
Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Campaign Communication Plan (3 pages and 6 references) • Describe and explain why Adolescent


Type II Diabetes Mellitus is a critical public health concern. o Justify the reason why Adolescent Type II Diabetes Mellitus deserves a higher spotlight in comparison to some other public health problems. • Target Audience: Parents of at-risk adolescents and General Public o Explain the importance of communicating to the specific target audiences. § Justify why healthcare promotion singled out to selected audience is more effective than targeting other groups. • Explain any barriers that you will have to overcome communicating to target group and solutions to improve communication. • Describe and justify two public health theories in which your will use to support your campaign. o List of behavioral theories to choose from: § Theory of Reasoned Action § Health Belief Model § Theory of Planned Behavior § Trans-theoretical Stages of Change • Explain the initial methods you plan to use to create your public health campaign and explain why you selected those methods. • Briefly describe your goals for implementing a public health campaign (ex. creating social change, changing behavior, increasing awareness).
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Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Communication Plan Topic: Public Health Campaign to reduce the incidence of Adolescent Type II


Diabetes Mellitus Target Audience: Adolescents at risk for Type II Diabetes Mellitus and General Public Paper Guidelines: • Communication plan needs to be at minimum 11 pages with 20 references • Paper is written in single-space • Font size 12 & Times New Roman font • Additional Reference page at the end with APA citations Outline Part 1: Public Health Campaign (2 pages and 5 references) • Describe and explain why Adolescent Type II Diabetes is a burden on the United States Healthcare system. o Explain the physical and social complications that can develop from the rising incidence of Type II Diabetes. • Target Audience for this section: at-risk adolescents for Type II diabetes and Adolescents with Type II diabetes o Explain the importance of communicating to the specific target audiences. § Justify why healthcare promotion singled out to the selected audience is more effective than targeting other groups. • Explain any barriers that you will have to overcome communicating to target group and solutions to improve communication. • Describe and justify two public health theories in which you will use to support your campaign. o List of behavioral theories to use in the paper: § Theory of Reasoned Action § Health Belief Model • Explain the public healthcare campaign strategy that must be employed to reach the target audience. • Describe the goals for implementing this public health campaign (ex. increasing awareness and reducing complications associated with type II diabetes mellitus). Part II: Communication Tools (2 pages and 5 references) • Describe and justify the types of communication and social media tools you would like to use in the dissemination of your campaign • Explain two reasons why the tools you selected are appropriate for your target audience • Explain two ways you might adjust your public health message based on the type of social media you may use in your public health campaign • Explain three reasons why it may be necessary to adjust your message depending upon age, community, and potential literacy levels of your target audience • Describe two ways you plan to market your public health campaign Part III: Engage Target Audience (3 pages and 6 references) • Describe your target audience or community you selected for your public health campaign • Explain ways you might involve your target audience in the public health campaign • Describe two ways you will promote public relations with your target audience or community • Explain the behavior change you are hoping to facilitate among your target audience and explain the key benefits for the target audience to change their behavior • Describe potential stakeholders, community leaders, collaborative partners, or gate-keepers who may help you disseminate the message and encourage behavior change • Explain two ways stakeholders might change or impact the planning or implementation process of the public health campaign • Describe two potential barriers or challenges to accessing your target audience and explain why they are barriers or challenges Part IV: Implementation & Evaluation (3 pages and 6 references) • Explain how you plan to implement your public health campaign including timeline/milestones and marketing strategies • Explain your public health message and justify why you believe it would promote change within your target audience • Explain three ways your public health campaign may be adopted within your target audience • Explain how you would incorporate culturally relevant and sensitive materials in your campaign • Explain two potential legal or ethical issues that you may have to consider before implementing your campaign and explain two ways you might address those issues • Explain the methods you plan to use to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign • Explain two ways your public health campaign can promote social change Part V: Conclusion (1 page and 2 references) • Summary of parts I – IV and concluding thoughts about the public health campaign. • Potential areas of improvement for future public health campaigns. • Explain why public health officials must lead at the forefront in the development of strategies/public health campaign to reduce the incidence of adolescents type II diabetes mellitus through social change.
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