
Paragraph 6

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There are always issues in the medical care community which need to be faced to improve the quality or efficiency of care as well as the safety conditions of patients. In medical care, our key focus is providing patients with quality care in a manner that is efficient and safe. As such, we are constantly facing issues to improve these aspects. In my place of work, one of the main issues I have found is always trying to improve the communication between health care professionals and risk of burnout of nurses. We use the Situation-Background- Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) as our main method of communication. Poor communication, leading to patient death and injury resulted in 60-70% of significant issues reported to the Joint Commission (Labson, 2013). This information supports the need for improved communication methods. The patient to nurse ratio also plays an important role in nurse burnout (Shekelle, 2013). This year we have seen a huge decrease in number of injuries on our floor after reducing the nurse to patient ratio from 6 patients per nurse to 4 patients per nurse. Utilizing SBAR has assisted in decreasing turnover time and reducing errors in medication. All in all, making use of research supported measures to decrease problems and increase efficiency and consistency of care, provides patients with better care and health care professionals with higher levels of success and accomplishments.

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The Christian biblical narrative creation, fall, redemption, and restoration describe the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease.

One would find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative in all four parts of the narrative because according to Shelly & Miller, (2006), “The concept begins in Genesis 1:26: Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness… For us to be made in God’s image we must live according to the scripture and finding our life’s purpose. We have to walk the Lord’s path by loving our neighbors as ourselves, being kind to one another, caring, giving, sharing and reflect these qualities of our Creator. God has equipped every one of us with these qualities; it is for us to live by them according to his word. As Christians, our relationship with God being made in his own image is the main purpose of our existence. For us to seek comfort and hope during illness we have to appreciate and understand the nature of sin after creation in the Biblical narrative of the fall. Through the behavior of Adam and Eve, we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God which is why we are exposed to earthly effects such as disease and illness. But in redemption, which gives us hope. God had a master plan where he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to come and die for our sins which free us up from earthly wrath if we are obedient to his word, abide by his way and believe that by his blood and stripes, we can be saved and healed according to his promises. Healing begins through understanding, believing and accepting the word of God and the consequences of sin and its pitfalls and also how Christ came to earth to die for our sins in order to restore the relationship between God and us to make us whole. During disease and illness, God is present and his wisdom at work even though we tend to feel that we are being neglected. That should give us courage during times of troubles and difficulties just like in restoration. The occurrences in life can be difficult to comprehend at times but according to His word faith comes to play by believing in God’s promises which we have control over. Illness and suffering are penalties of the fall as Adam and Eve disobeyed God because they ate the forbidden fruit from the serpent instead of abiding by the word of God, leading to doubt of God. According to Shelly & Miller, (2006), “Sickness, suffering, and death are evils that plague human life, but they are not the greatest evil. That would be to lose God, to have reason to doubt his faithfulness to us. Christians affirm God’s faithfulness, although they confess that it is demonstrated in a manner that might never have occurred to us had God not simply done it”. God through His promises can heal and restore us from all diseases and illnesses if we believe. The excellence and supremacy of God is demonstrated in the acceptance of Christ our savior, through seeking him during times of illness and suffering. The children of God prophesy the truth about God as shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus into the entire world as His witnesses (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). As Christ’s ambassadors, we pray to God believing and convinced by the biblical narratives during illness that there is hope through Jesus.


Shelly, Judith Allen. And Arlene B. Miller. Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing, 2

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Causing death is unacceptable. The principle that governs Christian compassion, however, is not “minimize suffering.” It is “maximize care.” Were our goal only to minimize suffering, no doubt we could sometimes achieve it most effectively by eliminating sufferers. But then we refuse to understand suffering as a significant part of human life that can have meaning or purpose. We should not, of course, pretend that suffering in itself is a good thing, nor should we put forward claims about the benefits others can reap from their suffering. Jesus in Gethsemane—who shrinks from the suffering to come but accepts it as part of his calling and obedience—should be our model here. The suffering that comes is an evil, but the God who in Jesus has not abandoned us in that suffering can bring good from it for us as for Jesus. We are called simply to live out our personal histories—the stories of which God is author—as faithfully as we can. Our task, therefore, is not to abandon those who suffer but to “maximize care” for them as they live out their own life’s story. We ought “always to care, never to kill.” The Bible identifies God as our Creator, “the source of life.” (Psalm 36:9; Acts 17:28) In God’s eyes, life is very precious. For this reason, God condemns both taking the life of another and taking one’s own life. (Exodus 20:13; 1 John 3:15) Additionally, the Bible indicates that we should take reasonable precautions to protect our own life and the lives of others. ( Deuteronomy 22:8) Clearly, God wants us to value the gift of life. The Bible does not condone taking someone’s life even when the person is facing an imminent and unavoidable death. The example of King Saul of Israel supports this. When he was mortally wounded in battle, he asked his attendant to help end his life. (1 Samuel 31:3, 4) Saul’s attendant refused. However, another man later falsely claimed to have fulfilled Saul’s wish. This man was condemned as blood-guilty by David—a person who reflected God’s thinking on the matter.— 2 Samuel 1:6-16. The Bible does not list suicide as an unforgivable sin. Even though taking one’s own life is a serious sin, God fully understands factors such as mental illness, extreme stress, or even genetic traits that may lead to suicidal urges. ( Psalm 103:13, 14). Through the Bible, God provides comfort to those in distress. In addition, the Bible says that there will be “a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) This shows that there is hope of a resurrection for people who have made serious mistakes, such as having committed suicide.

Tags: nursing paragraph citations and references

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Based on the objective data presented, apparently Mr. C. is undergoing various medical health risk condition correlate with his excessive gaining weight (obesity) which warrant him to seek medical intervention for possible bariatric surgery. However, according to National Institute of Health (NIH, n. d), sequel to his elevated body mass index (BMI) of 47.8, with his height of 68inches (5feet 6inhces) and weight 134.5kg (296lbs), basically surgery is an option for his weight loss. However, obesity can constitute a complex progressively or exacerbate a wide spectrum of co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), liver dysfunction, respiratory and musculoskeletal disorders, sub-fertility, psychosocial problems, and certain types of cancer (American Heart Association, 2017).

Upon careful assessment and evaluation of the below data:

High blood pressure elevated: 172/96,(120/80)
Diabetes with elevated Fasting blood Glucose: 146mg/dlL (<100mg/dL) 5.6mmol/l
High Cholesterol (Fatty Liver): elevated 250mg/dL (<200mg/dL)
Hyperlipemia with Triglycerides elevated 312mg/dL (<150mg/dL)
sleep apnea. Rapid respiration of 26
Metabolic disorder is not factor for Mr. C to gain weight, maybe he has genetical impact/leptin resistance/certain food habits or sedentary life style caused sudden recent weight gain about 100pounds in last 2-3years as reflected in the data.

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of fat, it is one of the biggest health problems in the world. It correlates or associated with diverse or various other diseases, which combined kill millions of people per year.In another contemporary, Obesity constitutes a worldwide epidemic with prevalence rates which are increasing in most Western societies and in the developing world. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO) declared obesity a global epidemic,

Bariatric surgery should be a last priority after trying conventional therapies such as consuming fewer calories, increasing exercise, commercial weight-loss programs, etc. His BMI is 47.9 along with other comorbidities he has and may leads to further health impediment or problems so, he has to lose weight by taking aggressive approach (National Institute of Health n. d). Mr. C can undergo gastric bypass surgery if conventional therapies are not helping in losing weight. Gastric bypass is surgery that helps you lose weight by changing how your stomach and small intestine handle the food you eat(American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery).

For his Peptic ulcer disease Mr. C Should follow the below drug administration chart

Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL

10AM (3hrs after breakfast)

4PM (3hrs after Lunch)

9PM (3hrs after Dinner)

10.30PM (At bed time)

Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime. 10.30

10.30 PM (At bed time)

Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL)

6AM (1hr before Breakfast)

12PM (1hr before Lunch)

5pm (1hr before dinner)

10.30 PM (At bed time)

ANS 1:

Assessment of Mr. C. functional health patterns:

Health perception/ health management-Mr. C. may be depressed because of his weight so he needs medication and diet compliance and also will need regular exercises and regular annual checkups.
Nutritional metabolic pattern – his pattern of food consumption and fluid intake will have to be moderated so that it can reduce his weight also help in his metabolism
Sexuality-reproductive activity- may be affected with low libido and dissatisfaction due to his weight and also could also affect his sexual relationships
Coping/ stress tolerance-Mr. C. may not be able to tolerate lots of stress because of his body image and thoughts of his weight so he may need available support systems to help him to cope
Value-belief-Mr. C. may have problems with his value beliefs and spiritual goals so he may need guidance and spiritual support as his values or beliefs may conflict with his health issues and special religious practices.
Elimination-his patterns of excretory patterns may be affected especially bowel movement by the medications he is taking, and there may be frequency or pain in urination and appearance of urine and stool secondary to the disease process and medications.
Activity/ Exercise-his patterns of activity will be affected by his weight with problems to exercise or have leisure times and also due to respiratory mobility and may affect his activities of daily living
Cognitive perception-he may have sensory problems following his disease especially if he suffers from diabetes (neuropathy). His vision may be affected, taste sensory, and may have problems to manage his condition and decision making
Sleep/ Rest pattern-Mr. C., may have problems with sleep and rest as he is already having sleep apnea, his quality of sleep will be affected, and he may need sleeping aids
Self-perception/self -concept- his self-perception can be affected especially as a father figure or husband and may not provide family satisfaction as the head and bread winner and also with social interactions (Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns).
ANS 2:

The identified Actual or potential health problems:

1. Type2 Diabetes with Rationale : It may be that being overweight causes cells to change, making them resistant to the hormone insulin. Insulin carries sugar from blood to the cells, where it is used for energy. When a person is insulin resistant, blood sugar cannot be taken up by the cells, resulting in high blood sugar.

2. High Blood Pressure with Rationale: Having a large body size may increase blood pressure because your heart needs to pump harder to supply blood to all your cells. Excess fat may also damage your kidneys, which help regulate blood pressure.

3. Heart disease with Rationale: People who are overweight or obese often have health problems that may increase the risk for heart disease. Excess weight may cause changes to your heart that make it work harder to send blood to all the cells in your body.

4. Sleep Apnea with Rationale: A person who is overweight may have more fat stored around his or her neck. This may make the airway smaller. A smaller airway can make breathing difficult or loud (because of snoring), or breathing may stop altogether for short periods of time. In addition, fat stored in the neck and throughout the body may produce substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation in the neck is a risk factor for sleep apnea.

5. Osteoarthritis with Rationale: Extra weight may place extra pressure on joints and cartilage (the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of your bones at a joint), causing them to wear away. In addition, people with more body fat may have higher blood levels of substances that cause inflammation. Inflamed joints may raise the risk for osteoarthritis.


American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient 2016. Retrieved from:

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Paragraph 6

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Accountable Care Organization” (ACO) which is highlighted as one of the provisions by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), is one of the innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team is the anticipating the interdisciplinary team collaboration of various healthcare discipline coming together under one umbrella of holistic care which embodies or include nurses, nurse practitioners, primary care physicians, medical specialists, psychologist, pharmacists, nutritionists, dietitians, social workers, and providers of alternative medicine within organized structures such as hospitals (Haas, 2011).

The objective or goal is to provide the maximum cost-effective care possible that internalize patient as part of the plan of care. This delivery care system however, is advantageous and valuable to patient outcomes because it uses evidence-based etiquettes or protocols and research, whereby patients can be cared for in different settings and home and it uses budgets and resources for least expense possible. This benefit will enhance helps with patient outcomes because its goal is to reduce admissions to the hospital and promote preventive and primary care. Therefore, this will result in high quality and affordable cost for the patient and the facility, also embark on integrating value assurance and systematic health care delivery with easy access to health care to enhance a new focus on prevention and wellness, offering opportunities to strengthen early intervention.


American Nurses Association, (2010). ANA’s health reform website retrieved from:…

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Paragraph 6

write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.

My strengths when it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with a different world view that is different from my own would be to engage and encourage discussion about their beliefs and needs. I do not have a problem putting by personal beliefs aside to incorporate and respect the patient’s spiritual care.

My weakness would be lack of knowledge of all the different world views to facilitate spiritual care. However, I would inform the patient I am not familiar and I would ask them questions to gain knowledge as well as speak with the provider and do my own research.

If I was the patient my husband and mother would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and interventions in the event of a difficult situation that I was not able to do so for myself. I have shared my wishes with both of them, but I do have to admit that I do not have a living will as I should and as I recommend to my patients.


Tags: nursing paragraph please help


Paragraph 6

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Based on the objective data presented, apparently Mr. C. is undergoing various medical health risk condition correlate with his excessive gaining weight (obesity) which warrant him to seek medical intervention for possible bariatric surgery. However, according to National Institute of Health (NIH, n. d), sequel to his elevated body mass index (BMI) of 47.8, with his height of 68inches (5feet 6inhces) and weight 134.5kg (296lbs), basically surgery is an option for his weight loss. However, obesity can constitute a complex progressively or exacerbate a wide spectrum of co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), liver dysfunction, respiratory and musculoskeletal disorders, sub-fertility, psychosocial problems, and certain types of cancer (American Heart Association, 2017).

Upon careful assessment and evaluation of the below data:

  1. High blood pressure elevated: 172/96,(120/80)
  2. Diabetes with elevated Fasting blood Glucose: 146mg/dlL (<100mg/dL) 5.6mmol/l
  3. High Cholesterol (Fatty Liver): elevated 250mg/dL (<200mg/dL)
  4. Hyperlipemia with Triglycerides elevated 312mg/dL (<150mg/dL)
  5. sleep apnea. Rapid respiration of 26

Metabolic disorder is not factor for Mr. C to gain weight, maybe he has genetical impact/leptin resistance/certain food habits or sedentary life style caused sudden recent weight gain about 100pounds in last 2-3years as reflected in the data.

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of fat, it is one of the biggest health problems in the world. It correlates or associated with diverse or various other diseases, which combined kill millions of people per year.In another contemporary, Obesity constitutes a worldwide epidemic with prevalence rates which are increasing in most Western societies and in the developing world. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO) declared obesity a global epidemic,

Bariatric surgery should be a last priority after trying conventional therapies such as consuming fewer calories, increasing exercise, commercial weight-loss programs, etc. His BMI is 47.9 along with other comorbidities he has and may leads to further health impediment or problems so, he has to lose weight by taking aggressive approach (National Institute of Health n. d). Mr. C can undergo gastric bypass surgery if conventional therapies are not helping in losing weight. Gastric bypass is surgery that helps you lose weight by changing how your stomach and small intestine handle the food you eat(American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery).

For his Peptic ulcer disease Mr. C Should follow the below drug administration chart

Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL 10AM (3hrs after breakfast) 4PM (3hrs after Lunch) 9PM (3hrs after Dinner) 10.30PM (At bed time)
Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime. 10.30 10.30 PM (At bed time)
Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL) 6AM (1hr before Breakfast) 12PM (1hr before Lunch) 5pm (1hr before dinner) 10.30 PM (At bed time)

ANS 1:

Assessment of Mr. C. functional health patterns:

  • Health perception/ health management-Mr. C. may be depressed because of his weight so he needs medication and diet compliance and also will need regular exercises and regular annual checkups.
  • Nutritional metabolic pattern – his pattern of food consumption and fluid intake will have to be moderated so that it can reduce his weight also help in his metabolism
  • Sexuality-reproductive activity– may be affected with low libido and dissatisfaction due to his weight and also could also affect his sexual relationships
  • Coping/ stress tolerance-Mr. C. may not be able to tolerate lots of stress because of his body image and thoughts of his weight so he may need available support systems to help him to cope
  • Value-belief-Mr. C. may have problems with his value beliefs and spiritual goals so he may need guidance and spiritual support as his values or beliefs may conflict with his health issues and special religious practices.
  • Elimination-his patterns of excretory patterns may be affected especially bowel movement by the medications he is taking, and there may be frequency or pain in urination and appearance of urine and stool secondary to the disease process and medications.
  • Activity/ Exercise-his patterns of activity will be affected by his weight with problems to exercise or have leisure times and also due to respiratory mobility and may affect his activities of daily living
  • Cognitive perception-he may have sensory problems following his disease especially if he suffers from diabetes (neuropathy). His vision may be affected, taste sensory, and may have problems to manage his condition and decision making
  • Sleep/ Rest pattern-Mr. C., may have problems with sleep and rest as he is already having sleep apnea, his quality of sleep will be affected, and he may need sleeping aids
  • Self-perception/self -concept– his self-perception can be affected especially as a father figure or husband and may not provide family satisfaction as the head and bread winner and also with social interactions (Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns).

ANS 2:

The identified Actual or potential health problems:

1. Type2 Diabetes with Rationale : It may be that being overweight causes cells to change, making them resistant to the hormone insulin. Insulin carries sugar from blood to the cells, where it is used for energy. When a person is insulin resistant, blood sugar cannot be taken up by the cells, resulting in high blood sugar.

2. High Blood Pressure with Rationale: Having a large body size may increase blood pressure because your heart needs to pump harder to supply blood to all your cells. Excess fat may also damage your kidneys, which help regulate blood pressure.

3. Heart disease with Rationale: People who are overweight or obese often have health problems that may increase the risk for heart disease. Excess weight may cause changes to your heart that make it work harder to send blood to all the cells in your body.

4. Sleep Apnea with Rationale: A person who is overweight may have more fat stored around his or her neck. This may make the airway smaller. A smaller airway can make breathing difficult or loud (because of snoring), or breathing may stop altogether for short periods of time. In addition, fat stored in the neck and throughout the body may produce substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation in the neck is a risk factor for sleep apnea.


5. Osteoarthritis with Rationale: Extra weight may place extra pressure on joints and cartilage (the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of your bones at a joint), causing them to wear away. In addition, people with more body fat may have higher blood levels of substances that cause inflammation. Inflamed joints may raise the risk for osteoarthritis.


American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient 2016. Retrieved from:

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 6

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.

Based on the objective data presented, apparently Mr. C. is undergoing various medical health risk condition correlate with his excessive gaining weight (obesity) which warrant him to seek medical intervention for possible bariatric surgery. However, according to National Institute of Health (NIH, n. d), sequel to his elevated body mass index (BMI) of 47.8, with his height of 68inches (5feet 6inhces) and weight 134.5kg (296lbs), basically surgery is an option for his weight loss. However, obesity can constitute a complex progressively or exacerbate a wide spectrum of co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), liver dysfunction, respiratory and musculoskeletal disorders, sub-fertility, psychosocial problems, and certain types of cancer (American Heart Association, 2017).

Upon careful assessment and evaluation of the below data:

  1. High blood pressure elevated: 172/96,(120/80)
  2. Diabetes with elevated Fasting blood Glucose: 146mg/dlL (<100mg/dL) 5.6mmol/l
  3. High Cholesterol (Fatty Liver): elevated 250mg/dL (<200mg/dL)
  4. Hyperlipemia with Triglycerides elevated 312mg/dL (<150mg/dL)
  5. sleep apnea. Rapid respiration of 26

Metabolic disorder is not factor for Mr. C to gain weight, maybe he has genetical impact/leptin resistance/certain food habits or sedentary life style caused sudden recent weight gain about 100pounds in last 2-3years as reflected in the data.

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of fat, it is one of the biggest health problems in the world. It correlates or associated with diverse or various other diseases, which combined kill millions of people per year.In another contemporary, Obesity constitutes a worldwide epidemic with prevalence rates which are increasing in most Western societies and in the developing world. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO) declared obesity a global epidemic,

Bariatric surgery should be a last priority after trying conventional therapies such as consuming fewer calories, increasing exercise, commercial weight-loss programs, etc. His BMI is 47.9 along with other comorbidities he has and may leads to further health impediment or problems so, he has to lose weight by taking aggressive approach (National Institute of Health n. d). Mr. C can undergo gastric bypass surgery if conventional therapies are not helping in losing weight. Gastric bypass is surgery that helps you lose weight by changing how your stomach and small intestine handle the food you eat(American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery).

For his Peptic ulcer disease Mr. C Should follow the below drug administration chart

Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL 10AM (3hrs after breakfast) 4PM (3hrs after Lunch) 9PM (3hrs after Dinner) 10.30PM (At bed time)
Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime. 10.30 10.30 PM (At bed time)
Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL) 6AM (1hr before Breakfast) 12PM (1hr before Lunch) 5pm (1hr before dinner) 10.30 PM (At bed time)

ANS 1:

Assessment of Mr. C. functional health patterns:

  • Health perception/ health management-Mr. C. may be depressed because of his weight so he needs medication and diet compliance and also will need regular exercises and regular annual checkups.
  • Nutritional metabolic pattern – his pattern of food consumption and fluid intake will have to be moderated so that it can reduce his weight also help in his metabolism
  • Sexuality-reproductive activity– may be affected with low libido and dissatisfaction due to his weight and also could also affect his sexual relationships
  • Coping/ stress tolerance-Mr. C. may not be able to tolerate lots of stress because of his body image and thoughts of his weight so he may need available support systems to help him to cope
  • Value-belief-Mr. C. may have problems with his value beliefs and spiritual goals so he may need guidance and spiritual support as his values or beliefs may conflict with his health issues and special religious practices.
  • Elimination-his patterns of excretory patterns may be affected especially bowel movement by the medications he is taking, and there may be frequency or pain in urination and appearance of urine and stool secondary to the disease process and medications.
  • Activity/ Exercise-his patterns of activity will be affected by his weight with problems to exercise or have leisure times and also due to respiratory mobility and may affect his activities of daily living
  • Cognitive perception-he may have sensory problems following his disease especially if he suffers from diabetes (neuropathy). His vision may be affected, taste sensory, and may have problems to manage his condition and decision making
  • Sleep/ Rest pattern-Mr. C., may have problems with sleep and rest as he is already having sleep apnea, his quality of sleep will be affected, and he may need sleeping aids
  • Self-perception/self -concept– his self-perception can be affected especially as a father figure or husband and may not provide family satisfaction as the head and bread winner and also with social interactions (Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns).

ANS 2:

The identified Actual or potential health problems:

1. Type2 Diabetes with Rationale : It may be that being overweight causes cells to change, making them resistant to the hormone insulin. Insulin carries sugar from blood to the cells, where it is used for energy. When a person is insulin resistant, blood sugar cannot be taken up by the cells, resulting in high blood sugar.

2. High Blood Pressure with Rationale: Having a large body size may increase blood pressure because your heart needs to pump harder to supply blood to all your cells. Excess fat may also damage your kidneys, which help regulate blood pressure.

3. Heart disease with Rationale: People who are overweight or obese often have health problems that may increase the risk for heart disease. Excess weight may cause changes to your heart that make it work harder to send blood to all the cells in your body.

4. Sleep Apnea with Rationale: A person who is overweight may have more fat stored around his or her neck. This may make the airway smaller. A smaller airway can make breathing difficult or loud (because of snoring), or breathing may stop altogether for short periods of time. In addition, fat stored in the neck and throughout the body may produce substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation in the neck is a risk factor for sleep apnea.


5. Osteoarthritis with Rationale: Extra weight may place extra pressure on joints and cartilage (the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of your bones at a joint), causing them to wear away. In addition, people with more body fat may have higher blood levels of substances that cause inflammation. Inflamed joints may raise the risk for osteoarthritis.


American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient 2016. Retrieved from:

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 6

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.

Accountable Care Organization” (ACO) which is highlighted as one of the provisions by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), is one of the innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team is the anticipating the interdisciplinary team collaboration of various healthcare discipline coming together under one umbrella of holistic care which embodies or include nurses, nurse practitioners, primary care physicians, medical specialists, psychologist, pharmacists, nutritionists, dietitians, social workers, and providers of alternative medicine within organized structures such as hospitals (Haas, 2011).

The objective or goal is to provide the maximum cost-effective care possible that internalize patient as part of the plan of care. This delivery care system however, is advantageous and valuable to patient outcomes because it uses evidence-based etiquettes or protocols and research, whereby patients can be cared for in different settings and home and it uses budgets and resources for least expense possible. This benefit will enhance helps with patient outcomes because its goal is to reduce admissions to the hospital and promote preventive and primary care. Therefore, this will result in high quality and affordable cost for the patient and the facility, also embark on integrating value assurance and systematic health care delivery with easy access to health care to enhance a new focus on prevention and wellness, offering opportunities to strengthen early intervention.



American Nurses Association, (2010). ANA’s health reform website retrieved from:…


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