
Resume and Cover Letter, assignment help

Resume and Cover Letter, assignment help

How to Write a Resumé and Cover Letter • • • • • • • • • No ‘I/you’ statements Use the same font throughout Centered name and contact info Work experience should be in reverse chronological order with the most recent job first Should only be one page in length Should NOT read like an essay – remember, your prospective employer will only spend a minute on it so they want to see what you’ve done as quickly as possible. If you don’t have a ton of work experience, it’s ok to make some things up! You do not have to use the jobs that are suggested in the lesson. If you’d like to make this relevant to yourself and your future, please do!! Why not use this assignment to help you after high school?? Great article on what not to put on resumes:

ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW As long as your name is centered, there are lots of different types of formats for your resumé. Use the one that appeals to you most. Think carefully about how easily am employer can read/glance through your work experience. Your Cover Letter • • • • • • • • One page or less. Center your name and address (again). Have an intro, a supporting paragraph or two, and a quick conclusion stating how excited you are for the opportunity. Should be formal but enthusiastic. Vary your sentence structure. Don’t start every sentence with I/my. Name the company and describe how you would be an asset because of your experiences. Explain how you learned about the position. Remember: SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT!!! If you can’t spell or write well, have someone proofread for you. The job market is so competitive these days that if you don’t have a pictureperfect resumé and cover letter, you will be (or your letter/resumé) will be chucked in the nearest recycling receptacle…
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MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

Implementation and Evaluation Strategies for Implementing a Policy Revision on Improved Medical Care for Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented).


Approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced, in APA format. Include 3-4 scholarly articles, that are current (within 5 years).

You must support your work with scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.


You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal.


Tags: strategies kaplan university Policy Implementation Policy Evaluation

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

Implementation and Evaluation Strategies for Implementing a Policy Revision on Improved Medical Care for Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented).


Approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced, in APA format. Include 3-4 scholarly articles, that are current (within 5 years).


You must support your work with scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.

You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal.


Tags: strategies kaplan university Policy Implementation Policy Evaluation

Syria (Current Genocide and Humanitarian Crisis), assignment help

Syria (Current Genocide and Humanitarian Crisis), assignment help

This is a research paper. First, I want you to give me the first paragraph which is Introduction part, and this paragraph is about one page long. Second, I want you to do some research and give it to me today, and I will you give the links that can help you to find these resources(at least 1 page). Third, I want you to list the outline of this paper. This paper includes:1. who did this? 2. who did this happen to? 3. where did this happen? 4. when did this happen? 5. Did anyone try to stop it? 6. what exactly happened(details)? 7. How did this happen?. Finally, I want you to write this paper. Finally, I want you to give me the first three stuff


s today before today 11:30pm, but you can give me the paper on Friday, because I wanna have this paper with good quality. It will require Library Research, Peer-Reviewed Articles, Books, .edu/.gov/.org Websites, Video, Images, and of course, so if you are in school, that will be perfect, because you would have the access to those resources. Links that can help you to find resources: video, google search,, Genocide watch and Amnesty International, and those links will be very useful, and I hope you will use them. I will get good pay, if you finish this as good as I want.

ethics in healthcare, assignment help

ethics in healthcare, assignment help

STAND-ALONE PROJECT MH651 Ethics in Health Care Stand-Alone Project: County Hospital Director of Public Relations and Ethics (200 points) You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each lesson provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each lesson. (200 points) (A 10-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.) Instructions: You have been appointed


Director of Public Relations and Ethics at County Hospital. The hospital is facing several urgent situations regarding the following issues. Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (A 10-page, double-spaced, response is required.) (200 points) 1. Abortion 2. Germline Experimentation 3. Randomized Clinical Research 4. Rationing Health Care 5. Organ Transplants Part A White Papers: You are charged with preparing white papers on these topics. White papers present various positions, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each; they do not give or defend the author’s position. Using the Required Readings, your textbook, and articles and websites you find by doing your own research, write a onepage paper on each of the topics listed above. Include a bibliography formatted in APA style. (100 points) (5 pages) Part B Questions and Rationales: You must also instruct the hospital’s Ethics Committee to discuss these issues in depth and revise the hospital’s ethics handbook. As part of your work with the Ethics Committee, you must draft three (3) questions that will guide Ethics Committee deliberations for each of the five (5) topics (15 questions total). For each question provide the rationale for the question. (45 points) (2 pages) Part C Press Release Flyers: In addition to the white papers, you are charged with preparing 1/2-page summaries of your own position on each of these topics in the form of a flyer that clearly states hospital policy and the rationale behind it. (In real life, this flyer would state the position and rationale of your ethics committee). Each summary should contain less than 200 words and should cover the main ethical issues that patients and their families might have. (35 points) (3 pages) A suggested outline for these summaries is as follows. 1. State the position clearly in one paragraph. 2. Allot one paragraph for each ethical position, giving reasons for and against each of them. 3. Restate your position and give persuasive arguments for it. 4. Indicate that hospital personnel are available to discuss ethical issues with family members. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. ACTIVITY 6 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 6: The End of Life and The Future of Health Care Activity 6: Ethics Committee (100 points) As Director for Public Relations and Ethics for County Hospital, one of your principal duties is to organize and chair the hospital’s ethics committee. The hospital administration wants you and your committee to write end-of-life policies regarding the procedures used and permitted in the hospital for care of the dying, and especially regarding right-to-die and futility. The administration suggests the following composition for your ethics committee: a doctor, a nurse, an administrator, an accountant, several patients, a hospice worker, a right-to-life representative, and a right-to-die representative. The agenda for the first meeting is to establish the baseline topics to be developed into a new policy handbook for County Hospital. Committee members were told to bring a list of concerns that they might have regarding end-of-life policies and procedures already in place at County Hospital. Discuss at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during your first meeting. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.) Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Concerns (80 points) Exemplary 80 points The student provides a clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. Satisfactory 64 points The student provides a mostly clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. Unsatisfactory 48 points The student provides a somewhat clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. Unacceptable 32 points The student provides an unclear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. ACTIVITY 4 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 4: Medical Records and Safety Activity 4: Electronic Medical Records and Safety (100 points) This activity is comprised of two parts. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required for the combination of parts A and B). Part A Provide synopses of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records (EMR) and their protection and safety of patient information. Provide a bibliography of your selected articles. (60 points) Part B Compare and contrast five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system. Reference the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles you chose for Part A. (20 points) Grammar and Formatting: 20 points. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Part A: Article Synopses (60 points) Exemplary 60 points The student provides a clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. Satisfactory 48 points The student provides a mostly clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. Part B: Advantages 20 points 16 points and Disadvantages The student provides a clear The student provides a (20 points) comparison and contrast of mostly clear comparison and five (5) advantages AND five contrast of five (5) disadvantages of delivering advantages AND five health care with an disadvantages of delivering electronic medical record health care with an system referencing the electronic medical record advantages and system referencing the disadvantages that are advantages and outlined in the articles disadvantages that are chosen for Part A. outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Unsatisfactory 36 points The student provides a somewhat clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear comparison and contrast of five (5) advantages AND five disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system referencing the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Unacceptable 24 points The student provides an unclear synopsis of fewer than five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. 8 points The student provides an unclear comparison and contrast of fewer than five (5) advantages AND five disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system referencing the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. ACTIVITY 2 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 2: Rights, Ethics, and Care Standards Activity 2: Standards of Care Presentation Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for a staff meeting that outlines the key points about negligence, professional liability, and malpractice. Clearly explain the terminology and give at least three (3) examples of each in your presentation. You may also use other Required Readings and other references. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. Sixteen slides are required for the presentation and an extra slide may be included for your bibliography, for a total of 17 slides. (100 points) Part A Negligence (30 points) (6 slides) 1. What is negligence? 2. When does negligence most often occur? 3. List and describe three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Part B Professional Liability (25 points) (5 slides) 1. What is professional liability? 2. List and describe three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. Part C Malpractice (25 points) (5 slides) 1. What is malpractice? 2. List and describe three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. Grammar and Formatting: 20 points Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Part A: Negligence (30 points) Exemplary 30 points The student provides a clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Satisfactory 24 points The student provides a mostly clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Unsatisfactory 18 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Unacceptable 12 points The student provides an unclear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Part B: Professional 25 points Liability (25 points) The student provides a clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 20 points The student provides a mostly clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 15 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 10 points The student provides an unclear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. Part C: Malpractice 25 points (25 points) The student provides a clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 20 points The student provides a mostly clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 15 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 10 points The student provides an unclear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. DISCUSSION QUESTION 1-1 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 1: Laws, Ethics, and Medical Care Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to the following discussion question. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer the discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Your Discussion Question response should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the question itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your responses and document in a bibliography using APA style. Discussion Question 1 (50 points) Suppose a patient complains of a burning sensation associated with the heparin injection that he is administered daily, but the patient is non-ambulatory. The nurse administers the heparin injection anyway because she knows it will help prevent a blood clot. (a) In this case, please explain whether or not the nurse violated the patient’s rights in any way. If so, explain how. If not, explain why not. (b) Provide a thorough explanation and defend your answer using the law to support your decision. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Exemplary Patient’s rights (30 30 points points) The student provides a clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Satisfactory 24 points The student provides a mostly clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Unsatisfactory 18 points The student provides a somewhat clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Unacceptable 12 points The student provides an unclear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Explanation and Legal Support (50 points) 50 points The student provides a clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 40 points The student provides a mostly clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 30 points The student provides a somewhat clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 20 points The student provides an unclear and incomplete explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions.
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MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

Discussion Question 1_01 Two (2) key factors in determining the cost-effectiveness and potential profitability of bringing any product or service to market are supply and demand and price determination. After reviewing your Required Readings, address the following issues. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What is learned


from a well-formulated supply and demand curve analysis and how does this information help determine optimum production rates for maximum profitability? 2. What is the correlation between employee benefits and return on investment assets, return on equity, and return on sales? 3. How can the inability to compete profitably on price be overcome? Discussion Question 1_02 Having successfully brought a new product to market, you are now ready to take your company public. Discuss how each of the following economic indicators may affect the environment for the launching of your initial public offering (IPO). Overall, how soon should you launch a public offering given the cyclic nature of the economy? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. Nominal Gross Domestic Product (NGDP): The nominal gross domestic product is increasing at the rate of 2.6% annually, while the Real Gross National Product (RGNP) is rising only 2.3%. 2. Consumer Price Index (CPI): The Consumer Price Index has been rising at a fraction of a percent per quarter for each of the last four (4) quarters. 3. Discount Rate: The Federal Reserve has announced a reduction in the discount rate of 0.5% and hinted that further cuts may be forthcoming. 4. Unemployment Rate: The rate of unemployment is holding steady, although the rate of new claims is declining somewhat. Discussion Question 2_03 Describe the three (3) basic types of organizational structures and the challenges/crises faced by the organization as it moves through each stage of corporate development. In addition, describe the matrix and network organizational structures. Discuss when their use is appropriate. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 2_04 Briefly discuss twelve (12) reasons why strategy implementation can fail and twelve (12) safeguards that can prevent implementation from failing. An APA-formatted bibliography is required. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_05 Define benchmarking and describe the six (6) steps involved in evaluating performance using this method. What are the benefits of benchmarking? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_06 Respond to each of the items below. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. List the five (5) basic steps in financial analysis. 2. Why do you believe these steps would be important when conducting a financial analysis? 3. Provide two (2) examples of liquidity ratios and two (2) examples of profitability ratios. For each, include their meaning and how they are expressed. Discussion Question 4_08 Discuss ten (10) ways in which an organization can develop and maintain a culture of innovation. (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.) Discussion Question 4_09 Compare and contrast product and process research. (30 points) (A 1½ -page response is required.) Discussion Question 5_11 Answer the following two (2) questions. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are four (4) reasons why the not-for-profit sector is important? 2. What five (5) resources are needed for successful strategic piggybacking? Discussion Question 5_12 Discuss the five (5) constraints on strategic management and three (3) complications for strategy implementation for non-profit organizations. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 6_14 Given that the concept of competitive intelligence has become extremely important for the success of an industry and organization analysis, it is a subject with which all successful business managers should become highly familiar. With that fact in mind, answer the following questions. (20 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are five (5) questions you might ask to better understand a competitor, and why is each important? 2. Discuss the seven (7) steps of CI. Discussion Question 6_15 Discuss the evolution of an industry from fragmented to consolidated, new entry into an industry, and seven barriers to new entry into an industry. (30 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
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MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

Discussion Question 1_01 Two (2) key factors in determining the cost-effectiveness and potential profitability of bringing any product or service to market are supply and demand and price determination. After reviewing your Required Readings, address the following issues. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What is learned from a well-formulated supply and demand curve analysis and how does this information help determine optimum production rates for maximum profitability? 2. What is the correlation between employee benefits and return on


investment assets, return on equity, and return on sales? 3. How can the inability to compete profitably on price be overcome? Discussion Question 1_02 Having successfully brought a new product to market, you are now ready to take your company public. Discuss how each of the following economic indicators may affect the environment for the launching of your initial public offering (IPO). Overall, how soon should you launch a public offering given the cyclic nature of the economy? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. Nominal Gross Domestic Product (NGDP): The nominal gross domestic product is increasing at the rate of 2.6% annually, while the Real Gross National Product (RGNP) is rising only 2.3%. 2. Consumer Price Index (CPI): The Consumer Price Index has been rising at a fraction of a percent per quarter for each of the last four (4) quarters. 3. Discount Rate: The Federal Reserve has announced a reduction in the discount rate of 0.5% and hinted that further cuts may be forthcoming. 4. Unemployment Rate: The rate of unemployment is holding steady, although the rate of new claims is declining somewhat. Discussion Question 2_03 Describe the three (3) basic types of organizational structures and the challenges/crises faced by the organization as it moves through each stage of corporate development. In addition, describe the matrix and network organizational structures. Discuss when their use is appropriate. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 2_04 Briefly discuss twelve (12) reasons why strategy implementation can fail and twelve (12) safeguards that can prevent implementation from failing. An APA-formatted bibliography is required. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_05 Define benchmarking and describe the six (6) steps involved in evaluating performance using this method. What are the benefits of benchmarking? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_06 Respond to each of the items below. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. List the five (5) basic steps in financial analysis. 2. Why do you believe these steps would be important when conducting a financial analysis? 3. Provide two (2) examples of liquidity ratios and two (2) examples of profitability ratios. For each, include their meaning and how they are expressed. Discussion Question 4_08 Discuss ten (10) ways in which an organization can develop and maintain a culture of innovation. (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.) Discussion Question 4_09 Compare and contrast product and process research. (30 points) (A 1½ -page response is required.) Discussion Question 5_11 Answer the following two (2) questions. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are four (4) reasons why the not-for-profit sector is important? 2. What five (5) resources are needed for successful strategic piggybacking? Discussion Question 5_12 Discuss the five (5) constraints on strategic management and three (3) complications for strategy implementation for non-profit organizations. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 6_14 Given that the concept of competitive intelligence has become extremely important for the success of an industry and organization analysis, it is a subject with which all successful business managers should become highly familiar. With that fact in mind, answer the following questions. (20 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are five (5) questions you might ask to better understand a competitor, and why is each important? 2. Discuss the seven (7) steps of CI. Discussion Question 6_15 Discuss the evolution of an industry from fragmented to consolidated, new entry into an industry, and seven barriers to new entry into an industry. (30 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
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Case 14: Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan, assignment help

Case 14: Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan, assignment help

please read Case 14: Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan. Create a 3- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document that answers the following questions.

  • Why do you think the components of this system are


    underutilized? (Please note that this is not just a problem of poor marketing and communication.)

  • What would you do to increase the utilization of these services and attract a greater mix of paying patients? State at least four steps or actions you would take for this.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.