
Power point presentation

Power point presentation

Develop a Power point presentation including 6 slides, ( 1 for the presentation, 1 for the references page and the rest for the information. ) Please add Speaker notes. addressing the following Topic : (Healthcare Associated Infections)

Explain how the focus area relates to the individual, the family, and the community, as well as to all age groups throughout the life span.
Identify ways to enhance or optimize health in the selected focus area using evidence-based research. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles must be utilized.


power point presentation

power point presentation

Develop a proposal in which you evaluate the two specific products you selected in Week 4. Your goal is to persuade the directors of the health care workplace to implement your chosen informatics solution.

Address the following details:

  • Brief description of the administrative or clinical issue
  • Concise overview of the two products, including an evaluation of all relevant features of each product
  • Select one (not both) product for implementation and provide a clear explanation about why
  • Two suggestions of how the chosen product could be implemented
  • Two suggestions for how the chosen product would be evaluated after implementation
  • Identify a future trend in this area

Develop a presentation using one of the following formats:

Include a minimum of five peer-reviewed references and speakers notes, in a separate document if necessary.

Please note:

In this assignment, you will bring together all the previous weeks notes and papers and comprehensively put it all together. For this assignment, you can use all your previous references. Remember that you have to select one of the products and explain why you chose it and what you believe the future trend will be.


Tags: nursing health information technology