
hepatitis C essay

hepatitis C essay

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Complete a literature review by searching for a total of seven articles consisting of five research articles and two non-research articles related to the healthcare problem from part A1, and describe the search strategy you used to conduct the literature review by doing the following:

1. Discuss two research evidence sources and two nonresearch evidence sources that you considered.

Note: Please do not use the same primary author for more than two articles. Articles must not be more than five years old.

C. Use your research articles to develop a PICO (patient/population, intervention/indicator, comparison/control, and outcome) question based on the topic.

D. Complete the attached “Evidence Matrix,” using the five research evidence sources from scholarly journal sources you located during the literature review in part B. For each article, address the following points:

• author, journal name, and year of publication

• research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed design, systematic review)

• sample size (e.g., numbers of study participants, number of articles, number of control group participants)

• outcome variables measured (e.g., identify what the research is measuring)

• quality (using the following scale: A, B, C)

• results/author’s conclusions (e.g., briefly summarize the outcome)

E. Recommend a practice change that addresses the PICO question, using the evidence collected in the attached “Evidence Matrix.” You must use all five research articles from the “Evidence Matrix” attachment to support this recommendation via in-text citations.

F. Describe a process for implementing the practice change from part E in which you do the following:

1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in the decision to implement the recommendation from part E.

2. Describe two specific barriers you may encounter when implementing the practice change from part E in the nursing practice setting.

3. Identify two strategies that could be used to overcome the barriers described in part F2.

4. Identify one indicator to measure the outcome (the O in PICO question) of the recommended change practice from part E.

G. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Chan, A., Patel, K., & Naggie, S. (2017). Genotype 3 infection: The last stand of hepatitis C virus. Drugs, 77(2), 131-144. doi:…

Dowsett, L. E., Coward, S., Lorenzetti, D. L., MacKean, G., & Clement, F. (2017). Living with hepatitis C virus: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of qualitative literature. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2017 doi:…

Lobo, R., Mascarenhas, L., Worthington, D., Bevan, J., & Mak, D. B. (2015). Evaluation of the regional nurse-supported hepatitis C shared care program in western australia: A mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 15Retrieved from

Knodel, M. M., Nägel, A., Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Targett-Adams, P., McLauchlan, J., … Wittum, G. (2018). Quantitative Analysis of Hepatitis C NS5A Viral Protein Dynamics on the ER Surface. Viruses (1999-4915), 10(1), 28.…


New affordable hepatitis C combination shows 97% cure rate…The International Liver Congress 2018 (ILC 2018), the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), 11-15 April 2018, Paris, France. (2018). AIDS & Hepatitis Digest, 5(2), 3–5. Retrieved from….

Ti, L., Ng, M., Awendila, L., & Carrieri, P. M. (2018). Hepatitis C virus infection and hospital-related outcomes: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 8(6) doi:…

Woodward, E. N., Matthieu, M. M., Uchendu, U. S., Rogal, S., & Kirchner, J. E. (2019). The health equity implementation framework: Proposal and preliminary study of hepatitis C virus treatment. Implementation Scienc