Healthcare HR wk1

Healthcare HR wk1

Answer each question in one paragraph using proper APA format and citing 2 sources per question.

Question 1:

What are the organizational advantages of integrating strategic management and human resources management? What are the steps involved in such an integration?

Question 2:

In what sense are all healthcare executives human resources managers? How can executives best prepare to perform well in this HR function?


Question 3:

Why is sexual harassment so prevalent in the healthcare environment? What can be done to break this pattern?


Question 4:

Given the great risk to the public that can result from the work of an impaired healthcare worker, should random drug testing be used in all healthcare organizations?

Question 5:advantages


What are the  and disadvantages of using multi-skilled health practitioners?


Question 6:

Select one healthcare position with which you are familiar. What work schedule innovations make the most sense for this position and why? Healthcare HR wk1