HCS451 Phoenix Continuous Quality Improvement Timeline Worksheet Assignment

HCS451 Phoenix Continuous Quality Improvement Timeline Worksheet Assignment

Continuous Quality Improvement Worksheet HCS/451 Version 8 Continuous Quality Improvement Worksheet


Quality improvement in health care has continuously grown throughout the years. Health care team members frequently ask themselves, “How are we doing?” and “Can we do it better?” Complete Parts A and B. Part A: Continuous Quality Improvement Timeline Research 4 events that have influenced changes in quality improvement. Complete the timeline below by listing each event and writing a 75- to 175-word summary discussing each event. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care Timeline Date Event and Significance Part B: Continuous Quality Improvement Reflection Write a 90- to 175-word reflection summarizing how the outcome of the events identified in the timeline above ensure continuous quality improvement in the health care industry. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your summary. Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support the content discussed in your timeline and summary. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1
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Nonfinancial Performance Measures Discussion

Nonfinancial Performance Measures Discussion



I need 2 different discussion posts for a healthcare financial management class. Please make sure they have a different analyzation and ideas. the deadline is 16-20 hours


Respond to the following question (minimum 200 words) and provide at least two responses to others.

Since the late 1980’s there has been an ever-increasing emphasis in business on the use of a combination of financial and nonfinancial performance measures. Facilitating this increasing interest is the rapidly escalating rate of change in the business environment, which in turn, has led to dissatisfaction with traditional backward looking performance measurement systems. Critics argue that traditional financial performance measures are not consistent with today’s business environment, lack predictive power, reinforce functional silos, may sacrifice long-term thinking, and are not relevant to many levels of the organization. Many suggest that it is increasingly necessary for all major businesses to evaluate and modify their performance measures in order to adapt to the rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment. As a result, we should treat financial measures as one among a broader set of measures and the inclusion of nonfinancial performance measures substantially enhances decision-making quality providing information that financial ratios do not.

Hospitals today require measures that provide better information across a wider scope to achieve understanding of the critical factors that create the foundations of future success. Organizational performance measures should reflect and manage those attributes in order to achieve overall financial health. Consequently, a paradigm shift is occurring and organizations are replacing their existing traditionally measurement systems with ones that reflect their current objectives and environment. The frameworks employed are multidimensional, explicitly balancing financial and non-financial measures, and leading and lagging indicators.

List and provide justification for three nonfinancial performance measures you feel are critical to your project. How you will determine successful achievement of these measures?



Post to response I need 4 of them please

by Christopher

Despite the thorough and methodical review of an organization financial performance measures provide, non-financial performance measures must be integrated to the overall review process to determine organizational success and performance.

One non-financial performance measure critical to the success of healthcare organizations is the culture of the business. Organizational culture often determines employee motivation, cohabitation, and interaction with patients. Like with all other businesses, a positive organizational culture determines the ability of processes to be performed effectively and efficiently. A positive organizational culture can also create high levels of employee satisfaction. A healthy organizational culture must be created for any business to be successful. Positive culture can be created by establishing effective communication for all parties in the organization and providing each party with equal responsibility and authority.

A second non-financial performance measure determining success of organizations is employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction can determine the workforce’s notion of the work they are completing. If employees enjoy the workplace and their coworkers, they are likely to be motivated in the work that they are tasked with completing and likely to have positive interactions with patients. An organization must provide healthy working conditions for their employees to create employee satisfaction. The organization would also be wise to offer many benefits to employees to show their employees that they are valued and invested in employee well-being.

Design and development is a final non-financial performance measure. Design and development in organizations would solidify the responsibility to continually improve its processes. Continuous improvement would certainly insure increases in quality of care provided and efficiency of primary operating activities. This can be achieved by partnering with professional organizations and research institutions to explore new, innovative and revolutionary processes.




by Robert

According to our lecture slides operating indicator analysis involves the use of operating data as opposed to financial statement data to try to explain a business’s financial condition. Operating indicator analysis helps managers to understand the underlying operating conditions which helps them to better tackle financial problem areas.

The first crucial nonfinancial performance measure I would use for my project is staff-to-patient ratio. Having adequate staff is important for the success of a facility to ensure patient safety, patient satisfaction, and employee retention. Many facilities suffer due to inadequate staffing and overworked employees. This can lead to improper care techniques and high employee turnover. It is important to also determine the appropriate amount of staff within different areas of the facility as acuity can impact staff-to-patient ratios.

The second performance measure I would focus on is fall risks. Patients who are at increased risk of falling can impact the financial health of a facility because patients do not pay for most services after a fall. It is crucial to minimize the risk of patient falls and ensure patient safety. Furthermore, analyzing staff-to-patient ratios can assist in minimizing fall risk since these areas are directly related. If a facility does not have enough staff to quickly respond to bed alarms or call bells patients could be at an increased risk of falling.

A third nonfinancial performance measure important to my project is hand hygiene. Practicing good hand hygiene is important in healthcare to minimize the spread of germs and infection. Good hand hygiene can help to keep employees heathy and minimize the spread of infection to other patients . Employees who are healthy will spend less time out sick and be able to provide more quality patient care.





By Paul

The overall performance of an organization can be evaluated by using their profits and other financial measures, but the nonfinancial measures tend to hold more weight to show how well the company is actually thriving.

The first nonfinancial measure that is critical is employee satisfaction. If the employees are not happy or satisfied with their employment, the company will suffer. As employees are more dissatisfied, they are more likely to leave the company causing a higher turnover. Turnover can become very expensive for companies as they have to initiate a new recruitment and hiring process to refill positions. A good way to evaluate employee satisfaction is through surveys. By giving employees anonymous surveys, an organization can get information on how satisfied people are at their job. High job satisfaction scores positively correlate with success of this measure.

Another nonfinancial measure is infection rates. One of the main goals for healthcare is to treat and prevent infections. It is important to evaluate infection rate, especially in the inpatient setting, to make sure that this goal is being achieved. Catheter acquired urinary tract infections and post-operative infections are two good infection rates to track to evaluate performance. The lower the infection rates, the better performance and better quality of care. These two measures are good because there are protocols set in place to help prevent these infections. Hospitals that have lower infection rates can also use that statistic to market their excellent quality of care.

The final nonfinancial measure would be patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is important to show that the organization is taking good care of its patients. This measure would be tracked and evaluated using patient satisfaction scores in which higher scores would mean better performance. Unfortunately, this measure is very subjective. I have had patient complain that my care of them was less than satisfactory because I did not give them antibiotics for their viral infection. I have also read ER reports in which the plan of care was not appropriate for the patient’s diagnosis, but the patient rated their overall care as excellent because they liked how the provider did what the patient wanted. Organizations that are focused on patient satisfaction surveys may pressure providers to give patients what they want even though it is not best for the patient.

In conclusion, there are many aspects of healthcare without an attached dollar sign that show the true performance of an organization that are more beneficial than most financial measures.





by Charles

Remaining profitable isn’t the only measure of success for a hospital. It is important for hospitals to look inward and measure how they are conducting themselves and determine if they are following best practices. If they are not, then their future financial performance reports will likely suffer. A proactive approach to measuring nonfinancial performance measures will help keep a hospital in business. Here are three critical nonfinancial performance measures:

Caregiver to Patient Ratio

This ratio can be for nurse to patient, doctor to patient, or both. These measures are important for multiple reasons, with the most important being patient safety and employee satisfaction. If there are too many patients for one nurse then they may not receive the care they need in a timely manner, and if a doctor has too many patients then there is an increased risk of medical errors that will adversely affect the patient. Too high of a ratio will also negatively affect employee morale, so making sure it is at a safe level is critical for organizational success. The best way to determine if we have successfully achieved an acceptable level for this measure is by monitoring the ratios over time and comparing

HCA504 KING’S T-Test And Chi-Square Assignment Help

HCA504 KING’S T-Test And Chi-Square Assignment Help

The Excel workbook should include the following in clearly labeled sheets:


1. Output from F-test for variance (Data Analysis function conducted before two sample t-test)

2. Output from two sample t-test (Data Analysis function)

3. Chi-square test observed and expected tables, chi-square statistic calculations

The Word document, you will provide a narrative describing the findings of each of these statistical tests. Your Word document should include the following sections:

Two Sample t-Test: In this section, you will briefly describe the purpose, methods and findings

of your two-sample t-test. In this section, briefly describe/explain each of the following:

1. Hypothesis being tested in two sample t-test (null and alternative)

2. The t-statistic you obtained, the critical value to which you compared it and the p-value for your calculated t-statistic

3. Whether or not you can reject the null hypothesis, and whether you find support for your alternative hypothesis

Chi-Square Test: In this section, you will briefly describe the purpose, methods and findings of

your chi-square test. In this section, briefly describe/explain each of the following:

1. Hypothesis being tested in chi-square test (null and alternative)

2. The chi-square statistic you obtained, the critical value to which you compared it and the p-value for your calculated chi-square statistic

3. Whether or not you can reject the null hypothesis, and whether you find support for your alternative hypothesis

Conclusions & Limitations: In this section, you will briefly discuss the implications of your

hypothesis test findings. Discuss what your findings mean with respect to the questions you are

examining and why you may have found what you found. Also include at least 2 or 3 bullet points noting limitations of your analyses.

please find attachment my excel sheet only write up about T-test and chi- square. I will also attach a GUIDUE that will help you understanding the assignment. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY EXCEL WORK ONLY THE WORD

Differences of Leadership and management Comparison Paper

Differences of Leadership and management Comparison Paper

This is what I have so far, need 350-500 words.


Leadership can be defined as the process in which one engages others to set and achieve a common goal, often an organizationally defined goal. In contrast, management can be defined as the process of accomplishing predetermined objectives through the effective use of human, financial, and technical resources. (Shortell and Kaluzny, pg. 36) Though, they do overlap there is one distinction. Leadership is tasked with setting large goals and direction for an organization, while management is concerned with staff and them executing actions to achieve the goals set forth by leadership.

Obamacare Affordable Care Act And Healthcare Management

Obamacare Affordable Care Act And Healthcare Management

As you think about the healthcare reform act (“Obamacare”), select a specific aspect of this Act and discuss its implications for healthcare managers.




Initial Response: Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook). Please be aware that just “cutting and pasting” sections of articles (in lieu of writing an original initial post) is not acceptable and will negatively impact your grade. APA format

Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

For instance, regarding preparation and planning, James et al. (2010) identify that healthcare professional should show skill through proficiency in the use of all– hazard framework for ditsier planning and mitigation as well as demonstrate ability in addressing the health-related needs, values and perspectives of all people and populations.

Give me an example of applying this? What does All-hazards mean to you?


Walden University Vertical integration of Hospitals and Physicians Paper

Walden University Vertical integration of Hospitals and Physicians Paper

In an industry as complex as health care, organizational and market structures must be carefully considered. To


participate in accountable care organizations (ACOs) and other value-based care initiatives, for example, hospitals need to have a coordinated care organization model across ambulatory care, acute care, and other settings. Developing these coordinated relationships may require vertical integration to ensure efficient utilization. Although there are many advantages to this integration of organizational and market structures, there are some disadvantages for both the hospital and the providers. For this Discussion, examine the following scenario and recommend strategies for the organizational integration of the hospital and practice.

You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a hospital located in a highly competitive, urban market split with two competing hospitals. The hospital is considering purchasing or affiliating with a large physicians’ practice. Your hospital has 30% market share, but does not currently have any owned/employed physicians. Private insurers and Medicare are aggressively pushing value-based reimbursement under ACO contracts, and the one competing hospital has already acquired a large physicians’ practice.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Analyze the provided scenario. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the vertical integration of the hospital and physicians’ practice? What economic factors should be considered?
Consider strategies for the organizational integration of the hospital and physicians’ practice. Be sure to address the economic factors you identified.
Post a cohesive response to the following:

Compare advantages and disadvantages of the vertical integration of the hospital and physicians’ practice, including economic factors that should be considered. Then, recommend strategies for the organizational integration of the hospital and practice. Defend or argue your recommendations using economic principles.

Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources. https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/U…

MMHA6500 WALDEN Week 5 Job Performance And Employee Engagement

MMHA6500 WALDEN Week 5 Job Performance And Employee Engagement

Metro Dental 2015 Employee Engagement Survey Total Scores September-2015 Metro Dental 2015 Employee


Engagement Survey Report at a Glance September-15 26.2% 68.0% 5.8% No. of Respondents : 112 = % Favorable = % N/A = % Unfavorable P ag e 1 Metro Dental 2015 Employee Engagement Survey Total Metro Dental Category Rank Report September-15 Percent Responding 25% Category Name 50% % Fav % N/A 75% % Unfav Working Conditions 90 2 9 Cust+Quality Orientation 87 3 11 Training 79 2 19 Empowerment 78 5 16 Teamwork 76 2 22 Identification with the Co 73 4 23 Work Demands 70 0 30 OVERALL 68 6 26 Communication 67 5 28 Supervision 66 11 23 Management 58 7 36 Recognition 57 7 36 Participation 56 5 38 Advancement Opp. 54 6 40 Pay 39 15 46 Benefits 19 21 61 =Favorable =N/A =Unfavorable P ag e 3 Survey Interpretation Prepared for Metro Dental Services September 2015 Looking at the overall favorable rating score for the organization. • From our review of hundreds of organizations and thousands of survey responses, we have developed the following metrics: • Scores below 50 – indicative of significant employee issues (low engagement and morale). However, scores at or above 45 are acceptable for the Compensation and Benefits categories. • Scores between 50 and 60 – require evaluation and study, but generally suggest either current or developing issues (indicate potentially low engagement and morale). • Scores 60 and above – indicative of a healthy workplace (indicate acceptable to good levels of engagement and morale). • Scores of 70 and above – indicative of very high engagement and morale and should be celebrated! There are a few Employee Survey “givens” and assumptions that should be considered in developing follow up programming, as follows: • Pay is always the lowest favorable rating of the categories evaluated. • Employees typically don’t expect that anything significant will occur as a product of an employee satisfaction survey. Consequently, an organization that really studies and utilizes their survey data can truly impress upon their employees how much they are focused on achieving high levels of employee engagement. • Survey scores should be considered as valid until the next survey is conducted and new scores are available. • Organizations should celebrate good survey scores and thank employees for their participation, honesty, and positive feelings about the organization. • Organizations do not need to develop programming to deal with all of the issues identified. Rather, focus on 2 to 3 key issues and set objectives and a work plan for changing those scores for the next survey. • Finally, don’t worry about sharing too much information with employees. Basically, you are just telling them what they already know.
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Main Project

Main Project

Can you please help me the below question



Need to cover :


The History of the problem

Actual problem



Conclusion and references


Note: need 12 – 13 pages document on above topic(Excluding Reference page and Title page).. And 11 – 12 slides ppt. Please write Document in APA formate and citation and with Reference

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