


10/30/2018 Bioengineering Scoring Guide Bioengineering Scoring Guide CRITERIA NONPERFORMANCE BASIC


PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Describe the purpose of a gene that encodes for a specific protein. Does not give an example of a gene the encodes for a specific protein. Gives an example of a gene that encodes for a specific protein. Describes the purpose of a gene that encodes for a specific protein. Describes the purpose of a gene that encodes for a specific protein, and explains how it could be used as a tool in biotechnology. Evaluate the pros and cons of a genetically modified organism. Does not identify the pros and cons of a genetically modified organism. Identifies but does not evaluate the pros and cons of a genetically modified organism. Evaluates the pros and cons of a genetically modified organism. Evaluates the pros and cons of a genetically modified organism, and includes an explanation of why it was developed. Explain how microorganisms that normally affect the immune system can be used beneficially as tools in biotechnology. Does not list microorganisms that are used as tools in biotechnology. Lists microorganisms that are used as tools in biotechnology. Explains how microorganisms that normally affect the immune system can be used beneficially as tools in biotechnology. Evaluates how well microorganisms that normally affect the immune system have been used successfully as tools in biotechnology, citing examples from research. Explain the main points presented in an article. Does not identify the main points presented in an article. Identifies but does not explain the main points presented in an article. Explains the main points presented in an article. Explains the main points presented in an article, and applies a personal viewpoint on the information in the article. Evaluate the scientific credibility of an article. Does not identify the scientific credibility of an article. Identifies the scientific credibility of an article. Evaluates the scientific credibility of an article. Evaluates the scientific credibility of an article, and describes how the information in the article can be applied personally. Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Does not write coherently to support a central idea. Writes to support a central idea but the format is inconsistent and there are errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writes coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, including correct APA format and citations, and using concise, clear, and thorough language. 1/1 Source Evaluation Form: Journals and Books A Brief Checklist for Evaluating Journals and Books (Adapted from Capella’s iGuide.) Author What are the author’s credentials, educational background, past writings, or experience? Is the author associated with an institution or organization? Date of Publication When was the source published? Is the source current or out of date for your topic? Publisher Note the publisher. If a university press publishes the source, it is likely to be scholarly. Title of Journal or Book Is this a scholarly journal or a popular journal? Intended Audience Is the publication aimed at a specialized audience or a general audience? Objective Reasoning Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? On what did you base your answer? Is the author’s point of view objective and impartial? On what did you base your answer? Coverage Does the source extensively or marginally cover the topic? Evaluation Checklist © Capella University 2003 1 Source Evaluation Form: Web Sites A Brief Checklist for Evaluating Web Sites (Adapted from Capella’s iGuide.) Author or Web Site Producer Is the author or producer a well-known and well-regarded name you recognize? Is the author associated with an institution or organization? Publisher – Organization or Sponsor Is the name of an organization or sponsor given on the document you are reading? Does the organization or sponsor have a reputation for expertise in the subject matter? Does the Web site provide information describing the purpose of the organization or sponsor? Point of View or Bias Does this document reside on the server of an organization that has a political or philosophical agenda? Is the Web page a mask for advertising? Why was this written, and for whom? Intended Audience Is the publication aimed at a specialized audience or a general audience? Content Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? On what did you base your answer? Is the content accurate? How do you know? Does the content need to be verified by other resources? 1 Source Evaluation Form: Web Sites Scope Does the source extensively or marginally cover the topic? Currency How current is the information? How frequently is the resource updated? Is it a static resource? Evaluation Checklist © Capella University 2003 2
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