
DSM-V Paper

DSM-V Paper

Clinical Project for Concepts of Mental Health For this project you will use the DSM-V: The Diagnostic and Statistical


Manual of Mental Disorders Please provide double spaced 12 Times New Roman Font to explain the following: 1-Look through the DSM-V, and pick a diagnosis that you find interesting, 1- explain the diagnosis 2- why you find this diagnosis interesting, and 3-a surprising diagnostic feature of the diagnosis in 800 words. 2- Look at the website AHRQ at ( and determine the best treatment and outcomes for this diagnosis. Please cite your references in APA format. This must be at least 800 words. Rules: Be concise, no rewording of previous sentences to take up space. Your concern/enthusiasm must come alive in your paper. Submit to the assignment drop box by date your instructor gives There must be at least 2 references in APA format Running Head: DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER DSM-V: Major Depressive Disorder XXXX XXXXXX: NURS XXXX DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER DSM-V: Major Depressive Disorder Most people do not realize there is more to mental illness than someone being classified as a “crazy” person. What most individuals fail to understand is how common certain illnesses, such as severe depression, function within society. DSM-V Diagnosis Depression is also known as a mood disorder. Based on the research from the National Institute of Mental Health, major depressive disorder affects about roughly 300 million adults in the United States. The major depressive disorder itself consists of multiple disorders including major depressive disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, dysthymic disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, substance-induced depressive disorder and depressive disorder that is not classified elsewhere. (Halter, 2014, p. 250) One of the major leading causes of disability in the United States is depressive disorder. The reason this disorder manifests disability in some individuals is due to the lack of functioning an individual may experience when the manifestations of this disorder are prevalent. Depression is a chronic disorder that can last anywhere from intermittent episodes (about 2 weeks at a time) to a longer episode lasting for months with moderate or severe intensity. Individuals with this disorder find it hard to get adequate sleep, function properly with the task of decision making, and it even can affect appetites resulting in significant weight loss and furthermore malnutrition. Like most mental disorders, depression is usually accompanied by some form of comorbidity disorders including, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders schizoaffective disorders and schizophrenia. (Halter, 2014, p. 251-252) Diagnosis Interests 2 DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER I personally find this disorder interesting by how the genetics play a factor into the disorder. I’ve always thought from personal experiences that depression occurs because of a traumatic event, terminal illness, or just a person feeling hopelessness. I never once thought that genetics can tie into mental illness; I never connected that two individuals could feel the same way just because they are related. The probability (37%) of one twin developing depression because the other twin has it is undeniably fascinating. Learning how multiple genes can be involved with depression puts a difference aspect on the disease for me. Sometimes I wonder that if genetics plays a major role in this disorder, would the manifestations become present with every little depressive trigger? To be diagnosed with depression per DSM-V, the individual must have at least one of these symptoms for more than two weeks including depressed mood and/or anhedonia, and at least four of these symptoms for at least two weeks including fatigue, sleep disturbances, excessive guilt, changes in appetite, weight loss, persistent thoughts about death or suicide and the inability to concentrate or make decisions; indecisiveness. Areas that are assessed when diagnosing depressive disorder include affect, thought processes, mood, feelings, physical behavior, communication and religious beliefs. I thought that a surprising feature of this disorder was the postpartum time period where depression can take place. It usually happens about 4 weeks after a mother delivers her child. What I did not know is that the postpartum depression is a highly prevalent disorder among lots of women in childbearing age. There are still a few questions I have about how depression can manifest postpartum. Research states that there are ways to screen for postpartum depression before it can actually happen. A “well baby care” screening technique was used in research that showed promising improvements in the Postnatal Depression Scale. (Angarath, 2017, p. 9) “The intention of WBC is to monitor the child’s development and health, including the wellbeing of 3 DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER the parents.” (Angarath, 2017, p. 10) This diagnostic feature can help in so many ways such as, stress, new mother basic needs and more to ensure that the mother is not so far overwhelmed that it later turns into depression. Nursing Assessment/Treatment During the nursing assessment, anergia, which is the lack of energy, and hypersomnia are expected findings. Several assessment tools are used to test for depression for various types of individuals including Beck Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Scale, Zung Depression Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale, and Patient Health Questionaire-9 (PQH-9). For depression, the nurse will always assess for suicidal or homicidal ideation. Approximately 97% of individuals with depression will have anergia. (Halter, 2014, p. 257) Common feelings for individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder will feel worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, anger, and helplessness. With the assessment findings, the nurse’s priority would be to focus on making sure the patient’s strengths and goals are mutually developed—patient centered. Several therapies are used during the nursing treatment. Those therapies include exercise (30 minutes 3-5 days a week), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), light therapy, and medication therapy. Medications used to treat major depressive disorder include SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro, Luvox), TCAs (Elavil, Pamelor, Norpramin, Silenor, Tofranil) and MAOIs (Marplan, Nardil, Parnate). Nursing Outcomes Outcomes for mental illnesses are often tailored to the individual themselves for various reasons. “Outcomes relating to thought processes, self-esteem, and social interactions are frequently formulated because these areas are often problematic in people with depression” (Halter, 2014, p. 274) Affect and negative self-perception are the two main manifestations that turn to a positive outcome when the manifestations of depression subsides. The individual will present positive 4 DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER self-outlook on life, maintain interpersonal relationships, and demonstrate adequate mood and function at work, socially, and also within their family household. 5 DSM-V: MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER References Halter, M. J. (2014). Chapter 14. In Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (7th ed., pp. 249-277). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences. Zee-van den Berg, A., Boere-Boonekamp, M., IJzerman, M., Haasnoot-Smallegange, R., & Reijneveld, S. (2017). Screening for Postpartum Depression in Well-Baby Care Settings: A Systematic Review. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 21(1), 9-20. doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2088-8 6
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