
responding to classmates discussion answers

responding to classmates discussion answers

Discussion 1 1) Yosniel The roadmap to the full realization of the mandate of the patients to control their health has


dramatically changed, owing to the number of policies surrounding ethical and legal perspectives. In the traditional times, often the physicians and doctors strongly control what kind of medications the patient should be put under as their primary focus was to act responsibly and safeguard the lives of the people (Vahdat et al., 2014). There were relatively few restrictions and legal recourse that permitted nurses and health care to recommend the kind of medication that should be administered to cure particular ailments of the patients. Therefore, the contemporary healthcare settings allow the patients to have a full mandate over the control of their health as they can participate in any decision making that involves their treatment and medication. Legally, the patients are supposed to have control over their health and exercise their duty to disclose any health-related information that will help the healthcare professionals be able to diagnose the kind of ailments they are suffering from for medical remedies. For example, the active participation of patients on matters to do with their well-being and health has welcomed tremendous changes concerning improved patient outcomes regard to the more responsible treatment they receive from nurses and healthcare professionals (Vahdat et al., 2014). Another health care change that has been necessitated by the control as seen from the patient’s side is the requirement that nurses and health care professionals utilize the evidencebased practice in their nursing roles. As a result, patient involvement in their healthcare, which implies exercising their control over the kind of medical services they should receive is one of the essential ingredients in the evidence-based practice in the course of nursing practice. Thus, this implies that the act of patience, exercising the full mandate of controlling the type of medication they get from nurses, and healthcare professionals have immensely changed since time immemorial. 2)Rachel In the past, it was expected that patients would follow the advice, recommendations, and treatment plans created by their doctors without fail. They were never expected to ask questions, play an active role in their treatment or negotiate with their doctors over other options and differing medical opinions (Falvo, 2019). Today patients have access to more information available online and are more knowledgeable about their healthcare and the options that they have to play an active part in their care. Technology and communication advancements allow for patients to do their own research online about medication, treatments, and diagnosis. Patients now have access to their own medical charts through their own doctors and have a number of medical professionals and apps at their disposal. On one hand, this helps to better educate the patient and provide tutorials and other teaching materials that are easy to understand; however, it also can propose a challenge when the material found online is inconsistent with the medical advice or incorrect as it applies to the patient. This can cause confusion, frustration, and even resentment for the patient (Falvo, 2019). In terms of insurance, individuals now have an opportunity usually to choose their own provider and plan that best suits their individual or family needs. In the past, an individual from a particular company would go to a specific hospital where everyone was treated in the same fashion. Having access to different hospitals and networks allows the patient to find the best care option for themselves and also requires that they have more ownership of their care plan (Falvo, 2019). Likewise, this opens up access to different people at different facilities and allows for differences of opinions and treatment. 3) Carla According to Sherman and Hilton (2014), health care has evolved over the years to become consumer-driven. Patient satisfaction has become a measure of the quality of health care alongside clinical outcomes. As such, health care providers have taken the long term initiative in involve patients in their care. Additionally, more emphasis is being put into health and wellness as opposed to treatment of diseases, thus necessitating patient education. In the traditional practice of medicine health practitioners were seen as experts while patients were seen not to know anything whatsoever in health care. The practitioners, therefore, made all the decisions because the notion was that patients could not give any meaningful contribution. Patients took little to no responsibility for their health and only relied on what their care providers instructed (Sherman & Hilton, 2014). However, research has proved that patients have a role to play in ensuring their recovery as well as preventing illness. Adherence to care plans, quality of care, and patient safety are all related to patient engagement. Patient education is also responsible for reduced readmission rates and healthier communities. Moreover, empowered healthcare users can manage their health conditions and avoid hospitalization. The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 2010, further made patient engagement imperative by linking reimbursement to patient outcomes. Health care providers rely on their ability to achieve the intended health outcomes for reimbursement, which causes patient experience crucial (Sherman & Hilton, 2014). In this way, patients are given control over their health, a previously non-existent phenomenon. Many agencies, including the National Alliance for Quality Care and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, have even become involved through providing health organizations with guidelines on patient involvement. Therefore, in present-day patients are part of the care team and have a say in deciding their care plans. Discussion 2 1) Katreina The model of negotiation, or the mutual participation model, “assumes both patient and health professional to be equal members of the interaction” (Falvo, pg. 226, 2011). This concept requires that both the health care professional and the patient work together to come to a mutual agreement for goals regarding treatment. In the patient education aspect, it requires that the health care professional and the patient form a bond that ensures the patient is an active participant in their learning, and that they are effectively absorbing the information. In all aspects of patient care, it means that the health care professional and the patient will work out problems together so that the solutions they come up with best meet the patient’s needs. A trusting and open relationship is necessary for the cooperation in all areas of patient care, which will require the health care professional to be culturally competent and unbiased (or aware of their biases) in order to take into account the patient’s desires. Whether the health care provider agrees with any or all of the patient’s wishes that deviate from the health care provider’s suggestions is irrelevant. The health care provider will negotiate with the patient to see if they can come to a mutual decision that achieves both their goals. For example, if the provider wants a new patient to begin chemotherapy immediately after the discovery of a late stage cancer in a new patient, and the patient does not want to be sick with the side effects, they need to find a solution. This may be that the patient takes a 3 week vacation with their family before returning to begin chemotherapy. It may not be ideal but the provider gets the patient to begin treatment and the patient gets a few last weeks of their “normal life” before starting a treatment that could save their life. 2) Therese The role of negotiation in patient education is to allow the patient and the health care professional participate in shared decision making to reach a compromise in order to meet a common goal. The role of the health care professional is to provide the patient with information, education, risks, and benefits in order to empower the patient to make an informed decision. With negotiation, the patient’s values, beliefs, background and attitudes are taken into consideration by the health care professional (Falvo, pp.232, 2011). It is considered patient-centered care because its ensures that the patient consider recommendations that they are agreeable to and receives treatment that they choose. However, when the patient chooses not to adhere to the recommendations, the health care professional must remain non judgmental and should keep channels of communication open to allow future opportunities for patient teaching and negotiation (Falvo, pp.234, 2011). 3) Tenzing Negotiation refers to a patient-centered type of physician-patient communication which combines the patient’s beliefs, values and circumstances with the doctor’s advice so that the result is shared decision-making. Gone are the old days of patriarchal relationship between physician and patient where all health treatment decisions were made by the physicians alone and the patients would just follow it. Nowadays with the use of modern technology like the internet the patients come in much prepared and aware of their medical issues, resulting often in negotiation between the provider and patient. Negotiation is seen as an effective treatment plan where the patient is willing and comfortable in following the treatment process as incorporated by both their decisions. The healthcare providers need to understand that if the patient is unwilling or the recommendations provided are unattainable/difficult for the patient without consulting with them or knowing their background conditions no matter how many times the patient is provided education it would be ineffective completely (Falvo, 2019). Therefore, better than not getting any improvement from the patient, being able to get the patient involved in his treatment plan, knowing his opinions and negotiating a treatment plan is so much effective while providing patient education in an effective communication.
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responding to classmates discussion answers

responding to classmates discussion answers

Discussion 1 1) Yosniel The roadmap to the full realization of the mandate of the patients to control their health has dramatically changed, owing to the number of policies surrounding ethical and legal perspectives. In the traditional times, often the physicians and doctors strongly control what kind of medications the patient should be put under as their primary focus was to act responsibly and safeguard the lives of the people (Vahdat et al.,


2014). There were relatively few restrictions and legal recourse that permitted nurses and health care to recommend the kind of medication that should be administered to cure particular ailments of the patients. Therefore, the contemporary healthcare settings allow the patients to have a full mandate over the control of their health as they can participate in any decision making that involves their treatment and medication. Legally, the patients are supposed to have control over their health and exercise their duty to disclose any health-related information that will help the healthcare professionals be able to diagnose the kind of ailments they are suffering from for medical remedies. For example, the active participation of patients on matters to do with their well-being and health has welcomed tremendous changes concerning improved patient outcomes regard to the more responsible treatment they receive from nurses and healthcare professionals (Vahdat et al., 2014). Another health care change that has been necessitated by the control as seen from the patient’s side is the requirement that nurses and health care professionals utilize the evidencebased practice in their nursing roles. As a result, patient involvement in their healthcare, which implies exercising their control over the kind of medical services they should receive is one of the essential ingredients in the evidence-based practice in the course of nursing practice. Thus, this implies that the act of patience, exercising the full mandate of controlling the type of medication they get from nurses, and healthcare professionals have immensely changed since time immemorial. 2)Rachel In the past, it was expected that patients would follow the advice, recommendations, and treatment plans created by their doctors without fail. They were never expected to ask questions, play an active role in their treatment or negotiate with their doctors over other options and differing medical opinions (Falvo, 2019). Today patients have access to more information available online and are more knowledgeable about their healthcare and the options that they have to play an active part in their care. Technology and communication advancements allow for patients to do their own research online about medication, treatments, and diagnosis. Patients now have access to their own medical charts through their own doctors and have a number of medical professionals and apps at their disposal. On one hand, this helps to better educate the patient and provide tutorials and other teaching materials that are easy to understand; however, it also can propose a challenge when the material found online is inconsistent with the medical advice or incorrect as it applies to the patient. This can cause confusion, frustration, and even resentment for the patient (Falvo, 2019). In terms of insurance, individuals now have an opportunity usually to choose their own provider and plan that best suits their individual or family needs. In the past, an individual from a particular company would go to a specific hospital where everyone was treated in the same fashion. Having access to different hospitals and networks allows the patient to find the best care option for themselves and also requires that they have more ownership of their care plan (Falvo, 2019). Likewise, this opens up access to different people at different facilities and allows for differences of opinions and treatment. 3) Carla According to Sherman and Hilton (2014), health care has evolved over the years to become consumer-driven. Patient satisfaction has become a measure of the quality of health care alongside clinical outcomes. As such, health care providers have taken the long term initiative in involve patients in their care. Additionally, more emphasis is being put into health and wellness as opposed to treatment of diseases, thus necessitating patient education. In the traditional practice of medicine health practitioners were seen as experts while patients were seen not to know anything whatsoever in health care. The practitioners, therefore, made all the decisions because the notion was that patients could not give any meaningful contribution. Patients took little to no responsibility for their health and only relied on what their care providers instructed (Sherman & Hilton, 2014). However, research has proved that patients have a role to play in ensuring their recovery as well as preventing illness. Adherence to care plans, quality of care, and patient safety are all related to patient engagement. Patient education is also responsible for reduced readmission rates and healthier communities. Moreover, empowered healthcare users can manage their health conditions and avoid hospitalization. The Affordable Care Act, enacted in 2010, further made patient engagement imperative by linking reimbursement to patient outcomes. Health care providers rely on their ability to achieve the intended health outcomes for reimbursement, which causes patient experience crucial (Sherman & Hilton, 2014). In this way, patients are given control over their health, a previously non-existent phenomenon. Many agencies, including the National Alliance for Quality Care and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, have even become involved through providing health organizations with guidelines on patient involvement. Therefore, in present-day patients are part of the care team and have a say in deciding their care plans. Discussion 2 1) Katreina The model of negotiation, or the mutual participation model, “assumes both patient and health professional to be equal members of the interaction” (Falvo, pg. 226, 2011). This concept requires that both the health care professional and the patient work together to come to a mutual agreement for goals regarding treatment. In the patient education aspect, it requires that the health care professional and the patient form a bond that ensures the patient is an active participant in their learning, and that they are effectively absorbing the information. In all aspects of patient care, it means that the health care professional and the patient will work out problems together so that the solutions they come up with best meet the patient’s needs. A trusting and open relationship is necessary for the cooperation in all areas of patient care, which will require the health care professional to be culturally competent and unbiased (or aware of their biases) in order to take into account the patient’s desires. Whether the health care provider agrees with any or all of the patient’s wishes that deviate from the health care provider’s suggestions is irrelevant. The health care provider will negotiate with the patient to see if they can come to a mutual decision that achieves both their goals. For example, if the provider wants a new patient to begin chemotherapy immediately after the discovery of a late stage cancer in a new patient, and the patient does not want to be sick with the side effects, they need to find a solution. This may be that the patient takes a 3 week vacation with their family before returning to begin chemotherapy. It may not be ideal but the provider gets the patient to begin treatment and the patient gets a few last weeks of their “normal life” before starting a treatment that could save their life. 2) Therese The role of negotiation in patient education is to allow the patient and the health care professional participate in shared decision making to reach a compromise in order to meet a common goal. The role of the health care professional is to provide the patient with information, education, risks, and benefits in order to empower the patient to make an informed decision. With negotiation, the patient’s values, beliefs, background and attitudes are taken into consideration by the health care professional (Falvo, pp.232, 2011). It is considered patient-centered care because its ensures that the patient consider recommendations that they are agreeable to and receives treatment that they choose. However, when the patient chooses not to adhere to the recommendations, the health care professional must remain non judgmental and should keep channels of communication open to allow future opportunities for patient teaching and negotiation (Falvo, pp.234, 2011). 3) Tenzing Negotiation refers to a patient-centered type of physician-patient communication which combines the patient’s beliefs, values and circumstances with the doctor’s advice so that the result is shared decision-making. Gone are the old days of patriarchal relationship between physician and patient where all health treatment decisions were made by the physicians alone and the patients would just follow it. Nowadays with the use of modern technology like the internet the patients come in much prepared and aware of their medical issues, resulting often in negotiation between the provider and patient. Negotiation is seen as an effective treatment plan where the patient is willing and comfortable in following the treatment process as incorporated by both their decisions. The healthcare providers need to understand that if the patient is unwilling or the recommendations provided are unattainable/difficult for the patient without consulting with them or knowing their background conditions no matter how many times the patient is provided education it would be ineffective completely (Falvo, 2019). Therefore, better than not getting any improvement from the patient, being able to get the patient involved in his treatment plan, knowing his opinions and negotiating a treatment plan is so much effective while providing patient education in an effective communication.
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