GCU Patient-Centered Medical Home Resource Center Essay

GCU Patient-Centered Medical Home Resource Center Essay

This site is something that you will use after you have graduated from Grand Canyon University to keep up with the latest information on healthcare research.


Access The Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website and select one of the multiple funded programs available to research.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word essay addressing the following questions with regard to your chosen program. Use at least three to five academic sources in writing this paper.

What is the mission and budget?
What is the strategic plan of the program?
What do they do to control the quality of health care?
What do they do for cost containment?
How are they aligned with health care professionals?
Is this a valuable program or a waste of taxpayer money? If the program has faults, how could it be improved or should it be abandoned? Be prepared to defend your position.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

China Health Care Insurance Systems UHC Policy Paper Proposal

China Health Care Insurance Systems UHC Policy Paper Proposal

Paper Proposal Assignment -Comparative Health Systems Length: 3 pages (pages to be double spaced, 12 point


Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins). Your reference list can extend onto additional pages, but should take up no more than half of page 3. (That is, the proposal should contain at least 2.5 double-spaced pages of content.) Description: A good proposal should be structured around three primary sections: 1) Description of your research question (roughly ½ of a page). As we discussed in class, your research question should involve an important reform or an otherwise important episode in the history of the health system on which you have chosen to focus. For example, you could analyze a major expansion of health insurance coverage (e.g., when a country first implemented universal healthcare). You could also analyze how your country’s health system responded to a major crisis (e.g., the HIV/AIDS epidemic). Other possibilities include analyzing a country’s response to the a difficulty faced by many countries (e.g., the fiscal burdens that come with aging populations.) 2) Description of how you propose to answer your research question. Policies tend to target particular sectors, population groups, or regions of a country. Evaluating a policy typically involves comparing the targeted group to some other group. If an expansion of insurance coverage targets a country’s poorest regions, for example, you can compare how coverage rates and health care outcomes evolve in poor regions relative to rich regions. Appropriate comparisons may also involve comparing your country to other countries. 3) Background information. Here you should provide more detail regarding the specifics of the policy you propose to study and the history of its origins. Good research involves becoming an expert on a topic, and becoming an expert requires mastering an issue’s background and institutional detail.
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I need help with research paper. Below are the details attached.

I need help with research paper. Below are the details attached.

HIMS 650, Research Methods for Healthcare Managers Week Eight: Introduction to HCAD 670 “Mock Evidence-Base


Research Capstone Outline” Assignment Over the last six (6) weeks, we have explored various topics as it relates to health information and informatics research methods that are applicable for health care administrators. The purpose of this assignment is to create a layout (outline) in order to further expand on the expected knowledge, skills and abilities that students are expected to obtain at the conclusion of the course. Although this is a mock evidence-based research capstone that you are devising in the end, will become a great benefit in your development as a well-rounded health care administrator. Possible Topics for Consideration (feel free to consult with your Professor in the event you have another topic in mind that is not included on the list below) Health Information Systems/Technologies (i.e. the electronic health record, interfaces, data capture technologies)     Human Capital Budgeting Bioterrorism, Natural Disasters & Emergency Management Response Public Policy (HCAD-related) Stakeholders Business Intelligence       Patient Portals Community Engagement: Initiatives, Needs Assessment & Health Education Process Management/Process Improvement Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDH) Contingency Planning Mergers & Acquisitions (i.e. Integrated Delivery Systems/Vertical Integration) Alternative Payment Models (i.e. MACRA, MIPS & APM) Patient Safety  Triple Aim               Personnel Management (i.e. recruitment, professional development, performance evaluation, mentoring and training, compliance of employee work relations laws) HCAD Policy and Procedure Management Vendor/Contract Management Global Health (HCAD-related)     Cultural Competency & Diversity Health Care Marketing & Advertisement Leadership Theories & Approaches (i.e. Transformational Leadership) Organizational Behavior Health Care Reimbursement & Payment Systems Advocacy Data Security/Breach of Data Population Health Hospital-Physician Integration  Meaningful Use (I, II & III)  Quality Improvement (QI)/Quality Assurance (QA), Risk Management (RI) & Utilization Review (UR) Patient-Centered/Integrated Health Care Construct a 3-2 paged outline of your proposed “mock” HCAD 670 capstone project that includes the following:  Proposed Topic  Research Statement o Introduction to the problem  Purpose of the study  Proposed research questions (2-3 questions)  Annotated Bibliography o Includes 3-5 peer-reviewed references required HIMS 650, Research Methods for Healthcare Managers Week Eight: Introduction to HIMS 670 “Evidence-Base Research Capstone Outline It’s never too early to get a head start on the upcoming Evidence-Based Research Project in HIMS 670, Health Informatics Administration Capstone. Over the last six (6) weeks, we have explored various topics as it relates to health information and informatics research methods. The purpose of this assignment is to create the layout (outline) which will eventually become your capstone assignment. Possible Topics for Consideration (feel free to consult with your Professor in the event you have another topic in mind that is not included on the list below) Health Information Systems/Technologies (i.e. the electronic health record, interfaces, data capture technologies)  Human Capital  Budgeting  Health Information Exchange (HIE)  Public Policy (HIM-related)  Consumer Informatics  Business Intelligence  Patient Portals  Meaningful Use (I, II & III)  Virtual Networks  Leadership Theories & Approaches (i.e. Transformational Leadership)  Master Data Management  Data Integration  Biotechnology (Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Genomics)  Personnel Management (i.e. recruitment, professional development, performance evaluation, mentoring and training)  HIM Policy and Procedure Management  Vendor/Contract Management  Global Health (HIM-related)  Revenue Cycle Management  Data Governance (DG)  ICD-10-CM/PCS  Classification Systems  Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI)  Advocacy (i.e. Financial, Patient, General Health, Access to Care, Patient Rights)  National Patient Safety Identifiers  Affordable Care Organizations (ACOs)  e-Health  Virtual Network Applications and Storage (Cloud Computing) Construct a 3-2 paged outline of your proposed HIMS 670 capstone project that includes the following:  Proposed Topic  Research Statement o Introduction to the problem o Purpose of the study o Proposed research questions (2-3 questions)  Annotated Bibliography o Includes 3-5 peer-reviewed references required HIMS 650: Dr. Andoh’s TEMPLATE/SAMPLE OUTLINE for the Week8 Mock Capstone Outline assignment Use only sections 1 to 4 below to construct an outline, about 3 pages long (total 5 to 6 pages if you include your cover page AND References page!), of your Week 8 proposed HIMS 650 (mock) capstone assignment. Ignore sections 5 to 11 below, in this Week8 assignment submission. (I am providing them below only to alert you that this may be the full Outline you will see in your next UMUC course, the HIMS 670 Capstone course). Use the outline below as a TEMPLATE for your Week8 submission: FIRST, SELECT, REFINE AND NARROW DOWN YOUR CAPSTONE HEALTHCARE OR HEALTH-RELATED H.I.M.S. TOPIC, by reading/reviewing the separately attached: (i) HIMS majors document, or (ii) HCAD majors document SECOND,, complete steps 1 to 4 of the following outline: 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM Add brief narrative 2 PROBLEM AND RESEARCH STATEMENT 2.1 Statement of the research problem Add brief narrative 2.2 Source and background information on the problem Add brief narrative 3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research purpose Add brief narrative 3.2 Research objectives and/or 2 to 3 questions and/or hypothesis Add brief narrative 4a. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Add brief narrative 4b. Annotated Bibliography: Include 3-5 peer-reviewed references. THIS IS MANDATORY! ===================================================================== — Do Not Address the sections below, in your Mock Capstone — 5 DEFINITIONS OF KEY CONCEPTS 7 RESEARCH DESIGN 8 RESEARCH METHODS 8.1 Population and sample selection 8.2 Data collection 8.3 Data analysis 9 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY/TRUSTWORTHINESS 10 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 11 CONCLUSION
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response 12 health

response 12 health

Hi, I have 2 of my classmate posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. , one source at least for each one


of them. about how good their posts or how bad. need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

the question was:

What are some of the biggest challenges in developing and implementing a preparedness exercise in a hospital setting?

What differences/similarities exist between hospital and municipal preparedness exercises?


this is the first post from my calssmate IBRAHIM NEED TO RESSPONSE:


Preparedness Exercise

The preparedness exercise is designed to prepare response teams to respond to an unreal emergency. The activity allows members to boost their plans, improve the design and identify areas of improvements. The exercise is a great method to weigh the program, test and validate recently adopted procedures and enhance coordination among the involved teams. A full-scale exercise is prepared to be as real as possible. It uses appropriate equipment and personnel that would be contacted to assist during an actual event. The practice is prepared by first assessing the needs and existing capabilities of an institute (Sharma, 2017). A preparedness plan is presented to the people before the exercise is conducted. The preparedness exercise has been practiced successfully in many organizations, but it has proven to be challenging in hospitals. Hospitals face many challenges that often prevent the success of a preparedness exercise. These issues include:

Whole Day Operations

Hospitals have unpredictable demands for emergency services. This creates fluctuation of utilization on hourly and even weekly bases. Hospitals are designed to cater for an emergency from accidents and large localities. This makes it difficult to develop a preparedness exercise that would cater to this nature of disasters that are common in the hospitals. Besides, interfering with other daily operations in a hospital to practice a preparedness exercise will cause more harm than good.

Limited Resources

Hospitals have minimal facilities to deal with emergencies. Most hospitals operate under full capacity. Therefore, any temporary surge in routine will lead to crowding or ambulance diversions. This will lead to reduced qualities of services in hospitals. Besides, a drill will shift the sufficient care mode of hospitals to saving lives mode. Focusing operations on saving many lives lowers the chance of survival (Edwards et al., 2008). Thus, a hospital’s decision to change to disaster management mode has enormous effects. This reveals a significant challenge to the preparedness exercise.

Funding Challenges

The funds geared towards hospitals preparedness are not sufficient for all hospitals. The hospitals lack consolidated drugs and vaccines to supply causalities during a drill exercise. This depresses coordination capacities in hospitals in case of emergencies. Additionally, most hospitals lack sufficient communication infrastructure that helps during a preparedness exercise. Communication ensures that a hospital’s causalities are directed to appropriate facilities and that the hospital will not be overwhelmed with patients.

Hospital Complexity

A hospital is a facility that incurs great expenses with costly and fragile equipment. A drill exposes the equipment to a high risk of destructions. The complexity of a hospital setting has significantly posed challenges to preparedness exercises (McCrum, 2014). In hospitals, there are chemical and biological risks involved. Both hospital staff and patients are exposed to contamination in case hospital operations are interrupted. Contamination may be a result of toxic inhalation or skin exposure. This has limited chances of a successful drill in hospitals.

Similarities and differences between Hospital and Municipal Preparedness Exercises

The significant similarities between a municipal and a hospital drill are that they all aim at educating the workforce of essential public system emergency and identifying a specific level of system challenge. In both exercises, recommendations are taken and implemented. However, the only notable difference between the two activities is that unlike a hospital drill, municipal drills are not evaluative but are intended majorly for training.


Edwards, J. C., Kang, J., & Silenas, R. (2008). Promoting regional disaster preparedness among rural hospitals. The Journal of Rural Health, 24(3), 321-325.

McCrum, M. L., Lipsitz, S. R., Berry, W. R., Jha, A. K., & Gawande, A. A. (2014). Beyond volume: does hospital complexity matter? An analysis of inpatient surgical mortality in the United States. Medical care, 52(3), 235-242.

Sharma, A. (2017). Resilience capacities assessment for critical infrastructure disruption.


This is the second post from FAHAD need to response:


Challenges in Developing and Implementing a Preparedness Exercise in a Hospital Setting
Preparedness exercise includes all the activities that are undertaken in order to get ready and adequately respond in case of an occurrence of an emergency. Especially in a hospital setting, preparedness exercise is essential since it aids the physicians and other relevant stakeholders to grasp knowledge on how they can tackle an emergency and reduce the risk. However, there are significant challenges which are associated with the development and implementing of the preparedness exercise in a hospital setting. In regard to the development stage of the preparedness exercise, the major challenge which is being experienced is the insufficient or lack of funds to facilitate the whole program. Conducting drills and preparedness exercises related to healthcare can be costly, and it needs setting up aside a substantial amount of funds for the entire process to be processed to be successful (Kaji Langford & Lewis, 2008). Most of the healthcare organizations may find the preparedness exercises as a waste of resources; thus they may hesitate to take advantage of the required funds for the whole activity to be a success.

Intuitively, the biggest challenge at the implementation stage is the schedule. Finding the appropriate time to conduct the drill and preparedness exercise may be difficult since hospitals are always busy addressing the patient’s needs. Considering the sensitive nature of their operations, they are operational day and night thus find the appropriate time to undertake preparedness exercise can be a challenge.

Preparedness Exercise for Municipal and Hospital
Preparedness exercises for hospital and municipal are almost similar, but there is some distinction when it is carefully analyzed. Preparedness exercises for hospital and municipal displayed a similarity in terms of their goals. Both preparedness exercises have the same goals or functionality since they are explicitly conducted for risk reduction in case of an emergency. Another similarity is exhibited since they both have the objective of enabling the affected entity to survive a crisis and recover quickly independently. However, there is a difference in the preparedness exercise for hospital and municipal notably in terms of the nature of their emergency preparedness. The hospital preparedness exercises are typically related healthcare such as the outbreak of diseases or food contaminations or incidents which might occur internally inside the hospital for example fire incidents. But the municipal preparedness exercises are general, and it encompasses emergencies which affect the general population such as terror attacks or floods (Reilly & Markenson, 2010). The other difference exhibited in the hospital, and municipal preparedness exercise is regarding the intensity and complexity of the emergency they are addressing. Hospital preparedness activity typical address incidents or significant incidents which have a direct impact on the healthcare while municipal preparedness exercise address disasters and catastrophe which have adverse effects on a considerable number of people.


Kaji, A, Langford, V, Lewis,R (2008). Assessing Hospital Disaster Preparedness: A Comparison of an On-Site Survey, Directly Observed Drill Performance, and Video Analysis of Teamwork, Annals of Emergency Medicine V52, No3, 195-201.

Reilly, M., & Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health Care Emergency Management: Principles and Practice

Capital Investment Decisions

Capital Investment Decisions

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explains the objectives of capital investment decisions.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Complete DQ

Complete DQ

HCS 451


week 3

NO plagiarism

PLEASE CITE/Add References

Answer question 1 between 90-100 words

1.)How do high reliability organizations differ in their approach to patient safety from other organizations?

Answer question 2 between 90-100 words

2.)Why may transformational leadership organizations be more successful in quality improvement?

Answer question 3 between 90-100 words

3.)Is quality related to culture? Why or why not?


Read Ch. 9 of McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care (4th ed.)

4.)Discuss your thoughts on chapter 9 between 95-115 words


Read Ch. 11 of McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care (4th ed.).

5.)Discuss your thoughts on chapter 11 between 95-115 words


Read “The Importance of Healthcare Risk Management” on the Investopedia website.


6.) Write your thoughts between 100-110 words

Obamacare versus the Universal Health Care in America Written Assignment

Obamacare versus the Universal Health Care in America Written Assignment

Write a 2-3 page essay (not including the Reference Page)


about universal health care in America. Make sure that you use borrowed information to bolster your key points. Cite that information in-text and with a Reference Page at the end. Your essay should follow the standard format for academic writing. Make sure you:

Choose a side

Write a strong thesis statement (included in your introductory paragraph)

Research online for 3 credible sources that will support your thesis statement (keep in mind that, as you research, you may change your mind about your side!)

Plan your essay by thoroughly brainstorming/outlining points that will support your side

Give in-text citations as well as a references page

MMHA6400 Walden Week 7 Developing Financial & Cash Flow Statement

MMHA6400 Walden Week 7 Developing Financial & Cash Flow Statement

Balance Sheet (in ‘000s) For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 9/30/2016 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents


Net accounts receivable Inventory Total current assets Gross plant, property, and equipment (less accumulated depreciation) Net plant, property & equipment Long-term investments Total assets $0 Current liabilities Accounts payable Wages payable Total current liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Net assets Ending balance, unrestricted net assets Ending balance, temporarily restricted net assets Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $0 Profit and Loss Statement Statement of Operations (in ‘000s) For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 9/30/2016 Unrestricted revenues Patient revenues (net of contractuals) Provision for bad debt expense Net patient revenues Net assets released from temporary restriction Total revenues Operating expenses: Labor expense General expense Supply expense Depreciation expense Interest expense Total operating expenses Excess of revenues over expenses Transfer to parent corporation Increase in unrestricted net assets $0 Cash Flow Statement Statement of Changes in Net Assets (in ‘000s) For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 9/30/2016 Unrestricted net assets Excess of revenues over expenses Unrestricted contributions Transfer to parent corporation Change in unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Net assets released from temporary restriction Change in temporarily restricted net assets 0 0 0 Permanently restricted net assets Change in permanently restricted net assets Increase in net assets Beginning balance, net assets Ending balance, total net assets 0 0 0 $0
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Complete assignment below

Complete assignment below

As a team consider the following scenario:


On Dec. 7, 2000, the Cincinnati Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) office heard through media and police reports that there were two deaths at a nursing home in Ohio. OSHA determined that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should take a lead role in performing an investigation.

Because the nursing home had many residents who had unhealthy respiratory systems, the nursing home routinely ordered and received tanks that contained pure oxygen. During one delivery, the supplier mistakenly delivered one tank of pure nitrogen in addition to the three tanks of pure oxygen that had been ordered. The nitrogen tank had both an oxygen and nitrogen label. An employee at the nursing home connected the nitrogen tank to the nursing home’s oxygen delivery system. This event caused two nursing home residents to die, and three additional nursing home residents were admitted to hospitals in critical condition. Within the following month, two of these three additional residents also died, bringing the total death toll to four.

(Based on accident # 837914 www.osha.gov)

Answer questions between 200-250 words in TOTAL (NOT 200-250 words EACH QUESTION) which your team compares the Normal Accident Theory to the Culture of Safety model.

Explain what factors can play a role in organizational accidents similar to the one highlighted in the scenario.

How do organizational processes give rise to potential failures?
How can certain conditions influence errors and violations within the workplace (e.g., operating room, pharmacy, intensive care unit)?
What are the errors and violations committed by “sharp end” individuals?

ACA and Ethical Issues Related to Managed Care Assignment

ACA and Ethical Issues Related to Managed Care Assignment

Written Assignment – Ethical Issues related to managed care.



Throughout this week, you read about managed care and third-party payers, the basic components of insurance.

Up until recent years the only options for the uninsured, if they qualified for it, were Medicare and Medicaid. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the landscape of insurance is changing.

For this week’s written assignment, read the following article:

Hamel, M.B., Blumenthal, D., Abrams, M., & Nuzum, R. (2015) http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMhpr150361…. The New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 2451-2458. Retrieved from http://www.nejm.org

After reading the article, answer the following questions:

What are your initial thoughts from the article?
How do you think the Affordable Care Act improves health care for Americans?
Who do you think will benefit the most from the Affordable Care Act? Why?
Why are some states slower to participate than others?
If you could create a healthcare plan for the United States, what would it include, who would be covered?
Please give more than 1 sentence for each answer. Explain your answers. APA format. with title page and reference page. Cute those links for those websites on the reference page in apa format.