PPT Presentation

PPT Presentation

I need to prepare a Power Point presentation about the topics described. (16 slides without counting the reference/presentation)


E. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki

F. TuskegeeStudy

Recommended Website links:

 https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/be…

 http://www.who.int/bulletin/archives/79%284%29373….
 http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/nuremberg/
 https://history.nih.gov/research/downloads/nurembe…

 https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm

Rasmussen College My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan Reflection Paper

Rasmussen College My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan Reflection Paper

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a


framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.

Use the Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel to assess your current state. After you determine your scores, in a 2-3 page paper complete the following:

Discuss those areas that are strengths (higher scores) and those areas that need further development (lower scores).
Identify two strategies you can use to maintain or maximize each identified strength.
Identify two strategies you can use to strengthen each area needing development. Explain how you will put these strategies into action. Be specific. For example, instead of stating, “I need to exercise,” your action should state “I will begin to walk 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week.” The action should be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timeframe
Also attach your completed form
Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting

Topic 2 DQ 1- #2

Topic 2 DQ 1- #2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


As I was viewing through this media piece and reflecting on my recent opportunity to visit the Florence Nightingale museum I am amazed at how far nursing as a profession has come in such a short amount of time. It is important in any profession to learn the history to understand the how it influenced the practices that are current.

Nursing has always been a caring profession, prior to our understanding of the spread of infection and the nurses’ role in prevention patient centered care can be reviewed in many ways dating back before the 14th century. Through plagues and wars, it was crucial to have that care. (Nursing Timeline of Historical Events) In the 1800, nursing was starting to become an organized profession with educational programs and a focus on infection prevention and later the cause of illness. When at the museum I got to view a video clip of a foot amputation where it appeared there was no sterile technique and no anesthesia. It took over hundreds of years to realize that better patient outcomes may come from prevention and decreasing the spread of infection rather than just caring for the ill, to where we are so focused on disease prevention and infection control today. In the 1900’s nursing had finally become recognized as a profession with standardized education, a registry of qualified professionals. Nurses had the ability to spread their knowledge to the public to increase public health (Friberg & Creasia, 2016). However, in practice professional nurses would not be considered essential or equal by doctors and hospital administrators for many years.

As a new nurse understanding where nursing began and understanding how it has evolved over time makes me proud of the profession that I am in. Proud to have the knowledge to improve patient outcomes, weather being able and knowing I have the responsibility to promote patient rights, the knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacology and its role in one’s health and the desire to always to good in my actions as a nurse.


Friberg, E. E., & Creasia, J. L. (2016). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Mosby

Topic 2 DQ 2- ojo

Topic 2 DQ 2- ojo

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


I very much enjoyed reading your post, and it caused me to reflect on my hands on nursing care. There are so many different cultures with different beliefs and views in regards to their health, and how to treat it. You have to be aware and understand the different customs and walk that fine line of honoring their beliefs and their ways of treating their disease/condition and the plan of treatment the Dr is recommending and I have run into that situation many times. The person, as a whole may include just themselves, the whole family or the leader in the family dynamic, and it must be respected. There are so many aspects to treating patients and being a nurse who can listen, empathize with their situation, and also help them to understand the disease processes in a way they can relate to. Our job and these many aspects that go along with it, show us we will always have room to grow in our learning and teaching abilities, and we never know “everything”.



The contribution of gender to apparent sex differences in health status among patients with coronary artery disease. 5-7 pages APA formatt

Critical Appraisal of a Quantitative Study Assignment Guideline and Rubric

The goals of this assignment are to:


Assist students in understanding the basic process of conducting a literature review/critical appraisal.
Assist students in understanding the beginning process of conducting an evidence-based practice review.
Provide students with the beginnings of scientifically based knowledge on a selected procedure/topic related to nursing research.
Steps of the process:

Select a topic with instructor’s approval. Important because some articles that have been shown to me are not research quantitative nor qualitative research studies that have come from refereed journals.Article can be quantitative or qualitative and preferably from a nursing research journal. (Please submit article to me by end of the day on Monday because I must critique it in order to be able to evaluate your critique.)
Appraise the article critically using the guidelines provided in Chapter 12.This is the information provided in the syllabus..
Prepare a presentation to facilitate where a/the group member(s) discuss aspects of the critique. (See guidelines/questions below.)Power point is suggested because it may provide creativity and generate audience interest.
Information to include in the report (see examples on pages 433-442)

Research Problem and Purpose

Why is the problem significant to nursing?

Will the study problem and purpose generate or refine knowledge for nursing practice?
Literature Review

How current is the literature review?
Does the literature review provide rationale and direction for the study?
Is a clear, concise summary presented of the current empirical and theoretical knowledge in the area of study?

Study Framework

Is the framework/theoretical basis presented with clarity?
If a map or model is presented, is it adequate to explain the phenomenon of concern?
If a proposition from a theory is tested, is the proposition clearly identified and linked to the study hypotheses?

Research Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses

Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses expressed clearly?
Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses logically linked to the research purpose and framework?
Are the research objectives, questions, or hypotheses linked to concepts and relationships from the framework?


Do the variables reflect the concepts identified in the framework?
Are the variables clearly defined?
Is the conceptual definition of a variable consistent with the operational definition?


.What type of research is it? Explain.

How were study subjects selected?

Are any subjects excluded from the study based on age, socioeconomic status, or race, without a sound rationale?

If more than one group is used, do the groups appear equivalent?

Are the rights of human subjects protected?

Is the setting used in the study typical of clinical settings?


What are the instruments that were used to measure variables and if they are scales and questionnaires did the investigator(s) clearly describe them, especially the reliability/validity of the instruments?

If data were collected by observation as in qualitative studies

are the phenomena to be observed clearly identified and defined?

Is interrater and intrarater reliability described?

Are the techniques for recording observations described?


Do the interview questions address concerns expressed in the research problem?

Are the interview questions relevant for the research purpose and objectives, questions, or hypotheses?

Physiological Measures

Are the physiological measures or instruments clearly described?

Are the methods for recording data from the physiological measures clearly described?

Data Collection and Analysis

Is the data collection process clearly described?

Is the training of data collectors clearly described and adequate?

Are the results presented in an understandable way?

Interpretation of Findings

Are findings discussed in relation to each objective, question, or hypothesis?
Are the findings clinically significant?
Do you believe that there are limitations that the investigator(s) did not identify?


What do you determine are the major strengths/weaknesses of the study?
To what populations can the findings be generalized?
What questions emerge from the findings, and are these identified by the researcher?
What future research can be envisioned? Can the study be replicated by other researchers?
How do findings inform your practice as a nurse?
When the findings are examined based on previous studies, what is now known and not known about the phenomenon under study? That is, are the findings consistent with those from previous studies?
Does the author indicate the implication of the findings for practice? What are the implications of the findings for nursing practice?

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (1)

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (1)

In any given situation, there is a constant need and desire to achieve homeostasis. If something is off, even in the


slightest way, it can prevent the general wellness in a situation or individual. “Under general systems theory, nurses interact with clients to help them attain homeostasis, defined as the constancy of the internal environment caused by the action of regulatory mechanisms” (Hood, 2018, p. 137). Mr. R has just undergone surgery for colon cancer and now has a temporary colostomy. This is a huge “disturbance” or “stressor” in his life that is now affecting his equilibrium. (Hood, 2018). Both the subsystems and suprasystems within Mr. R. have been greatly affected. Subsystems, which affect everything down to the cellular level, have been disturbed by both the cancer and the surgery. The suprasystems that have been influenced include his external environment. His personal life, his family life, work life and how others perceive him as a result of his new health concerns are all examples of suprasystems. From a nursing standpoint, we are responsible for our patients’ holistic wellbeing. We need to be able to manage them fully; mind, body and spirit. “Clinical intervention in illness is concerned with correcting underlying problems, managing the symptoms, and enabling the patient to come to terms with the disorder. In other words, clinical practice is concerned with restoring the homeostatic balance of the individual” (McVicar, Clancy, 1998, p. 603). McVicar and Clancy refer to homeostasis and the maintenance of such involving the nursing process. It starts with the norm altered, a nursing assessment, assessing needs, care planning, implementation, evaluation, reassessment and ends with norm restored. (Homeostasis: A Framework for Integrating the Life Sciences, 1998). Patient-centered care and the systems theory go hand-in-hand. With the systems theory, it allows for complete, holistic care of the patient. We have to consider all factors when providing care, internal and external, subsystems and suprasystems. In the case of Mr. R, his new stressors are causing him disequilibrium. In order to restore his equilibrium, we need to consider the possibility of any and all physical needs, emotional needs and spiritual/cultural needs. Physical needs due to his illness, post-op needs and physical needs moving forward with the changes he has experienced, etc. Emotional needs due to the possibility of altered body image, financial needs, etc. Spiritual/cultural needs due to the possibility of distress he is feeling. With the systems theory, we are able to focus on every aspect of patients’ needs in order to restore equilibrium and provide the best possible, holistic care. “The Nurse of the Future will demonstrate accountability for the delivery of standard-based nursing care that is consistent with moral, altruistic, legal, ethical, regulatory, and humanistic principles” (Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2016, p.14). Nursing theories in this week’s readings teach us different approaches to the same goals: best possible patient care. As nurses, we are all held accountable to providing such care. We need to maintain ethics, legality and morality in all decisions we make. We learn about the nursing process and different theories to practice this week. No matter what theory you chose to follow in order to deliver the best possible care, we are held to the highest standards and we are responsible for maintaining such standards in every aspect of care. I do not believe that my facility has adopted any of these theories into our nursing care. However, I feel as though it would be an interesting debate to be brought up amongst our nursing coordinating council. In this monthly meeting, there are members from each nursing unit that meet and discuss processes, any issues in each unit and any changes we feel need to be enacted. It would be interesting to see which theory each unit would decide upon and the reasons behind them choosing which theory they chose. Would we agree upon one theory or would it be more unit specific based on the type of patient, acuity, etc.? References: Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. (2016, March). Retrieved April 9, 2018, from http://www.mass.edu/nahi/documents/NOFRNCompetenci… Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Peppers professional nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. McVicar, A., & Clancy, J. (1998). Homeostasis: A framework for integrating the life sciences. British Journal of Nursing,7(10), 601-607. doi:10.12968/bjon.1998.7.10.5686 ReplyReply to Comment

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (2)

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (2)

Hello all!


A nursing theory can be defined as “an organized framework of concepts and purposes designed to guide the practice of nursing” (Petiprin, 2016). After reading thru a few different nursing theories, I have taken a liking to the systems theory which addresses elements and interactions among all the factors in a situation (Hood, 2018). I like this theory because it allows the nurse to be able to understand all of the influences on the patient as a whole and then determine what changes need to be made and how those changes will impact that patient. In the specific situation with Mr. R, I would use the systems theory to understand, predict and control the possible effects of the recent surgery that resulted in a temporary colostomy (Hood, 2018). I would first start by looking further into the patient’s history to gather information on when the cancer was first found, what stage it was in, if it spread to any other organs etc. I would also look into the patients’ personal and medical history to determine if they have had any other health issues in the past or if they had undergone any other previous surgeries. By fully understanding the patients’ past, this would help me to predict the outcome and control the possible side effects. From my past experiences, I would predict that patients’ who have just gotten a colostomy will have a hard time understanding exactly how they should care for it, what foods to eat and if family and friends may change the way they view that person now that they have a colostomy bag. In order to avoid the patient from feeling nervous or anxious, I would immediately start the teaching on how to properly care for the colostomy, the proper foods that they should be eating and which foods to avoid and I would also determine whether or not this person may need a few therapy sessions in order to figure out the best way to communicate this temporary challenge to family and friends. I believe that by using this theory, it enables the nurse to get a good background on the patient which in turn will help the nurse plan the proper patient-centered and culturally accurate care.


Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Petiprin, A. (2016). Nursing Theory. Retrieved from: http://nursing-theory.org/articles/nursing-theory-…


Reflective Paper on Cultural Brokerage

Reflective Paper on Cultural Brokerage

A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read and experienced. A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in future. This reflection paper is based on the following link:



holistic health

holistic health

Describe ethical dilemmas associated with the current state of population health and care disparities. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference. 300 to 450 words and in APA format.Not more than five years old.


Medication Reconciliation

Medication Reconciliation

After formulating a clearly defined plan for a gap analysis, the next logical step is to conduct the gap analysis. The


gap analysis will shed additional light on the details of the current-state workflow and provide directions for transitioning into the future-state workflow.

At this stage in the Course Project, you will conduct your gap analysis, which you planned throughout Weeks 3–5. You will also finalize your draft of the current-state workflow in Visio using the information you collect during your gap analysis.

To prepare for Part 2 of the Course Project:

Review your Gap Analysis Plan (Part 1 of the Course Project) and prepare any necessary recording documents and meeting/observation arrangements with the individuals involved in the workflow.
Conduct the gap analysis. Observe and consult with individuals in your organization who are involved in the workflow.
Analyze the data you gathered and whether or not it meets the goals and objectives you set in your Gap Analysis Plan (Part 1 of the Course Project).
Interpret the meanings and implications of the data you collected. Consider how the workflow issues relate to electronic health records (EHRs) and one or more specific meaningful use objectives.
Examine your Visio draft of the current-state workflow. Consider how the draft aligns with the data you collected in your gap analysis. You will also receive feedback from your colleagues in Week 6.
Begin revising your Visio draft of the current-state workflow based on your gap analysis. Remember to update the information in the swimlane. In addition, prepare to write a detailed description of your Visio workflow.
To complete Part 2 of the Course Project:

Based on the information gathered in your gap analysis, create a finalized Visio model of the current-state workflow.
Then, in a 3- to 4-page paper, respond to the following:
Explain the results of your gap analysis and how they address the goals you set in Part 1 of the Course Project. Identify the issues (gaps) within the current workflow.
Analyze how the issues you identified relate to EHRs and one or more meaningful use objectives.
Describe in detail the final version of your Visio model of the current-state workflow. Include in your description an explanation of the swimlane (who completes each step). In addition, identify where the workflow gaps exist.
Explain how you changed your Visio draft based on the feedback you will have received from your colleagues in the Week 6 Discussion and the information you gathered during your gap analysis.
In a reference list, cite a minimum of three scholarly references (with APA citations) you used to conduct your gap analysis and create your current-state workflow model.
Part 2 of the Course Project, including both the paper and the current-state workflow model in Visio, is due by Day 7 ofWeek 7.

Tags: nursing informatics Medication Reconciliation