Emergency Situations and Social Health Needs Discussion

Emergency Situations and Social Health Needs Discussion

PART A “Emergency Situations” Please respond to the following:


Suppose you work in a hospital that just received twelve patients from a disaster event in your community. Your hospital is able to treat and provide necessary surgical services to those that require surgery. However, five patients are refusing care and requesting to be transferred to another hospital for the same services. Suggest the course of action that the hospital should take to meet the standards of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) related to public health in your community. Provide at least two (2) specific examples to support your rationale.
Imagine that an unidentified individual with a gunshot wound has been transported to the emergency room. After taking the victim into surgery, the medical team realizes the individual is a minor. Examine the kind of consent that the team should obtain and determine the resources that they could utilize in order to obtain this consent.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: If there were 5 patients that were refusing care and requesting to be transferred to another facility In order to be EMTALA compliant they would first need to be examined and determined to be in stabilized condition. After that determination was made you would need to be sure that copies of their records were transferred with them to the hospital they will be going to.

If an unconscious minor is brought in for surgery for a gunshot wound since this is life-threatening the consent is implied. In the event the parents are present surgery can still be performed since they cannot refuse treatment in a life-threatening situation. Once the patient is stabilized the parents will be consulted for consent of treatment.


Part B – ” Responding to Social Health Needs ” Please respond to the following:

Identify at least 2 ways the law has been used to respond to health-harming social needs in health communities. Do you feel the response was effective? What changes would you recommend as a healthcare regulator? Justify your rationale.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: The first example would be when a homeless person is needing assistants when it comes to finding shelter. There are Homelessness Assistance Programs. An act was created on their behalf called Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH). This Act was created in 2009. There are a lot of Homeless people that do not know about this act. It saddens my heart to see homeless people of the streets particularly homeless kids. Especially in big cities like the one I live in. A lot of people also pretend that they are homeless but really are not. When people do this, it makes it hard to send help to those who really need and are homeless. I would recommend finding a way to catch those that are fake homeless people so we can get to the ones who really need that help.

Another example would be helping the children with special needs to help them comprehend and learn in school. An act was passed in 2004 called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. I think that this is a great law. It allows the kids with social needs to realize that they are created equally and can get the same education as the other kids can. I feel that this act is very effective I believe that the kids are really appreciating being able to learn for free, maybe the parents like it more because it is free. I wouldn’t really make any changes with this act. They are help the children for free as well as testing them to see where they are and how to help them to improve.

Health Care Leaders and Conditions for Optimal Team Performance Paper

Health Care Leaders and Conditions for Optimal Team Performance Paper

Analyze conditions for optimal team performance and consider real world examples of what health care leaders can


do to promote this. Note: If you do not have health care experience, draw on your own professional experiences and apply them to the health care environment.

Post a cohesive response to the following:

Analyze conditions for optimal team performance. Include two real world examples of what health care leaders can do to promote this. Defend or argue your analysis.

Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources.



Role of a Health Care Manager

Role of a Health Care Manager

HCS/325 v9 The Role of a Health Care Manager Health care management is a growing profession. These managers


are expected to manage inpatient and outpatient care facilities as well as non-direct care settings. Therefore, it is important for health care managers to understand the complexity of its roles and functions to build the necessary skills to help them be successful. Complete the following table in which you identify and discuss the role of the health care manager in the following functions: organizing, planning, controlling and leading. In the spaces provided, ensure you identify and discuss them according to these guidelines: • • • Define each of the functions listed. You must define the function in your own words; do not copy the definition from a textbook. Identify and discuss the role of a health care manager in the given function. Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry. Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft® Word document with your name in the file name. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the file to your facilitator. Submitted by: [Type your name here.] Function Identify the role of a health care manager in the function stated. Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry. Organizing Planning Controlling Leading Copyright© 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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Social Services Health Care and Personal Care Patient

Social Services Health Care and Personal Care Patient

Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words.

Tags: healthcare organization Managerial accounting finance healthcare service


HCS465 Importance of Research in Health Care Industry Discussion

HCS465 Importance of Research in Health Care Industry Discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

Why is research important in the health care industry? Provide an example.
Do you have any experience with research? Explain.


Walden MMHA6400 Wk 10 Capital Budgeting Healthcare Financial Questions

Walden MMHA6400 Wk 10 Capital Budgeting Healthcare Financial Questions

There are many options to buy capital, including cash purchases, loans, leasing, and other forms of payment. Your


goal as a health care manager is to determine which method is best for your organization, given its financial and organizational structure (i.e., for-profit or not-for-profit). Time value of money and net present value are two techniques that may help you determine how and when to invest in new capital. For this Assignment, you examine these concepts as they pertain to the health care industry.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the Week 10 Assignment document provided to you by the Instructor. Reflect on concepts of time value of money, net present value, internal rate of return, and purchasing options.

The Assignment:

Using the “Week 10 Assignment Capital Budget Excel Template” answer the questions provided in the week 10 assignment document.

To assist you with this task a Present and Future Values Excel Tutorial has been created (please check your volume settings) https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/…

RW healhcare

RW healhcare

RW healthcare


Part 1 2–3 pages

A key component of working as a manager is to conduct performance appraisals for the employees whom you are managing. You feel that the most effective way to carry out the performance appraisals is to create a written policy that details the way performance appraisals will be carried out.

Using the same facility you chose in Week 1, construct a policy that details how employee performance appraisals will be conducted in the organization. In your policy, be sure to address the following criteria at a minimum:

Details of the appraisal process
The frequency of performance appraisals
The employees involved in the process
Keep in mind that the type of organization, as well as regulations, may impact the type of criteria that the employee is appraised on.

Part 2 SWOT analysis and 4-5 paragraphs

An integral part of the strategic planning process is to gather information. One method of doing this is by conducting a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Now that you have reviewed your chosen standards, you will examine the impact of both internal and external forces on your chosen facility.

Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen facility that examines the forces that may affect the facility.
Be sure to pay particular attention to the issues of financing, productivity, and marketing, as well as others you feel have the potential to impact the facility.
Present your SWOT analysis using a standard SWOT analysis matrix.
Below your SWOT analysis, identify and discuss at least one issue from each section of your SWOT analysis in further detail in an effort to analyze why you feel the chosen issue may have the greatest impact on the facility.
When discussing your weakness and threats, be sure to include:
1–2 goals that should be created to improve in these areas
A brief description (1–2 paragraphs) of a plan of action to improve in these areas that includes how you will accomplish the goals that you set in the first bullet point. In an action plan, there is usually a time frame, steps to how you plan to meet the goals you set, and how you will measure the goals.
Note: Use APA style to cite at least 2 scholarly sources.

Action Plan

Action Plan

The CEO for your organization has announced that the organization must put more of a focus on consumer-driven


health care, and an urgent care clinic division will be added as an answer to the recent uptick in retail health clinics in your area.

For this assignment, develop a 4-6-page action plan, not including title page and reference page, that will facilitate communication of the strategy. Your action plan should include, but is not limited to, the following:

Goals or objectives that detail how the new urgent care clinic division will contribute to the set strategy (e.g., tie this in with the organizational statements you constructed)
What will be required to meet the goals and objectives
Who is responsible for each goal and objective
What resources will be required to achieve goals and objectives
How results will be measured and evaluated
At least 1 page of your report should be dedicated to explaining the process for communicating the plan across the organization.

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 3 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

Healthcare Technologies

Healthcare Technologies

Instructions and assigned reading is attached below. This is a very simple assignment. There are three (3) questions with a minimum of four references. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


HCS465 Cancer Free Prevent and Cure Disease Discussion Questions

HCS465 Cancer Free Prevent and Cure Disease Discussion Questions

Read and respond back to discussion post below. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 125 words for each question


1.)Research allows medicine to advance for the good of society, as well as finding better ways to prevent and cure disease. There are vaccines today that prevent us from getting diseases that many people died from before vaccines were invented. Chemotherapy was introduced to patient’s with cancer in hopes of sending them into remission. Although some cancers respond to chemo, others do not. Continuing research on this topic can maybe one day provide treatment for all cancers.

I have some experience with research but in a different fashion. In my current job we prepare corneal grafts for surgeons, and a new surgery was introduced to the ophthalmology world. Myself and another co-worker were given the task of implementing a new procedure in order to prepare grafts for this specific surgery. We had to research what was involved for the surgeon to do this surgery. We also had to research different supplies to use, one example would be that one supply damaged the Endothelial side of the cornea while another provided a smoother cut and less cell damage. We also did a research project with another company similar to ours. The project included our techniques (in all steps of the process) compared to theirs and we compared corneal quality after each step was completed to determine which technique was better.’


2.)Clinical research is what allows doctors to decide how to best treat patients. It is what makes the development of new medicines, new procedures and new tools possible. Without clinical research, we would not be able to decide if new treatments are better than our current treatments. It is how doctors find the most effective methods of care for our patients.

An example would be a cancer patient. We need to first research how cells are resistant to the chemotherapy drugs and what can be done to treat the cancer patient. When doing research myself I found that there are drugs out there that can alter the DNA of cancer cells in a persons body. These drugs cause the cancer cells to die. Once the cancer cells have died off then we need to research how to long the cells will remain cancer free.

The only experience I have with research is writing research papers for school or when I was in grammar school and was involved in the science fairs. I found doing the actual experiment was much better than doing research and then writing a paper. One project that sticks out n my head is different solutions i used to clean a penny. I had a lot of fun with that project and I won 1st place in the science fair was well.