
healthcare capital budgeting

healthcare capital budgeting

Please provide comment regrading the discussion below. 3-5 sentences only following APA. Thank you!

The article I chose to write about looks at the usefulness of a spreadsheet tool, called the Monte Carlo simulation, in helping management to understand and map out risk and possible success of a particular project. By using the Monte Carlo simulation, a manager in any kind of organization, is able to show the distribution of different outcomes and therefore the probability of success for a given project or program, (Clark, Reed, Stephan, 2010). While the authors report that many traditional finance texts recommend the use of a sensitivity analysis or scenario analysis in order to deal with financial uncertainty, they argue that the Monte Carlo simulation is in fact a better tool for doing this. They note that this is because this tool is able to look at all possible combinations of variables and how these could impact risk to the organization, (Clark, et al., 2010).

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In this article, the authors use the Monte Carlo simulation to explore the probability of risk of a hospital group in purchasing an MRI machine. The healthcare group’s supposition is that the purchase of this machine will provide a significant amount of income due to a strong market. By utilizing this tool, the healthcare organization can develop a visual representation of the probability of risk to them through the purchase of the MRI, while also minimizing what the authors call an optimism bias, which is when a champion of a project downplays potential risks associated with the project, (Clark, et. Al., 2010). Ultimately, this tool is useful in allowing managers to make better financial decisions concerning risk and capital budgeting.


Clark, V., Reed, M., Stephan, J. (2010). Using the Monte Carlo Simulation for a Capital Budgeting Project. Management Accounting Quarterly, 12(1), 20-31.

healthcare capital budgeting

healthcare capital budgeting

Please provide comment below with 3-5 sentences minimum using APA resources. Thank you!

In the “Money Well Spent” by Keith O’Leary (2011) he discussed the best practices for optimizing facility capital investments. He acknowledges that there is a growing demand for new infrastructure, larger demand for patient safety, and an increasing number of patients that creates a strain to holding a facility afloat. He stresses that without a strategic plan in place to make sure that capital spending is proportionate with capital plans and budgets, facilities can run the risk of misallocating capital in least favorable ways. That is why this resource is useful since we are handling precious hospital money that isn’t ours and the decisions on how to allocate funds can affect the long-standing operations of the facility.

O’Leary goes on to state that there are three key areas of vulnerability which include accountability, communication and process efficiency. Data is typically spread across departments and not centralized. Rapid reconciliation of spending is thus difficult due to the intensive data collection process across the departments. This also leads to poor visibility into the data and lags down the decision-making process and creates hardship to control spending. Therefore, he recommends taking these disparate data sources and placing them into a central repository. Once available, it creates a real-time approach and thus eliminates lag time between reporting and reconciliation of funds. As for communication, the capital budget process is usually done annually and as a static financial event. For example, when requests for spending are made, it goes through the proper channels like department managers who first must obtain prior approval before action can take place. The decisions are all made based upon the annual financial event. On the other hand, a capital spend management system can create a more dynamic approach and accommodates any unforeseen needs that may pop up throughout the year. Stakeholders can also readily engage in the requisition process because information is already available to see and use. Multiple departments are also provided the real-time information to help the facility merge its capital budgeting operations. And last efficiency is increased by standardization. Without standardization the capital budgeting process can be a manually intensive process. There is a lack of consistency and many hours must be aggregated to a master spreadsheet to them be used as budget tracking. This can be found when there are individual departments or regional facilities doing their own processes for budgeting. The time gained by having process standardization creates more time to focus on other critical needs.


O’Leary, K. (2011, December 5). Money well spent. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from