
introduction to advanced nursing practice (assignment)

introduction to advanced nursing practice (assignment)

MSc in Nursing: Advanced Practice Module NS5064P: Introduction to Advanced Clinical Nursing Concepts


Assignment Nursing concepts such as critical thinking and reflective practice are essential in developing the role of the advanced practice nurses. Discuss the importance of critical thinking and reflective practice in advancing nursing practice and interpreting complex issues in health care. (50%) All answers must be supported with appropriate literature Academic assignment presentation requirements: This assessment involves critical review of the literature in relation to the chosen topic. It should involve discussion of the concepts and issues explored in the module. All discussion must be supported by relevant literature using the Harvard method of referencing (APA Referencing Style 6th Edition). Presentation style as follows: font size 12pt & black, font style Times New Roman, text should be double spaced and justified. References are single spaced, in alphabetical order and not included in the word limit. Plagiarism It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with University regulation on plagiarism, copying and collusion. See Guidelines in DCU Handbook. Introduction The introduction should be clear, inviting and states the main topic. It should provide an overview of the paper. Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. Define critical thinking and reflective practice, Outline points be discussed. Main body Using relevant literature discuss the points critically. Discuss: Critical Thinking in Nursing: Critically discuss the challenges for nurses such as communicating bad news, working in teams, managing conflict, and satisfying patients’ needs. How do we accomplish this? How do we make decisions in nursing How do nursing concepts such a critical thinking and reflective practice support nurses decision making Conclusion The conclusion is strong and summarizes the discussion. Do not introduce new points here The author’s purpose of writing must be very clear, and there is strong evidence of attention to audience. The author’s knowledge with the topic is evident. Examples of articles to read Alfaro-LeFevre, R., Critical Thinking in Nursing: A Practical Approach (1999). Centers for Teaching and Technology – Book Library. 127. library/122 Brunt, B.A. (2005) Critical Thinking in Nursing: An Integrated Review, The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing March 2005 – Volume 36 Issue 2:60-67 Chao, Shu-Yuan, Liu, Hsing-Yuan; Wu, Ming-Chang; Clark, Mary Jo; Tan, Jung-Ying (2013) Identifying Critical Thinking Indicators and Critical Thinker Attributes in Nursing Practice. Inumal of Nureina Research 21/21-274.210 Section C Nursing concepts such as critical thinking and reflective practice are essential and play an important part of developing the role of the advanced practice nurses. Discuss the importance of critical thinking and reflective practice in advancing nursing practice and the need to interpret the often-complex issues in healthcare. (50%) All answers must be supported with appropriate literature Academic assignment presentation requirements: This assessment involves critical review of the literature in relation to the chosen topic. It should involve discussion of the concepts and issues explored in the module. All discussion must be supported by relevant literature using the Harvard method of referencing. Presentation style as follows: font size 12pt & black, font style Times New Roman, text should be double spaced and justified. References are not included in the word limit, Plagiarism It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with University regulation on plagiarism, copying and collusion. See Guidelines in DCU Handbook NS5064P Page 3 of 3
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