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Use the University Library to locate peer-reviewed research articles related to a research study about health or health care issues, concerns, or trends.


The research article must describe a research study, not an editorial or brief.
The research study must be based in the United States from 2010 to the present.
It is recommended that you select health topics of interest to you or your job, with no complex statistical analyses.
Review the Researching Articles in the University Library Tutorial for help finding articles.

Select at least 3 peer-reviewed* articles to use to complete an annotated bibliography. The 3 research articles can be based on the same or different topics. Topic ideas can include (but are not limited to):

Adolescent obesity (select different geographic locales: urban vs rural)
Infection rates among ICU patients
Readmission rates for congestive heart failure patients
Patient satisfaction or patient experience of care
Population health management in diabetes care
Care coordination or care continuum
Patient safety or quality management
Cancer screening compliance, such as mammography, colonoscopy, or Pap smear
Complete the annotated bibliography based on the 3 articles you selected from the University Library.

Review the sample annotated bibliography provided by the University Library. Be sure to do the following for each bibliography:

Summarize the research study in your own words (at least 150 words).
Include the major areas of the research study, such as the sample, geographic location, and the outcome.
Bibliographies should not include any direct quotes or in-text citation.
*Note: One research article will be used in the Week 3 Learning Team assignment, Components of a Research Study.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Remember to alphabetize your annotated bibliography.

Tags: healthcare

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The focus of this Benchmark Assignment is to consider how consumer demographics and health care marketing plays a role in consumer behaviors of selecting health care resources.

Select 1 of the following in your community or surrounding area:

One walk-in clinic, such as an urgent care facility
One retail clinic in your local grocery store or retail pharmacy
No-appointment physician’s office
Research the market of this facility. Consider the following as you complete your research:

Demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected
The location of the facility selected
The marketing used to bring in consumers to the facility selected
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that analyzes the market perspective of the facility selected by addressing the following:

Describe the facility selected, including its location.
Analyze the demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected.
Include the cultural and generational demographics in your analysis.
Analyze the marketing approach used for the facility.
Consider the targeted audience of the facility based on the demographics of the consumers who use the facility.
Consider whether marketing techniques can be the same when marketing to different demographics.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite at least 1 reputable reference.

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Our health care system changes frequently. In this assignment you will review our current health care system and how it has evolved in the past three to five years. This will give you the necessary background knowledge to


complete this assignment and other assignments in this course.

Research different events or shifts in our health care system within the past three to five years.

Select a current event or shift in the health care system from your research that has occurred within the past three to five years. This resource could be from a newspaper, magazine, or journal from the University Library or similar source.

Prepare a Powerpoint presentation that details the changing landscape of our health care system based on your research and selected current event or shift.

Explain the current event or shift you selected.
Describe the impact of this current event or shift on the health care system on health care consumers.
Remember, you, your friends, and family are health care consumers.
As you think about the impact to consumers, consider the impact experienced when there was a shift from acute care to wellness and prevention and the shift in accountability.
Explain your personal perception of the current event or shift you have selected.
Remember, it is not appropriate to share personal medical information and background.
The presentation should include one cover slide , 5- 7 slides that include the information required in this assignment, at least one reference slide and extensive notes for each slide (at least 5 sentences per slide). The entire presentation should include a minimum of 7 slides.

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Tags: healthcare

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Case Study Comparisons HCS/490 Version 9 1 University of Phoenix Material Case Study Comparisons Part 1


Complete the chart below that differentiates the following insurance types. Include 5 to 7 characteristics, as well as the target audience, for each identified plan type. Plan Type Characteristics of Plan Target Audience for Plan Indemnity Plan Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP) Medicaid Medicare Part 2 Review the following insurance plans and then answer the questions below. Services Monthly cost Deductible Primary care Specialist visit Preventive care/screening/immunization Diagnostic test (x-ray, blood work) Bronze $163 $6,000 $35 co-pay for three visits, then 20% of co-insurance $70 co-pay for three visits, then 20% of co-insurance No charge Silver $194 $4,000 $30 co-pay/provider/day Gold $245 $1,000 $20 co-pay/provider/day $60 co-pay/provider/day $40 co-pay/provider/day No charge No charge $35 co-pay or 20% of coinsurance if co-pay limit is reached Office visit co-pay or 20% of coinsurance Office visit co-pay or 20% of coinsurance Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Case Study Comparisons HCS/490 Version 9 Level 1 prescription drugs Emergency dept. services Emergency medical transportation Urgent care Hospital stay (facility fee, physician/surgeon fee) $25 co-pay/30 day supply 20% of co-insurance 20% of co-insurance $15 co-pay/30 supply $350 co-pay/facility/day 20% of co-insurance $15 co-pay/30 supply $250 co-pay/facility/day 20% of co-insurance $75 co-pay 20% of co-insurance $60 co-pay/provider/day 20% of co-insurance $60 co-pay/provider/day 20% of co-insurance 2 1. Compare the plans above. • • • What are the major differences between the plans? What are the major similarities between the plans? If you were presented with these plans, what would be the major selling points and pitfalls of the plans for you? 2. Read and answer the questions below regarding the two consumers and refer to the Gold, Silver, or Bronze plans listed above. Consumer A Betsy has Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. She visits the doctor often to keep her diabetes and blood pressure controlled. The doctor regularly checks her blood levels and prescribes level 1 prescriptions to help Betsy control her diabetes and blood pressure. • • • Betsy is considered a controlled diabetic; she uses her insurance plan frequently. o Compare the plans provided and determine the best plan for Betsy. Remember to consider deductibles and general costs for the services she would be using. For several years, Betsy was really taking care of herself. However, after suffering a broken leg and being more inactive, Betsy has gained weight and has not been diligent about controlling her diabetes. Betsy has found that she is requiring emergency department services and urgent care more often. • If Betsy was considering changing her insurance plan, which plan should she consider? Why? • How does the plan she should consider in this scenario compare to the plan choice from the first question? Describe the impact diabetes as a chronic disease has on health care costs. Consumer B Zach is a healthy 30 year old who rarely goes to the doctor and does not take any medication. He has been offered the insurance plans above. He is considering the plans for use of common ailments (e.g., colds) and for preventive tests. • Compare the plans and determine which would be the best plan for Zach. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Case Study Comparisons HCS/490 Version 9 3 Zach has recently been hired as a construction worker and is considering changing his health plan. He realizes that this new job may have more hazards than his last job. • • Which plan should Zach consider? Why? How does the plan he should consider in this scenario compare to the plan choice from the first question? Remember to consider deductibles and general costs for the services he would be using. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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External Influences on Consumer Choices HCS/490 Version 9 1 University of Phoenix Material Externa


l Influences on Consumer Choices Health care consumers receive various communications about different health care options. It is important to understand consumer demographics to be able to determine the impact (positive or negative) media, social networks, branding, marketing, and communication play in health care consumer choices. In this assignment you will research managed care plans to determine what impact social media and other external influences have on consumer behaviors. Research the different managed care insurance plans listed below by reviewing various health care organizations or resources (e.g., Kaiser as an HMO). Consider within your research who might access the health care systems (i.e., age, generation, socioeconomic status, military/veteran, and health care insurance plans, etc.) List 2 advantages for the HMOs, PPOs, and POSs and 2 disadvantages of each of the same in a chart like the one below: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Point of Service (POS) Advantages 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Disadvantages 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Write a 90- to 175-word response to the following prompts. Consider the information you listed above and what you know about consumer behavior when you compose your response. 1. Explain the impact media and social networking have on consumers when choosing the most appropriate managed care health insurance plans. Consider the positive and negative impact. 2. Discuss how branding, marketing, and communication influences a consumer’s choice when considering an appropriate managed care health insurance plan. Consider positive and negative influence. 3. Explain how communication and education to consumers differs by generations when marketing managed care health insurance plans. a. Consider why it is important to communicate and educate differently between generations. Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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The focus of this Benchmark Assignment is to consider how consumer demographics and health care marketing plays a role in consumer behaviors of selecting health care resources.

Select 1 of the following in your community or surrounding area:

One walk-in clinic, such as an urgent care facility
One retail clinic in your local grocery store or retail pharmacy
No-appointment physician’s office
Research the market of this facility. Consider the following as you complete your research:

Demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected
The location of the facility selected
The marketing used to bring in consumers to the facility selected
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that analyzes the market perspective of the facility selected by addressing the following:

Describe the facility selected, including its location.
Analyze the demographics of the consumers who use the facility selected.
Include the cultural and generational demographics in your analysis.
Analyze the marketing approach used for the facility.
Consider the targeted audience of the facility based on the demographics of the consumers who use the facility.
Consider whether marketing techniques can be the same when marketing to different demographics.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite at least 1 reputable reference.

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The company for the project is -Saxenda.




2 – 3 slides that include the information required in section 5 of this assignment, at least cite one reference (peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references) and extensive notes for each slide (at least 5 sentences per slide).

Section 5: Anticipating the Changing Market

Explain how consumers’ options for health care are changing.
Consider if it will have an impact on the use of the company or product selected.
Explain how you will ensure the selected health care company or product will be relevant and engaging to the consumer over time.
Discuss how advances in technology and medicine may influence the use of the company or product over time.

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Complete assignment below

As a team consider the following scenario:


On Dec. 7, 2000, the Cincinnati Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) office heard through media and police reports that there were two deaths at a nursing home in Ohio. OSHA determined that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should take a lead role in performing an investigation.

Because the nursing home had many residents who had unhealthy respiratory systems, the nursing home routinely ordered and received tanks that contained pure oxygen. During one delivery, the supplier mistakenly delivered one tank of pure nitrogen in addition to the three tanks of pure oxygen that had been ordered. The nitrogen tank had both an oxygen and nitrogen label. An employee at the nursing home connected the nitrogen tank to the nursing home’s oxygen delivery system. This event caused two nursing home residents to die, and three additional nursing home residents were admitted to hospitals in critical condition. Within the following month, two of these three additional residents also died, bringing the total death toll to four.

(Based on accident # 837914

Answer questions between 200-250 words in TOTAL (NOT 200-250 words EACH QUESTION) which your team compares the Normal Accident Theory to the Culture of Safety model.

Explain what factors can play a role in organizational accidents similar to the one highlighted in the scenario.

How do organizational processes give rise to potential failures?
How can certain conditions influence errors and violations within the workplace (e.g., operating room, pharmacy, intensive care unit)?
What are the errors and violations committed by “sharp end” individuals?