
Community Health

Community Health

Hey Robert I’m going to post the scoring guide at the end of the question. I need to score at least in “basic” I cannot have anything in “non-performance” please.


Prepare a 3–4 page report on a critical health issue in a community or state. Describe the factors that contribute to the health issue and interventions that have been implemented. Explain the scope and role of nursing in the interventions, and recommend ways the scope of the interventions might be expanded.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Explain the factors that affect the health of communities.
Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Competency 2: Apply evidence-based interventions to promote health and disease prevention and respond to community health issues.
Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue.
Recommend evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health care issue.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
Describe a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Correctly format citations and references, using current APA style.

Community/public health nursing is nursing care that is population-focused and occurs in non-hospital settings. Numerous nursing theories can provide the structure for community/public health nursing; however, nursing theories that incorporate components of the general systems theory frequently provide the framework for the practice of community/public health nursing.Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to the field of public health. From providing maternal-child care to poor women in the late 1800s, to promoting hygiene among school aged children in the early 1900s, to providing environmental and safety care to industrial workers during World War I, nurses have been instrumental in shaping health policies (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Today, community/public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues.SHOW LESSMany factors influence the health of communities and populations, including national policies that focus on health promotion. Healthy People, a major national health promotion program issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, identifies major health problems of the nation and sets national goals and objectives targeting health promotion (Maurer & Smith, 2013). If adopted, activities that target health promotion can result in disease prevention.
Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: W. B. Saunders.

Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
What kinds of public health care services are available in your community? Do you think these services adequately meet the needs of the community?
How would you improve the scope of the services?

Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication. (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from
Benson, G. A., Sidebottom, A., VanWormer, J. J., Boucher, J. L., Stephens, C., & Krikava, J. (2013). HeartBeat connections: A rural community of solution for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 299–310. Retrieved from…
Assessment Instructions
Suppose your organization is concerned about a number of health issues that have either affected an increased number of the residents in the community or show the probability of affecting a larger number of people in the population. Your organizational leaders have asked different health care professionals within the organization, including you, to examine the issues from your perspective, and to submit a report that includes evidence-based ways to address the issues.You will first need to identify a critical health care issue in your community or state. You may choose either a public healthissue, such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), measles, Lyme disease, asthma, et cetera; or a community healthissue, such as uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart disease, 30-day readmission, et cetera.Then, look in the Capella library and on the Internet for statistics and peer-reviewed or professional resources to use in preparing your report.
Format this assessment as a professional report. It may help to look at reports or other documents used within your organization and to follow that formatting. You must still follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, and include a title page and reference page.Within the report:
Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue. Tip: check your county and/or state health department Web site.
Explain the factors that contribute to this health issue. Consider things such as access to health care services, economics, culture, attitude, education, health care policies, and so on.
Describe any interventions your community or state has put in place to address the health care issue. Include information on how long the interventions have been in place, how the community was made aware of the interventions, and so on.
Describe the scope and role of nursing and public health nursing in the interventions to reduce the health issue.
Recommend evidence-based ways the scope of the interventions could be expanded to increase positive health outcomes. Think in terms of cost, efficiency and access, effectiveness, and the use of both conventional and unconventional interventions.
Complete your assessment using the following specifications:
Title page and reference page.
Number of pages: 3–4 (not including the title and reference pages).
At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
APA format for citations and references.
Times New Roman font, 12-point, double-spaced.
Community Health Scoring Guide
Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Does not list the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community. Lists the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community. Explains the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community. Explains the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community, and clearly illustrates how the factors affect the critical health care issue.
Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Does not describe interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community. Identifies interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community, but does not clarify whether the interventions are current. Describes current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community. Describes current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community, and includes details on duration, communication methods, and effectiveness.
Describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue.
Does not describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue. Describes the scope and role of nursing in current interventions, but does not show how the interventions target a critical health care issue. Describes the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue. Explains how the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue contribute to positive health outcomes.
Recommend evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health care issue.
Does not recommend ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health issue. Recommends ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health issue, but does not support recommendations with sound evidence. Recommends evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health issue. Recommends evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health issue in terms of cost, efficiency and access, and effectiveness. Includes both conventional and unconventional interventions.
Describe a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Does not identify a critical health care issue within a specific community. Identifies a critical health care issue within a specific community. Describes a critical health care issue within a specific community. Describes a critical health care issue within a specific community, and provides statistical information related to frequency, severity, and population most affected.
Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Does not write content clearly, logically, or with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes with errors in clarity, logic, grammar, punctuation, and/or mechanics. Writes content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes clearly and logically with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; uses relevant evidence to support a central idea.
Correctly format citations and references, using current APA style.
Does not correctly format citations and references, using current APA style. Uses current APA style to format citations and references, but with numerous errors. Correctly formats citations and references, using current APA style with few errors. Correctly formats citations and references, using current APA style with no errors.

Community Health

Community Health

Hey Robert I’m going to post the scoring guide at the end of the question. I need to score at least in “basic” I cannot have anything in “non-performance” please.


Prepare a 3–4 page report on a critical health issue in a community or state. Describe the factors that contribute to the health issue and interventions that have been implemented. Explain the scope and role of nursing in the interventions, and recommend ways the scope of the interventions might be expanded.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Explain the factors that affect the health of communities.
Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Competency 2: Apply evidence-based interventions to promote health and disease prevention and respond to community health issues.
Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue.
Recommend evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health care issue.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
Describe a critical health care issue within a specific community.
Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Correctly format citations and references, using current APA style.

Community/public health nursing is nursing care that is population-focused and occurs in non-hospital settings. Numerous nursing theories can provide the structure for community/public health nursing; however, nursing theories that incorporate components of the general systems theory frequently provide the framework for the practice of community/public health nursing.Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to the field of public health. From providing maternal-child care to poor women in the late 1800s, to promoting hygiene among school aged children in the early 1900s, to providing environmental and safety care to industrial workers during World War I, nurses have been instrumental in shaping health policies (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Today, community/public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues.SHOW LESSMany factors influence the health of communities and populations, including national policies that focus on health promotion. Healthy People, a major national health promotion program issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, identifies major health problems of the nation and sets national goals and objectives targeting health promotion (Maurer & Smith, 2013). If adopted, activities that target health promotion can result in disease prevention.
Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: W. B. Saunders.

Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
What kinds of public health care services are available in your community? Do you think these services adequately meet the needs of the community?
How would you improve the scope of the services?

Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication. (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from
Benson, G. A., Sidebottom, A., VanWormer, J. J., Boucher, J. L., Stephens, C., & Krikava, J. (2013). HeartBeat connections: A rural community of solution for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 299–310. Retrieved from…
Assessment Instructions

Community Health

Community Health

This discussion board is aligned with the module objective “describe basic concepts/principles of community/public health.”


As part of the discussion you will:

Compare and contrast community health/public health nursing practice with hospital base nursing practice in terms of core functions and essentials services
Your initial post must contain minimum of two (2) references, 200 word format in APA format, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.

community health

community health



Community Statistics Submit this assignment by end of day Sunday of Week 1. This assignment is worth 40 points of your final grade. Name: Date: Student ID: Email : NOTE: This assignment is about the experience of using databases to locate information about your community. Keep in mind as you complete this assignment that you may not be able to locate all data fields listed in the worksheet. Record the data you collect into the following tables. Record the source (website) of your data in the Source Column. Collect the most recent data available (usually within the last 5 years). If you cannot find that data for a few inquiries just enter “NDA” – No Data Available. However, this should be limited to two or three areas. Selected County, State: Number of population Public Services and Access to Care Data MUST be presented as number per 1000 people or in a comparable manner (i.e. percentage by population) Provider County State Nation Source/Reference of Data Hospitals Physicians (both primary care and specialty) Overdoses – heroin Public transportation Last updated 11/04/2018 % % % © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 1 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Demographic and Ethnic Data (Example: search Google for “Ohio, County Name, and Population”) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner (i.e. percentage by population) Demographic Variable County State Nation < 5 y.o. % % % 18 and younger % % % 65 and older % % % Male % % % Female % % % White % % % Black % % % American Indian % % % Asian % % % Hispanic % % % Single % % % Married % % % Source/Reference of Data Health Statistics (Example: search Google for terms such as “Infant Mortality Ohio,” etc.) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner (%, per 1000, per 100000, etc.) Rate County State Nation Data Source Infant Mortality (Infants < 1 Y.O. Reported as per 1000 Live Births) White Black Hispanic Death Rates: (Usually reported as per 100000) Motor Vehicle Accidents Lung Cancer Breast Cancer Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 2 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Cardiovascular Disease AIDS Diabetes Risk Indicators: Prenatal Care (% of Mothers delivering live infants who did NOT receive prenatal care in the 1st trimester) Obesity Insufficient Physical Activity Economic Statistical Data: (Example: search Google for “Ohio Income Range”) Variable County State Nation Poverty rate % % % Unemployment Rate % % % Data Source Income Mean Educational Levels: (Example: search Google for “Ohio Income Range”) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner- i.e. % Variable City or County State Nation < High school % % % High school % % % College degree % % % Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Data Source Page 3 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Analysis: Reflect on the ways the information you obtained relates to the county where you live and the Healthy People 2020 National Health Objective you have selected to study. Write a minimum 600 word summary of the key risks and concerns that you can support based upon the statistical data you have retrieved. You may want to look up some additional data that specifically pertains to the Healthy People 2020 National Health Objective that you have selected if additional information is still needed. Be sure to use citations/references APA formatted. Type here… In addition, write two priority community health nursing diagnoses. Use the correct format for your diagnoses: Problem, Population or location of problem, Etiology, Signs/Symptoms (***Chapter 6, pp. 102 in your textbook). Formatting would be: Problem related to the etiology as evidenced by the signs/symptoms. For example: Risks of asthma complications among children in a southeast Ohio County related to poor air quality, overcrowded living conditions, inability to access health care, high number of animals living in homes, lack of knowledge regarding treatment options, and lack of access to medications as evidenced by increasing numbers of hospitalizations due to asthma complications. Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1 Type here… Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2 Type here… Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 4 of

Community Health

Community Health

  • Prepare a 3–4 page report on a critical health issue in a community or state. Describe the factors that contribute to the health issue and interventions that have been implemented. Explain the scope and role of nursing in the interventions, and recommend ways the scope of the interventions might be expanded. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Show Less
    • Competency 1: Explain the factors that affect the health of communities.
      • Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issue within a specific community.
    • Competency 2: Apply evidence-based interventions to promote health and disease prevention and respond to community health issues.
      • Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issue within a specific community.
      • Describe the scope and role of nursing in current interventions that target a critical health care issue.
      • Recommend evidence-based ways to expand the scope of interventions to target a critical health care issue.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
      • Describe a critical health care issue within a specific community.
      • Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
      • Correctly format citations and references, using current APA style.
    Competency Map

    Check Your ProgressUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle Drawer


    Community/public health nursing is nursing care that is population-focused and occurs in non-hospital settings. Numerous nursing theories can provide the structure for community/public health nursing; however, nursing theories that incorporate components of the general systems theory frequently provide the framework for the practice of community/public health nursing. Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to the field of public health. From providing maternal-child care to poor women in the late 1800s, to promoting hygiene among school aged children in the early 1900s, to providing environmental and safety care to industrial workers during World War I, nurses have been instrumental in shaping health policies (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Today, community/public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. Show Less Many factors influence the health of communities and populations, including national policies that focus on health promotion. Healthy People, a major national health promotion program issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, identifies major health problems of the nation and sets national goals and objectives targeting health promotion (Maurer & Smith, 2013). If adopted, activities that target health promotion can result in disease prevention.


    Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: W. B. Saunders.

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

    • What kinds of public health care services are available in your community? Do you think these services adequately meet the needs of the community?
    • How would you improve the scope of the services?
  • Toggle Drawer



    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Capella Resources
    • APA Paper Template.
    • APA Paper Tutorial.

    Show Less

    Library Resources

    The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

    • Schofield, R., Ganann, R., Brooks, S., McGugan, J., Bona, K. D., Betker, C., Dilworth, K., … Watson, C. (2011). Community health nursing vision for 2020: Shaping the future. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33(8),1047–1068.
    • Mendez-Luck, C. A., Bethel, J. W., Goins, R. T., Schure, M. B., & McDermott, E. (2015). Community as a source of health in three racial/ethnic communities in Oregon: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1–10.
    • Cosgrove, S., Moore-Monroy, M., Jenkins, C., Castillo, S. R., Williams, C., Parris, E., . . . Brownstein, N. (2014). Community health workers as an integral strategy in the REACH U.S. program to eliminate health inequities. Health Promotion Practice15(6), 705–802.
    Course Library Guide

    A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BSN-FP4014 – Global Perspectives of Community and Public Service Library Guide to help direct your research.

    Internet Resources

    Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

    • (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from
    • Benson, G. A., Sidebottom, A., VanWormer, J. J., Boucher, J. L., Stephens, C., & Krikava, J. (2013). HeartBeat connections: A rural community of solution for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 299–310. Retrieved from…
    Bookstore Resources

    The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

    • Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2013). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: W. B. Saunders.
      • Chapters 1, 2, 3, 10, 18, and 20.
  • Assessment Instructions


    Suppose your organization is concerned about a number of health issues that have either affected an increased number of the residents in the community or show the probability of affecting a larger number of people in the population. Your organizational leaders have asked different health care professionals within the organization, including you, to examine the issues from your perspective, and to submit a report that includes evidence-based ways to address the issues. You will first need to identify a critical health care issue in your community or state. You may choose either a public health issue, such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), measles, Lyme disease, asthma, et cetera; or a community health issue, such as uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart disease, 30-day readmission, et cetera. Then, look in the Capella library and on the Internet for statistics and peer-reviewed or professional resources to use in preparing your report.


    Format this assessment as a professional report. It may help to look at reports or other documents used within your organization and to follow that formatting. You must still follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, and include a title page and reference page. Within the report:

    • Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue. Tip: check your county and/or state health department Web site.
    • Explain the factors that contribute to this health issue. Consider things such as access to health care services, economics, culture, attitude, education, health care policies, and so on.
    • Describe any interventions your community or state has put in place to address the health care issue. Include information on how long the interventions have been in place, how the community was made aware of the interventions, and so on.
    • Describe the scope and role of nursing and public health nursing in the interventions to reduce the health issue.
    • Recommend evidence-based ways the scope of the interventions could be expanded to increase positive health outcomes. Think in terms of cost, efficiency and access, effectiveness, and the use of both conventional and unconventional interventions.



    Complete your assessment using the following specifications:

    • Title page and reference page.
    • Number of pages: 3–4 (not including the title and reference pages).
    • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
    • APA format for citations and references.