
Topic 4- Discussion Forum 4

Topic 4- Discussion Forum 4

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


I have over twenty years of experience in Nursing, but I need the education
that goes with it. I look forward to obtaining my Bachelors of Science in
Nursing for now, and eventually my Masters of Science in Nursing in the future.
It’s been a while since I have been in school, so my greatest fear is accomplishing
my educational goals with the use of technology. Back in the day we used paper
and pen so I’m afraid that I’m not that technology savvy. I do believe that I
will overcome this fear, though. To overcome my fears, I must be committed,
focused, determined, and have self-motivation. One educational fear that I
conquered was in my final year of nursing school back home in Ghana. I had to
do my capstone in nursing care study. I was assigned to our principal nursing
tutor so that she could help me with the course work. She was very strict,
unfriendly, and was never satisfied with what anyone had to offer. She
disagreed with the topic I chose to write about and instead wanted me to write
about a topic she had chosen for me. I took bold measures and explained to her
about the topic and disease condition that I intended to write about. I was
very afraid that she was going to reject my topic, but she accepted it even
though it took her about two weeks to finally approve my topic. By taking
initiative, I was approved of my topic and I passed the capstone course with