
Poster presentation

Poster presentation

Running head: POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 1 Name: Felicia Mensah Date: April 1st, 2018 Institution: University of


Maine at Fort Kent POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION Implementing infection control strategies to promote quality care using EBP POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION Background information Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) is one 2 Literature review According to Pratt et al. (2007), evidence of the major concerns in the healthcare sector, based practice in reducing hospital based where many patients suffer extended hospital stays infections revolves around hand hygiene, and even death due to second hand infections preventing infections from invasive things, transmitted to them while they are in the hospital careful use and disposal of sharp objects, setting. Similarly, many visitors to the hospital preventing infection from central venous settings have suffered immense infections due to catheters, and using personal protective exposure to agents transmitting the pathogens equipment. A study by Pratt et al. (2007) (Katherine et al., 2014). This is thus a critical area indicates that hospital-based infections have of concern in the healthcare sector. Katherine et al. immensely reduced after the introduction of (2014) state that basing the prevention mechanisms alcohol sanitizers. The major hand-based hygiene on the chain of infection can immensely help to is supposed to be after touching an individual alleviate and prevent healthcare associated patient, before touching an individual patient, infections (Katherine et al., 2014). The chain of after touching patient surrounding, after body- infection entails having an infectious agent, one fluid exposure risk, and before aseptic procedure. then becomes the reservoir, then the pathogen gets Mehta et al. (2014) also reports that there is need its portal of exit, it enters the mode of transmission, to identify patients that need isolation. The major it gets to the portal of entry of an uninfected needs for isolation include skin rashes, individual, which makes one a susceptible host, and communicable disease, carriers of an epidemic then an infectious agent. According to Katherine et strain of pathogen, diarrhea, and immunological al. (2014), establishing mechanisms at each chain disorder. There is also need for continuous POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 3 of infection can help a lot in reducing healthcare analysis and assessment of the implementation of related infections. set practices and guidelines to ensure there is adherence (Mehta et al., 2014). Implications for practice The above evidence-based findings therefore, necessitate that recommendations be made concerning the best practices that will aid in reducing healthcare-associated infections. The For reservoirs ❖ Washing hands in all the five instances mentioned above (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Handling, storing and disposing body fluids in a systematic and careful manner major recommendations put forward from the ❖ Ensuring equipment is dry before storage. above studies and literature findings include the ❖ Ensure that ill employees stay at home following. ❖ Vaccinating all individuals against the Recommendations According to the above article, the most preferred practices that will help in preventing as well as reducing Healthcare-associated infections include: immunizable infections ❖ Cooking food thoroughly and handling food safely (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Monitoring contaminated water and equipment in the hospital. ❖ Ensuring only sterile water is used in respiratory equipment. ❖ Treating ill people as soon as possible (Katherine et al., 2014). POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION For portals of exit ❖ Ensuring that draining wounds are dressed and covered ❖ Ensuring that sneezes and coughs are covered ❖ Ensuring high level of hand hygiene (Storr et al., 2017). 4 In regard to portals of entry ❖ Use dressing on surgical wounds ❖ Ensure there is use of aseptic surgical technique ❖ Use goggles masks and face shields whenever needed ❖ Keeping unwashed objects and hands ❖ Handling all body fluids with gloves away from the mouth and other body ❖ Ensuring that individuals with wet lesions openings stay at home In regard to means of transmission ❖ Ensuring there is directional air flow in wards ❖ Cleaning high-touch surfaces with disinfectants ❖ Prevent hole on the skin, like dermatitis (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Use IV site dressing For the susceptible hosts ❖ Cover skin breaks ❖ Ensure good skin condition ❖ Ensuring the environment is clean ❖ Vaccinate individuals as required ❖ Maintain contact, airborne and droplet ❖ Encourage rests and balancing of life precautions ❖ Using gloves and discarding them after handling each patient (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Disinfection and cleaning of equipment after using on one patient activities ❖ Remove invasive devices as soon as they are not required ❖ Maintain good nutrition (Storr et al., 2017). POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 5 References Katherine E. et al. (2014). Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections through Hand Hygiene. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 937-960. Lee, G., & Bishop, P. ( 2012). Microbiology and Infection Control for Health Professionals. Sydney: Pearson Australia Pty Ltd. Mehta, Y., Gupta, A., Todi, S., Myatra, S., Samaddar, D. P., Patil, V., . . . Ramasubban, S. (2014). Guidelines for prevention of hospital acquired infections. Indian Journal Critical Care Medicine , 149–163. Pratt R.J. Pratt, C. P., McDougall, C., & Wilcox, M. (2007). National Evidence-Based Guidelines for Preventing HealthcareAssociated Infections in NHS Hospitals in England. Journal of Hospital infections , 1-59. Storr, J., Twyman, A., Zingg, W., Damani, N., Kilpatrick, C., Reilly, J., . . . Allegranzi, B. (2017). Core components for effective infection prevention and control programmes: new WHO evidence-based recommendations. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control , 1-67. Group 5: Drug & Alcohol Abuse Stephanie Dame, Jessica Blake, Samantha Carlow, & Felicia Mensah University of Maine at Fort Kent- NUR 401 Introduction Evidence Based Practice Protocols/Methods Nursing Implications PICOT Question: Do harm reduction measures such as needle exchange reduce the risk of HIV in those that abuse IV drugs? Problem Statement We should agree on a problem statement, any ideas? I was thinking something along the lines of, There is a lack of education available to the public regarding the use of harm reduction measures in the prevention of HIV or other infections in the IV drug user community. Purpose Conclusion The purpose of this research is to identify any possible interventions that may help educate and prevent individuals who abuse IV drugs from contracting HIV or other infectious diseases This is just a suggestion! I just wanted to get something started, please let me know if you have any suggestions on how we could make this better Background We will fill in this section with the information that we get from our chosen articles. Evidence Based Practice Results RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2015
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poster presentation.

poster presentation.

Poster Presentation Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research


project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses. Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information: The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements) Abstract Outline: -Title of Project -Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing? -Purpose of the Project -Research Question(s) -Hypothesis -Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative) -Steps in implementing your project -Limitations Results (Pretend results) -Conclusion -References I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in. Criterion Completeness Outstanding 4 Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements Understanding Demonstrates excellent understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Analysis Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Evaluation Opinion Supports opinion with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is Very Good 3 Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is Good 2 Incomplete many respects; reflects few requirements Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one- Unacceptable 1 Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents an incomplete analysis of the issue(s) identified. Makes little or no connection between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Supports opinion with few reasons and little evidence; argument is onesided and not Score Recommendations both reasonable and objective Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts studied Grammar and Spelling Minimal spelling and grammar errors APA guidelines Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources both reasonable and objective Presents specific, realistic and appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Some spelling and grammar errors sided argument objective. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation with little, if any, support from the information and the concepts studied. Noticeable spelling and grammar errors Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines Unacceptable number of spelling and grammar errors Does not use APA guidelines Total Efficacy of the Implementation of Early Severe Sepsis Strategies on a Medical Surgical Unit Jorge Hirigoyen ARNP-BC Background ❖Worldwide there are approximately 18 million new cases of sepsis each year, with a mortality rate range estimated about 30% to 60%. ❖Sepsis is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. ❖Organ failure occurred in 19.1 % of sepsis patients from 1979 to 1989 and 30.2% from 1990 to 2000. ❖Severe sepsis as the primary diagnosis increased from 326,000 in 2000 to 727,000 in 2008. ❖Severe sepsis as the secondary diagnosis increased from 621,000 in 2000 to 1,141,000 in 2008. ❖About 24 % of patients who develop severe sepsis or septic shock will do so in a Medical-Surgical unit. Significance to Nursing ❖Healthcare Practice: ❖ Nurses early sepsis recognition and management. ❖Healthcare Outcomes: ❖ Improve sepsis mortality and morbidity rates. ❖Healthcare Delivery: ❖ Improve awareness about the subject of sepsis in medical surgical units. ❖ Potential Core Measure. ❖Healthcare Policy: ❖ Generate policy changes beyond the local municipal government Theoretical Framework ❖Severe sepsis strikes about 750,000 Americans annually 28%-50% of these people die., more U.S. deaths than from prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined ❖Sepsis is on the rise due to: Aging population, increased longevity of people with chronic diseases, spread of antibioticresistant organisms, increase in invasive procedures, broader use of immunosuppressive and chemotherapeutic agents Phases Phase 1: Approval ❖Generate administration and management support for the project: Project proposal was presented to Unit Manager, Director and Hospital Nursing Council for approval. Project was also presented to Medical Executive Committee for approval. ❖Education was performed to all medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis in the pilot unit. All participating staff received a 30-45 minutes education program, including a PowerPoint presentation and education flyers regarding the study. Phase 2: Development of Bundle ❖ A sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm and Order Set) was developed for medical surgical units following the recommendations of the SSC 2012. ❖The sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis tool was calculated. Total number of admissions from pilot unit during a three month period was collected. Admitted patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis was attained. All patients that had at least one positive screening for severe sepsis was calculated. Those patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis but screened negative for sepsis was also calculated. The results yielded the sensitivity and specificity of the tool by utilizing a 2×2 designs and receiver operating curve. Phase 3: Implementation ❖Decrease hospital length of stay: retrospective data collection will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for sepsis during a three month period prior from implementation with focus on hospital length of stay. The same method will be employ after the implementation of the new sepsis bundle. With again focus on hospital length of stay. An independent t-test will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care: retrospective study will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for severe sepsis during a three month period with focus on transfers to higher level of care. The same method will be utilized after the implementation of the new algorithm and sepsis bundle. With focus on transfer to higher level of care on all patients that screen positive for severe sepsis. A chi-square will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. Phase 4: Data Analysis ❖Data Analysis and Presentation of Outcomes to Stakeholders. Phase 5: Evaluation ❖Evaluation of Project. Problem Statement The problem is that no sepsis bundles exists for the identification and treatment of septic patients on medical surgical units. Purpose The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit to determine if there is a reduction in hospital length of stay and transfer to higher level of care. Methodology ❖Quasi Experimental, non-randomized one group pre test-posttest design. ❖ Retrospective review of the data ❖ Pre-Implementation ❖ Education ❖ Implementation ❖ Post-Implementation Algorithm Results ❖It is the intent that the implementation of a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit will decrease the hospital length of stay and transfer of septic patients to higher level of care. ❖Implementation of this project will allow for further exploration of sepsis work in medical surgical wards. Results of the capstone project are pending References Anderson, R. & Schmidt, R. (2010). Clinical biomarkers in sepsis. Front Bioscience (Elite Edition), 2(5), 504-520. Carter, C. (2007). Implementing the severe sepsis care bundles outside the ICU by outreach. Nursing Critical Care, 12(5), 225-230. Gyang, E., Shieh, L., Forsey, L., & Maggio, P. (2011). A simple screening tool for the early identification of sepsis in a non-icu setting. Poster session presented at: Surgical infection society. 31st Annual Conference of the Surgical Infection Society. May 11-14, Palm Beach, Fl. Hall, M. J., Williams, S. J., DeFrances, C, J., & Golosinskiy, A. (2011). Inpatient care for septicemia or sepsis: A challenge for patients and hospitals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, 62, Retrieved from: Sankar, V. & Webster, N. R. (2013). Clinical application of sepsis biomarkers. Journal of Anesthesia, 27, 269-283. Sample Size: Power Analysis Objectives ❖Generate administration and management support for the project ❖Educate medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis ❖Develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm, Order Set) for medical surgical units ❖Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis screening tool ❖Decrease septic patients hospital length of stay. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 ❖Power Analysis ❖ Sepsis Hospital Length of Stay ❖ Level of significance (α error probability), power (1-β error probability) and effect size. ❖ Cohen’s recommendation ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ β value was set at 0.95. ❖ Anticipated effect size (Cohen’s d) was set as medium effect, 6% of the variance: d=0.5 ❖ n=256 ❖ Transfers to Higher level of Care ❖ Cramer’s V table chi-square ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ power set at 0.80 ❖ V statistics set at 0.30 ❖ n=174 Singer, M. (2013). Biomarkers in sepsis. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 19(00), 1-5. Tazbir, J. (2012). Early recognition and treatment of sepsis in the medical-surgical setting. Medical Surgical Nursing, 21(4), 205-208. Tromp, M., Tijan, D. H. T., van Zanten, A. R. H., Gielen-Wiffels, S. E. M., Goekoop, G. J. D., Van den Boogaad, M., Wallenborg, C. M., Biemond-Moeniralam, H. S., & Pickkers, P. (2011). The effects of implementation of the surviving sepsis campaign in the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 69(6), 292-298.
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poster presentation

poster presentation

Poster Presentation Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research


project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses. Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information: The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements) Abstract Outline: -Title of Project -Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing? -Purpose of the Project -Research Question(s) -Hypothesis -Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative) -Steps in implementing your project -Limitations Results (Pretend results) -Conclusion -References I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in. Criterion Completeness Outstanding 4 Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements Understanding Demonstrates excellent understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Analysis Evaluation Opinion Very Good 3 Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Good 2 Incomplete many respects; reflects few requirements Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and Supports opinion with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with limited reasons and evidence; presents a Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Unacceptable 1 Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents an incomplete analysis of the issue(s) identified. Makes little or no connection between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Supports opinion with few reasons and little evidence; argument is one- Score Recommendations critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts studied Grammar and Spelling Minimal spelling and grammar errors APA guidelines Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources interpretation is both reasonable and objective somewhat onesided argument sided and not objective. Presents specific, realistic and appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Some spelling and grammar errors Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation with little, if any, support from the information and the concepts studied. Noticeable spelling and grammar errors Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines Unacceptable number of spelling and grammar errors Does not use APA guidelines Total Efficacy of the Implementation of Early Severe Sepsis Strategies on a Medical Surgical Unit Jorge Hirigoyen ARNP-BC Background ❖Worldwide there are approximately 18 million new cases of sepsis each year, with a mortality rate range estimated about 30% to 60%. ❖Sepsis is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. ❖Organ failure occurred in 19.1 % of sepsis patients from 1979 to 1989 and 30.2% from 1990 to 2000. ❖Severe sepsis as the primary diagnosis increased from 326,000 in 2000 to 727,000 in 2008. ❖Severe sepsis as the secondary diagnosis increased from 621,000 in 2000 to 1,141,000 in 2008. ❖About 24 % of patients who develop severe sepsis or septic shock will do so in a Medical-Surgical unit. Significance to Nursing ❖Healthcare Practice: ❖ Nurses early sepsis recognition and management. ❖Healthcare Outcomes: ❖ Improve sepsis mortality and morbidity rates. ❖Healthcare Delivery: ❖ Improve awareness about the subject of sepsis in medical surgical units. ❖ Potential Core Measure. ❖Healthcare Policy: ❖ Generate policy changes beyond the local municipal government Theoretical Framework ❖Severe sepsis strikes about 750,000 Americans annually 28%-50% of these people die., more U.S. deaths than from prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined ❖Sepsis is on the rise due to: Aging population, increased longevity of people with chronic diseases, spread of antibioticresistant organisms, increase in invasive procedures, broader use of immunosuppressive and chemotherapeutic agents Phases Phase 1: Approval ❖Generate administration and management support for the project: Project proposal was presented to Unit Manager, Director and Hospital Nursing Council for approval. Project was also presented to Medical Executive Committee for approval. ❖Education was performed to all medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis in the pilot unit. All participating staff received a 30-45 minutes education program, including a PowerPoint presentation and education flyers regarding the study. Phase 2: Development of Bundle ❖ A sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm and Order Set) was developed for medical surgical units following the recommendations of the SSC 2012. ❖The sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis tool was calculated. Total number of admissions from pilot unit during a three month period was collected. Admitted patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis was attained. All patients that had at least one positive screening for severe sepsis was calculated. Those patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis but screened negative for sepsis was also calculated. The results yielded the sensitivity and specificity of the tool by utilizing a 2×2 designs and receiver operating curve. Phase 3: Implementation ❖Decrease hospital length of stay: retrospective data collection will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for sepsis during a three month period prior from implementation with focus on hospital length of stay. The same method will be employ after the implementation of the new sepsis bundle. With again focus on hospital length of stay. An independent t-test will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care: retrospective study will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for severe sepsis during a three month period with focus on transfers to higher level of care. The same method will be utilized after the implementation of the new algorithm and sepsis bundle. With focus on transfer to higher level of care on all patients that screen positive for severe sepsis. A chi-square will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. Phase 4: Data Analysis ❖Data Analysis and Presentation of Outcomes to Stakeholders. Phase 5: Evaluation ❖Evaluation of Project. Problem Statement The problem is that no sepsis bundles exists for the identification and treatment of septic patients on medical surgical units. Purpose The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit to determine if there is a reduction in hospital length of stay and transfer to higher level of care. Methodology ❖Quasi Experimental, non-randomized one group pre test-posttest design. ❖ Retrospective review of the data ❖ Pre-Implementation ❖ Education ❖ Implementation ❖ Post-Implementation Algorithm Results ❖It is the intent that the implementation of a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit will decrease the hospital length of stay and transfer of septic patients to higher level of care. ❖Implementation of this project will allow for further exploration of sepsis work in medical surgical wards. Results of the capstone project are pending References Anderson, R. & Schmidt, R. (2010). Clinical biomarkers in sepsis. Front Bioscience (Elite Edition), 2(5), 504-520. Carter, C. (2007). Implementing the severe sepsis care bundles outside the ICU by outreach. Nursing Critical Care, 12(5), 225-230. Gyang, E., Shieh, L., Forsey, L., & Maggio, P. (2011). A simple screening tool for the early identification of sepsis in a non-icu setting. Poster session presented at: Surgical infection society. 31st Annual Conference of the Surgical Infection Society. May 11-14, Palm Beach, Fl. Hall, M. J., Williams, S. J., DeFrances, C, J., & Golosinskiy, A. (2011). Inpatient care for septicemia or sepsis: A challenge for patients and hospitals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, 62, Retrieved from: Sankar, V. & Webster, N. R. (2013). Clinical application of sepsis biomarkers. Journal of Anesthesia, 27, 269-283. Sample Size: Power Analysis Objectives ❖Generate administration and management support for the project ❖Educate medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis ❖Develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm, Order Set) for medical surgical units ❖Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis screening tool ❖Decrease septic patients hospital length of stay. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 ❖Power Analysis ❖ Sepsis Hospital Length of Stay ❖ Level of significance (α error probability), power (1-β error probability) and effect size. ❖ Cohen’s recommendation ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ β value was set at 0.95. ❖ Anticipated effect size (Cohen’s d) was set as medium effect, 6% of the variance: d=0.5 ❖ n=256 ❖ Transfers to Higher level of Care ❖ Cramer’s V table chi-square ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ power set at 0.80 ❖ V statistics set at 0.30 ❖ n=174 Singer, M. (2013). Biomarkers in sepsis. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 19(00), 1-5. Tazbir, J. (2012). Early recognition and treatment of sepsis in the medical-surgical setting. Medical Surgical Nursing, 21(4), 205-208. Tromp, M., Tijan, D. H. T., van Zanten, A. R. H., Gielen-Wiffels, S. E. M., Goekoop, G. J. D., Van den Boogaad, M., Wallenborg, C. M., Biemond-Moeniralam, H. S., & Pickkers, P. (2011). The effects of implementation of the surviving sepsis campaign in the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 69(6), 292-298.
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Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation


Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses.

Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information:

The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements)

Abstract Outline:

-Title of Project

-Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing?

-Purpose of the Project

-Research Question(s)


-Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative)

-Steps in implementing your project


Results (Pretend results)



I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in.






This PowerPoint 2007 template produces a 36”x48” presentation poster. You can use it to create your research poster and save valuable time placing titles, subtitles, text, and graphics.

We provide a series of online tutorials that will guide you through the poster design process and answer your poster production questions. To view our template tutorials, go online to and click on HELP DESK.

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Zoom in and out

As you work on your poster zoom in and out to the level that is more comfortable to you.

Go to VIEW > ZOOM.

Title, Authors, and Affiliations

Start designing your poster by adding the title, the names of the authors, and the affiliated institutions. You can type or paste text into the provided boxes. The template will automatically adjust the size of your text to fit the title box. You can manually override this feature and change the size of your text.

TIP: The font size of your title should be bigger than your name(s) and institution name(s).


Adding Logos / Seals

Most often, logos are added on each side of the title. You can insert a logo by dragging and dropping it from your desktop, copy and paste or by going to INSERT > PICTURES. Logos taken from web sites are likely to be low quality when printed. Zoom it at 100% to see what the logo will look like on the final poster and make any necessary adjustments.

TIP: See if your school’s logo is available on our free poster templates page.

Photographs / Graphics

You can add images by dragging and dropping from your desktop, copy and paste, or by going to INSERT > PICTURES. Resize images proportionally by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging one of the corner handles. For a professional-looking poster, do not distort your images by enlarging them disproportionally.

Image Quality Check

Zoom in and look at your images at 100% magnification. If they look good they will print well.



Corner handles

Goodprinting quality

Bad printing quality


How to change the template color theme

You can easily change the color theme of your poster by going to the DESIGN menu, click on COLORS, and choose the color theme of your choice. You can also create your own color theme.

You can also manually change the color of your background by going to VIEW > SLIDE MASTER. After you finish working on the master be sure to go to VIEW > NORMAL to continue working on your poster.

How to add Text

The template comes with a number of pre-formatted placeholders for headers and text blocks. You can add more blocks by copying and pasting the existing ones or by adding a text box from the HOME menu.

Text size

Adjust the size of your text based on how much content you have to present. The default template text offers a good starting point. Follow the conference requirements.

How to add Tables

To add a table from scratch go to the INSERT menu and
click on TABLE. A drop-down box will help you select rows and columns.

You can also copy and a paste a table from Word or another PowerPoint document. A pasted table may need to be re-formatted by RIGHT-CLICK > FORMAT SHAPE, TEXT BOX, Margins.

Graphs / Charts

You can simply copy and paste charts and graphs from Excel or Word. Some reformatting may be required depending on how the original document has been created.

How to change the column configuration

RIGHT-CLICK on the poster background and select LAYOUT to see the column options available for this template. The poster columns can also be customized on the Master. VIEW > MASTER.

How to remove the info bars

If you are working in PowerPoint for Windows and have finished your poster, save as PDF and the bars will not be included. You can also delete them by going to VIEW > MASTER. On the Mac adjust the Page-Setup to match the Page-Setup in PowerPoint before you create a PDF. You can also delete them from the Slide Master.

Save your work

Save your template as a PowerPoint document. For printing, save as PowerPoint of “Print-quality” PDF.

Print your poster

When you are ready to have your poster printed go online to and click on the “Order Your Poster” button. Choose the poster type the best suits your needs and submit your order. If you submit a PowerPoint document you will be receiving a PDF proof for your approval prior to printing. If your order is placed and paid for before noon, Pacific, Monday through Friday, your order will ship out that same day. Next day, Second day, Third day, and Free Ground services are offered. Go to for more information.

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© 2013
2117 Fourth Street , Unit C

Berkeley CA 94710

●Worldwide there are approximately 18 million new cases of sepsis each year, with a mortality rate range estimated about 30% to 60%.

●Sepsis is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.

●Organ failure occurred in 19.1 % of sepsis patients from 1979 to 1989 and 30.2% from 1990 to 2000.

●Severe sepsis as the primary diagnosis increased from 326,000 in 2000 to 727,000 in 2008.

●Severe sepsis as the secondary diagnosis increased from 621,000 in 2000 to 1,141,000 in 2008.

●About 24 % of patients who develop severe sepsis or septic shock will do so in a Medical-Surgical unit.

●Severe sepsis strikes about 750,000 Americans annually

Poster presentation

Poster presentation

Poster Presentation Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research


project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses. Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information: The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements) Abstract Outline: -Title of Project -Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing? -Purpose of the Project -Research Question(s) -Hypothesis -Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative) -Steps in implementing your project -Limitations Results (Pretend results) -Conclusion -References I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in. Criterion Completeness Outstanding 4 Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements Understanding Demonstrates excellent understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Analysis Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Evaluation Opinion Supports opinion with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is Very Good 3 Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is Good 2 Incomplete many respects; reflects few requirements Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one- Unacceptable 1 Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents an incomplete analysis of the issue(s) identified. Makes little or no connection between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Supports opinion with few reasons and little evidence; argument is onesided and not Score Recommendations both reasonable and objective Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts studied Grammar and Spelling Minimal spelling and grammar errors APA guidelines Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources both reasonable and objective Presents specific, realistic and appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Some spelling and grammar errors sided argument objective. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation with little, if any, support from the information and the concepts studied. Noticeable spelling and grammar errors Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines Unacceptable number of spelling and grammar errors Does not use APA guidelines Total
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Poster presentation

Poster presentation

Poster Presentation Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research


project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses. Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information: The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements) Abstract Outline: -Title of Project -Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing? -Purpose of the Project -Research Question(s) -Hypothesis -Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative) -Steps in implementing your project -Limitations Results (Pretend results) -Conclusion -References I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template. Please submit it via turn it in. Criterion Completeness Outstanding 4 Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements Understanding Demonstrates excellent understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Analysis Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Evaluation Opinion Supports opinion with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is Very Good 3 Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is Good 2 Incomplete many respects; reflects few requirements Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issue(s) identified Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied Supports opinion with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one- Unacceptable 1 Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Presents an incomplete analysis of the issue(s) identified. Makes little or no connection between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Supports opinion with few reasons and little evidence; argument is onesided and not Score Recommendations both reasonable and objective Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts studied Grammar and Spelling Minimal spelling and grammar errors APA guidelines Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources both reasonable and objective Presents specific, realistic and appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Some spelling and grammar errors sided argument objective. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation supported by the information presented and the concepts studied Presents realistic or appropriate recommendation with little, if any, support from the information and the concepts studied. Noticeable spelling and grammar errors Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines Unacceptable number of spelling and grammar errors Does not use APA guidelines Total Efficacy of the Implementation of Early Severe Sepsis Strategies on a Medical Surgical Unit Jorge Hirigoyen ARNP-BC Background ❖Worldwide there are approximately 18 million new cases of sepsis each year, with a mortality rate range estimated about 30% to 60%. ❖Sepsis is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. ❖Organ failure occurred in 19.1 % of sepsis patients from 1979 to 1989 and 30.2% from 1990 to 2000. ❖Severe sepsis as the primary diagnosis increased from 326,000 in 2000 to 727,000 in 2008. ❖Severe sepsis as the secondary diagnosis increased from 621,000 in 2000 to 1,141,000 in 2008. ❖About 24 % of patients who develop severe sepsis or septic shock will do so in a Medical-Surgical unit. Significance to Nursing ❖Healthcare Practice: ❖ Nurses early sepsis recognition and management. ❖Healthcare Outcomes: ❖ Improve sepsis mortality and morbidity rates. ❖Healthcare Delivery: ❖ Improve awareness about the subject of sepsis in medical surgical units. ❖ Potential Core Measure. ❖Healthcare Policy: ❖ Generate policy changes beyond the local municipal government Theoretical Framework ❖Severe sepsis strikes about 750,000 Americans annually 28%-50% of these people die., more U.S. deaths than from prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined ❖Sepsis is on the rise due to: Aging population, increased longevity of people with chronic diseases, spread of antibioticresistant organisms, increase in invasive procedures, broader use of immunosuppressive and chemotherapeutic agents Phases Phase 1: Approval ❖Generate administration and management support for the project: Project proposal was presented to Unit Manager, Director and Hospital Nursing Council for approval. Project was also presented to Medical Executive Committee for approval. ❖Education was performed to all medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis in the pilot unit. All participating staff received a 30-45 minutes education program, including a PowerPoint presentation and education flyers regarding the study. Phase 2: Development of Bundle ❖ A sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm and Order Set) was developed for medical surgical units following the recommendations of the SSC 2012. ❖The sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis tool was calculated. Total number of admissions from pilot unit during a three month period was collected. Admitted patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis was attained. All patients that had at least one positive screening for severe sepsis was calculated. Those patients with a discharge diagnosis of sepsis but screened negative for sepsis was also calculated. The results yielded the sensitivity and specificity of the tool by utilizing a 2×2 designs and receiver operating curve. Phase 3: Implementation ❖Decrease hospital length of stay: retrospective data collection will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for sepsis during a three month period prior from implementation with focus on hospital length of stay. The same method will be employ after the implementation of the new sepsis bundle. With again focus on hospital length of stay. An independent t-test will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care: retrospective study will be conducted on all patients who have screened positive for severe sepsis during a three month period with focus on transfers to higher level of care. The same method will be utilized after the implementation of the new algorithm and sepsis bundle. With focus on transfer to higher level of care on all patients that screen positive for severe sepsis. A chi-square will be utilized to obtain results and measure outcome. Phase 4: Data Analysis ❖Data Analysis and Presentation of Outcomes to Stakeholders. Phase 5: Evaluation ❖Evaluation of Project. Problem Statement The problem is that no sepsis bundles exists for the identification and treatment of septic patients on medical surgical units. Purpose The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit to determine if there is a reduction in hospital length of stay and transfer to higher level of care. Methodology ❖Quasi Experimental, non-randomized one group pre test-posttest design. ❖ Retrospective review of the data ❖ Pre-Implementation ❖ Education ❖ Implementation ❖ Post-Implementation Algorithm Results ❖It is the intent that the implementation of a severe sepsis bundle on a medical surgical unit will decrease the hospital length of stay and transfer of septic patients to higher level of care. ❖Implementation of this project will allow for further exploration of sepsis work in medical surgical wards. Results of the capstone project are pending References Anderson, R. & Schmidt, R. (2010). Clinical biomarkers in sepsis. Front Bioscience (Elite Edition), 2(5), 504-520. Carter, C. (2007). Implementing the severe sepsis care bundles outside the ICU by outreach. Nursing Critical Care, 12(5), 225-230. Gyang, E., Shieh, L., Forsey, L., & Maggio, P. (2011). A simple screening tool for the early identification of sepsis in a non-icu setting. Poster session presented at: Surgical infection society. 31st Annual Conference of the Surgical Infection Society. May 11-14, Palm Beach, Fl. Hall, M. J., Williams, S. J., DeFrances, C, J., & Golosinskiy, A. (2011). Inpatient care for septicemia or sepsis: A challenge for patients and hospitals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, 62, Retrieved from: Sankar, V. & Webster, N. R. (2013). Clinical application of sepsis biomarkers. Journal of Anesthesia, 27, 269-283. Sample Size: Power Analysis Objectives ❖Generate administration and management support for the project ❖Educate medical surgical nurses on the topic of sepsis ❖Develop and implement a severe sepsis bundle (Tool, Algorithm, Order Set) for medical surgical units ❖Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a severe sepsis screening tool ❖Decrease septic patients hospital length of stay. ❖Decrease septic patients transfer to higher level of care. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2012 ❖Power Analysis ❖ Sepsis Hospital Length of Stay ❖ Level of significance (α error probability), power (1-β error probability) and effect size. ❖ Cohen’s recommendation ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ β value was set at 0.95. ❖ Anticipated effect size (Cohen’s d) was set as medium effect, 6% of the variance: d=0.5 ❖ n=256 ❖ Transfers to Higher level of Care ❖ Cramer’s V table chi-square ❖ α value was set at 0.05 ❖ power set at 0.80 ❖ V statistics set at 0.30 ❖ n=174 Singer, M. (2013). Biomarkers in sepsis. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 19(00), 1-5. Tazbir, J. (2012). Early recognition and treatment of sepsis in the medical-surgical setting. Medical Surgical Nursing, 21(4), 205-208. Tromp, M., Tijan, D. H. T., van Zanten, A. R. H., Gielen-Wiffels, S. E. M., Goekoop, G. J. D., Van den Boogaad, M., Wallenborg, C. M., Biemond-Moeniralam, H. S., & Pickkers, P. (2011). The effects of implementation of the surviving sepsis campaign in the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 69(6), 292-298.
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