
Chapter 3 DPI

Chapter 3 DPI




Chapter 3 of the DPI Project, entitled “Methodology,” will expand upon the content and concepts presented in the “Strategic Points Final Draft” (Appendix A) document you completed in its final iteration in Topic 2.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate the “DPI Proposal Template” in the PI Workspace of the DC Network.
Locate the Strategic Points Final Draft assignment completed earlier in this course.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Use the “DPI Proposal Template” and the “Strategic Points Final Draft” document, to develop a draft of (Chapter 3) Methodology that describes the methodology you are utilizing in your DPI Project Proposal. Sections in Chapter 3 include:

Statement of the Problem
Clinical Question(s)
Project Methodology
Project Design
Population and Sample Selection
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis Procedures
Ethical Considerations
DPI Project Proposal Chapter 3 – Methodology
Not Present

Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaching Meeting Expectations

Meets Expectations

74.0 %Content

5.0 %Chapter 3: INTRODUCTION: This section incorporates a summary of the project focus and purpose statement to reintroduce the reader to the need for the project. Clinical questions (in narrative format) and an outline of the expectations for this chapter also are included. (3-4 sentences from Chapter 1).

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: PROJECT METHODOLOGY: This section describes the research methodology for the project (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) and explains the rationale for selecting this particular methodology. It also describes why this methodology was selected as opposed to the alternative methodologies.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: PROJECT DESIGN: This section includes a detailed description of, and rationale for, the specific design for the project and describes how it aligns to the selected methodology indicated in the previous section. It explains exactly how the selected design will be used to collect data for each variable, or how the selected design will be used to collect data to describe the nature of the phenomena in detail. It identifies the specific instruments and data sources to be used to collect all of the different data required for the project. This section expands on the Nature of the Project Design section in Chapter 1. (1-2 pages )

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: POPULATION AND SAMPLE SELECTION: This section discusses the setting, total population, project population, and project sample. The discussion of the sample includes the research terminology specific to the type of sampling for the project as well as how the sample population and final sample will be protected. This section provides a detailed description of the population and sample that were identified in the Project Design for the Study section in Chapter 1, as well as project considerations relevant to the sample and population. (1-2 pages)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: INSTRUMENTATION OR SOURCES OF DATA: This section identifies and describes the types of data that will be collected as well as the specific instruments and sources used to collect the data. For quantitative studies, it also describes the specific type of scale of measurement used in an instrument or used to define the different groups. (1-3 pages)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

2.5 %Chapter 3: VALIDITY: This section describes and defends the procedures used to determine the validity of the data collected. (2-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

2.5 %Chapter 3: RELIABILITY: This section describes and defends the procedures used to determine the reliability of the data collected. (2-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES: This section details the entirety of the process used to collect the data. It describes each step of the data collection process in a way that another researcher could replicate the project. (1-3 pages in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: This section describes how the data was collected for each variable or group (quantitative project) or for each project question (qualitative project). It describes the type of data to be analyzed, identifying the descriptive, inferential, or nonstatistical analyses. Demonstrates that the project analysis is aligned to the specific project design. (1-3 pages in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: This section discusses the potential ethical issues surrounding the project as well as how human subjects and data will be protected. It identifies how any potential ethical issues will be addressed. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no g