
management case study powerpoint

management case study powerpoint

HCM 4012 Week 3 Assignment 2 South University Healthcare Workforce Shortage Introduction Health care is the maintenance and improvement of health through diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of menaces. The healthcare workforce including dentistry, physicians, nurses, pharmacist and other healthcare professionals stipulates healthcare. Countries and jurisdictions have diverged policies and plans concerning personal population-based health care goals within the specified societies. Supply and demand of healthcare


practitioners The supply model, capitalized in the microsimulation approach, is engaged in projecting the supply of physicians based on physiognomies of the current supply, new entrant of the workforce, hours worked patterns and retirement patterns of healthcare practitioners. Firstly, it is essential to reflect on the uncertainty related with when physicians might retire in future. A reflection on the situation that nurses retire two years earlier or later. According to the survey by the foundation survey report, thirty-nine percent of healthcare practitioners signpost that they will accelerate their superannuation plans due to the adjustment of the healthcare system (Janiszewski, 2003). Dynamics that can determine the demand for physicians include, changing demographics, the growth of demand due to the extension of insurance coverage, managed care and expanded use of retail clinics. Changing demography extrapolates current health care use and patterns of the forthcoming population of age, gender and ethnicity through 2025. There is the projection that the United States population is estimated to grow by 8.6%. Nevertheless, the population under the age of 18 years is projected to grow by 5%, while population aged 65 years and above will grow by 41%. Therefore, the demand for services by seniors is expected to be higher than the need for pediatric services. Therefore, the demand for healthcare practitioners will increase thus reducing the level of care to the patients. Moreover, the demand for healthcare providers is projected to increase, as more people will gain medical insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. By 2014, some rudiments of affordable care act had been executed hence a reflection of increased demand estimates. Additionally, the demand will increase due to the assortment of integrated care delivery models, which are promoted by the provision of Affordable Care Act. Affordable Care Act will progress synchronization and eminence of patient care, reducing inefficiencies and controlling medical expenditures. Shortage of health care workforce Lack of medicinal services workforce achieves the deficiency in social insurance benefit arrangement to the country since the quantity of attendants and doctors is lessening in light of the exploration performed. This is on the grounds that the vast majority of the present working power comprises of a high number of maturing doctors and medical caretakers will’s identity resigning in the couple of years roughly ten years and this will make deficiency since there are few who are preparing to enter the expert zone when contrasted with populace request (Salsberg and Grover, 2006). Deficiency of enrolled medical attendants comes about because of the adjustment in the populace pieces since there is the high increment in the number of inhabitants in maturing subsequently they require high consideration. In this manner, more attendants are required to take care of the maturing populace in the healing centers. Another factor, which adds to the lack of attendants, is the profession determinations in schools, which make more understudies, favor taking different vocations as opposed to nursing because of low installment when contrasted with prescription with the high installment. In this way, it is the part of human services office to guarantee that more accentuation is placed in social insurance to build the quantity of medicinal services experts in healing facilities. Lack of medical caretakers in the healing facilities will expand the death rate since couple of accessible attendants won’t have the capacity to go to a high number of patients. Thus, some won’t get enough care, in this manner, constraining their odds of surviving. Implications of healthcare workforce shortages Due to the shortage of nurses, there is the need of working long hours under traumatic conditions. These conditions can lead to injury, fatigue and job dissatisfaction. Nurses suffering from this working environment have the possibility of making errors and medical mistakes. Additionally, when there are shortages of nurses, the outcome of the quality of service delivery to the patient will deteriorate resulting to multiple preventable complications such as increased mortality rates, overcrowding of emergency rooms and increased medication errors. Aspect that needs immediate attention and aspects that needs long-term attention Attention should be guaranteed in the health care either on a short-term or long-term basis to increase the efficiency of patients care and reduce the shortages of the healthcare workforce. The aspects that need immediate attention include salaries and wages, the working environment, image of the health practitioners and increasing the retirement ages of nurses. Wages and salaries are the motivating factors to ensure that there are increasing the supply of healthcare practitioners in hospitals. Therefore, to ensure that more practitioners are willing to work in hospitals, there is the need of stabilizing salaries and wages. This is because, a health practitioner is stipulated to save life and through this, the best reward increasing salaries and wages. Additionally, it is appropriate to increase the working environment of nurses in hospitals. Hence, it is effective to ensure that nurses do not work under stressed conditions such as long hours. There is the need for nurses to have enough time with their families to reduce fatigue in workplaces (Oulton, 2006). Furthermore, to reduce the shortage or demand of healthcare providers, there is the need of increasing the retirement ages of nurses and other practitioners. This will reduce demand since the old and experienced nurses will continue to work in hospitals thus decreasing the shortage. Additionally, improving the image of the healthcare practitioners is a short-term aspect. The picture of healthcare practitioners is essential since it ensures that nurses employ their ability for the benefits of the patients. However, in the case where the image of healthcare is ineffective, there is the likelihood that the demands and wants of the patients will worsen. Moreover, to reduce the shortage, in the long run, more colleges should be equipped enough to offer to nurse in order accommodate more students and train them to have excellent expertise in the field. To encourage more students to will demand high capital since more colleges will be required to be established to meet the requirements. Establishment of increased nurses’ schools is a long-term aspect that should involve the government in allocating more funds to the health department in the country. Increased institutions offering different degrees on courses related to healthcare practitioners will increase the level of enrollment of students. This will increase the number of graduates in the health sector thus reducing demand of health practitioners as well as increasing supply. Additionally, it is the role of the healthcare department and government agencies to advertise on the need of multiple enrollments of students in courses related to healthcare. During advertisement, it is essential to analyze its advantages as compared to other classes in different or similar fields. Rationale on why these aspects need attention The elements of long- term and short- term needs attention due to increased demand for health care practitioners in hospitals. Therefore, consideration is paramount to improve supply and reduce demand for the healthcare providers. Additionally, attention is vital because there is the need of reducing mortality rates in the country. The mortality rate can be reduced if essential attentions are realized and practiced on ways to reduce shortages of health practitioners in hospitals. Furthermore, expanded funds will be required to buy gear to be utilized in preparing understudies in view of the new innovation in the field of pharmaceutical. Then again, more capital will likewise be required to pay more medical attendants because of expanded numbers. In this way, the issue of expanding universities and utilizing more social insurance suppliers will build arrangement of capital in the wellbeing division. In the event that the arrangement to build the quantity of medical attendants, over the long haul, is met, there will be the wealth of medical attendants in the market thus it will bring about diminished wages to the working one. This will expand the level of joblessness because of the expanded number of medical attendants. To explain the deficiency of having an excessive number of medical attendants in the field, schools should offer managed preparing to abstain from packing in the commercial centers. Moreover, healing centers ought to have a normal number of medical attendants required to maintain a strategic distance from abundance business. In this way, the long haul part of expanding the quantity of universities and enlistment ought to be controlled to counteract packing. To ensure the arrangement is fruitful; the planned limit of all clinics ought to be enrolled to the wellbeing division so they can designate a required number of medical caretakers relying upon the capacity of the doctor’s facility. In addition, in the event that the plans above are not fulfilled, more doctor’s facilities ought to be developed to assimilate the abundance medical attendants (Salsberg and Grover, 2006).When there is the development of expanded doctor’s facilities, the expanded number of social insurance professionals will be utilized. Furthermore, it will make decongestion in healing facilities accordingly expanding consideration to the patients. Recommendations To decrease the deficiencies of the medicinal services workforce, there is the requirement for expanding compensation, employing minority and remote attendants and crusade of expanding the picture of the calling. Numerous specialists have perceived the requirement for expanded subsidizing for nursing instruction, which ought to be coordinated towards the nursing personnel and the welfare of the understudies. Along these lines, it is imperative for nursing schools to shape the vital association with private parts to expand the limit of the understudies. A favored illustration is the University of Minnesota teaming up with Minnesota medicinal services framework to grow the school program in nursing. Another approach to lessen the deficiency in the social insurance workforce is to commit assets to expand wages and pay rates of the medicinal services professionals. This will influence enlistment and maintenance of specialists in the workforce. Thusly, it is the part of the division of medicinal services to settle the compensations and wages of all professionals in the social insurance. Moreover, expanding the quantity of minorities who move toward becoming RNs will support towards expanding the supply of medical caretakers in this way enhancing the conveyance of touchy care of the patients. Work of remote social insurance experts would be proper methods for settling the present deficiencies of medical attendants in the vast majority of the clinics in the United States of America. This can be drilled by proposing on the methodologies of utilizing remote medical caretakers acquired the United States of America with transitory work visas. Remote medical attendants will be in a place of tending to the past deficiencies of medicinal services professionals in doctor’s facilities. Additionally, it is key to enhancing the picture of nursing and other human services professionals. This can be stipulated through propelling proficient publicizing efforts, compared in improving and advancing the calling (Salsberg & Grover, 2006). To stay away from the deficiency of medical attendants and doctor in the medicinal services offices understudies as yet taking nursing courses ought to be enrolled with the goal that they can aid the clinics henceforth diminishing shortage and building more work understanding (Oulton, 2006). Healing facilities administration ought to likewise make time for both working and deal with the family to diminish the capacity of laborers to resign early so they can take care of the family. Conclusion Healthcare providers deliver care to the vulnerable population of the nation. However, the indicators have pointed to insufficient patient admission to healthcare. There have been excessive wait times and difficulty recruiting. This suggests that there will be inadequate aptitude in the provision of healthcare services to the patients. Therefore, in the absence of efforts of cumulating the number of healthcare providers and retain the existing workforce, the current shortfalls of healthcare providers will worsen thus reducing access to care for the Medicaid beneficiaries. Nurses and other healthcare practitioners play vital roles in the medical institutions since they pay direct access to the patient and monitoring treatment progress hence they should be available in the hospitals so that patients are well taken care of (Janiszewski, 2003). To ensure smooth workflow, the workload and payment should be favorable hence motivating healthcare practitioners to remain efficient in the delivery of services to the patients. Therefore, it is the role of the department of healthcare to mitigate the shortage of workforce in healthcare to increase the efficiency of service delivery to the patients. References Janiszewski Goodin, H. (2003). The nursing shortage in the United States of America: an integrative review of the literature. Journal of advanced nursing, 43(4), 335-343. Oulton, J. A. (2006). The global nursing shortage: an overview of issues and actions. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 7(3_suppl), 34S-39S. Salsberg, E., & Grover, A. (2006). Physician workforce shortages: implications and issues for academic health centers and policymakers. Academic Medicine, 81(9), 782-787.…
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