
Management Questions and Answers

Management Questions and Answers

Please answer each question in one paragraph using 2 cited sources in APA format:

The use of work references is increasingly viewed as unreliable. How can employers legally and ethically obtain information about an applicant’s past performance? What measures can be taken to verify information contained in a job application or resume?

Given two equally qualified applicants – one from inside and one from outside the organization – how would you decide which one to hire?

What is the distinction between performance appraisal and performance management?

Why does The Joint Commission now require hospitals and other healthcare organizations to have a performance management system?

What warnings would you give to a healthcare management team designing an incentive system?

In designing a benefits plan, what are the most important considerations for an employer? For an employee?

What are the three factors that influence the workplace health and wellness of employees?


In addition to workplace preparedness, what other types of preparedness efforts can be promoted at healthcare institutions?

Describe the three phases of the labor-relations process Management Questions and Answers. Why are all phases equally important?

Most HR managers in healthcare do not feel that they have a major responsibility for achieving top management responsibilities such as improving productivity, quality of care, cost containment, customer service and financial performance. Outline several ways that an HR department can align its practices with the strategic goals of the organization.