
5 year plan

5 year plan

Five Year Plan Template 1. Your Name 2. Today’s Date This is important as you reflect back on this document.


This will become a touchstone for your growth and a reminder of who you were as you look back at what was important to you in this point in time. 3. 3–6 Months o Start small. o Think about short-term goals that are easily achieved but will also help move you towards the longer-term goals. o Include some tangible goals (i.e., facilitate a workshop on a piece of technology where you created the manual on how to use it.) 4. 6–12 Months o Start thinking bigger here—this is planning for a year out. o What new skills do you want to learn? o What new ideas do you want to share with others? o What changes do you want to make? Put them down here along with the steps needed to take to make them happen. 5. Beyond 12 Months o Capture specific plans that you know may take more than a year to get to or accomplish. For me, it was to write an article on professional learning and have it published. o Be realistic but not afraid to reach. Visualize success in areas you may have little control over. Don’t be afraid to write down a desired goal that may be a stretch. 6. Longer-term Goals o This is the area to think out for the next 3–5 years, including life beyond the company or situation you are currently in. For me, I listed “teaching full time at the college level” as a goal. This reminds me that I want to do this and I need to make certain decisions and changes in order to make it happen. If I decide at a later time, that I don’t really want to do this, I should remove it off the plan. 7. Opportunities to Explore at Your Company o List all the training and coaching opportunities relevant and currently available at your company. o Note relationships that need to be cultivated at your company in order to meet success. 8. Skills to Develop o Project what skills you need to develop to reach the goals you listed in the first part of this exercise. o What other skills do you need, besides the ones you have now, to attain your goal? 9. What I Care About in a Work Environment o This may seem frivolous or not important to the task at hand, but it serves to remind you of the values you need to share with the company you work for. As you grow or the company changes this can help guide you when you need to make a change. 10. Personal Goals o Don’t forget the personal goals that you need to weave into your life. It never hurts to write these down as a reminder of work/life balance and of the things that are really important to you as a person.
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5 year plan

5 year plan

Five Year Plan Template 1. Your Name 2. Today’s Date This is important as you reflect back on this document.


This will become a touchstone for your growth and a reminder of who you were as you look back at what was important to you in this point in time. 3. 3–6 Months o Start small. o Think about short-term goals that are easily achieved but will also help move you towards the longer-term goals. o Include some tangible goals (i.e., facilitate a workshop on a piece of technology where you created the manual on how to use it.) 4. 6–12 Months o Start thinking bigger here—this is planning for a year out. o What new skills do you want to learn? o What new ideas do you want to share with others? o What changes do you want to make? Put them down here along with the steps needed to take to make them happen. 5. Beyond 12 Months o Capture specific plans that you know may take more than a year to get to or accomplish. For me, it was to write an article on professional learning and have it published. o Be realistic but not afraid to reach. Visualize success in areas you may have little control over. Don’t be afraid to write down a desired goal that may be a stretch. 6. Longer-term Goals o This is the area to think out for the next 3–5 years, including life beyond the company or situation you are currently in. For me, I listed “teaching full time at the college level” as a goal. This reminds me that I want to do this and I need to make certain decisions and changes in order to make it happen. If I decide at a later time, that I don’t really want to do this, I should remove it off the plan. 7. Opportunities to Explore at Your Company o List all the training and coaching opportunities relevant and currently available at your company. o Note relationships that need to be cultivated at your company in order to meet success. 8. Skills to Develop o Project what skills you need to develop to reach the goals you listed in the first part of this exercise. o What other skills do you need, besides the ones you have now, to attain your goal? 9. What I Care About in a Work Environment o This may seem frivolous or not important to the task at hand, but it serves to remind you of the values you need to share with the company you work for. As you grow or the company changes this can help guide you when you need to make a change. 10. Personal Goals o Don’t forget the personal goals that you need to weave into your life. It never hurts to write these down as a reminder of work/life balance and of the things that are really important to you as a person.
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