
Maslow’s Theory Discussion Posts

Maslow’s Theory Discussion Posts

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Maslow’s theory is a very relevant topic when it comes to the human way of life. It especially relates to people who are going through times of crises. For instance, our FSI family (who was practically homeless) was affected by almost all aspects, if not all of the pyramid. This goes for the familes affected by Hurricane Katrina as well. Those families had practically lost everything when it came to that storm. I believe that the hurricane Katrina victims were affected by Maslow’s theory harsher than our FSI family was, but both were put in a crises that nobody wishes they would ever be apart of. The first two aspects,physiological and security needs, are in my opinion the most important parts of the theory. They affected both of the families immensely because they both go hand in hand. When you have shelter, you already have some sense of security. Unfortunately for both of these families the shelter they had was taken away from them. The rest of the needs from the theory are secondary to the physiological and security needs. This goes for every day experiences as well. The theory is itself a main reason humans try to make the best living situations for themselves in order to survive. Almost nobody wants to be homeless, have lack of security, etc… so that they may pursue the other needs such as love, esteem, experiences and self realization. Without the most basic needs being fulfilled, none of the other needs can be accomplished.

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Erik Erikson determined that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development. These stages last from infancy to adulthood. While a person is going through each stage, they experience a psychosocial crisis which results in either a positive or negative outcome for personality development. Overtime Erikson has written many books some are known as, Childhood and Society, Identify, Youth and Crisis, and Identity and The Life Cycle. Erikson’s theory in general is supposed to make up the resilience an individual may have. For example, the first stage is trust vs mistrust from ages of birth to 18 months old. If a child receives stability and proper consistent care, they will develop a personality that shows a sense a trust and security with others. However, if a child is being abused or neglected the child may develop traits in mistrust, anxiety, and suspicion. These stages of personality development across the lifespan outlines a more realistic perspective of personality. Overall, the stages create results in hope, the virtue of will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care, and wisdom. Erikson’s goal for creating this theory was to help individuals overcome psychosocial crisis. After successful completion of these stages, the individual will have a healthy personality and express basic virtues. The stages determine whether a person will develop personality traits of either beneficial or pathological. I think Erikson’s theory can help individuals understand and acknowledge when damage was done in their life. Whether they are adults struggling with issues or children acting out. Looking back on a life-timeline can help identify crises.