
HCA504 KING’S T-Test And Chi-Square Assignment Help

HCA504 KING’S T-Test And Chi-Square Assignment Help

The Excel workbook should include the following in clearly labeled sheets:


1. Output from F-test for variance (Data Analysis function conducted before two sample t-test)

2. Output from two sample t-test (Data Analysis function)

3. Chi-square test observed and expected tables, chi-square statistic calculations

The Word document, you will provide a narrative describing the findings of each of these statistical tests. Your Word document should include the following sections:

Two Sample t-Test: In this section, you will briefly describe the purpose, methods and findings

of your two-sample t-test. In this section, briefly describe/explain each of the following:

1. Hypothesis being tested in two sample t-test (null and alternative)

2. The t-statistic you obtained, the critical value to which you compared it and the p-value for your calculated t-statistic

3. Whether or not you can reject the null hypothesis, and whether you find support for your alternative hypothesis

Chi-Square Test: In this section, you will briefly describe the purpose, methods and findings of

your chi-square test. In this section, briefly describe/explain each of the following:

1. Hypothesis being tested in chi-square test (null and alternative)

2. The chi-square statistic you obtained, the critical value to which you compared it and the p-value for your calculated chi-square statistic

3. Whether or not you can reject the null hypothesis, and whether you find support for your alternative hypothesis

Conclusions & Limitations: In this section, you will briefly discuss the implications of your

hypothesis test findings. Discuss what your findings mean with respect to the questions you are

examining and why you may have found what you found. Also include at least 2 or 3 bullet points noting limitations of your analyses.

please find attachment my excel sheet only write up about T-test and chi- square. I will also attach a GUIDUE that will help you understanding the assignment. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY EXCEL WORK ONLY THE WORD