Project Management Scholarly Paper

Project Management Scholarly Paper

Scholarly Paper To prepare:


Examine a minimum of three organizations that have published descriptions about a health care information technology project.

Analyze the reports of these organizations’ experiences with HIT project management in order to draw out insights on real-world project management. You may need to examine trade publications in addition to scholarly journals.

Consider the following questions as you analyze the articles:
o What does project management mean to the organization (group)?
o What was the contribution of project management to the organization? What challenges were encountered?
o How did project management enhance organizational work products and the effect of information technology on the users (if applicable)?
o What were the goals of the project:

What were the desired outcomes of the project?
What metrics were used to determine the ongoing success of the project?

What were the expectations or hopes for improving organizational work products?
o How was the project administered?

Was there a written project charter?
How many people/departments/organizations were involved in the project?
Summarize the project activities, schedule, and project costs, if included in the article. To complete: In a 2- to 4-page paper, address the following:
Briefly describe the health care organizations selected for use in this paper, including your rationale for selecting the organizations
Offer perspectives on the use of formal project management in health care organizations, with a focus on health care information technology projects
Synthesize insights on how project goals (outcomes, metrics of success, expectations for improving work products) and project administration (project charters, stakeholder involvement, activities, scheduling, costs, etc.) are addressed in the projects implemented in your selected health care organizations.
Compare your insights from the articles with information from project management literature about project goals and project administration. Be sure that the comparisons you make are clear to the reader.
Explain how your insights into these aspects of project management will impact your ability to successfully manage health care information technology projects.
Synthesize your findings from the literature in regards to present evidence, best practices, or standards.



MN 515 Unit 5 Discussion

MN 515 Unit 5 Discussion

Compare and contrast these terms: eHealth, telehealth, telenursing, and mHealth, and these terms: electronic health record, medical health record, and personal health record. How are these used in your practice? If they are not used, how would you suggest that they could be used to promote patient outcomes? Provide two references in APA format to support your posting.

Please include subtitles to each paragraph


MN 515 Unit 5 Power point Assignment

MN 515 Unit 5 Power point Assignment

Unit 5 Power point Assignment


Policies related to HIT infrastructure, regulations, security, and ethics are set by various HIT (health information technology) federal agencies and committees. For this Assignment, choose an HIT Federal Advisory Committee or Agency. Create a PowerPoint presentation for your peers that describe: Hemodialysis Nursing Group
1. The history of the group

2. The scope of this group – what it is tasked to accomplish

3. Specific examples of the group’s accomplishments, and

4. An example of how this group has impacted your practice. I am a Hemodialysis Charge Nurse/Clinical Coordinator
Your presentation should include detailed speaker’s notes that expand upon the slide content. Also include at least 5 references.

Assignment Requirements
The finished Assignment should be 20-25 slides, excluding the title and reference slides. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained


MN 515 Unit 6 Discussion

MN 515 Unit 6 Discussion

What is a Standards Development Organization (SDO) and how does its work impact continuity of care for patients? Provide two references in APA format to support your posting.

please include subtitles to each paragraph


Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”:


Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:(Lists and analyzes strengths and weaknesses based on each of the listed content areas, and draws on evidence from the given Web site.)

Personal and professional accountability
Career planning
Personal journey disciplines
Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets
Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.(Discuss specific changes that can be made in the workplace are discussed, while giving clear and relevant examples for why changes are necessary. Evaluates how personal skill set can be used to effect change in workplace.)

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.(Provides a thoughtful reflection on areas for growth. Pinpoints at least one specific goal for leadership growth, and outlines a well-organized and realistic implementation plan to meet the goal.)

Tags: nursing nursing leadership

Nursing Discussion Question

Nursing Discussion Question

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.



This is a discussion question relating to the paper u did for me few days back. Attaching it for reference

1 attachments

PICOT Statement Paper

PICOT Statement Paper

Running head: REDUCING STILLBIRTHS Reducing stillbirths NRS 490 April 8, 2018 1 REDUCING STILLBIRTHS 2 The


problem Even though infant mortality in the US is not as high as it is in developing countries, stillbirths still remain high, accounting for a high percentage of maternal deaths. In every 160 pregnancies in the US, at least one of the babies is usually still born, adding up to 26,000 deaths each year. This is a high rate compared to the rates of other developed countries (Robert M. Silver, 2007). Still birth is an emotional experience for both the mother and the health care provider. High stillbirth rates can be attributed to multiple factors including negligence of patient needs by healthcare providers, as well as a patient’s physical, mental, and emotional state due to factors such as being overweight, giving birth after a certain age, drug addiction and smoking, or having been diagnosed with diabetes (CACCIATORE, 2010). Description and setting in which the problem can be observed Compared to other highly industrialized countries such as Japan, Germany, and Australia, US has a high stillbirth rate, whose main cause could be the increasing gap between the rich and the poor. Most of these stillbirth statistics indicate racial and economic trends. As has been identified by research findings, multiple parties including health care providers, patients, and the community have a role to play in minimizing the rate of stillbirths (Gary L Darmstadt, 2009). According to research, factors such as a woman’s age contribute to the likelihood of a still birth, with women under the age of 15 being more likely to have still births compared to women within the age of 25 to 29. Women who are over 35 also have a higher risk of experiencing stillbirths (Fernando C Barros, 2010). Impact of the problem Stillbirth causes a high emotional and psychological pain to the family experiencing the loss. However, stillbirth is not simply an individual’s problem but is also a national issue which ought to be addressed at a community and at a national level (BMJ, 2015). Many REDUCING STILLBIRTHS 3 causes of stillbirth including economic and social factors, health complications, or drug abuse are known to recur in subsequent pregnancies, hence leading to an increase of the chances of experiencing stillbirth in the next pregnancy (ulfiqar A. Bhutta, 2003). Due to these difficulties in addressing the root causes, most professionals and the community have a difficult in identifying the level of care which one needs for subsequent pregnancies. Significance of the problem and its implications to nursing Nursing care has a significant impact on maternal care and impacts the possibility of a mother experiencing stillborn birth. This care also affects a patient’s reaction post the stillbirth, and especially how they deal with the loss. Patients with medical conditions such as High blood pressure have a high possibility of experiencing stillbirth, hence the need to pay keen attention to patients with specific needs to ensure that they are healthy and well cared for during the pregnancy. Factors such as religious beliefs, previous history of loss, and family structures also affect how a patient is likely to care for themselves during a pregnancy, and nurses would be expected to understand these social cultural factors in order to ensure that a patient is well cared for (RANZCOG, 2014). Proposed solution In order to minimize the cases of stillborn births, there are various behavioral and social mediated approaches which healthcare professionals and the community can take. These include ensuring that quality and universal healthcare is accessible to all, educating the community on the effects of maternal exposure to harmful practices and substances, and ensuring that maternal nutrition before and after pregnancy is ensured (Esme V Menezes, 2009). REDUCING STILLBIRTHS 4 References BMJ. (2015). Risk of recurrent stillbirth: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ , 350. Retrieved from CACCIATORE, J. (2010). Stillbirth:Patient-centered Psychosocial Care. CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, 9. Retrieved from ed%20psychosocial%20care%20final%20Cacciatore%202010.pdf Esme V Menezes, M. Y. (2009). Reducing stillbirths: prevention and management of medical disorders and infections during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 9. Fernando C Barros, Z. q. (2010). Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth. Barros, 36. Retrieved from Gary L Darmstadt, M. Y. (2009). Reducing stillbirths: interventions during labour. Retrieved from NCBI: RANZCOG. ( 2014). Caring for families. Retrieved from Evidence-based guidance for healthcare professionals:’s%20Health/Caring-for-families-experiencing-stillbirth-Part1.pdf?ext=.pdf Robert M. Silver, M. W. (2007). WORK-UP OF STILLBIRTH: A REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 433-444. ulfiqar A. Bhutta, G. L. (2003). Using Evidence to Save Newborn Lives. Policy Perspectives on Newborn Health, 6.
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Mn 514 Unit 6 Topic: Performance Evaluations

Mn 514 Unit 6 Topic: Performance Evaluations

Topic: Performance Evaluations


After conducting a review of the current literature, discuss how the performance of healthcare professionals should be measured to insure fair, consistent and equitable treatment. How should these performance evaluations be used to determine promotability and advancement in the organization?

The current reading: Giannini, M. (2015). Performance and quality improvement in healthcare organizations. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 8(3), 173-179.

please include subtitles for each paragraph, 2 references and put in APA format

Data presentation

Data presentation

Urinary Track Infections Student Name Institution Affiliation Date Introduction  Urinary track infections are


infections which results from the contamination of genitourinary by bacteria.  UTI’s are more prevalent in women as compared to men of the same age.  However, there is increased risk of UTI infection for adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus when compared with people without.  There are other causes of UTI such as various impairments in the immune system and incomplete bladder emptying which results from autonomic neuropathy.  Other factors that triggers UTI infections in diabetic adults includes age, cystopathy, long time complications, metabolic control among others. PICOT Question  In adult type 2 diabetic women (P) does increasing fluid intake to two liters per day (I) prevent the occurrence of UTI’s (O) when compared with patients who have less than 1 liter of fluid intake daily (C) over a period of three months (T).  Two diabetic women groups were studied with one group taking two litres of water per day while the other was supposed to be taking less than one litre of water per day  Urine samples were supposed to be taken every two weeks from the two groups for a period of three months and the results to be compared afterwords.  The results showed that the group that took two litres of water prevented athe occurrences of UTI in them. Recommendation  The study was conducted to diabetic women because women have a higher chances of contracting UTI and therefore, there was likelyhood of getting more accurate results  The main cause of UTI is poor circulation in diabetic patients thus limiting the ability of red blood cells to circulate and contain any infection effectively. This was the reason why water was used in the study because it would help in the circulation of red blood cells.  It is therefore highly recommended for diabetic patients both male and females to increase the consumption of water that will increase red blood cells circulation in the body to contain any infection in the body. Conclusion  Complicated UTIs are life threatening conditions to Adults with Diabetes and mostly Women.  Water is an essential element for diabetic patients because it helps the occurrences of UTI.  Methods of predicting the diseases such as early diagnoses, clinical and radiography assessment, and knowledge of predisposing factors should help fight the disease in its early stages. References Aswani, S.M., Chandrashekar, U.K., Shivashankara, K.N., & Pruthvi, B.C. (2014). Usually turn non-diabetics. Australasian Medical Journal, 7(1), 29-34. Foxman, B., & Buxton, M. (2013). Alternative approaches to conventional treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. Current Infectious Disease Reports, 15(2), 124-9. Pagano, M.J., Barbalat, Y., Theofanides, M.C., Edokpolo, L., James, M.B., & Cooper, K.L.(2017). Diagnostic yield of cystoscopy in the evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infection in women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 36(3), 692-696. Urinary Track Infections Student Name Institution Affiliation Date Introduction  Urinary track infections are infections which results from the contamination of genitourinary by bacteria.  UTI’s are more prevalent in women as compared to men of the same age.  However, there is increased risk of UTI infection for adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus when compared with people without.  There are other causes of UTI such as various impairments in the immune system and incomplete bladder emptying which results from autonomic neuropathy.  Other factors that triggers UTI infections in diabetic adults includes age, cystopathy, long time complications, metabolic control among others. Pathogenesis  Presence of glycosuria, increased adherence of the bacteria to uroepithelial cells and neutrophil dysfunction are likely to cause increased frequency of UTI in diabetic patients.  Organisms which ferment glucose and produce carbon dioxide leads to Emphysematous complications in the kidney or the bladder.  xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) which is a complicated type of UTI is caused when renal tissues are destroyed and replaced hardened xanthogranulomatous materials which is yellow in color.  The causes of XGP includes lymphatic obstruction, alterations in lipid metabolism, and renal ischemia among others.  Asceding of infections from the bladder and Hematogenous spread causes renal abcess. Cont.…  disruption of a corticomedullary renal abscess causes the occurrence of Perinephric abscess.  Perinephric abscess may also be caused by the obstructing renal pelvic stone  Marginal change in vascular supply causes Pathogenesis of renal papillary necrosis (RPN) which is another complicated type of urinary track infections which further leads to infarction and sloughing of papillae.  RPN may also be caused by Diabetes, sickle cell disease, renal vein thrombosis, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, analgesic abuse and obstructive uropathy. Diagnosis  Lower UTI has the following symptoms: dysuria, frequency, urgency and suprapubic pain while the symptoms of upper UTI includes fever, chills, and costovertebral angle pain.  Such symptoms are found mostly in women who are diabetic as compared to men with diabetic or non diabetic men and women.  After diagnosis of UTI, an examination of midstream urine should be done to look for presence of leukocytes which causes pyuria that is mostly present in all cases of UTI  Such examination also allows bacteria visualization in urine to look for presence of urinary nitrite.  When pyuria is not detected in microscopic it suggests that it is not an infection but a colonization. Prior the treatment of UTI, the urine culture must always be obtained using a voided, clean-catch, midstream urine method. Treatment  Adequate urinary drainage with correction, broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy and hyperglycemic control are among the methods that involved in the treatment of emphysematous pyelitis (EP), emphysematous cystitis (EC) type of complicated UTIs.  On the other hand, patients with RPN should be treated through aggressive antibiotic therapy and relieve of obstruction too. Conclusion  Complicated UTIs are life threatening conditions to Adults with Diabetis and mostly Women.  Methods of predicting the diseases such as early diagnoses, clinical and radiography assessment, and knowledge of predisposing factors should help fight the disease in its early stages. References Aswani, S.M., Chandrashekar, U.K., Shivashankara, K.N., & Pruthvi, B.C. (2014). Usually turn non-diabetics. Australasian Medical Journal, 7(1), 29-34. Foxman, B., & Buxton, M. (2013). Alternative approaches to conventional treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. Current Infectious Disease Reports, 15(2), 124-9. Pagano, M.J., Barbalat, Y., Theofanides, M.C., Edokpolo, L., James, M.B., & Cooper, K.L.(2017). Diagnostic yield of cystoscopy in the evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infection in women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 36(3), 692-696.
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Tags: research nursing



prevalence of obesity and severe obesity in US children, 1999-2016.


7 pages APA formatt

Critical Appraisal of a Quantitative Study Assignment Guideline and Rubric

The goals of this assignment are to:

Assist students in understanding the basic process of conducting a literature review/critical appraisal.
Assist students in understanding the beginning process of conducting an evidence-based practice review.
Provide students with the beginnings of scientifically based knowledge on a selected procedure/topic related to nursing research.
Steps of the process:

Select a topic with instructor’s approval. Important because some articles that have been shown to me are not research quantitative nor qualitative research studies that have come from refereed journals.Article can be quantitative or qualitative and preferably from a nursing research journal. (Please submit article to me by end of the day on Monday because I must critique it in order to be able to evaluate your critique.)
Appraise the article critically using the guidelines provided in Chapter 12.This is the information provided in the syllabus..
Prepare a presentation to facilitate where a/the group member(s) discuss aspects of the critique. (See guidelines/questions below.)Power point is suggested because it may provide creativity and generate audience interest.
Information to include in the report (see examples on pages 433-442)

Research Problem and Purpose

Why is the problem significant to nursing?

Will the study problem and purpose generate or refine knowledge for nursing practice?
Literature Review

How current is the literature review?
Does the literature review provide rationale and direction for the study?
Is a clear, concise summary presented of the current empirical and theoretical knowledge in the area of study?

Study Framework

Is the framework/theoretical basis presented with clarity?
If a map or model is presented, is it adequate to explain the phenomenon of concern?
If a proposition from a theory is tested, is the proposition clearly identified and linked to the study hypotheses?

Research Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses

Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses expressed clearly?
Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses logically linked to the research purpose and framework?
Are the research objectives, questions, or hypotheses linked to concepts and relationships from the framework?


Do the variables reflect the concepts identified in the framework?
Are the variables clearly defined?
Is the conceptual definition of a variable consistent with the operational definition?


.What type of research is it? Explain.

How were study subjects selected?

Are any subjects excluded from the study based on age, socioeconomic status, or race, without a sound rationale?

If more than one group is used, do the groups appear equivalent?

Are the rights of human subjects protected?

Is the setting used in the study typical of clinical settings?


What are the instruments that were used to measure variables and if they are scales and questionnaires did the investigator(s) clearly describe them, especially the reliability/validity of the instruments?

If data were collected by observation as in qualitative studies

are the phenomena to be observed clearly identified and defined?

Is interrater and intrarater reliability described?

Are the techniques for recording observations described?


Do the interview questions address concerns expressed in the research problem?

Are the interview questions relevant for the research purpose and objectives, questions, or hypotheses?

Physiological Measures

Are the physiological measures or instruments clearly described?

Are the methods for recording data from the physiological measures clearly described?

Data Collection and Analysis

Is the data collection process clearly described?

Is the training of data collectors clearly described and adequate?

Are the results presented in an understandable way?

Interpretation of Findings

Are findings discussed in relation to each objective, question, or hypothesis?
Are the findings clinically significant?
Do you believe that there are limitations that the investigator(s) did not identify?


What do you determine are the major strengths/weaknesses of the study?
To what populations can the findings be generalized?
What questions emerge from the findings, and are these identified by the researcher?
What future research can be envisioned? Can the study be replicated by other researchers?
How do findings inform your practice as a nurse?
When the findings are examined based on previous studies, what is now known and not known about the phenomenon under study? That is, are the findings consistent with those from previous studies?
Does the author indicate the implication of the findings for practice? What are the implications of the findings for nursing practice