Neonatal Survival Interventions Reflection Response

Neonatal Survival Interventions Reflection Response

This week’s readings include 5 robust systematic reviews – one study focusing on neonatal survival interventions,


three studies related to mental health but with varied focuses (mental health awareness integration, intervention for mental health in humanitarian settings, and scale-up of services for mental health in LMICs), and one study focusing on child friendly spaces interventions.

The two questions I would like to raise for this week are:

1. What are the processes of effectively formulating policy and practice recommendations by systematic reviews?
2. Integrating evidence into policy – shall we pay more attention on the local adaptation?

It will be naïve to think that the evidence base will be quickly picked up and implemented in countries. Darmstadt and colleagues rightly pointed out that the “real challenge is to deliver these at high coverage in countries with weak health systems.” The translation of evidence into practice, policy, and programme interventions is extremely challenging. Operational guidelines can be a good start.

Using the neonatal survival interventions as an example, with a list of evidence-based, cost-effective interventions on hand, what should an MoH do? As a non-expert in this area, I would think an assessment of the current situation should be required from the very beginning – what is the current level of neonatal mortality? What are the neonatal survival interventions currently being implemented, and at what level? If there is a gap between the existing interventions and the evidence-based, cost-effective interventions, why is that? If indeed actions are required, political commitment and financial resources need to be secured. MoH, together with other national stakeholders including the medical community, then need to determine whether the health system in the country is ready for implementing the new interventions. Among other questions, the group needs to answer: is there a sufficient number of health facilities and health care professionals? Do the health facilities equip with necessary supplies? Do health care professionals have the needed skills to provide the services? From the demand perspective, are there traditional and social norms prevent mothers from seeking clinical care? What about other factors such as lack of knowledge, financial burden, and access issue?

To some extent, the challenges in translating evidence into policy and practice can be attributed to the generalization of the evidence and as a result, lack of local context. Due to limited evidence from large-scale effectiveness trials, conclusions and recommendations may be generic and therefore cannot be applied in local settings. In addition to the aspects of existing health systems at the local level, to ensure a successful translation, social, cultural and political factors should also be taken into consideration and carefully assessed.

Air Quality Control and Protection Paper

Air Quality Control and Protection Paper

Air Quality Control & Protection Paper To Prepare: For this assignment, prepare a paper on the environmental health


functions and public health responsibilities related to an air quality control and protection scenario provided below. Think about your role as future environment public health professional and how you might address the scenario to effect positive social change. Also, think about the responsibilities and services you may be called upon to carry out for the community. Paper Guidelines: • Communication plan needs to be at minimum 5 pages with 10 references • Paper is written in Single-Space • Font size 12 & Times New Roman font • A Title page, in APA format • Section headers in APA format • Additional Reference page at the end with APA citations Scenario: Elevated Radon Levels • It has been reported by many residents of a newly developed subdivision that their homes are testing extremely high for Radon. Over the next several weeks, many more residents have filed complaints with the local health department demanding something be done to help monitor the levels and protect their health. Outline Section headers, in APA format for each section below: • Describe the air quality incident and highlight the unique attributes of this situation and why it is a public health concern. Explain the situational background and why a public health response would be warranted. • Describe the potential human health effects of this incident, taking into account the unique environmental health factors that influence exposure. What challenges/barriers can you expect to face given this information? • Analyze the core public health roles and responsibilities in responding to the event and how local, state and federal public health agencies may work together in controlling the air quality incident. Also, what other resources and/or partnerships may be needed to respond to this incident? • Describe the specific public health and community protection procedures that you feel will best protect the community and why? Make sure to discuss at minimum, incident investigation, exposure assessment, hazard containment, and public information dissemination. • Provide a summary/conclusion adequately closing the paper and finalizing your thoughts on how these measures contribute to positive social change.
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“Health Care Law and Policy” Please respond to the following:


From the first e-Activity, analyze the Affordable Health Care Act, and determine the fundamental influence that such reform has exerted on the social, political, and economic environment of the country. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your rationale.
Differentiate between two to three (2-3) key components of a free market healthcare system and single payer government system. Of the two systems, suggest the one that you believe would be better for the United States. Specify two (2) examples that support your rationale.

discussion question

discussion question

“Health Bureaucracy” Please respond to the following:


From the second e-Activity, analyze the branches of government of your state with respect to the extent that each branch is associated with health care. Determine whether your state government will participate in either the federal health exchange or create a state health exchange. Classify which aspects of your state’s choice are political and which aspects are economic. Provide at least two (2) specific examples to support your position.
From the third e-Activity, give an example of at least two (2) innovations started by the VA that are found in any of your local hospitals. Examine the salient effects that these innovations have on public health in your community. Support your response with examples of such effects.

Wellness Program in Helathcare Compensation Benefits Discussion

Wellness Program in Helathcare Compensation Benefits Discussion

For this Discussion, you examine a compensation and benefits program and provide recommendations for improvement.


To prepare for this Discussion:

Locate an example of an innovative compensation or benefits program from within or outside the health care industry.
Evaluate the program you selected.
Why, in your opinion, is the program effective? Consider the program features, its intended outcomes, and how those outcomes are met.
How might you improve upon the program?
How might you apply this program to your current or future health care organization?
Briefly describe the compensation or benefits program you selected. Evaluate the program. Include why it is effective, at least two ways you might improve it, and how you might apply it to your current or future health care organization. Defend or argue your evaluation.

250-350 words

250-350 words



On behalf of consumers, employers and local purchasers in your market are committed to slowing health care costs by improving visibility on hospital prices. A recent media story revealed that prices in your local market were the highest in the state. You are a member of a private sector consulting service that has been hired to help a hospital address transparency issues. The hospital would like to be more transparent in their cost and fee relationships with providers.
To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the provided scenario. What are the advantages of transparency for both the hospital and the consumer? How might hospital cost transparency improve economic efficiency?
Consider current (last 5 years) regulation and policy to compare hospitals based on their costs. Locate and review literature to support your recommendations.
Post a cohesive response to the following:

Analyze advantages of transparency for both the hospital and the consumer. Include how hospital cost transparency might improve economic efficiency. Then, recommend regulation and policy to compare hospitals based on their costs. Defend your recommendations.

China’s Health System

China’s Health System

Introduce your country (the country I choose is China). Discuss the size of your country’s health sector (relative to


GDP and relative to other countries). How much have life expectancy and infant mortality improved over the last half century? How does the system determine what to cover?

The Notes assignment is to respond to the above questions with 1-2 pages of written text. Bullet points are acceptable, but everything should be written in complete sentences. Please be sure to devote time to the question of how your country’s health system determines what it will and will not cover. Answering this question will likely require research outside of the readings, since the answer may be quite specific to your country’s institutions.

The optional reading lists:

Readings: • “The Best Health Care System in the World: Which One Would You Pick?” New York Times, TheUpShot:… entCollection=upshot®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&cont entPlacement=3&pgtype=sectionfront • World Health Organization. “Key components of a well functioning health system” ( • *A Great Resource!* Commonwealth Fund. “Health System Features.” (Available here: • Chris L. Peterson and Rachel Burton. “U.S. Health Care Spending: Comparison with Other OECD Countries” CRS Report for Congress. September 2007. (… key_workplace) • Arrow, Kenneth J. “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.” The American Economic Review 53.5 (1963): 941-973. (,%201963.pdf)

Social Determinants Of Health Medicalcare Discussion Help

Social Determinants Of Health Medicalcare Discussion Help

Use this forum to discuss two determinants of health that stood out to you this week. It can be any of the factors that we discussed.


Educational level
Housing situation
Transportation issues
Previous feelings toward medicine
Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors; If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points.
No quotes are permitted in this course; use of quotes will result in loss of points.
Plagiarism is not tolerated. If you are unsure if you have plagiarized or need help with your paraphrasing please see Learning Resources or NIP at HEC
You must cite any sources you use to support your work. APA format is used in health-related courses and professions. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing.

Can you write a draft for scholarly research paper?

Can you write a draft for scholarly research paper?

Running head: THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE The Impact of Baby Boomers on Healthcare


Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 2 The Impact of Baby Boomers on Healthcare Introduction 1. Baby boomers are the generation born between 1946 and 1964 after the second world war. 2. Baby boomers account for more than 76 million of the US population or 19% of the country’s residents. 3. They have a high demand for specialized healthcare because of their age and the associated diseases. 4. They heavily impact the healthcare sector of the country. Age-Dictated Personalized Care 5. Kahana and Kahana (2014) observe that ageing baby boomers require specialized care in addition to primary care services to meet their needs. 6. For example, baby boomers are the most common users of specialized healthcare since their needs surpass primary care compared to the generation Y members. Counter-Argument 7. However, a counterargument informs that the use of specialized care is not dependent on the classification of people but their level of income, level of education, and their lifestyles. Baby Boomers need more Primary Care 8. Canizares et al. (2016) observe that baby boomers utilize primary healthcare more than any other generation. 9. For example, when women reach 40, their need for primary care increases. 10. The increase in the need for primary care is proportional to the advancement in their age. THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 3 11. Behaviors of the baby boomers are a significant cause of their frequent visits to the primary healthcare providers. 12. For instance, smokers aged 50 need to consult a healthcare specialist about stabilizing their health. 13. Furthermore, the article notes that baby boomers are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses compared to other generations. Counter-Argument 14. A counter-argument to the article’s interpretation is that frequent visits of baby boomers to the healthcare facilities is a result of early diagnosis and access to healthcare services and not their age. Baby Boomers have more Healthcare Needs 15. LeRouge et al. (2014) state that baby boomers have many healthcare needs, which increase with their age, making them consume more healthcare resources and negatively affecting the healthcare sector. 16. For example, while other generations use technology to assess their healthcare information, baby boomers have to directly interact with physicians, which requires both time and resources. Counter-Argument 17. A counter-argument informs that the stakeholders in the healthcare sector should anticipate and plan for the unique healthcare needs of the baby boomers to minimize resource consumption. 18. Ruminjo (2017) states that preventive measures can mitigate health complications among baby boomers. THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 4 19. However, unmarried baby boomers may not receive preventive healthcare services. 20. Numerous factors can affect a baby boomer’s capacity to participate in preventive healthcare services such as the loss of a spouse. 21. Single baby boomers also have a lower life expectancy among baby boomers compared to the married couples. Counter-Argument 22. A counter-argument to the above supposition is that the attitude of the baby boomers and not their marital status is affecting their participation in preventive healthcare. Lack of Access to Information 23. Madubuko (2018) states that the baby boomers’ access to healthcare information determine their exposure to risk. 24. For example, if baby boomers are informed about the causes of diabetes, they can avoid its risk factors. Counter-Argument 25. However, the source of healthcare information does not affect baby boomers’ understanding of health risks and healthcare. Baby Boomers are Highly Vulnerable to Chronic Illnesses 26. King et al. (2013) observes that baby boomers’ high susceptibility to chronic illness and disability puts pressure on healthcare providers. 27. For example, many baby boomers experience hypertension and obesity requiring stakeholders to formulate mechanisms to mitigate such challenges. Counter-Argument THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 28. A counter-argument informs that stakeholders in healthcare should formulate effective policies and integrate service providers to avoid pressure. 5 THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 6 References Canizares, M., Gignac, M., Hogg-Johnson, S., Glazier, R. H., & Badley, E. M. (2016). Do baby boomers use more healthcare services than other generations? Longitudinal trajectories of physician service use across five birth cohorts. BMJ Open, 6(9), e013276. Kahana, E., & Kahana, B. (2014). Baby boomers’ expectations of health and medicine. The Virtual Mentor: VM, 16(5), 380. King, D. E., Matheson, E., Chirina, S., Shankar, A., & Broman-Fulks, J. (2013). The status of baby boomers’ health in the United States: the healthiest generation? JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(5), 385-386. LeRouge, C. M., Tao, D., Ohs, J., Lach, H. W., Jupka, K., & Wray, R. (2014). Challenges and opportunities with empowering Baby Boomers for personal health information management using consumer health information technologies: an ecological perspective. AIMS Public Health, 1(3), 160. Madubuko, A. N. (2018). Stroke risk factor knowledge, attitude, prevention practices, and stroke. Walden University. Ruminjo, I. N. (2017). Retired, unmarried, male baby boomer attitudes and behaviors toward disease prevention. Walden University, 148. THE IMPACT OF BABY BOOMERS ON HEALTHCARE 7 Scholarly Paper Draft Grading Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength Paper must be 1000 words or more This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting Cover page, first page of text, References, headings, font, spacing This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbstract– do not include an abstract If you did not include an abstract, you get 5 points. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraphs Each page of text is broken up into at least 2 paragraphs. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 14-15 On the right track 10-13 Needs more detail; development 8-9 Surface treatment; confusing 0-7 Serious content issues; please see the instructor This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics Grammar, spelling, APA in-text citations This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVocabulary Avoid: very, amongst, talked about, society, and 2nd person Total Points: 50.0 Ratings Pts 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts 15.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 15.0 pts 10.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 10.0 pts 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts Include a cover page and a references page. Do not include an abstract The draft is meant to showcase edited writing. Please present your best work. Write any part of the paper you like; there is no reason to start with the introduction. Use headings. You may include the outline of sections you are not writing in the draft. This will let the reader know your overall organization and themes. The majority of your draft should be written in complete paragraphs. Content and Formatting An original title: Your title should summarize the main idea of the paper simply and with style. Think of a working title as you develop your paper. Your working title evolves along with your paper. Introduction: The introduction explains the focus of the paper and establishes the importance of the subject. It gives your audience just enough information to be able to understand your thesis. Start with a brief overview of the topic, and then give details on the issue as it relates to your topic and profession. This is where you will identify any controversies within the field or any recent research which has raised questions about earlier assumptions. The introduction provides background or history. It concludes with a thesis statement. This is called an Inverted-Triangle Introduction. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Working thesis: Annotate your journal articles; take notes. Discuss the similarities and differences in findings with other people. What links exist between those articles? How are these articles connected to your topic? This synthesis anchors your working thesis. As your scholarly paper evolves, your thesis will become more rational, clear, and obvious. You will likely finalize your thesis a few weeks before the assignment’s due date. Section headings: Include Level 1 and 2 headings. Supporting paragraphs: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that directly links to your thesis. Support your thesis (argument) by connecting every paragraph to an aspect of your thesis. Back up your claims with valid, detailed examples, state the significance of the evidence to your thesis and provide realistic analysis. You must weave together information from the peer-reviewed sources. Do not list details from one source after another. Paraphrase the literature, using your own voice, and blend the details to support your thesis. All of the sentences in a paragraph should be properly developed, coherent, and they must stand united in theme. Include recommendations. Public health aims to reduce the incidence and prevalence of problems. You might answer any one of these queries (or your own): Can an agency mitigate or eliminate risk factors? Can people take better care of themselves? Do groups of people need to mobilize? Does legislation exist to address the problem? Are those laws working? Can technology ease any burden? Are there other interventions that would be more effective? Cite sources, and again, use 3rd person voice. You may place recommendations in the body copy paragraphs or create a separate subsection. Organize your writing to make your argument persuasive. The topic, your content goals, and your creativity will influence your decision. The vocabulary you choose should reflect academic word choice. Use APA-style terms, such as “adolescent” or “child”; not “kid”. Use “learned” or “discovered” rather than “found out,” which is wordy. Do not use “said” to reflect an idea you learned about through reading. The correct word is “discussed”. Conclusion: Your last few paragraphs should not be a simple restatement or a summary of your paper. Instead, make a final appeal to your audience. The conclusion is your last chance to convince readers that what you have written is a relevant, meaningful interpretation of a shared issue and to remind them that your argument is reasonable. Collect key components of your argument in the service of answering the question “So what?”– What will happen if things stay the same? What will happen if things change? You can also place what you have written in a broader context if it is helpful: What are the implications (social, economic, political)? Finally explain again how your ideas contribute something new to the conversation by building on, extending, or even challenging what others have argued.
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Impact on Physician Offices’ Use of EHR on Quality of Care Paper

Impact on Physician Offices’ Use of EHR on Quality of Care Paper

Paper Topic: What impact has physician offices’ use of EHR had on quality of care?


Assignment to be completed: Methodology

Sections needed:

Data collection
Data Analysis techniques
Plan for interpreting results
Assignment details:

Approach: This section should clearly explain whether your study will be conducted qualitatively or quantitatively using what type of contact with participants, including the specific criteria that will make a participant eligible and then how you will recruit these eligible participants (e.g. online, in person, at a specific facility, etc.).

Data Collection: This might include the physical location description, the type of instrument (interview, survey questionnaire) you will use to collect relevant data. Be certain to address any obstacles to collecting data, such as patient consent or corporate approvals.

Statistical Analysis: Once you have collected the required statistically significant number of responses, you will need to organize and assess the results to determine the conclusions that can be drawn. Methods of analysis may include frequency analysis or chi square test while tools of analysis may include software programs such as SPSS or Excel.

Interpretation: Once the data collected has been analyzed, this portion of your proposal should indicate how the anticipated outcomes will be interpreted to answer the research question. It is extremely beneficial to anticipate the range of outcomes from your analysis, and to explain their meaning. For example, the term “majority” is not sufficient, you must include the level of majority that will make this determination significant, such as ± 0.05 or >25 or 57%.