
Paragraph 1- Respond to the following post

Paragraph 1- Respond to the following post

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


For some, religion is the most important aspect of life and they will sacrifice their life in the name of god. An example of this is the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In being a member of this religious group, it is thought that you will abide by the religious rules, which prohibit certain types of medical treatment, eg, blood transfusions, tissue transplantation, and abortions. Today in the United States, there are about 535,000 practicing memebers (Findly & Redstone, (n.d.).

Part of working in the medical field, we have to remember that we are not only treating a body but there is a whole person that is being affected by the disease process that brought them to the hospital in the first place. As (Puchalski, 2001, p. 1) describes it, “Spiritual or compassionate care involves serving the whole person—the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual”. Puchalski brings up another great point about how people long for support from their families and loved ones through their time of struggle but in the case of when an illness is incurable, people look for a higher power to help them accept the illness and find peace within one’s life, to me, that is the definition of spirituality.

When it comes to my own beliefs, I choose not to be a part of a religious group. I believe that if we all would treat others with kindness and compassion, that our lives could co-exist in harmony. We can support each other in our times of need and share our experiences with one another so that we can all learn lessons from one another instead having to only rely on what someone wrote in a book and decided we should all do centuries ago, which often don’t apply in our modern world.


Findly, L. J., Redstone, P. M. (n.d.). Blood transfusion in adults Jehovah’s Witnesses. A case study of one congregation.Retrieved from

Puchalski, C. M. (2001). The Role of Spirituality in Health Care from Proceedings. Retrieved from

Paragraph 1- Respond to the following post

Paragraph 1- Respond to the following post

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Part of working in the emergency room is to have to engage in many cardiac/respiratory arrests. My reaction to death has differed depending on the situation. There has been a time when an elderly adult has been brought in to the ED in cardiac distress with no family bedside and quickly deteriorated and eventually coded. After working the code and time of death had been determined, I have easily moved on and went back to my section of rooms and picked up where I left off with my other patients with no real feelings about the situation. There has been other times where I received a patient with their whole family was bedside screaming and crying due to the patients decompensation. After the time of death, having to see each family member go in and out of the room crying clearing suffering from their loss, has gotten me sad, but overall, I have gone home at the end of the day not really dwelling on the situation much. However, there was one code that I still remember that did not sit well with me and affected me for about a week after. It involved a 2-year-old child who was very sick upon arrival and ended up seizing with foam in the mouth and dying from aspiration. What made it so sad was that it did not seem that the infant had a fair chance at life. He was too young to die in my eyes. His mom, dad, two siblings and even grandmother were there yelling in disbelief. I wanted so much to have saved the child but with all of our best efforts, we just couldn’t. It made me question my nursing skills and the fact that I would be able to save my own children if ever in respiratory distress. The truth was, we did everything we could to save this child but it was out of our hands. A higher power had a different plan for the youngest and we, the living were stuck dealing with it. Since that situation, I haven’t had another pediatric code but im sure that they will always be unsettling to me no matter how many I do. As mentioned in (HealGrief, n.d.), everyone person experiences death differently, grief is personal and individual. We all have our own coping mechanisms and life experiences that will determine how the loss will affect us.


College Students. Understanding Grief. (n.d.). Retrieved from