
Discussion Post

Discussion Post

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is one of the most critical yet misunderstood regulations in Healthcare. What is Anti Dumping? Who is intended to be protected by this act?


Outline what is guaranteed as well as what is not guaranteed within this act.
Discuss the fines provided for by the act and include examples of hospitals which have been fined for not complying with this act.
Describe and analyze the conditions under which a hospital is permitted to transfer a patient without healthcare coverage.
Use resources from the Week 1 assignment and the following from South University Library as necessary.

Terp, S., Seabury, S. A., Arora, S., Eads, A., Lam, C. N., & Menchine, M. (2017). Enforcement of the emergency medical treatment and Labor act, 2005 to 2014. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 69(2), 155-162.e1. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.05.021

Zuabi, N., Weiss, L. D., & Langdorf, M. I. (2016). Emergency medical treatment and labor act (EMTALA) 2002-15: Review of office of inspector general patient dumping settlements. The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(3), 245-251. doi:10.5811/westjem.2016.3.29705

McDonnell, W. M., Gee, C. A., Mecham, N., Dahl-Olsen, J., & Guenther, E. (2013). Does the emergency medical treatment and labor act affect emergency department use? The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 44(1), 209. doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2012.01.042

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.
Tags: business healthcare

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Explanation & Answer


Discussion Post

Discussion Post

In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:


How should an HR department of a healthcare organization measure its effectiveness? For example, if job satisfaction has improved among nursing staff, how would you isolate the effect of HRM policies or programs from the effect of other organizational and external factors?
Which of the commonly used HRM metrics would you, as an HR manager of a healthcare organization, use? Why? Use an organization as an example and briefly describe it.
How should HRM metrics be used to measure the success of the HR department’s goals related to improving the performance indicators of the entire organization?
Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

Discussion post

Discussion post

There are You, the RN, arrive early on your regular orthopedic unit. Your Charge Nurse comes to you and says that


you need to go to the cardiac step-down unit. You protest, but she says she has no control over the situation and that you at least need to go to the step-down unit and see what is going on. You arrive at the step-down unit. The House Supervisor is present with the unit Charge Nurse. You are told that the unit is very understaffed that day and that you must take patients. You protest that you have worked only orthopedics for the past 10 years- that you do not know the current cardiac drugs and side effects, the current treatments and post-treatment care and that you have never had to read the type of cardiac monitoring strips that are generated on all the patients on this unit. The House Supervisor tells you to not worry. She explains as follows:

monitoring techs who are responsible for reading the strips.
You have access to a PDR and Pharmacy if you have questions about the drugs.
A nurse with recent experience on this floor will be able to go around with you to orient you for about two hours. (That nurse must return to his regular floor in two hours.)]
You again express concerns that you are not qualified to take this assignment. The House Supervisor takes you aside and says, “We need you to step up and help out here. We need team players in situations like this. If you refuse, I’m going to have to discuss your refusal with the Director of Nursing and your unit manager — it may not be good for your career here at this hospital. Besides, do you think you are the first nurse who ever had to take patients in a less than perfect circumstance? The patients are worse off if you refuse.”

Reluctantly, you accept the assignment. About 5 hours into the 12-hour shift, you mis-titrate a cardiac drug. The patient codes, never regains consciousness and is transferred to ICU. The patient dies 3 hours after being transferred.

Two weeks later, you are called to Human Resources. Your unit manager, the House Supervisor, and an HR representative are there. You are told that you are being reported to the state’s Board of Nursing due to the negative outcome of your patient.

Have you encountered a situation similar to the scenario in the Self-Evaluation? If so, how did you handle it? (Throughout Modules 2-3, we will cover information pertinent to this scenario and your options.)


How does your State(TEXAS) Nurse Practice Act address Nursing Peer Review situations?

Discussion post

Discussion post

Discussion: Ethical Dimensions of Research Studies


In the best-selling book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot, 2010), the author highlights the true story of an African-American woman who died in 1951 from cervical cancer. What makes her story unique is that prior to her death, cells from her tumor were removed and successfully grown in a petri dish. This was the first time scientists were able to successfully replicate cells outside the body, and it is estimated that billions of Lacks’ cells have been used in medical research. However, Henrietta Lacks was never asked for permission to take a sample and her family was never made aware of the widespread use of her cells. Although the culturing of her cells has been pivotal for advancing research, strong ethical concerns later arose about using these cells without patient or family approval.

This week’s readings describe historical examples of unethical research, such as a study of syphilis among African-American men in which treatment was withheld and a study in which live cancer cells were injected into elderly patients. Today, stricter controls that seek to protect study participants are placed on researchers, but breaches still occur. Careful attention must be given toward preventing unethical behavior. In this Discussion, you explore ethical considerations and issues in research.

To prepare:

Select a current health-related case involving research ethics. (If none come to mind, browse the Internet to familiarize yourself with recent cases.)
As you review the case that you have selected, reflect on the ethical principles discussed in “What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research?” article found in this week’s Learning Resources. Which principles were breached in the case you have identified

discussion post

discussion post

Describe the role of each component of the ECG in the heart’s contraction: the P wave, the PR interval, the QRS complex, the ST segment, the T wave, and the QT interval. What is the difference between artifact and dysrhythmia? How can you reduce artifacts? What are some situations that can occur if artifact is not reduced or eliminated?

You are working in the Telemetry Unit. The nurse “watching” the monitors is reading a magazine. She constantly turns off an alarm that looks a lot like Ventricular Fibrillation. She tells you that it is not a dysrhythmia, it is just artifact. What do you think about her actions? What is the worst case scenario in this situation? What would you do?