
Nursing Theory/Philosophy

Nursing Theory/Philosophy

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations New Columns Paradigms of nursing: Health, Nursing, Client, Environment 10 (20.00%) Paper addresses three elements in all four nursing paradigms. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper addresses two elements in each of the four nursing paradigms, or omits one of the four paradigms. 7.6 (15.20%) Paper addresses one element in each of the four nursing paradigms, or omits


two of the four paradigms. 6.5 (13.00%) Paper addresses one element in each of the four nursing paradigms, or omits three of the four paradigms. 0 (0.00%) Paper does not address elements in any of the four nursing paradigms, or omits all four paradigms. Effects on Health 10 (20.00%) Paper considers beliefs on health in explicit detail. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper considers beliefs on health in detail with one 7.6 (15.20%) Paper considers beliefs on health in some detail with two omissions. 6.5 (13.00%) Paper considers beliefs on health with minimal detail with three or more omissions 0 (0.00%) Paper does not consider or provide any detail regarding beliefs on health. omission. Aspects of Career Development 10 (20.00%) Paper includes many aspects of career development in explicit detail and provides examples for each aspect. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper includes several aspects of career development in some detail and provides examples for each aspect with one omission. 7.6 (15.20%) Paper includes some aspects of career development in some detail and provide examples for each aspect with two omissions. 6.5 (13.00%) Paper includes few aspects of career development, but details are missing provides examples for each aspect with three or more omissions. 0 (0.00%) Paper does not include any aspects of career development or details. Accountability and Responsibility 10 (20.00%) Paper identifies many nursing elements of accountability and responsibility for nursing judgments, decisions, and actions. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper identifies several nursing elements of accountability and responsibility for nursing judgments, decisions, and actions. 7.6 (15.20%) Paper ildentifies some nursing elements of accountability and responsibility for nursing judgments, decisions, and actions. 6.5 (13.00%) Paper identifies few nursing elements of accountability and responsibility for nursing judgments, decisions, and actions. 0 (0.00%) Paper does not identify any nursing elements of accountability and responsibility for nursing judgments, decisions, and actions. Assignment and delegation of nursing tasks 10 (20.00%) Paper identifies many elements relating to the assignment and delegation of nursing tasks extensive detail. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper identifies several elements relating to the assignment and delegation of nursing tasks in detail with one omission. 7.6 (15.20%) Paper identifies some elements relating to the assignment and delegation of nursing tasks in detail with two omissions 0 (0.00%) Paper does not identify any element relating to the assignment or delegation of nursing tasks. 6.5 (13.00%) Paper identifies few elements relating to the assignment and delegation of nursing tasks in detail with three or more omission. Does not identify any element relating to the assignment or delegation of nursing tasks, or does not provide any detail.
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