fit assessments – what did you learn about living in the community in your own home as an individual gets older, what did you find interesting about the Home Fit Assignment, was there any information in the Home Fit Guide that was interesting, etc.