
CH5 Formal and Informal Goals and Processes of The Organization Paper

CH5 Formal and Informal Goals and Processes of The Organization Paper

Chapter 5 Organizations, Power, and Empowerment Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Understanding Organizations Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Types of Health-Care Organizations • Private not-for-profit • Publicly supported • Private for-profit Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Understanding Organizational Culture • Artifact level • Espoused beliefs • Underlying assumptions Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Culture of Safety • Acknowledge mistakes. • Detect error-prone situations. • Change aspects of systems that are error-producing. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Care Environments • • • • Collegial relationships Skilled nurse managers Staff development Quality of care Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Organizational Goals • • • • • Survival Growth Profit Status Dominance Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Organizational Structures Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Traditional • Hierarchical • Employees are ranked from top to bottom. • The number of people on the bottom is usually greater than the number on the top. • Authority resides at the top. • Power is distributed. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company The Organizational Hierarchy CEO Administrators Managers Staff nurses Technicians (including LPNs) Aides, housekeeping, maintenance Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Innovative • • • • Organic structure Emphasizes flexibility Less centralized Decisions are made by the individuals who will implement them. • Emphasizes autonomy Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Processes • A way to get things done within an organization • Two mechanisms – Formal – Informal Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Power Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Definition • Power is the ability to influence other people despite resistance. • Power may be actual or potential. • Power may be intended or unintended. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Sources of Power • • • • Authority Reward Expertise/control of information Coercion Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Who Has the Power? • • • • Managers Clients Assistants Nurses Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Empowering Nurses Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company What Feeling Empowered Includes • • • • Self-determination Meaning Competence Impact Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Contributors to Empowerment • • • • Participation in decision-making autonomy Manageable workload Reward and recognition Fairness Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Shared Governance • • • • Practice councils Unit budgeting, scheduling Committees Peer review Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Professional Organizations


• • • • • Collegiality Advocacy Representation Enhancing competence Recognition of achievements Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Collective Bargaining • Uses the power of numbers for a common cause • Employee protection • Employee benefits Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Enhancing Expertise • • • • • • Participate in team conferences. Take advantage of CEU offerings. Attend conferences. Keep your reading up-to-date. Participate in nursing research. Observe experienced nurses and nurse leaders. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Conclusion • Becoming and remaining empowered requires active participation. • Seek organizations whose organizational cultures are a fit with your professional goals. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Da