response week 11

response week 11

Hi, I have 2 of my classmate posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. , one source at least for each one


of them. about how good their posts or how bad. need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

the question was:

Develop a hospital emergency management committee. How is it structured?

What is their purpose and responsibilities?

Who should be on your EMC and why?

this is the first post from my calssmate FUNYEISS NEED TO RESSPONSE:

The Emergency Security Committee belongs to a group of people involved in development of processes, policies and procedures, conserving the necessary resources and providing personnel training to ensure faster speed, cooperation and an effective response to disaster relief in the hospital. Emergency management committees focus on six strategic planning issues, including communication, services and equipment, work, patient, medical services and support, and safety and protection. These six areas are considered as the basis for responding to natural disasters or catastrophes. This article reflects the development of the Hospital Emergency Committee in analyzing the structure and responsibilities of the committees. It also emphasizes people who will be on the Hospital Management Committee. (Canton, 2019)

The Emergency Management Committee is a provincial committee composed of representatives from ten different provincial hospitals. The committee’s goal is to protect the community by integrating and integrating activities necessary for development, care and skills development for training, responding, reducing and losing natural disasters, terrorist acts and other human disasters. A committee will have a director general who will be the head of each committee, and committee members will report on this matter. From the Director General, the next level will be the management response team, then the task force, and finally the tactical group.

The CEO will be the general coordinator and head of the disaster or response and recovery. The whole committee will report to the director and is expected to make a high decision on the issues concerning the committee. It is expected that the Director-General will actively promote the universal observance of the needs of all members of the committee. The administrator will be the face of the community center.

A tactical team is a team that responds to emergencies. This group will use the strategies of the strategic response team and will be directed to the application.

The operations team will be responsible for the services that have been allocated for budget execution. The team will also coordinate the allocation of resources. The team will also be responsible for tying the tactical team when working in the field.

The next level team, which is the Strategic Response Team, will be responsible for organizing the strategies used in the field. The construction process will be used for the tactical squad in the field. In addition to developing strategies, the Strategic Response Team provides guidance and helps lower-level committee members what they should do and how to perform actions. The core response team will monitor the actions of the members of the subcommittee and provide support for the questions asked by the lower level members.

Responsibilities of the committee typically include analyzing all the risks that expose the hospital to its potential intervention, to help develop emergency repair and emergency response systems, act as emergency response teams, and review existing emergency management plans in an attempt to improve the situation. The committee needs to take certain step to ensure that they work fine and according to the needs.

Canton, L. G. (2019). Emergency management: Concepts, strategies for effective programs. Wiley.


This is the second post from IBRAHIM need to response:

In a hospital, the Emergency Management Committee is a group gathering medical staff from different disciplines with the aim of preparing the hospital to properly handle disasters or any other emergency cases. In concrete terms, the Emergency Management Committee is in charge of developing the processes, policies, and procedures which will guide the reaction of the entire medical facility during emergency cases (Leider et al., 2017). The main purpose of the Emergency Management Committee is making sure that the hospital is ready at all levels to face any type of foreseeable emergencies. Thus, the most important part of the committee’s actions takes place upstream, before the emergency situations. The committee is in charge of the integration of all the aspects of the emergency plan. This suggests that they conduct frequent exercises aimed at assessing the ability of the medical staff to properly react to emergencies (Leider et al., 2017). Such exercises are always followed by a report stating the current organizational performances along with the opportunities for improvement. The Emergency Management Committee concentrates its efforts on six strategic fields for more efficient actions during emergencies. These fields are communications, resources and assets, safety and security, staff responsibility, utilities, and patient clinical and support activities (Fountain, 2016).

The Emergency Management Committee is made of members of several departments of the hospital. The designated members must be the key administrators of the selected departments. This will ensure that the right decisions are taken at the right time, without delays due to hierarchical organization. First of all, the committee should include a member of the hospital security. In fact, emergency situations involve important risks of additional injuries, thefts, and other negative consequences because of the prevailing state of panic. Hospital security will help take the appropriate measures to avoid worsening the situation (Leider et al., 2017). Facilities Services represent another department whose contribution within the committee is essential (Leider et al., 2017). In fact, emergency situations suggest that the hospital accommodates more patients than before. Thus, the need for available facilities will be more important than ever before. The member of the facilities service will make sure that the available installations are properly used without delays, and that critical cases are prioritized. The human resources department has to be included in the committee (Fountain, 2016). With guaranteed security and several available installations, the committee has to ensure that the admitted patients will be properly treated. The need of available specialists will be important during a crisis. Thus, the human resources department has to make sure that all available doctors are mobilized and available. In addition, the human department resources will assess the need for additional resources during the preparatory stage of the plan (Fountain, 2016). The next department to integrate to the committee is the information technology service. During disasters, communications are limited because most of the local infrastructures are damaged. However, the medical staff needs to communicate and even access online medical data. At this stage, the information technology service has to develop a plan aimed at creating backup networks and infrastructures in order to properly assist the medical staff. In addition, the department of sciences and analyses which is generally represented by the laboratory plays a key role in the committee (Fountain, 2016). Usually, in the medical setting, analyses require important deadlines that some medical facilities cannot afford during disasters. Thus the laboratory has to establish the appropriate protocols in order to deliver timely analyses. Other departments such as the financial service, the risk management department, and the safety department are also members of the committee (Leider et al., 2017). Generally, the chairman of the emergency management committee is the General Manager (GM) of the hospital. However, under some circumstances, the most experienced specialist can be appointed to this position.


Fountain, R. (2016). Mass care and the University of British Columbia: A new approach to disaster response. Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 9(4), 329–337. Retrieved from

Leider, J. P., DeBruin, D., Reynolds, N., Koch, A., & Seaberg, J. (2017). Ethical Guidance for Disaster Response, Specifically Around Crisis Standards of Care: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Public Health, 107(9), e1–e9.

Christian healthcare

Christian healthcare

What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant? Read “Imago Dei,” by Ross, on the Ligonier Ministries website (2018).


2 APA Reference , 250 words.


Health care insurance in Canada Finance Risk Management Assignment

Health care insurance in Canada Finance Risk Management Assignment

Many people believe that most healthcare systems are better in other countries besides the United States. The


United States may have better access, but many think it is too expensive or too hard to get, especially with a pre-existing condition. One country for example with “free” healthcare is Canada. Their healthcare is a single-payer system, but it is up to each territory to choose what is covered, or the rules of the care in that specific area. One upside is that all necessary healthcare has to fall under the public plan, examples being surgery, dentistry, hospitals and doctors. In Canada, doctors are private providers, not government employees, so they charge patients and insurance plans themselves. This can be a positive or a negative, because it may be cheaper, but not as regulated as when the government choose what to charge across the board. There are pros and cons to a non-government regulated healthcare system, but is it really better than the United States? on Canada has a universal healthcare system, which means if you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you can apply for public health insurance, which in turn means residents do not have to pay for most health care services. Each territory has their own plans, and what is covered under these plans, so depending on which territory people occupy, regulates what is considered free. A perk being that no matter which territory in the country, or even if the patient is not a Canadian citizen, emergency medical services remain free. A downside being that if a individual moves to Canada, or to another territory it can take up to 3 months to have health coverage. While most medical problems can fall under the free public healthcare, there can be gaps depending on the territory. Prescription drugs, care for a chronic serious medical condition, home medical equipment and certain doctors may not be covered under the public health plan. Private health insurance may need to be considered to go along aide the free public healthcare to make up for the other expenses that could have to be paid for out of pocket. Employers may offer extra health insurance, but if not, residents may have to consider a private company. Private companies in Canada mirror health insurance plans in the United States, there are different tiers to choose from depending on what an individual wants to pay. n_CA A negative with Canadian healthcare is the wait times patients have to experience to see a provider. Since general healthcare is free, depending on the service or territory, wait times to see a provider can be excessive especially if the surgery or service is elective. In the United States the average wait time to make an appointment can range up to two weeks, in Canada it doubles to four weeks or more to wait to see a doctor. In 2005 Canada took this date and started making changes trying to change this issue, getting patients into doctors more efficiently and in a timelier manner.
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Marketing Mix Prompt Discussion Post

Marketing Mix Prompt Discussion Post

Prompt 1Topic: Marketing Mix Thread: Assume that a multi-specialty medical group has decided to segment the


market in the community by income level. The group has decided to target a small niche of middle-aged, white-collar professionals who are married, with both spouses working outside the home. Discuss how this medical group might tailor its marketing mix to appeal to this segment. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Prompt 2Topic: Customer Satisfaction Thread: An orthopedic group in Virginia has decided to conduct a survey of referral physicians. The results, which are posted on the website, indicate the level of satisfaction. The group has also posted comments that some of the physicians wrote on the surveys. What is this group doing in terms of attempts to recognize the customer contact process? Explain the integration of the strategy into a total marketing program for the orthopedic group. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Prompt 3Topic: Premiums Thread: A Managed Care Organization marketing manager reduced the MCO’s premium by 10 percent and saw a 20 percent increase in the number of subscribers. He then thought that if the premium was reduced by another 20 percent, he would see a 40 percent increase. What is your analysis of this reasoning? …………………………………………………………………………………………… Prompt 4Topic: Promotion and Advertising Thread: At a local hospital, a decision was made recently to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care. After 20 minutes of filming the interview, the reporter left. That evening, a 15second segment of the interview was shown that left an unfavorable impression regarding the impact on quality. The administrator wondered what went wrong. Explain how more control could have been used to send out the message about the downsizing. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Prompt 5Topic: Presentation Review Thread: Post your completed presentation with its title in this forum by Wednesday. You do not need to write a thread for this Discussion Board Forum; simply post your presentation for others to view. You can post the link or upload it to the using the options in the tool bar.
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St. Petersburg Determinants of Health Discussion

St. Petersburg Determinants of Health Discussion

Determinants of Health


For this discussion, please use the following scenario as a guide to explain Sally’s determinants of health. Which issue stands out to you in terms of how it will affect Sally’s decision?

“Sally feels as though she is a moderately healthy 45-year-old person. She does not smoke, drinks occasionally, exercises regularly, and visits her physician only on an as needed basis because she feels doctors are only in business to make money. After a recent cold Sally visited her primary care doctor as she felt it was taking longer than usual to get over the cold. At a second follow-up visit her physician gave her startling news – Sally has a chronic illness that is not allowing her body to get rid of the cold. Sally must decide if she wants to comply with the recommended treatment or do nothing and ignore the diagnosis.”

Please select one of the following determinants of health and discuss how it can impact Sally’s decision about treatment:

Educational level
Housing situation
Transportation issues
Previous feelings toward medicine
Your original post of 100-125 words is due by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time), EVERY Thursday.
One peer reply of at least 75 words is due by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time), EVERY Sunday.
Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors; If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points.
No quotes are permitted in this course; use of quotes will result in loss of points.
Plagiarism is not tolerated. If you are unsure if you have plagiarized or need help with your paraphrasing please see Learning Resources or NIP at HEC
You must cite any sources you use to support your work. APA format is used in health-related courses and professions. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing.

Maslow’s Theory and Crises Discussion

Maslow’s Theory and Crises Discussion

Maslow’s Theory & Crises

How does Maslow’s theory apply to the FSI family? to the victims of disasters such as hurricane Katrina? Discuss how you see this theory played out in real life events?

Post your response to the above in the Discussion Board (250 words minimum)


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Crisis Intervention Research Paper

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Crisis Intervention Research Paper

Your Turn to Share!


Research and Review studies or theorists (Victor Franks, Carl Rogers, Erik Erikson, etc.) that have contributed to the field of Crisis Intervention..pick at least 1.

Here are some ideas (or you may pick your own)

* Studies done with Veterans

* Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

* Large Scale Disasters

* Child Abuse

* Domestic Violence

* Acts of Terrorism

* School shootings/bombings

Provide a summary of your research and share a resource (upload an article, share a website, etc.)

Post your response to the above in the Discussion Board (250 words minimum)

HIV Counseling, Testing, And Referral In Healthcare Administration

HIV Counseling, Testing, And Referral In Healthcare Administration

Discussion Forum 7


Discuss the following question below.
Be sure that your response is at least 150 words and use some examples to help illustrate your response.


Question: In this lesson we learned about HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR) including Rapid Testing and ADAP. Please discuss one of the readings from the online resources in this lesson where you learned something new or surprised you. Use some examples to help illustrate your ideas and be sure to reference which tab you found the information for your peers.

Strategies To Address The Engagement Of Medical Staff Memo Help

Strategies To Address The Engagement Of Medical Staff Memo Help

Scenario: You were recently hired as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for a mid-sized hospital and the CEO has


asked you to develop a brief strategy to address the engagement of medical staff. The CEO is concerned that the medical staff are not engaged in hospital affairs, the length of stay for hospital admissions is too long, quality of care issues are arising, and there needs to be more focus on patient centeredness. The CEO believes that increase physician engagement is necessary due to the new direction of the organization’s mission and vision statements.

What steps would need to be taken to create increased engagement of the medical staff? What benefits would ensure because of this change?


The memo should be at least 1, but no more than 2 pages, single-spaced.
Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
You need to cite at least 4 sources for this assignment.
Use APA-6th

Walmart Strategic Marketing Plan Bibiligraphy & Presentation Help

Walmart Strategic Marketing Plan Bibiligraphy & Presentation Help



Create a professional presentation (using MS PowerPoint) that the CEO has asked you to share with the Board of Directors of your chosen healthcare institution. For this project, you will develop a strategic marketing plan; assessing the organization’s environment, identifying the consumer market, developing a mission and vision statement, summarizing quality initiatives, developing a plan for marketing the organization, and creating a monitoring measurement metric, to ensure future success of the organization.

The project will consist of the visual representations of the following elements:

An introduction of the organization
A mission and vision statement
A SWOT analysis identifying the organizational competencies and strategic advantages
Identification of the consumer, key stakeholders, and market
A summary of a marketing direction for the organization (e.g., expansion of a service or new program)
Recommendations for monitoring performance measurements to ensure the success of the organization’s strategic plan.

Your presentation should be 10-15 slides in length, excluding the title and reference slides which must be included.
The presentation must be submitted as a PowerPoint file (.ppt)
Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes – a minimum of 100 words per slide.
You need to cite at least 12 sources for this assignment.

Prepare and submit a bibliography of research sources that you plan to use for the Portfolio Project. The bibliography should include at least 10 credible reference sources. The bibliography entries must be formatted per the APA-6th format.


Develop an outline of your SWOT analysis identifying the organizational competencies and strategic advantages. This can be in a table or bullet format identifying the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Submit in APA 6th format.