Holistic Health

Holistic Health

Analyze the influence of culture on mental health care values, beliefs and practices. Support your position with at least one scholarly journal reference. APA format reference not more than 5 years


Topic 1- Discussion Forum 1

Topic 1- Discussion Forum 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below:


I have over twenty years of experience in Nursing, but I need the education
that goes with it. I look forward to obtaining my Bachelors of Science in
Nursing for now, and eventually my Masters of Science in Nursing in the future.
It’s been a while since I have been in school, so my greatest fear is accomplishing
my educational goals with the use of technology. Back in the day we used paper
and pen so I’m afraid that I’m not that technology savvy. I do believe that I
will overcome this fear, though. To overcome my fears, I must be committed,
focused, determined, and have self-motivation. One educational fear that I
conquered was in my final year of nursing school back home in Ghana. I had to
do my capstone in nursing care study. I was assigned to our principal nursing
tutor so that she could help me with the course work. She was very strict,
unfriendly, and was never satisfied with what anyone had to offer. She
disagreed with the topic I chose to write about and instead wanted me to write
about a topic she had chosen for me. I took bold measures and explained to her
about the topic and disease condition that I intended to write about. I was
very afraid that she was going to reject my topic, but she accepted it even
though it took her about two weeks to finally approve my topic. By taking
initiative, I was approved of my topic and I passed the capstone course with

Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing (1)

Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing (1)

Hi everyone,


Informatics and technology in my nursing practice is very important because it allows me to able to access my patient’s electronic health record. Accessing a patient’s electronic health record allows me to see their lab values, vital signs, nursing orders, pass medications using the MAR, and document accordingly. We still use paper methods for certain situations; However, I think that in the future we will continue to steer away from paper methods and have complete electronic access. As electronic access continues to improve within all the different systems used between hospitals, it may ultimately expand globally. Thus, improving the continuity of care.

As stated in our lesson this week, nursing informatics is designed to “improve the health population, communities, families and individuals by optimizing information management and communication” (Massachusetts Action Coalition Future of Nursing, 2016, p. 12). However, ethical issues might arise from the use of technology and informatics. Examples include, but are not limited to a breach in confidentiality, wrongfully accessing information, and losing data that is pertinent to patient care (Hood, 2018, p. 374-375).

Research by Jelec, Sukalic, & Friganovic (2016), states that the greatest challenge that nurses face with modern technology is finding a balance between technology and human interaction (p. 26). I find this statement to be particularly interesting because it something I know I have a hard time balancing. How many times have I been guilty of being caught up with trying to complete my charting, especially on a busy day that I forget to take the time to sit down and have a conversation with my patients? As technology continues to improve, I can see this balance continue to be an issue between patients and healthcare professionals.

One of my greatest challenge when I started nursing was getting use to our data system. I remember it taking my a while to get familiar with the data system and knowing where I could access certain resources, such as our online drug information and policies within the network. I now believe on of my greatest challenges in the use of informatics and technology within my practice is the “unknown”. I want to know how my patient, who may have been transferred to higher level of care, is doing. However, once the patient is no longer in my care I am not allowed to access their medical record because it would violate HIPAA.

To add on to Professor Zeisler’s statement, I too have had the same concerns. I have across charting on a patient and have noted certain things, that are quite noticeable when assessing a patient, but no one has documented accordingly. It makes me wonder, are nurses truly assessing the patient or are you just in a hurry to finish your charting and mistakenly select WDL? In response to all the concerns that nurses have had in regards to our electronic system, we have frequent updates to make our charting more “user friendly”.


Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Jelec, K., Sukalic, S., & Friganovic, A. (2016) Nursing and Implementation of Modern Technology. Signa Vitae, 12(1), 23-27.

Massachusetts Action Coalition Future of Nursing (2016). The Massachusetts Nursing Core Competencies: A toolkit for implementation in education and practice settings. (2nd ed.). Retrieved from http://www.mass.edu/nahi/documents/NursingCoreCompetenciesToolkit-March2016.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing (2)

Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing (2)

Greetings Professor and Class,


As a Nurse Case Manager Specialist for Cigna HealthSpring health insurance company, I engage with patient’s telephonically 95% of the time. I access patient information via 10 or more electronic patient information systems daily. Needless to say, Informatics and technology are essential to my daily nursing practice/care. One of the primary electronic health systems we use is called “Lumeris”. “Lumeris helps health systems, providers and payers deliver value-based care and improve outcomes through population health management (Lumeris.com).” Lumeris collects data from submitted electronic claims for medical services provided to our patients and creates care reminders for quality measures (Blood Pressure, A1C, mammograms, colonoscopy, BMI, etc.) that have not been completed for the measurement year. We prioritize are patient care based on the outcomes and/or lack of outcomes found in Lumeris. Prior to the incorporation of Lumeris, the only way we could access patient information was via primary care office (PCP) notes (paper record and/or EMR). Although we continue to make PCP office visits to retrieve information, Lumeris has significantly assisted with streamlining information and making our workflow more efficient and effective.

I believe more population health systems like Lumeris are the future of healthcare. Population health management systems are a collaboration of the health care plan and the health system (hospital/PCP). When we share patient information in an ethical manner we can manage patient care more efficiently. This could possibly reduce cost and promote safety by preventing duplication of medical treatment/services, medication prescriptions, etc. Duplicative treatment/medication is one of the greatest challenges we face with our patients. This is due lack of communication and improper transition of care.

“The same ethical principles that apply to verbal and written information also apply to information stored in technology. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) apply to all communications, including electronic (Week 6: Lesson: Ethics in Informatics and Technology).” I remember there was a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) assigned to help our team with The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) project. The HEDIS project sends patient records that were submitted for claims from healthcare provider from the previous measurement year, to CMS for auditing purposes. The nurse took a picture of a patient’s medical record, sent it to their personal e-mail, and then sent it to their work e-mail for submission. This was a clear violation of Patient Health information (PHI). As nurses, we have to remember that technology is a tool that can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy.


Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Peppers professional nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Week 6: Lesson: Informatics and technology



Topic 2- Discussion Forum 2

Topic 2- Discussion Forum 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below:


Being able to communicate verbally as well as written words is very helpful to me as well. The reference you made to “talk-learning” is helpful to me as it reminds me that we all have strengths that allow us to accomplish our individual tasks but also to collectively work with each other as a team. I appreciated the way you also cited the reference as I was looking for a good example and you provided that. In a very simple way, I can already see how the posting in the forum can help each of us work through the process of learning and integrating the material.

Topic 3- Discussion Forum 3

Topic 3- Discussion Forum 3

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below:


My strongest characteristic for becoming a successful student is my love to talk about what I am learning. It has always been easy for me to carry on a conversation with someone about the profession of nursing, because I enjoy sharing ideas and learning new things from others with like-minded interests. I believe this will make me a successful student in this program because, according to Lake and von Baeyer (2005) those who “talk-learning,” produce a whole host of memory traces that result in more learning.

Tags: nursing help paragraph

Topic 4- Discussion Forum 4

Topic 4- Discussion Forum 4

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


I have over twenty years of experience in Nursing, but I need the education
that goes with it. I look forward to obtaining my Bachelors of Science in
Nursing for now, and eventually my Masters of Science in Nursing in the future.
It’s been a while since I have been in school, so my greatest fear is accomplishing
my educational goals with the use of technology. Back in the day we used paper
and pen so I’m afraid that I’m not that technology savvy. I do believe that I
will overcome this fear, though. To overcome my fears, I must be committed,
focused, determined, and have self-motivation. One educational fear that I
conquered was in my final year of nursing school back home in Ghana. I had to
do my capstone in nursing care study. I was assigned to our principal nursing
tutor so that she could help me with the course work. She was very strict,
unfriendly, and was never satisfied with what anyone had to offer. She
disagreed with the topic I chose to write about and instead wanted me to write
about a topic she had chosen for me. I took bold measures and explained to her
about the topic and disease condition that I intended to write about. I was
very afraid that she was going to reject my topic, but she accepted it even
though it took her about two weeks to finally approve my topic. By taking
initiative, I was approved of my topic and I passed the capstone course with

Topic 5- Discussion Forum 5

Topic 5- Discussion Forum 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


I am very much looking forward to beginning furthering my education by starting my BSN program. I look forward to having many more options in my career once I obtain my bacheior’s. I never want to stop learning and growing as a nurse. My greatest fear as I begin this new part of my life is that I will fall behind in the classes, trying to balance work and school work. It is important to me to be able to do my best during this program but my job is stressful and it does keep me busy. I know I can over come this fear by keeping determined and do a little bit of work at a time as to not become overwhelmed with assignments. I can also over come this by asking my peers for help and making time when I am not at work to sit down and dedicate to my school work.

My first semester of nursing school I was also working a part time job to be able to help pay for my bills and school. I didnt think I was going to be able to do both when I first started my nursing program it just seemed so overwhelming and too much for me to do. Howvever, I was able to sit down and make a clear scheudle for myself , I was hard working and determined to succeed in both aspects of my life . I leaned on my support groups from my family and friends from nursing school and finished my program doing the best I could have done meanwhile keeping my part time job throughout nursing school.

Tags: nursing please help grand canyon university paragraph with your opinion

Reflective Paper

Reflective Paper

Read these two articles and submit your 5 pages reflection paper using APA format. References no older than 5 years.




A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read and experienced. A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in future.

CLC Group Values

CLC Group Values

CLC Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?) What Each Team Member Agrees to Do


Check into the CLC regularly to review progress on the assignment. Contribute ideas and feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion. Communicate with all CLC members as soon as a problem or issue arises. Maintain respectful communications with all team members. Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines set by the CLC members. Take a leadership role in CLC assignments. Make sure to cite and reference all sources of information used in completing tasks. Other: Other: Why This Is Important to the Team Project Management Specifics (What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?) CLC Group Member’s Name Task to be Completed by This Team Member (This section will change for each CLC Project.) Contributing one or more ideas for how the project should be completed. Outlining the CLC project. Assigning tasks to CLC members. Performing research on assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review. Due Date for Completing the Task for the CLC to Review Making sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks. Proofreading and editing the paper. Submitting the paper via the Assignments feature by the due date deadline. Other: Other: CLC Group Interaction Guidelines (How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?) What Could Happen To Impede Our Teamwork? A CLC member doesn’t provide project ideas or feedback to other team members. A CLC member doesn’t complete his/her task at all. A CLC member completes his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date. Other: Other: What We Will Do if This Happens? CLC Group Review Process (What makes a CLC effective?) What did Our CLC Do Well This Time? (This section will change for each CLC Project.) What Can We Do to be a More Effective CLC Next Time? (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
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