Nursing scenario

Nursing scenario

You are assisting a person with range of motion (ROM) exercises. The person does not want to participate and tells you to leave the room. Does the person have the right to refuse? What will you do? Does the nursing center have to take action?


I need a answer to the above scenario (3 questions) in at least 200 words. APA style. I am providing the answer for it it just have to be expanded to 200 words and you cannot used the same wording. It needs 2 citation. Thanks

The person has the right to refuse. You should reintroduce the action at a later time. Report the refusal to the nurse. The nursing center may have to take action if the person is there to receive rehabilitation care. If a person will not perform certain tasks to assist in maintaining or improving his or her health status, the nursing center could become liable. The physician may need to become involved to reevaluate goals of care for the person.


Response to Jazmin Bueno DQ2

Response to Jazmin Bueno DQ2

In addition some coping mechanisms for adolescents can be: to talk about problems with others. Take deep breaths, accompanied by thinking or saying aloud, “I can handle this.” Set small goals and break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Exercise and eat regular meals. Get proper sleep. Practice consistent, positive discipline. Visualize and practice feared situations. Focus on what you can control (your reactions, your actions) and let go of what you cannot (other people’s opinions and expectations). Work through worst-case scenarios until they seem amusing or absurd. Accept yourself as you are; identify your unique strengths and build on them. Give up on the idea of perfection, both in yourself and in others. Give yourself permission and cultivate the ability to learn from mistakes.


Managing Stress in Teens and Adolescents: A Guide for Parents. (n.d.). Retrieved



*****Please response to the discussion above add citation and references 😉 ********


Tags: nursing references citation nurse

Impact of Technology on Cognitive Ability of College Students Assignment

Impact of Technology on Cognitive Ability of College Students Assignment

Topic: The Impact of Technology on The Cognitive Ability of College Students.


Each of these should be no more than two pages of text, double-spaced, times new roman 12-point font.You need to follow APA format (cite the source both in the text as well as on a separate reference page), check thoroughly for grammar and punctuation, and most importantly, make sure you answer the entire question.

nursing role ch 4 essay

nursing role ch 4 essay

After reading Chapter 4 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

Discussion board questions:


1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches in Chapter 4 and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict? Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering?


Tags: APA nursing Florida National University

Nursing Role and Scope

Nursing Role and Scope

After reading Chapter 4 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post. APA format

Discussion board questions:


1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches in Chapter 4 and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict? Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering?


Tags: nursing ROLEANDSCOPE

NR 501 Week 3 Concept Analysis Paper

NR 501 Week 3 Concept Analysis Paper


Characteristic Pattern of Attitudes Shared by Population Discussion

Characteristic Pattern of Attitudes Shared by Population Discussion

Discussion 1 1. Yosniel Gonzalez Effective communication is very essential especially in organizations that provide services to its individuals. For that reason, in a health care setting, it is important for health care professionals acknowledge and understand other people’s cultural difference so that they can provide quality health care to individuals. Consequently, one of the best communication strategy medical providers can adopt, is taking some time to learn other people’s language. By doing so, health experts can easily understand the health complaints of patients who are not exposed to common languages which are known by many people. Moreover, when medical experts learn other people’s languages the productivity of the organization will be improved since communication will flow effortlessly (Silverman et al., 2016). Studies have


shown that many people prefer seeking medical treatments in health care facilities that establish an ambiance that holds up a platform of diversity. In areas where culture is highly diversified, health care professionals need to be good active listeners and practice on keeping an open mind. Typically, patients feel comfortable when they get doctors who are able to give them the ultimate attention. In fact, according to (Nardon et al., 2011) for an organization to be successful, the most important thing is to accept other people cultural differences by always trying to listen to some of their beliefs. When it comes to families, health care professionals should strive to maintain healthy and long lasting correlations with them, this would help medical experts in earning respect from the families and confide in them. Also, health care providers can use good communicators from families as their interpreters so that they can be explained with certain statements which may seem difficult to comprehend. Therefore, health care professionals need to be vigilant when selecting different methods of communication. Medical experts should use face to face type of communication which is considered to be the most effectual method of transferring information from one individual to another. 2. Tenzing Kunchok Every individual has their own reasons for believing in their culture, values, norms and the treatment methods used, since it has been passed down from their elders/or the cultural treatment method has been successful. It’s true that each and every healthcare professionals will not be able to know all the details of all cultures, but it is necessary to learn and know at least the basics in order to get started. Also taking the initiative to learn the language that is mostly used by the patients can help in communication. It needs to be understood that along with respect to the patient’s culture the healthcare professionals need to learn the receptivity of the patient towards the healthcare treatment and recommendations when providing education (Falvo, 2019). Through effective communication (if there is a language barrier than the use of a qualified interpreter) we need to gather information on what the patient wants and how the treatment plans can be incorporated that are consistent with their values (AHRQ,2015). Every individual is different, and stereotyping because of their same culture needs to be avoided. For instance, a muslim female living in USA is fine with having a PAP smear done by a male health provider when compared to a muslim female who recently arrived to USA. 3. Katreina Steward Living in British Columbia (Canada), I have had to become familiar with the Sikh faith and people, as they are very common in my area. Before moving to Canada, I grouped them into the large population/culture grouping of Indians (India), and knew very little about their culture. In learning more about their faith and culture, a majority of the Sikh population comes from a province in India called Punjab and can speak one or a combination of Punjabi, English or Hindi (Fraser Health Authority, 2013). It would be important to examine their English proficiency as well as their health literacy level before beginning patient education with a patient of Sikh faith. As for family, they typically have a very strong presence in each others lives. This would be important, as all the family may wish to be educated or involved in as much care as possible. Medical decision making may also include the family, friends, dependents or those they are dependent on (Fraser Health Authority, 2013). Culturally, it is important to know that the Sikhs place high value on modesty and may wish to have a same-gender nurse or doctor (Fraser Health Authority, 2013). This is critically important, as they may feel uncomfortable if this is not addressed before education, which would greatly interfere with the efficiency of the education itself. Lastly, as for the method of communication, extensive explanation if doing any physical demonstrations or anything invasive is important, especially if a same-gender staff member cannot be granted (Fraser Health Authority, 2013). With the Sikh culture, it is important to ask permission from the patient or family to ensure smooth care, as there are many different sub-cultures that have different allowances. Discussion 2 1. Katreina Steward Culture is defined as “the characteristic pattern of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by members of a society or population” (Falvo, pg. 161, 2011). Ethnicity is defined as “a common social and cultural heritage passed on to each successive generation” (Falvo, pg. 167, 2011). Lastly, acculturation is defined as “the individual’s adaptation to the customs, values, and behaviors of a new culture” (Falvo, pg. 168, 2011). In comparison, these three terms are linked in that they all reference a patient’s set of beliefs and their lifestyle, which is important to competent patient care in the health care world. Knowing a patient’s culture (like important rituals or prayer times to be observed), ethnicity (a means of determining which cultures match commonly with which ethnicities), and acculturation (if the patient has adopted any Western culture pieces or values that would impact care), are essential to treating the whole patient, both physically and spiritually. They are different in that knowing one does not necessarily mean the other two can be assumed. For instance, a nurse may have an adult patient that comes into the ER unconscious accompanied by his parents, who speak limited English and appear to be Japanese in culture/ethnicity. Seeing this, the nurse might assume that the patient is similar to his parents in the three terms above; however, when the patient wakes, the nurse discovers that the patient speaks perfect English with a southern accent and does not wish to abide by his parents’ cultural customs commonly seen in their culture. 2. Nadine Tyson Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation are very important in educating patients. Health care professionals need to know the differences between them because patients culture, ethnicity, and acculturation are always different. Culture is the influence society has on a person (Lindblad, Ernestam, Van Citters, Lind, Morgan & Nelson, 2017). Ethnicity describes the genetic background of a person. Acculturation is described by change in the world. Health care providers can run into several problems when it comes to these topics. Some of these problems are no experience, biases, categorizing patients to specific cultures and not realizing there is a difference and that people from all over can look the same. Health care providers are in charge of treating patients and in order to treat someone effectively we have to get to know them. This also means getting to know them as an individual and include background, ethnicity and where they live. We have to remember just because someone looks a certain way docent mean they are. We as health care professionals must learn to control our biases and beliefs when we do not know or understand the patient. The best way to get to know a new person is to talk to them. 3.Samantha Harrison Culture is a way of life. It is an integrated patter of behavioral norms that are present in human society. It is not a newfound set of values, but a set that is transmitted from generation to generation. Culture is not transmitted through genes, but through symbols. It contains various races such as African, Asian, and Russian. Cultural wars that are established are often related due to conflict between values and beliefs of two opposing groups. It is classified based on individual’s beliefs and values as it pertains to their religion, language, livelihood, and spirituality (Favio, 2019). Ethnicity is similar to culture, however it is not taught by generations. It is a common tradition that belongs to a social group and identified based on shared nationality or traditions. For example, Indian Americans are an ethnicity. As ethnicity was recognized in the 19th century, it is embodied into culture and genetic background. Individuals that share the same ethnicity share the same rituals, language, cuisines, and cultural attitudes (Favio, 2019). These individuals are attached to a specific group. It is about where you are from and not what you look like. It is based off of a geographic region that is able to conform to practices such as customs, religion, and heritage. These people are able to identify established on a common ancestral, social experiences, and cultures. Acculturation is a modification of the culture as it attempts to merge together social groups related to a prolonged exposure. It is the ability to adopt values from other cultures that hold the majority in the community. Acculturation serves as a continuous process to adopt a culture that is not the individuals (Favio, 2019). For example, a family from Mexico travels to USA and embarks on a journey of acculturation as the family is forced to modify their own culture with that of America. All of these involve behaviors, beliefs, and values of daily living. They are all linked into specific values that are essential to the individual whom is seeking care. Plan of care and treatment is based on individualized beliefs and not assumed ideations. For example, a Muslim woman may not practice the belief to pray five times a day as her mother does. It is essential to identify the patient’s wishes by asking the right questions. Health care professionals should not assume that people abide by rituals due to what they look like but by who they present.
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Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data

Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data

Assessment Criteria z

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:

1. analyse accounting information (including both financial statements and management accounts) and formulate appropriate recommendations or conclusions
2. interpret key financial performance indicators and be able to use this information to formulate future plans
3. design organisational strategies to enable the creation and maintenance of value
4. evaluate the financial requirements of a business or project and advise on the financing choices available to organisations (including the relevance of capital structure and the rewards expected by providers of finance).
5. evaluate financial and operating risks (both domestic and international) faced by organisations and the strategies for mitigating those risks 6. appraise corporate governance and ethical issues which might arise in relation to accounting and financial management. Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data


Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

7. advise financial and non-financial managers on financial issues
8. recommend and present ideas confidently and effectively on financial issues
9. determine and apply a range of alternative techniques to monitor and manage business performance

Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment

Performance will be assessed using bespoke grading Criteria and Mark scheme developed in the module.Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches 50 for level 7 (PG). If a submission is more than 5 working days after the published deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded. Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 50 for level 7, no lateness penalty will be applied;

Detailed Brief for Individual/ Assessment

Assignment Title: Business Performance Evaluation
Description of the assignment:This report will be testing the ability of students to evaluate business performance using financial, risk and corporate governance data.

7BUS2041 Using Financial Data
Coursework Brief
Gentry Electronics has enjoyed tremendous sales growth during the last 10 years, however, even though sales have steadily increased, the company’s CEO, Erica Harding, is concerned about certain aspects of its performance. She has called a meeting with the corporate controller and the vice presidents of finance, operations, sales, and marketing to discuss the company’s performance. Erica begins the meeting by making the following observations:
We have been forced to take significant write –down on inventory during each of the last three years because of obsolescence. In addition, inventory storage costs have soared. We rent four additional warehouses to store our increasingly diverse inventory. Five years ago, inventory represented only 20% of the value of our total assets. It now exceeds 35%. Yet, even with all this inventory, “stockouts” (measured by complaints by customers that the desired product is not available) have increased by 40% during the last three years. And worse yet, it seems that we constantly must discount merchandise that we have too much of. “We have to employ one of these fresh finance graduates to enable us manage this problem. All I want is determine a way to make our problems less obvious and ensure the bank does not call back its loans. As it stands now, we seem to be heading towards losses and I am not willing to report a loss in any circumstance. Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data. We must manage our situation and avoid attention of the board and financiers. We have to be proactive and ensure finance will never be a problem in expanding our business.
Jeff who is a manager shares Erica’s concerns and how it will affect their strategic positioning. The business planned to extend their operations to three countries in the next two years and make public offering of their shares. He is worried that this current problem will affect their ability to attract investors and build an international business. To alleviate his fears, Jeff has advised the board of directors to invite investors and fund provider to boost their financial position before the IPO. He has also recommended that the company proactively start trading in foreign currency to build a currency base for the planned international expansion even though they are not sure when that will materialise and not authorised to trade foreign currency. “It does not matter when we expand or if we ever do. All we need to do is to make our shareholder believe we are expanding, and the foreign exchange trade and inflow will convince them. The key thing is for us to attract investors and raise our capital base, even though I don’t know how we will do that”.
Erica’s suggestion has been accepted and you have been employed as chief finance officer in Gentry Electronics. You have now been tasked to use the following financial data in evaluating the current situation with the company and make suggestions on the organisational strategies which will enable the creation and maintenance of value for Gentry. Your response should be presented in the form of a report covering the five questions below as sections of the report.


Data (£millions)






Raw Materials





Work in progress





Finished goods





Total inventory





Current assets





Total Assets





Current Liabilities










Cost of goods sold





Net profit





Compute the current ratio, gross profit ratio, net profit margin ratio, inventory turnover days and Quick/Acid test for the four years.
From the ratios calculated in (a) above, and information contained in the case, is there justification for Erica’s concerns? Discuss the problems, implications, and potential causes of the changes in the ratios over the four years.
As the newly employed chief finance officer in Gentry Electronics, discuss potential remedies to problems discussed in (b) above and how each suggestion will alleviate Erica’s fears or improve the performance of the company.
Discuss two possible concerns Erica Harding and the management of Gentry Electronics will possibly raise regarding your suggestions in (c) above and offer two alternative sources of finance for Gentry?
Discuss two financial and operational risks Gentry may face if all suggestions provided by Erica and Jeff are adopted. Discuss two possible corporate governance or ethical issues which might arise in relation to ideas presented by Erica and Jeff.
(20 marks)
Please note that 5marks each (total of 10marks) will be awarded for your structure/presentation and your conclusion. Please see the marking grid given to you for details/guidance on expectation for both.
Note: Please keep your ratio calculations as an appendix to the report. Use only the information in the main report
Submission requirements:
You should use Arial font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Please do not exceed the word count.
The hand-in deadline for submission is 23.30 on 25thApril 2022.
Reports submitted more than 5 days late will attract a mark of zero.
Please submit your work as an electronic copy via Studynet/Canvas with your ratio calculations as appendix. Remember the ratio calculations are assessed and carry 10 marks, so non- submission will mean loss of marks.
This is an individual assignment and the report submitted should be entirely your own
work. Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data
This assessment is subject to anonymous marking, please do not put your name on any
document you submit. You submission must have a cover page with your student registration number (SRN) on it.
Exceeding the stated word count will attract a penalty on 5marks on the total mark achieved.
Report Format
You should present your evaluation of this case as a report clearly having an introduction, good/ clear sectioning, and conclusion. Please use the questions as a guide to the sections. Please use the module embedded academic English support on writing reports.
Please see the assignment section of the module Canvas website for further information on the requirements of the assignment and advice on how to put your report together.
Student Support and Guidance
For further help, contact your module leader in their drop-in hours or by email.
Use the Grading Criteria and Mark Scheme to help improve your work.
Go to CASE workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours
Academic English for Business support is available through daily drop-ins from the CASE office. See the CASE workshop timetable on the CASE main website page for details.
Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details. (
Tutors allow students to test their work using Turnitin. Guidance on submission to Turnitin via StudyNet can be found by using the following link. Assessment Brief 7BUS2041 – Using Financial Data$FILE/TURNITIN+FOR+STUDENTS+2016+USER+GUIDE.pdf

Software Application Process essay assignment

Software Application Process essay assignment

Biomechanical Foundations, health and medicine homework help

Biomechanical Foundations, health and medicine homework help


1. Reflect on your own physical education classes in elementary or secondary school. Were you the student who exhibited poor motor skills or well-developed motor skills? Was your teacher helpful in your learning motor skills or detrimental? What would you have done different? What would you have done the same?

2. Define biomechanics. Why study biomechanics?

3. Complete the following task:

A. Design your own cardio respiratory endurance program. (What activity? How often? How much intensity? How long?)
B. Create a healthful fast food meal under 400 calories. List food and beverage. List total calories, fat, sugar, sodium and fiber grams.


C. Find your resting heart rate. Calculate your target heart rate at 60% intensity using the Karvonen Equation (pg. 229). Show your work. I need to see if you are doing it correctly. Karvonen Equation- THR=(Target Intensity)(HR max-RHR+RHR
D. Time yourself running or walking 1 mile, taking heart rate at the end.
E. Did you find your heart rate to be less than, close to, or higher than your target heart rate? What is the significance of the target heart rate?


Tags: cardio respiratory