
WK4 Accountable Care Organization Essay

WK4 Accountable Care Organization Essay

PART ONE Using the scenario below, provide the necessary components in a paper of at least 500 words and in


current APA format that is supported by 2 peer-reviewed scholarly references and 1 instance of biblical integration. An accountable care organization (ACO) is entering the Flint, Michigan market and is trying to generate initial demand through a series of magazine advertisements. The ACO is the first of its kind in Flint, and people in the market are unfamiliar with the benefits of ACOs. Identify the components that should be used in the ACO’s initial marketing copy change when a second ACO enters the market. teria Levels of Achievement nt 70% 18 to 20 points nts Used in Identified most of the y Change components used in the copy change. eviewed rences ntegration ure 30% 9 to 10 points Used 2 peer-reviewed references. 4 to 5 points Included an instance of biblical integration that demonstrates an understanding of the objective or lesson from the Christian perspective. 16 to 17 points Identified some of the components used in the copy change. 1 to 15 points 0 poin Identified only a few of the components used in the copy change. 7 to 8 points 1 to 6 points Used only 1 peer-reviewed reference. Provided references but none are peer-reviewed 2 to 3 points 1 point Provided a Bible verse Provided a Bible verse somewhere in the assignment somewhere in the assignment that shows some understanding of the Christian perspective. 0 poin 0 poin nt APA Grammar, pelling 14 to 15 points 12 to 13 points Current APA format, Current APA format, grammar, and spelling had no grammar, and spelling had, at errors. most, 1 minor error. 1 to 11 points 0 poin Submission included either 2 minor or 1 major APA format, grammar, or spelling error(s). PART TWO Assignment – Choose a topic on chemical dependency and create a reference page of at least 5 scholarly sources in current APA format. SALES PRESENTATION – TOPIC AND REFERENCE GRADING RUBRIC teria Levels of Achievement nt 70% pic eviewed rences 18 to 20 points Topic was appropriate and relevant to a specific chemical dependency and target audience. 9 to 10 points 16 to 17 points Topic was appropriate and relevant to specific chemical dependency, but no target audience mentioned. 7 to 8 points Five references were relevant Four references were relevant to the topic and were from a to the topic and were from a peer-reviewed source. peer-reviewed source. 1 to 15 points 0 poin Topic was appropriate and relevant but no mention of a specific chemical dependency or target audience. 1 to 6 points Three references were relevant to the topic and were from a peer-reviewed source. 0 poin ntegration 4 to 5 points Included an instance of biblical integration that demonstrates an understanding of the objective or lesson from the Christian perspective. 2 to 3 points 1 point 0 poin Provided a Bible verse Provided a Bible verse somewhere in the assignment somewhere in the assignment that shows some understanding of the Christian perspective. ure 30% nt APA Grammar, pelling 14 to 15 points 12 to 13 points Current APA format, Current APA format, grammar, and spelling had no grammar, and spelling had, at errors. most, 1 minor error. 1 to 11 points Submission included either 2 minor or 1 major APA format, grammar, or spelling error(s). 0 poin
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