
Screening Guidelines

Screening Guidelines

Unit 3: Educating Age Appropriate Screening Gui Introductory 0-1.9 Emergent 2-2.9 Practiced 3-3.9 Guideline and


population selecton Did not select a population and age appropriate screening n/a n/a Screening introduction Did not introduce screening guideline Satisfactorily introduced screening guideline and why it was chosen. Adequately introduced screening guideline and why it was chosen. Outline relevant group statistics related to the population Did not outline relevant statistics related to the population and screening Briefly outlinedrelevant statistics related to the population and screening, Adequately outlined relevant statistics related to the population and screening Discussion of issues impacting screening Did not discuss the issues impacting screening. Briefly discussed the issues impacting screening. Adequately discussed the issues impacting screening. 6 Panel trifold or 10slide powerpoint Trifold was not 6 panel or powerpoint was not 10 slides. n/a n/a References/ APA Did not provide evidence-based references, grammar, and APA issues. n/a n/a 4 Total available points = 100 Rubric Score Low 3.5 2.5 1.7 1.0 0.0 Grade points High 4.0 3.49 2.49 1.69 1.00 Low 90 80 70 60 0 High 100 90 80 70 60 Screening Guidelines Proficient/Mastered 4 Score Weight Final Score Selected age appropriate screening and population 0 5% 0.00 Thoroughly introduced screening guideline and why it was chosen. 0 20% 0.00 Thoroughly outlined relevant statistics related to the population and screening 0 25% 0.00 Thoroughly discussed the issues impacting screening. 0 25% 0.00 Creative trifold brochure or 10 slide powerpoint 0 20% 0.00 Provided evidence based references and correct APA and grammar. 0 5% 0.00 100% 0.00 0 0.00% Final Score Percentage Percentage Low 90% 80% 70% 60% 0 High 100% 89.99% 79.99% 69.99% 59.99%
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