Nursing’s Impact on Legislation

Nursing’s Impact on Legislation

There are many political issues of interest to nursing ranging from societal issues, to moral/values issues, to


regulatory issues. The beliefs and experiences of nurses lead to diverse opinions related to many of these political issues.

In this assignment, you will examine a selected political issue and the role of nurses in politics.


Consider the political issues described in your textbook. Examine the related ethical issues and how nursing could impact legislation.

In a 3- to 4-page essay, post your response to the following case:

Select an example from your reading this module, of a political issue that is also a health issue.

Discuss the political and health concerns surrounding the selected issue.
Identify the ethical issues that policy makers should be aware of when developing legislation about the selected issue.
Discuss the impact the nursing profession could have on this issue if nurses became familiar with the issue and reached out to policy makers.
Support your findings with examples and scholarly references. Apply APA standar

Compare EHRs

Compare EHRs

It is important for the nurse to understand there are different types of products offered by different vendors.


Comparing the advertisements on their respective websites is important to the nurses’ use of technology.


Search the Internet for at least two different EHR vendors. How do these products compare as they are advertised on the websites? Answer this question and support your rationales.

In a 3- to 4-page essay, post your response to the following:

Search for the EHR vendors.
Analyze the vendors’ advertisements on the websites.
Compare and contrast the vendors with your rationales as to their efficacy as advertised and add which one would be the best for your workplace.
Support your findings with examples and scholarly references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Holistic Health

Holistic Health

Analyze the Social Theories of Aging as delineated in chapter 8 of Andrews & Boyle. Based on your experience in caring for an elderly client, as a RN or as a nursing or sociology student, give examples of any clinical applications, of one or more of these theories, which you have observed in your practice. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference. APA format reference should not be more than 5 years


Summary of evidence paper

Summary of evidence paper

Recommendation for Practice – Summary of the Evidence Practice Paper


For this assignment you will identify an area of nursing practice in which you would like to make a change. You will initiate this inquiry by writing a PICOT question. Based on the question, you will develop a practice problem paper in which you define the problem you have identified, describe the prevalence of the problem, describe the significance of the problem to patients and nurses, and discuss how you plan to address the problem/make the practice change including the use of an evidence-based practice model and through a focused literature search, you will use knowledge gained in this assignment in preparation for your voice-over PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester.

In order to support your argument you need to use at least 3 current references (within the past 5 – 8 years) from the professional literature. Include at least one interprofessional references. These references can come from professional journals and reputable websites (American Heart Association, March of Dimes and Center for Disease Control.

Evidence Paper

Root Cause Analysis Paper.

Root Cause Analysis Paper.

What is root cause analysis? e analysis (RCA) is a method of incident investigation. As such, it is a diagnostic tool


rather than a safety solution in itself. RCA allows a systems approach (Chapter 26) to investigation Patient Safety Agency when developing a framework for patient safety investigation in the NHS. The NHS approach aligns well with investigation methods used in healthcare and other high-risk industries across the globe. SDP in the head of each fish (not the whole incident), then ana- lyse why that course of action seemed the right thing to do at that time • A few carefully analysed ‘fishbones’ focusing on key CDPs and SDPs will deliver more benefit than many completed quickly Training in systems thinking and human factors (including error types and biases) will aid impartiality and quality analysis The root causes are the most significant contributory factors 25 4. Generating recommendations and solutions Problems will rarely be resolved for the long term by applying discipline, training and updated procedures alone Training in improvement science will assist with more effective selection and implementation of solutions Why investigate? The primary aim of patient safety investigation is to learn from inci- dents and to determine what can be done to significantly reduce the likelihood of recurrence; the aim is not to apportion blame. If, during an investigation, concerns of capability, recklessness or maliciousness arise, the Incident Decision Tree (IDT) should be used to provide guidance on whether and to whom these issues should be referred. Investigation and planned management of these particular concerns should not form part of the patient safety investigation process. Chapter 9 Root cause analys or 5. Implementing solutions Amalgamate action plans from investigations. This encour ages trend analysis and a more cohesive, high-level approach to resolving common issues • Avoid conducting more and more investigations with similar outcomes. Time must be allocated to implementing solutions and monitoring their efficacy 6.Writing the Investigation Report • Use an RCA investigation report template to facilitate trend analysis, audit and shared learning 5 6 economy RCA process Investigations can be comprehensive or concise but must always Effective RCA investigation include the basic elements to help ensure they are thorough, cred- ible and actionable, and represent value for money The components for success in patient safety investigations are Set clear terms of reference and follow them. Secure adequate the same as those required for successful clinical investigations (Figure 9.1); time and skills, or record and report the impact of constraints 1 To avoid the extremes of delayed problem diagnosis and Avoid lots of concise investigations. They can prove false resource wastage, triggers or indications for conducting an investi- 1 Gathering and mapping the information gation must be correctly identified. You have to understand exactly what happened leading up to 2 To obtain a good-quality, accurate picture of the problem, data an incident before you can fully understand why it happened gathering must be conducted by those skilled in the process. Investigative interviewing should focus more on listening 3 The findings from the collection of data must be robustly inter- preted and credible conclusions drawn by someone with analyti . Consult the patient and family as part of the investigation; they have a unique perspective and valuable information to share SDPs) – this stage involves identifying all the points at which: care and service delivery problems (CDPs and something happened that should not have happened; or something that should have happened did not a fishbone diagram (or Ishikawa diagram or cause- for this process. as shown in Figure 9.2, place one CDP or than on asking questions 2 Identifying cal skills and an understanding of the ‘anatomy, physiology and pathology of the issue. 4 To ensure that improvement is achieved and measurable, expert selection, application and monitoring of effective treatment and remedial action are required. 5 If meaningful learning and improvement are expected from incident investigation, there must be organisation-wide support 2 Analysing problems Using and effect diagram) Chapter 27 gives an example of a fishbone diagram in use. 日 QQ || / 16 Types of Errors Diagnostic Error or delay Failure to employ indicated tests Use of outmoded tests/therapy Failure to act on results Treatment Error in performing procedure or test Error in administration of treatment Error in dose or method of using a drug Avoidable delay in treatment Providing care that is not indicated Other Failure of communication Equipment Failure Other System Failure Preventative Failure to provide prophylactic treatment Inadequate monitoring or follow up Leape, L. Lawthers, A., Brennan, T., Johnson, W. (1993). Preventing Medical Injury. Quality Review Bulletin 19(5), 144-149. E X 6 G 0 /16 บ Root Cause Analysis Find Out……. What happened? Why did it happen? How can it be prevented from happening again? Root Causes of Sentinal Events 2004-2015 Systems Analysis RCA seeks to identify the “holes” 1 Failure: Two patients with similar names are admitted 2 Failure: The patients are placed in rooms next to each other Hazards Losses 3 Failure: Drug orders are left at the nursing station by the doctor who is seeing both patients 4 Error: The patients are both discharged in the lunch hour and their medical orders are mixed up National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (20
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How does the social construction of illness—both specific illnesses and illness in general—affect the lives of persons who have chronic illnesses?
min 300 words


MN 515 Unit 3

MN 515 Unit 3

Compare and contrast the Systems Life Cycle and the Nursing Process. How is it that these two processes are similar? Provide two references in APA format to support your post and include subtitles to each paragraph


MN 515 Unit 3 Assignment

MN 515 Unit 3 Assignment

Unit 3 Assignment



One of the major components of your organization’s strategic plan is to improve patient confidentiality. For this Assignment, you will assess the security of the EHR system in your organization.

You should:  Identify the top three weaknesses observed.  Choose one weakness and provide an Evidence Base Practice solution that could be implemented organization-wide to improve the security of Electronic Health Records data and information.  This plan should include all seven layers of The Trust Framework.  Create a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of this new initiative (include the metrics that could be used to demonstrate the plan has been effective).  Include at least 5 references. Include subtitles to each paragraph and put in APA format. The finished Assignment should be no more than ten (10) pages, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained. Here is the 7 seven layers of trust model included

See the source image

holistic health

holistic health

Analyze the Social Theories of Aging as delineated in chapter 8 of Andrews & Boyle. Based on your experience in caring for an elderly client, as a RN or as a nursing or sociology student, give examples of any clinical applications, of one or more of these theories, which you have observed in your practice. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference. APA format reference should not be more than 5 years




Analyze the Social Theories of Aging as delineated in chapter 8 of Andrews & Boyle. Based on your experience in caring for an elderly client, as a RN or as a nursing or sociology student, give examples of any clinical applications, of one or more of these theories, which you have observed in your practice. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference less than five years. 300-400 Words APA format.