
CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Running head: INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION Interdisciplinary Collaboration Sarai Artires Capella University


February 2019 1 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 2 Interdisciplinary Collaboration The concept of collaboration in the healthcare industry is purely grounded at providing holistic and all-inclusive service care to the many people who seek health care from health institutions. The value of healthcare is derived from its ability to cater for the many existing and emerging healthcare issues while at the same time ensuring care, efficiency, and accountability by those caregivers involved. As such, each discipline must strive to form collaboration with other disciplines as a way of ensuring that patients are addressed efficiently, effectively, and professionally, while at the same time ensure the industry does not suffer from a lack of intuitive collaboration. The fact that health is versatile in provision, its maintenance, and its sustenance demands that healthcare providers form a network that allows individual disciplines to function together (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Therefore, collaboration in healthcare is essential in ensuring the provision of care is done professionally, and that individual disciplines (within the healthcare system) know and understand their role in such a way that ensures efficiency while at the same time it is cost-effective. There are specific characteristics that define an effective interdisciplinary collaboration within any field, and they include: Communication For any collaboration to happen, there must be a clear line of communication that allows individuals within these individual disciplines to collaborate with each other. Communication forms an essential part of the collaboration effort, as each discipline is unique and different in its way. The lack of communication allows for confusion that may result in a conflict of interest between these groups. As such, each of these disciplines must be able to communicate its interests, problems, challenges, and needs to the other groups involved to create order. The INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 3 process of collaboration is heavily reliant on effective communication that allows every team to effect and play its role as it is meant to. Leadership and Management For collaboration to happen, each interdisciplinary must have the right leadership that guides its members to incorporate other disciplines within its function. The value of collaboration is to ease the function of each discipline. This can only be affected through leadership that ensures that every team member understands and values their role in ensuring effectiveness. Leadership, in turn, ensures management in performance as a way of ensuring that there are no gaps left by individual members of each group. As a result, each team can play its role effectively without interfering with the others (Schmitt et al., 2011). Appropriate Skill Mix Collaboration is about a mixture of skills that allows for a collective improved function between the collaborating groups. Collaboration cannot be done between individuals or disciplines that possess the same kind of skills set. The versatility of skills within a group or disciplines accords the collaboration the value and importance that allows for each team to find a need to collaborate. More so, these skills must be appropriate to allow the collaboration to have importance and significance in the role it is meant to fulfill. Communication is the backbone upon which interdisciplinary collaboration functions upon. Therefore, individual teams must strive to create a clear line of communication that allows for an effective movement of information from one point to another with ease. The failure to have a clear line of communication makes collaboration extremely difficult, this because teams fail to find the balance needed to ensure effective collaboration and as a result, the intention of the collaboration is lost (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 4 Usually, each discipline has its philosophy that allows it to fulfill its goals And Ensure its function. These philosophies may differ per individual group, hence when diverse groups come together; these philosophies may collide. As a result, this may bring about differences that may hinder the collaboration effort that was meant to allow these groups are disrupted. It is usually difficult to enjoin individual philosophies into a cohesive function as each discipline is hinged on ensuring it attains its goals. This may hinder the collaboration effort and its intended function and goal (Schmitt et al., 2011). Usually collaboration is about sharing the available resources, however, this usually very difficult. This especially when one discipline has a lot of resources while another one has little resources. This creates a problem in effective collaboration as individual disciplines find it difficult to share fully and usually resentment develops leading to a failure in communication. As a result, the collaboration effort is blinded and affected by the indifference between these groups. Therefore, individual groups must have a balance of resources that allows individuals within each group to find a reason to share whatever resources they have at their disposal (Petri, 2010). The best way to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration is to have a realistic plan that provides the group with the needed guideline to interact with these other disciplines. Such a plan provides the group with the needed guideline that allows for the effective implementation of individual goals. It also defines the terms of collaboration in such a manner that ensures each group understands their role and plays such a role effectively. The function of collaboration is based on effective communication that allows each team to protect itself while at the same time ensures the fulfillment of the goal. Therefore, if the communication channels are open, then the barriers to communication can be easily be avoided INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 5 since each discipline can know its role and fulfills it (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Within every society, there are individual factors that affect, and influence health choices adopted within such a society. These factors play a crucial role in defining how healthcare workers implement their care plan, especially regarding emerging medical problems. These factors include cultural values, traditional beliefs, social biases and stereotypes, and economic factors. These factors influence the attitude individuals within the society adopt in term of health and their health-conscious behavior. as a result, they play a very important role in determining how implementation of healthcare initiatives is achieved as it affects even the way healthcare workers choose to implement their goals. Collaboration is purely based on the improvement of value within the workplace. As a result, the outlined goals for each group are achieved easily, faster, and with an improved value. When collaboration is done effectively, healthcare functions such as treatment, admission, or even interventions are done better, faster, and less costly. It is therefore important that when collaboration is done, each group understands its role, the value of such collaboration and is ready to fulfill their objective. This benefits the entire system and ensures improved function. Collaboration is usually done to allow each group to maximize on its resources by reducing the workload previously born by each group. More so, collaboration allows each group to maximize its function in such a manner that removes the previous hindrances that affected each of these groups. Through collaboration, existing hindrances are removed, as each team is not alone in fulfilling its set roles and objectives. As a result, there is an improved way of doing things, which INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION enables each team to function fluidly. Collaboration is very crucial in creating efficacy and effectiveness within the workplace (Schmitt et al., 2011). 6 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 7 References Petri, L. (2010). Concept Analysis of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Nursing Forum, 45, 73-82. Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C., & Viggiano, T. (2011). Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Reforming Health Care by Transforming Health Professionals’ Education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 86. 1351. Susilaningsih, F., Mediani, H., & Kurniawan, T. (2018). Development of Team Cohesiveness Measurement Instruments in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Health Care. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, 6.
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CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Running head: INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION Interdisciplinary Collaboration Sarai Artires Capella University February 2019 1 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 2 Interdisciplinary Collaboration The concept of collaboration in the healthcare industry is purely grounded at providing holistic and all-inclusive service care to the many people who seek health care from health institutions. The value of healthcare is derived from its ability to cater for the many existing and emerging healthcare issues while at the same time ensuring care, efficiency, and accountability by those caregivers involved. As such, each discipline must strive to form collaboration with other disciplines as a way of ensuring that patients are addressed efficiently, effectively, and professionally, while at the same time ensure the industry does not suffer from a lack of intuitive collaboration. The fact that health is versatile in provision, its maintenance, and its sustenance demands that healthcare providers form a network that allows individual disciplines to function together (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Therefore, collaboration in healthcare is essential in ensuring the provision of care is done professionally, and that individual disciplines (within the healthcare system) know and understand their role in such a way that ensures efficiency while at the same time it is cost-effective. There are specific characteristics that define an effective interdisciplinary collaboration within any field, and they include: Communication For any collaboration to happen, there must be a clear line of communication that allows individuals within these individual disciplines to collaborate with each other. Communication forms an essential part of the collaboration effort, as each discipline is unique and different in its way. The lack of communication allows for confusion that may result in a conflict of interest between these groups. As such, each of these disciplines must be able to communicate its interests, problems, challenges, and needs to the other groups involved to create order. The INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 3 process of collaboration is heavily reliant on effective communication that allows every team to effect and play its role as it is meant to. Leadership and Management For collaboration to happen, each interdisciplinary must have the right leadership that guides its members to incorporate other disciplines within its function. The value of collaboration is to ease the function of each discipline. This can only be affected through leadership that ensures that every team member understands and values their role in ensuring effectiveness. Leadership, in turn, ensures management in performance as a way of ensuring that there are no gaps left by individual members of each group. As a result, each team can play its role effectively without interfering with the others (Schmitt et al., 2011). Appropriate Skill Mix Collaboration is about a mixture of skills that allows for a collective improved function between the collaborating groups. Collaboration cannot be done between individuals or disciplines that possess the same kind of skills set. The versatility of skills within a group or disciplines accords the collaboration the value and importance that allows for each team to find a need to collaborate. More so, these skills must be appropriate to allow the collaboration to have importance and significance in the role it is meant to fulfill. Communication is the backbone upon which interdisciplinary collaboration functions upon. Therefore, individual teams must strive to create a clear line of communication that allows for an effective movement of information from one point to another with ease. The failure to have a clear line of communication makes collaboration extremely difficult, this because teams fail to find the balance needed to ensure effective collaboration and as a result, the intention of the collaboration is lost (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 4 Usually, each discipline has its philosophy that allows it to fulfill its goals And Ensure its function. These philosophies may differ per individual group, hence when diverse groups come together; these philosophies may collide. As a result, this may bring about differences that may hinder the collaboration effort that was meant to allow these groups are disrupted. It is usually difficult to enjoin individual philosophies into a cohesive function as each discipline is hinged on ensuring it attains its goals. This may hinder the collaboration effort and its intended function and goal (Schmitt et al., 2011). Usually collaboration is about sharing the available resources, however, this usually very difficult. This especially when one discipline has a lot of resources while another one has little resources. This creates a problem in effective collaboration as individual disciplines find it difficult to share fully and usually resentment develops leading to a failure in communication. As a result, the collaboration effort is blinded and affected by the indifference between these groups. Therefore, individual groups must have a balance of resources that allows individuals within each group to find a reason to share whatever resources they have at their disposal (Petri, 2010). The best way to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration is to have a realistic plan that provides the group with the needed guideline to interact with these other disciplines. Such a plan provides the group with the needed guideline that allows for the effective implementation of individual goals. It also defines the terms of collaboration in such a manner that ensures each group understands their role and plays such a role effectively. The function of collaboration is based on effective communication that allows each team to protect itself while at the same time ensures the fulfillment of the goal. Therefore, if the communication channels are open, then the barriers to communication can be easily be avoided INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 5 since each discipline can know its role and fulfills it (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Within every society, there are individual factors that affect, and influence health choices adopted within such a society. These factors play a crucial role in defining how healthcare workers implement their care plan, especially regarding emerging medical problems. These factors include cultural values, traditional beliefs, social biases and stereotypes, and economic factors. These factors influence the attitude individuals within the society adopt in term of health and their health-conscious behavior. as a result, they play a very important role in determining how implementation of healthcare initiatives is achieved as it affects even the way healthcare workers choose to implement their goals. Collaboration is purely based on the improvement of value within the workplace. As a result, the outlined goals for each group are achieved easily, faster, and with an improved value. When collaboration is done effectively, healthcare functions such as treatment, admission, or even interventions are done better, faster, and less costly. It is therefore important that when collaboration is done, each group understands its role, the value of such collaboration and is ready to fulfill their objective. This benefits the entire system and ensures improved function. Collaboration is usually done to allow each group to maximize on its resources by reducing the workload previously born by each group. More so, collaboration allows each group to maximize its function in such a manner that removes the previous hindrances that affected each of these groups. Through collaboration, existing hindrances are removed, as each team is not alone in fulfilling its set roles and objectives. As a result, there is an improved way of doing things, which INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION enables each team to function fluidly. Collaboration is very crucial in creating efficacy and effectiveness within the workplace (Schmitt et al., 2011). 6 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 7 References Petri, L. (2010). Concept Analysis of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Nursing Forum, 45, 73-82. Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C., & Viggiano, T. (2011). Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Reforming Health Care by Transforming Health Professionals’ Education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the


Association of American Medical Colleges. 86. 1351. Susilaningsih, F., Mediani, H., & Kurniawan, T. (2018). Development of Team Cohesiveness Measurement Instruments in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Health Care. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, 6.
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CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

CAPELLA Evidence-based Strategies For Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Running head: INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION Interdisciplinary Collaboration Sarai Artires Capella University February 2019 1 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 2 Interdisciplinary Collaboration The concept of collaboration in the healthcare industry is purely grounded at providing holistic and all-inclusive service care to the many people who seek health care from health institutions. The value of healthcare is derived from its ability to cater for the many existing and emerging healthcare issues while at the same time ensuring care, efficiency, and accountability by those caregivers involved. As such, each discipline must strive to form collaboration with other disciplines as a way of ensuring that patients are addressed efficiently, effectively, and professionally, while at the same time ensure the industry does not suffer from a lack of intuitive collaboration. The fact that health is versatile in provision, its


maintenance, and its sustenance demands that healthcare providers form a network that allows individual disciplines to function together (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Therefore, collaboration in healthcare is essential in ensuring the provision of care is done professionally, and that individual disciplines (within the healthcare system) know and understand their role in such a way that ensures efficiency while at the same time it is cost-effective. There are specific characteristics that define an effective interdisciplinary collaboration within any field, and they include: Communication For any collaboration to happen, there must be a clear line of communication that allows individuals within these individual disciplines to collaborate with each other. Communication forms an essential part of the collaboration effort, as each discipline is unique and different in its way. The lack of communication allows for confusion that may result in a conflict of interest between these groups. As such, each of these disciplines must be able to communicate its interests, problems, challenges, and needs to the other groups involved to create order. The INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 3 process of collaboration is heavily reliant on effective communication that allows every team to effect and play its role as it is meant to. Leadership and Management For collaboration to happen, each interdisciplinary must have the right leadership that guides its members to incorporate other disciplines within its function. The value of collaboration is to ease the function of each discipline. This can only be affected through leadership that ensures that every team member understands and values their role in ensuring effectiveness. Leadership, in turn, ensures management in performance as a way of ensuring that there are no gaps left by individual members of each group. As a result, each team can play its role effectively without interfering with the others (Schmitt et al., 2011). Appropriate Skill Mix Collaboration is about a mixture of skills that allows for a collective improved function between the collaborating groups. Collaboration cannot be done between individuals or disciplines that possess the same kind of skills set. The versatility of skills within a group or disciplines accords the collaboration the value and importance that allows for each team to find a need to collaborate. More so, these skills must be appropriate to allow the collaboration to have importance and significance in the role it is meant to fulfill. Communication is the backbone upon which interdisciplinary collaboration functions upon. Therefore, individual teams must strive to create a clear line of communication that allows for an effective movement of information from one point to another with ease. The failure to have a clear line of communication makes collaboration extremely difficult, this because teams fail to find the balance needed to ensure effective collaboration and as a result, the intention of the collaboration is lost (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 4 Usually, each discipline has its philosophy that allows it to fulfill its goals And Ensure its function. These philosophies may differ per individual group, hence when diverse groups come together; these philosophies may collide. As a result, this may bring about differences that may hinder the collaboration effort that was meant to allow these groups are disrupted. It is usually difficult to enjoin individual philosophies into a cohesive function as each discipline is hinged on ensuring it attains its goals. This may hinder the collaboration effort and its intended function and goal (Schmitt et al., 2011). Usually collaboration is about sharing the available resources, however, this usually very difficult. This especially when one discipline has a lot of resources while another one has little resources. This creates a problem in effective collaboration as individual disciplines find it difficult to share fully and usually resentment develops leading to a failure in communication. As a result, the collaboration effort is blinded and affected by the indifference between these groups. Therefore, individual groups must have a balance of resources that allows individuals within each group to find a reason to share whatever resources they have at their disposal (Petri, 2010). The best way to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration is to have a realistic plan that provides the group with the needed guideline to interact with these other disciplines. Such a plan provides the group with the needed guideline that allows for the effective implementation of individual goals. It also defines the terms of collaboration in such a manner that ensures each group understands their role and plays such a role effectively. The function of collaboration is based on effective communication that allows each team to protect itself while at the same time ensures the fulfillment of the goal. Therefore, if the communication channels are open, then the barriers to communication can be easily be avoided INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 5 since each discipline can know its role and fulfills it (Susilaningsih, Mediani & Kurniawan, 2018). Within every society, there are individual factors that affect, and influence health choices adopted within such a society. These factors play a crucial role in defining how healthcare workers implement their care plan, especially regarding emerging medical problems. These factors include cultural values, traditional beliefs, social biases and stereotypes, and economic factors. These factors influence the attitude individuals within the society adopt in term of health and their health-conscious behavior. as a result, they play a very important role in determining how implementation of healthcare initiatives is achieved as it affects even the way healthcare workers choose to implement their goals. Collaboration is purely based on the improvement of value within the workplace. As a result, the outlined goals for each group are achieved easily, faster, and with an improved value. When collaboration is done effectively, healthcare functions such as treatment, admission, or even interventions are done better, faster, and less costly. It is therefore important that when collaboration is done, each group understands its role, the value of such collaboration and is ready to fulfill their objective. This benefits the entire system and ensures improved function. Collaboration is usually done to allow each group to maximize on its resources by reducing the workload previously born by each group. More so, collaboration allows each group to maximize its function in such a manner that removes the previous hindrances that affected each of these groups. Through collaboration, existing hindrances are removed, as each team is not alone in fulfilling its set roles and objectives. As a result, there is an improved way of doing things, which INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION enables each team to function fluidly. Collaboration is very crucial in creating efficacy and effectiveness within the workplace (Schmitt et al., 2011). 6 INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION 7 References Petri, L. (2010). Concept Analysis of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Nursing Forum, 45, 73-82. Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C., & Viggiano, T. (2011). Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Reforming Health Care by Transforming Health Professionals’ Education. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 86. 1351. Susilaningsih, F., Mediani, H., & Kurniawan, T. (2018). Development of Team Cohesiveness Measurement Instruments in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Health Care. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran, 6.
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